Complete Local News Top Advertising Results Keep Astride All The Activities Our Family Of Over 9,000 Readers Of The Town With Your Is A Valuable Market For Home-Town Paper All Our Advertisers VOL. XXXV—NO. 39 latterd CARTKRKT, N. J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1!)[)7 PRICE EIGHT CENTS To Collect Clothing Dolan Presses Move On Sunday Refugees For South Turnpike Hungarian Drive Aid Nine llorough Residents Opens; Mayor Urges Act as Interpreters 1 Entrance, Cites Need Support of Campaign For Red (TOSS Unit CAKTERET — Mayor Edward CAKTERET—Mrs. LaVada Han- J, unlan today proclaimed the cock, executive director of the. wrrk of January 13 as "Help Hun- Perth Amboy - Carteret Chapter.' Carteret Plants Promote New PO Building garian Relief" arid appealed to American Red Cross, revealed to- the populace to support the fund day that nine Cnrteret residents Two Men to Higher Rank \ For Borough Also and clothing drive to be held here have responded to an urgent call next week by the (Sarteret Com- from Red Cross for Hungarian- mittee for Hungarian Relief. : spenkinR volunteers to act as in- Sought by Mayor All arrangements for the drive terpreters on "Operation Mercy" Imvr been completed, Postmaster nt ('amp Kilmer. CARTERET—Mayor Kriward J. I,ester Sabo, general chairman Mrs. Helen Bartok, 558 Roose- Dolan revealed toclav that he will reported. He called attention to vell Avenue, has reported on every push two new projects bndly need- these two Important dates: Sumlny since December 19, and ed in the borough. The first, he said, is a new post January 13, clothing collection has Riven a full day acting as office building. from 12 to 4 P. M. Donors are interpreter for Red Cross workers The second, he. declared, is an requested to place the clothing and the refugees. Mrs. Bartok also gave up her New Year'ji Day entrance and exit for southbound In bundles. John Suto, chairman traffic on the Turnpike. ; of the clothing committee is ur«- holiday to work on '"Operation Mercy." Mnyor Dolan said a renewed ef- Ini; all volunteers to meet at the fort will be mnde to get Congress- Borounh Hall before noon. Three men from Carteret, Jo- man Frelinghuysni push Carterct's- J.uiuary 15 from 6:30 P. M. to seph Szivas, 536 Roosevelt Ave- demand for a new post office 9 p M. fund raising. Household- I nue; William Teleposki, 18 Whit- building. ers urn requested to put the porch- i man Street, and Louis Kody, 92 ' He pointed out that the Board lichi.s on for the canvassers. Emerson Street, worked New of Education willingly lent the use., Year's Day acting as interpreters. Final instructions for the drive of the Nathan Hale School facill-' Some worked in the clothing room ties for extra holiday business of-, will be given at a meeting of the where refugees come to be sup- committee In the Borough Hall SET FOR DRIVE: Here arc some of the leaders in Carteret IlunRitrian Relief Committee drive. the post office. Shown from left to right arc Bert Pnkol, treasurer; Joseph Comta, chairman nf School division, plied with emergency clothnlg; "The federal government owns next Monday night. A refugee others worked in teams and met from Hungary will be the speaker. Walter Schonwald, representing Carteret Lions Club and Stephen Bodak, an assistant, a centrally located site on which the busloads of refugees as they EDWARD R. FITZI'ATRICK a new building with proper facili- At this week's meeting, Wil- arrived at Camp Kilmer after de- liam Greenwald, chairman of the CARTERET—Metal & Thermit CARTERET - Peter W. Gftidis, ties could Ije erected," he declared. «<><>;> Main street* barking from the USNS General, Coi.poratlon today announced the resident manager of the local I Said Mayor Dolan: "In the fed- business division reported that Army Commends ' to Hear ; he plans to contact all business- Clear 3 AM. to 6 A.M. I*Roy Eltinge, Brooklyn, on New: pl.omolion of Edward R. Fltzpat- Westvaco Mineral Products Divi-; eral census of 1950 our population Year's Day. I :, inn ^ >u „„„„„„ t0 ' sion Plant, today announced the i was listed at 13,031. The estimated men personally for funds. rick, 109 Roosevelt Avenue, : CARTERET — Police Com- Also working as interpreters one •"""'""". """""'"" ]"" "' „!"