Alexander Kitroeff Curriculum Vitae – May 2019 History Department, Haverford College, 370 Lancaster Avenue, Haverford PA, 19041 Mobile phone: 610-864-0567 e-mail: [email protected] Current Position: Professor, History Department, Haverford College Education: D.Phil. Modern History, Oxford University 1984 M.A. History, University of Keele 1979 B.A. Politics, University of Warwick 1977 Research Interests: Identity in Greece & its Diaspora from politics to sport Teaching Fields: Nationalism & ethnicity in Modern Europe, Mediterranean, & Modern Greece C19-20th Professional Experience: Professor, Haverford College 2019-present Visiting Professor, College Year in Athens, Spring 2018 Visiting Professor, American College of Greece, 2017-18 Associate Professor, History Dept., Haverford College, 2002-2019 Assistant Professor, History Dept., Haverford College, 1996-2002 Assistant Professor, History Dept. & Onassis Center, New York University, 1990-96 Adjunct Assistant Professor, History Department, Temple University, 1989-90 Visiting Lecturer, History Dept., & Hellenic Studies, Princeton University, Fall 1988 Adj. Asst. Professor, Byz. & Modern Greek Studies, Queens College CUNY, 1986-89 Fellowships & Visiting Positions: Venizelos Chair Modern Greek Studies, The American College in Greece 2011-12 Research Fellow, Center for Byz. & Mod. Greek Studies, Queens College CUNY 2004 Visiting Scholar, Vryonis Center for the Study of Hellenism, Sacramento, Spring 1994 Senior Visiting Member, St Antony’s College, Oxford University, Trinity 1991 Major Research Awards & Grants: Selected as “12 Great Greek Minds at Foreign Universities” by News in Greece 2016 Jaharis Family Foundation, 2013-15 The Stavros S. Niarchos Foundation, 2012 Immigrant Learning Center, 2011 Bank of Piraeus Cultural Foundation, 2008 Proteus Foundation, 2008 Center for Neo-Hellenic Studies, Hellenic Research Institute, 2003 1 President Gerald R. Ford Foundation, 1998 Senior Research Fellowship, Social Science Research Council, 1987-88 Alexander S. Onassis Foundation Graduate Studies Scholarship 1983 Courses at Haverford College: Hist111 Introduction to Western Civilization; Hist114 Introduction to Global History; Hist117 The Modern Mediterranean History; Hist215 Sport & Society Hist249 Refugees in C20th Europe; Hist250 “White” Ethnicity in the United States Hist270 From Empire to Nation: The Ottoman World Transformed Hist357 Topics in European History: Nationalism & Immigration / Europe Memory Hist400 Senior History Seminar Course at American College of Greece: Honors Program: What it Means to be Greek Course at College Year in Athens: The Jews of Greece Publications: Work-in-progress: Book-length study on the American Hellenic Progressive Association’s centenary. Books: 1. The Greeks in Egypt, 1919-1937: Ethnicity & Class London: St. Antony’s College Monographs, Ithaca Press 1989 2. Griegos en América [The Greeks in the Americas] Madrid: Fundación MAPFRE, 1992 3. Wrestling with the Ancients: MoDern Greek Identity anD the Olympics New York: Greekworks, 2004 4. Ελλάς, Ευρώπη Παναθηναϊκός! 100 Χρονια Ελληνική Ιστορία [Greece, Europe, Panathinaikos! 