2 JULY THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 881 D.P. 465, along that boundary crossing the last-mentioned Moawhango River to a point in line with the southern road to the easternmost corner of the said Lot 6 and along boundary of SL.bdivision 3 of Run 3; thence westerly along its south-eastern boundary again crossing Weston· Road to that boundary and the southern b undary of Subdivision 2 the southernmost corner of the said Lot 6, being a point on of Run 3 to the north-western corner of Rangipo Waiu B 4; the boundary of the Otairi Riding hereinbefore described; thence southerly along the western and southern boundaries thence westerly along the northern boundary of that riding of that subdivision to and along the western boundaries of to the south-western corner of Section I 0, Block VIII, Section 5, Block XV, Moawhango Survey District, across Mangawhero Survey District, being also a point on the the Waipuna Road and along the western boundaries of boundary of t.he County of Rangitikei aforesaid; thence Section 6, Block XV aforesaid, to the southernmost corner northerly along that boundary to the intersection of the of that section; thence north-easterly along the south-eastern summit of the eastern watershed of the Whanga.ehu River boundary of the said Section 6 to the north-western corner and the southern boundar y of Section 63, Block XIII, of Motukawa 2B 19A; thence southerly along the western Maungakaretu Survey District, being the point of commence­ boundaries of that subdivision and Motukawa 2B 19B and ment. 2B 25, the northern and western boundaries of Motukawa 2B 23 ; across the Waiouru-Bulls State Highway to its southern AWAR UA RIDING side and along that side and the western side of the said highway to a point in line with the northern boundary of ALL that area in the County of Rangitikei bounded by a Lot 2, D.P. 13775, being a point on the boundary of the line commencing at a point in the middle of the Rangitikei Awarua Riding hereinbefore described; thence southerly and River in line with the northern boundary of Ohingaiti 6A 2, westerly along the boundary of that riding to a point in the being a point on the boundary of ·the Otairi Riding herein­ middle of the Hautapu River in line with the southern before described; thence north-westerly along the north­ boundary of Section 59, Block XIV, Ohinewairua Survey eastern boundary of that riding to the southernmost corner District, being a point on the boundary of Te Kapua Riding of Lot 6, D.P. 465, being a point on the boundary of Te hereinbefore described ; thence westerly along the northern Kapua Riding hereinbefore described; thence north-easterly boundary of that riding to the intersection of the summit of along the south-eastern boundary of that riding to the con­ the eastern watershed of the Whangaehu River and the fluence of the Hautapu River and the Mangaone Stream, southern boundary of Section 63, Block XIII, Maungakaretu being a point on the boundary of the Borough of Taihape Survey District, being the point of commencement. as described in Gazette, 1906, page 1381; thence north­ westerly along the north-eastern boundary of that borough heing a line up the middle of the Hautapu River to a point EREWH0N RIDING in line with the northern boundary of Section 76, Taihape ALL that area in the County of Rangitikei bounded by a line Village Settlement, being a point on the boundary of Te commencing at the intersection of the middle of the Moa­ Kapua Riding hereinbefore described and continuing along whango River and a right line from Trigonometrical ihat bo·undary, being a line up the middle of the Hautapu Station 28 (Manukaiapu) to Trigonometrical Station 27 River to a point in line with the southern boundary of (Motumatai), the said intersection being on the boundary Section 59, Block XIV, Ohinewairua Survey District; thence of the County of Rangitikei as described in Gazette, 1957, easterly to and along that boundary to the western side of page 1653; thence easterly and southerly along the said the Waiouru-Bulls State Highway; thence northerly along county boundary to a point on the summit of the Ruahine that side of the said highway to a point in line with the Range on the right line from Trigonometrical Station 30 northern boundary of Lot 2, D.P. 13775; thence easterly to (Aorangi) to the confluence of 1he Makaroro River and the and along that boundary and the northern boundary of north branch of the Waipawa River, the said point being Section 47, Block XIV, Ohinewairua Survey District, to the on the boundary of the Awarua Riding hereinbefore north-eastern corner of that section; thence northerly along described; thence westerly generally along the northern the western boundary of Section 5, Block XI, Ohinewairua boundaries of that