• promotion of an area resident, population today is 18.000, an in- Edwin S. Quln, chairman of Capt. A. J. Brown Talk on Hungary foremiln ln the H missioner John Uutnick today day a week, and other assignments j detlnnlng depait-; ^Joh n £E . c Coakley Qof f 44448 8 MonroUmm e crease of 5,000 persons." teachers and schools division re- when needed, are Mrs. Betty j ment as of January 1. The mayor cited figures recently FORT LEAVENWORTH. Kan. appealed to auto owners not to CARTERET — Dr. Alexander ! Avenue, Elizabeth, to the position potted that teachers In two schools park their can on the main Kuhn, 22 Atlantic Avenue; Mrs, Mr. Fitzgerald graduated from f Plant Engineer of the Carteret made Public ^ Postmaster Lester have donated 145 already. —Capt. Albert J. Brown, U. S. Haraszti, who with his family O thoroughfares between 3 A. M. u, n u- i a u««i «nA niant Sabo which list gross receipts for fled from Hungary will be the St. Joseph's Parochial School and plant. ^ ^ ^^ and 6 A. M. to permit the street Kuest speaker at the Sunday eve- attended Carteret High School. | Mr. Coakley, a gradaute of New- 195fi %mm **• Weias. 116 Giant with $92,213.07. pendant ln recognition of jneri- department to clear debris and ning .service in the Calvary Bap- ! j ark CollegCollege ooff EngineerinEngineering witwith sers start to work. He cited the Schwartz, Employed by the company since As for the new Turnpike en- snow. ti.st Church at 6:30 o'clock. He Avenue, and Samuel a Bachelor of Science degree in need of additional volunteers for 104 Union Street. March, 1948, he served in various mechanoca'l engtoe^rTng."hM'been | tra"ce- ^ mayor said that he is Streets specified by the com- will speak of his personal ex- 1 January 13 and January 15. Mrs. Hancock pointed out that hourly jobs in production and as'assistant plant englener of the writing to the Turnpike Authority Tactics at the Fisshburne Military missioner are: Roosevelt Ave- periences during the last few requesting the additional entrance,' Stickers and posters calling at- tne Red Cross and otner rellet School at Waynesboro. Virginia. nue, Washington Avenue, montils m Budapest before he. j a laboratory technician in quality: Westvaco plant for the past six He expressed belief that new in- tention to the need for Hungarian The Captain Is attending the Pershliif Avenue and Cooke his wife and thelrllve" children agencies have been fortunate in, control ior t0 Ws promotion. He dustry could be interested to locale aid were distributed In the bor- ten-month regular course at Com- Avenue. managed to escape. : "btataing Hungarian - speaking A life-long resident of Elizabeth, is coach of the Metal & Thermit Mr. Coakley served as a lieutenant here if Carteret had both north ough Has week. mand and general staff college volunteers who are devoting con- and South Turnpike entrances. Dr. Haraszti will speak in Hun- i slderable tlme ta aidi tne j soitball team and a member fo the in the U. S, Navy for three years! Mrs. Touhey'i Aides at Fort Leavenworth. Kansas. In his New Year's message, ganan and the pastor of the: f during World War II. Mrs. Patrick Touhey, listed the by Mayor General Lionel C. Mc- Honor Rev. Huber g i Sewaren Boat Club. Mayor Dolan stressed the nerd of church, Rev. Joseph Matus, will; 1 followinK capulru for the various Om, commanding general of Fort, jact as Interpreter. Many services are provided to , new Industry, to lighten the load districts as folluws: Mrs. Keien j Leavenworth and commandant or | The morning service will be Hungarian refugees 'by the Red oT the UifaiM"*"* the At Dinner Sunday Cross. Free communications are B.irtos. Mrs. Oenevleve Frey. Mrs. Command and General Staff J at 11 A. M. following the Sunday Name New Ferry j Potocnig Shuns MiiryLehotsky. Mitt Ethel VargB.'College, at a ceremony held this provided from the refugee to his CARTERET —Rev. Anthony J. School at 10 A, M. Th; e sermon/ of family In the United States, also' Mrs Margaret Sandor, Mrs. Mini- [ *«* « '"« »°*t New Things : Increase Shown .wt Matefy. Mrs. Mary Toth, Mrs. Captafn Brown attended the H"ber pa;tor of Et. Elwabeth f be assisted forejgn inqu|ry 5ervlce for famllics In Minue Honor Reelection Bid Helen Nemlsh. Mrs. Emma Brit- Monterey Peninsula College and,?*1""* who h" Jf 1Pttur"lnprn i\ m oe assisiea by Homer Tricules, assistant pas- way," said Mrs. Hancock, "refu- . ,._. „ IU. _ »,.. *h. ir«i.,«...i*, nf vi&ini. ™.inr t« from Europe, will be h ' CARTERET — At a ceremony j CARTERET — Schopl Commis- gees can direct' an Inquiry and a In School Budget Mary Babies, Mr». Elsie Ullers- his entry Into the service in July, held yesterday on Governors, sloner Patrick Potocnig said today parish , . i their relatives residing iniaer, Mrs. Emma Abaray, Mrs. 1942. After serving In the enlisted k On Tu(isd Jan 5 17;30 Island, two new diesel-powered that he will not be a candidate CARTERET ^- Board of Edu- In St. P. M. the Sunday School teachers ' m Ksrolle Munkacsy, Mrs. Betty ranks for a year, the captain at- will have their monthly meeting, ferryboats were commissioned by | for reelection to the Board of cation at Its meeting Wednesday' Hubcr came on the Thel e aic ia 1 lus llvms ln fjiecc, and Mrs.
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