100 years of Greek history] New York: Greekworks, 2010 344 pp. 5. The Greeks in Egypt from MuhammaD Ali to Nasser American University in Cairo 2019 http://www.aucpress.com/p-8235-history.aspx 6. Greek OrthoDoxy anD Greek America Forthcoming, Northern Illinois University Press, 2020 2 Edited Volume: 1. Σμύρνη: Η Καταστροφή μιας Κοσμοπολίτικης Πόλης 1900-1922 [Smyrna: The Destruction of a Cosmopolitan City 1900-1922] (co-edited with Maria Iliou) Athens: Minoas, 2012 Collection of Articles: 1. Wartime Jews: The Case of Athens Athens: ELIAMEP, 1995 Chapters in Books: 1. “Ο Βενιζελισμός στην Αιγυπτο” [Venizelist Republicanism among the Greeks in Egypt] in Th. Veremis & G. Goulimi eds Ελευθέριος Βενιζέλος: Κοινότητα, Οικονομία, Πολιτική στην Εποχή του Eleftherios Venizelos: [Eleftherios Venizelos: Community, Economy anD Politics in his Era ] Athens: Gnosi, 1989 125-142 2. “Η Βρετανική Πολιτική και το Κίνημα στη Μέση Ανατολή” [British Policy and the Greek Forces Movement in Egypt] in Hagen Fleischer & N. Svoronos Eds. Η Ελλάδα 1936-44 Δικτατορία, Κατοχή, Αντίσταση [Greece 1936-44 Dictatorship, Occupation, Resistance] Athens: ATE 1989. 541-552 3. “The Transformation of Homeland Diaspora Relations: The Greek Case 18th-19th Centuries” in John M. Fossey Ed. ProceeDings of the First International Congress on the Hellenic Diaspora from Antiquity to MoDern Times Amsterdam: Gieben, 1991 233- 250 4. “The Greek Peasantry: From Dictatorship to Occupation” in Robin Higham & Thanos Veremis Eds. The Metaxas Dictatorship; Aspects of Greece 1936-1940 Athens: ELIAMEP, 1993 63-84 5. “The Holocaust in the Balkans” in Saul S. Friedman ed., Holocaust Literature; A HanDbook of Critical, Historical anD Literary Writings New Haven CT: Greenwood Press, 1993 301-320. Published in Wartime Jews: the Case of Athens. 6. “The Greek Diaspora in the Mediterranean & the Black Sea 18th-19th Centuries: Seen by American Eyes” in Speros Vryonis Jr. Ed. The Greeks anD the Sea New York: Aristides Caratzas, 1993 153-171 7. “Ο Βενιζελισμός στην Αίγυπτο” [Venizelist Republicanism among the Greeks in Egypt] in Th. Veremis & G. Goulimi eds Ελευθέριος Βενιζέλος: Κοινότητα, Οικονομία και Πολιτική στην Εποχή του [Eleftherios Venizelos: Community, Economy anD Politics in his Era ] Athens: Gnosi, 1989 125-142 8. “Emigration Transatlantique et Strategie Familiale: La Grèce” [Transatlantic Emigration and Family Strategy: Greece] in Stuart Woolf, ed. Espaces et Familles 3 Dans l’ Europe du SuD à l’âge moDerne [Space anD Families in Southern Europe in the Contemporary Era] Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l’ Homme, 1992 241-270 9. “Greek-American Ethnicity, 1919-1939” in Jelisaveta Stanojevich Allen et al eds. To Hellenikon StuDies in Honor of Speros Vryonis, Jr. Vol. II New York: Caratzas, 1993 353-371 10. “Υπερατλαντική Μετανάστευση” [Transatlantic Emigration] in Christos Hadziiosif ed Ιστορία της Ελλάδας του 20ου Αιώνα History of Greece in the C20th] Vol. 1 1900-1922. Athens: Vivliorama, 1999 11. “Εμπορικές Παροικίες και Μετανάστες” [Merchant Colonies and Immigrants] in Christos Hadziiosif, ed. Ιστορία της Ελλάδας του 20ου Αιώνα [History of Greece in the C20th] Vol. B1 1922-1940. Athens: Vivliorama, 2002 12. “Ο Ρόλος του Ελληνο-Αμερικανικού Λόμπι στην Εξωτερική Πολιτική