SPRING 2008 The State of Sherwood Forest 9 and in March there has emphasis on Neighborhood been 5 with 7 more Watch programs and close pending. SFCA has ob- relationships with the asso- tained architectural con- ciations and law enforce- trol of many of the fil- ment to overcome our ings (and more on the weaknesses. There has way) making it easier to never been a more exciting The state of Sherwood maintain building restric- time to watch our city and I-12 intersection as well as at Forest is alive and doing tions and enforce city communities grow in South Sherwood Forest and better than most realize. ordinances. To keep our strength. Roads are getting Airline. I am proud to say Our security is getting homes safe and property better and transportation of that I live in Sherwood Forest stronger and property val- values healthy we have the new population is flow- and that pride is what drives ues are growing. People to remind those that are ing. Old Hammond High- us all to make our homes the still want to move into new in our area and stay way, Siegen Lane, Airline best it can be. Things are Sherwood Forest and make vigilant of those that Highway and under way is looking better indeed. it their home. Before ignore the laws. Crime Harrell’s Ferry Road two- Katrina the there was is a constant threat grow- lane curb and gutter road- about a 6% increase on ing as Greater Baton way that will include a con- house sales and that spiked Rouge increases in popu- tinuous center turn lane to 15%right after the lation from areas where from East Old Hammond storm. Now the sales have it thrived. We have bet- Hwy to Sherwood Forest calmed down but are back ter police staffing and Blvd. The Green Light at about 6% again. In new crime prevention efforts have implemented January we had 7 homes to strategies to maintain an enhanced intersection we sell, in February there was control. There is new so desperately needed at the Roy and Alice James Real Estate News from your neighborhood expert! http://blog.livinginsherwoodforest.com We have all been warned “don’t Enrich with color: Paint is cheap so and condensers in your A/C, fur- judge a book by its cover.” But remember if you are thinking about nace, stove, and refrigerator (either people do it all the time. Whether selling your home keep colors neu- underneath or in back). If a vacuum you are in the market to sell your tral. You want to depersonalize as won't reach, try a rag tied to a yard- home or not, it is very important to much as possible. If you must have stick. keep property values up; after all color, I recommend soft colors that Wash the walls: Grease, smoke, “first impressions are lasting im- say "welcome." Lead the eye from and dust can adhere to walls and pressions.” You only get one room to room, and flatter skin tones. make even the best decorating look chance to make a first impression! “ Think soft yellows and pale greens. dingy. Wash walls using a general- An investment of as little as a few Tint ceilings a lighter shade. Put a purpose cleaner with hot water. Start hundred dollars can make a huge fresh coat of paint on siding, down- at the top of the wall (to avoid drips) difference in the appearance of your spouts, and doors. and in a corner (so that you wash home. Here are 8 simple but effec- Clean out, organize closets: Get one wall at a time). Rinse the mop tive suggestions: sorting — organize your piles into head frequently in clean water and Spruce up Curb Appeal: Condi- "don't need," "haven't worn," and don't press too hard because flat tion of the landscaping, paint, roof, "keep." Pare down clutter and pack latex paint won't absorb too much shutters, front door, knocker, up your least-used items, such as out- water. windows, house number, and even of-season clothes. Driveway and walks: Fill cracks in how window treatments look from Wash: windows and replace any the driveway and walks. the outside. Add something special cracked or broken ones Floors: shampoo carpeted floors, — such as big flower pot or an A/C Unit: Improve energy effi- polyurethane wood ones and keep antique bench. Trim bushes to be- ciency by vacuuming grates, coils, ceramic tile clean. low window height. Page 2 Florida Overlay Project - Councilwoman Martha Jane Tassin "Be kinder than necessary, for In the summer of 2006, a com- main areas of focus in this sion Department website, mittee was formed to create the district. All existing develop- www.brgov.com. I will also everyone you meet is Florida Boulevard Urban De- ments must come into compli- be happy to mail paper copies sign Overlay District. This ance if there is a change of for those of you who would fighting some kind committee began meeting in permitted use, change of occu- like one. If you think a busi- August and met monthly, com- pancy, an addition resulting in ness is in violation of the or- pleting its goal in January of this a 30 percent or more increase dinance, please contact my of battle." year. The purpose of the over- of square footage, or a renova- office at 389-5165 or e-mail lay district is “to provide guide- tion that involves 30 percent or [email protected]. I lines for development and rede- more of the gross floor area. would like to take this oppor- velopment activity along Florida Additionally, non-conforming tunity to thank Jackie Gray, Blvd. from North Foster Drive signs must be brought into President of the Sherwood to Flannery Road and to compliance if modifications Forest Citizen’s Association strengthen the physical and eco- are made or if damage occurs for her participation on this nomic character of the neighbor- to an existing sign. Chain committee. It was a very long hood by mitigating or avoiding link, barbed wire, or razor wire and tedious process and The $25 dues for the incompatible land uses in devel- on any lot which fronts Florida Jackie’s dedication to not opment and redevelopment.” Blvd. and is visible from Flor- only to Sherwood Forest, but 2008 membership to Lighting, signage, parking re- ida Blvd. must be removed the community and City of Sherwood Forest Citi- quirements, fencing require- within 60 days of adoption of Baton Rouge is deeply appre- ments, exterior building materi- the ordinance. The entire ordi- ciated. zens Association are als, landscape/buffer require- nance may be viewed at the now due and we de- ments and service areas are the City-Parish Planning Commis- pend on those to oper- ate our non-profit ef- Baton Rouge CYO Move to Sherwood Forest Area Well Received forts in your commu- The CYO organization, a CYO continues to operate a United Way Agency member, membership only club for Come join us this summer and nity. Security patrols has made a major investment swim and tennis, also. Mem- swim in one of our three in its new location on Mollylea bership renewals are currently beautiful pools (Olympic, have increased, the Dr. Funds made available underway, and potential new junior & baby). Enjoy our signs and gardens are from the Roberta Fick donation members are invited to visit covered cabana with fans and to CYO enabled the agency to the site and discuss member- air conditioned snack shack. looking good, newslet- build a new facility on site ship options that are available Receive a $50 discount when following their move from for families, individuals, and joining by May 1st. ter frequency could Mid-City in May of 2005. senior participants. increase, website in- For more information check This new addition to the old Our Senior’s Prime Time out our website formation is there for Aquatic Club site, The Roberta Workout class is held every www.brcyo.org or drop by you, legal needs are Fick CYO Activity Center, was Monday, Tuesday and Thurs- for a tour. We may be con- dedicated in December. The day morning (8:30-9:30am). tacted at cared for... building includes a fitness cen- Drop by and take a class and ter for registered members as see how much fun it is! 275-3200 or [email protected] . well as a Memorial Hall that is Fitness Memberships are used for various senior pro- available annually, quarterly We look forward to seeing grams, meetings and rentals. or monthly. you! SPRING 2008 Page 3 http://www.sfcabr.org It is our website built just for you... draw upon. Stuff that is hard to There are many hours of inter- http://www find in one place by placing links esting navigation at our website to other sites and articles that may and who knows, you may find As the webmaster I have found vanish over time. On the flip-side, something new and educational. that there are many helpful tools old material that is no longer use- Remember this is our website for us to discover on the internet. ful needs to be purged. It is a constant challenge to keep and it requires us all to keep it the material informative, interest- We have links to the member data- accurate. Please let me know if ing and fresh. Keeping the infor- base, our Board of Directors con- something is not working or ac- mation from revealing sensitive tact information, security informa- curate.
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