riding to a point on the western side of Survey District, and its production to the northern side of the Waiouru-Bulls State Highway in line with the northern the Taihape-Otuarei road; thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lot 2, D.P. 13775, being a point on the eastern side of that road to and along the western and northern boundary of . the Ruanui Riding hereinbefore described; boundaries of Awarua 3A 2E 2, the northern boundaries of thence northerly along the eastern boundaries of that riding Awarua 3A 2E 3A, 3A 2E 3B, and 3A 2E I , and the eastern boun­ to the intersection of the middle of the Moawhango River dary of the last-mentioned subdivision, the northern boundary and a right line from Trigonometrical Station 28 (Manu­ of Awarua 3A 2K 1 to a point in line with the north-western kaiapu) to Trigonometrical Station 27 (Motumatai), being boundary of Section 13, Block XVI, Ohinewairua Survey the point of commencement. District, across the Moawhango River to and along that boun­ Certified correct. dary and the northern boundary of Section 13 aforesaid, across R. P. GOUGH, Chief Surveyor. the Moawhango Valley Road, along the northern boundaries of Sections 12, 11, 10, and 8, Block XVI, Ohinewairua I hereby certify that the above special order has been duly Survey District, the production of the last-mentioned boundary made. to the middle of the Otuareiawa Stream, down the middle of P. R. BOYES, County Clerk. that stream, and up the middle of the Kokopunui Stream to the western boundary of Section 21 , Block IX, Pukeokahu Survey District, along that boundary to and along the northern Amendment of Standard Specification side of Kokopunui Road to a point in line with the western boundary of Section 15, Block IX aforesaid, across Kokopunui Road to and along that boundary, along the south-eastern PURSUANT to the Standards Act 1941 and the regulations and southern boundaries of that section, the southern made thereunder, the Minister of Industries and commerce, boundaries of Section 16 and the south-western boundaries on 24 June 1959, amended the under-mentioned standard of Section 20, both Block IX, Pukeokahu Survey District, specification by the incorporation of the amendment shown to the Pukeokahu Road; thence southerly along the western hereunder: side of that road to a point in line with the south-western Number and Title of Specification: N.Z.S.S. 1471 : 1959: boundary of Section 53, Block XIII, Pukeokahu Survey Operating table covers or pads of cellular rubber; being District; thence south-easterly to and along that boundary B.S. 2891 : 1957 to the middle of the Waihi Stream and down the middle of Amendment: No. 1 (Ref. No. P.D. 3025, I May 1958). that stream to the middle of the Rangitikei River; thence Price of Copy (Post Free): 4s. northerly up the middle of that river to its intersection with a right line drawn from Trigonometrical Station 32 Application for copies of the standard specification so (Papakai), situated in Block XV, Ohinewairua Survey District, amended should be made to the N.Z. Standards Institute, to Trigonometrical Station 30 (Aorangi) , situated in Block Hamilton Chambers, 201 Lambton Quay (P.O. Box 195), XI, Pukeokahu Survey District; thence easterly along that Wellington C. I . Copies of the amendment will be supplied, line to the said Trigonometrical Station 30; thence south­ free of charge, upon request. easterly along a right line in the direction of the confluence Dated at Wellingto[l, this 29th day of June 1959. of the Makaroro River and the north branch of the Waipawa River to the summit of the Ruahine Range, being a point E. G. HEGGIE, on the boundary of the County of Rangitikei as described Acting Executive Officer, Standards Council. in Gazette, 1957, page 1653; thence southerly and westerly generally along that county boundary to a point in the middle of the Rangitikei River in line with the northern Specification Declared to be a Standard Specification boundary of Ohingaiti 6A 2, being the point of commence­ ment, and excluding therefrom the Town District of Manga­ weka as described in Gazette, 1910, page 969. PURSUANT to the Standards Act 1941 and the regulations made thereunder, the M inister of Industries and Commerce, on 18 June 1959, declared the under-mentioned specification RUANUI RIDING to be a standard specification: ALL that area in the County of Rangitikei bounded by a Number and Title of Specification: N.Z.S.S. 1471 : 1959: line commencing at the intersection of the summit of the Operating table covers or pads of cellular rubber; being eastern watershed of the Whangaehu River and the southern B.S. 2891 : I 957. boundary of Section 63 , Block XIII, Maungakaretu Survey Price of Copy (Post Free): 4s.
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