των ΗΠΑ” [The Role of the Greek American Lobby in U.S. Foreign Policy, 1992-2001] in Panayotis Tsakonas, ed. Σύγχρονη Ελληνική Εξωτερική Πολιτική: Μιά Συνολική Προσέγγιση [Contemporary Greek Foreign Policy: A Comprehensive Approach] Athens: Sideris, 2003 13. “The International Dimension of the Interim Olympics in Athens 1906” in Christina Koulouri, Ed. The Interim Olympics in Athens, Greece, 1906 Athens: Hellenic Olympic Committee, 2004 pp. 377-393 14. “Η Ελληνο-Αμερικανική Ταυτότητα την Δεκαετία του 1990” [Greek American Identity in the 1990s] in Michalis Damanakis et al eds. Ιστορία της Νεοελληνικής Διασποράς Ερευνα και Διδασκαλία [History of the Modern Greek Diaspora Research and Instruction] Rethymno: University of Crete, 2004 pp. 89-96 15. “Οι Ελληνες στις ΗΠΑ” [The Greeks in the U.S.] in Vasilis Panayotopoulos ed. Ιστορία του Νέου Ελληνισμού 1770-2000 [History of Modern Hellenism, 1770-2000] Vol. 7 Athens: Nea Grammata, 2004 351-360 16. “Βόρεια και Νότια Αμερική: Οι Ομογενείς στις ΗΠΑ, τον Καναδά, την Λατινική Αμερική” [North and South America: The Greek Diaspora in the U.S., Canada and Latin America] in Vasilis Panayotopoulos ed. Ιστορία του Νέου Ελληνισμού 1770- 2000 [History of Modern Hellenism, 1770-2000] Vol. 9 Athens: Nea Grammata, 2004 305-318 17. “Βόρεια Αμερική: Οι Ελληνικές Κοινότητες στις ΗΠΑ και τον Καναδά” [North America: the Greek Communities in the U.S. & Canada] in Vasilis Panayotopoulos ed. Ιστορία του Νέου Ελληνισμού 1770-2000 [History of Modern Hellenism, 1770-2000] Vol. 10 Athens: Nea Grammata, 2004 297-308 4 18. “Greek Images of the Ottomans & Turks” in Nedret Kuran-Burcoglu & Susan Gilson Miller eds. Representations of the “Others” in the MeDiterranean WorlD anD their Impact on the Region Istanbul: The Isis Press, 2005 pp.125-140 19. “Ο Τύπος ως Πηγή για την Ιστορία των Ελλήνων στις ΗΠΑ” [The Press as a Source for the History of the Greeks in the United States] in Loukia Droulia ed. The Greek Press Since 1784: Historical & Theoretical Perspectives Athens: Foundation of Modern Hellenism / National Foundation of Research, 2005 371-379 20. “Η Μεταπολεμική Μετανάστευση” [Post-War Emigration] in Ioannis Hasiotis et. al. eds. Οι Ελληνες στην Διασπορά 15-20ος αιώνες. [The Greeks in the Diaspora C15- 20th] Athens: Parliament of Greece, 2006 75-91 21. “Modern Greece and the Olympics: Politics and Sport” in International Olympic AcaDemy ProceeDings of 45th Session 27 July – 11 August 2005; Athens: IOA, 2006 pp. 213-223 22. “Greek American Identity in the 1980s” in Eric Bruneau, Ioanis Hassiotis, Martine Hovanessian & Claire Mouradian eds. Arméniens et Grecs en Diaspora: approches comparatives Athens: L’École Francaise d’ Athènes, 2007 pp. 299-306 23. “Fair play versus Competing to Win & Coubertin” International Olympic AcaDemy ProceeDings of 46th Session 19 June – 3 July 2006; Athens: IOA, 2007 72-82 24. “Greece and the 1904 ‘American’ Olympics” in Susan Brownell ed. The 1904 Anthropology Days anD Olympic Games: Sport, Race, anD American Imperialism University of Nebraska Press, 2008 301-323 25. “The Limits of Political Transnationalism: The Greek-American Lobby 1970s- 1990s” in Dimitris
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