Ecological Connectivity in the Danube River Basin Future Perspectives and Guiding Principles Ecological Connectivity in the Danube River Basin Future Perspectives and Guiding Principles Project co-funded by the European Union (ERDF, IPA funds) Imprint Editing: Fuchs Anneliese, Jungmeier Michael (E.C.O.) Text: Fuchs Anneliese, Frank Georg, Blutaumüller Stephanie, Huber Michael, Jungmeier Michael Contributions: Hein Thomas, Kuba Martin, Vasić Ivana, Wagner Magdalena Layout: Fuchs Anneliese, Kovarovics Anna Maps: Fuchs Anneliese, Grigull Maxim, Berger Vanessa, Glatz-Jorde Susanne Cover Picture: DANUBEPARKS/Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorat Chapter Pictures: Donau-Auen National Park/Kudich, Donau-Auen National Park/Kern, DANUBEPARKS/Donau- Auen National Park, Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority/Petrescu, Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority/Bandacu Proofreading: Callaghan Ian Print: Kontraszt Plusz Kft. The complete or partial storage, reproduction or transmission of the work, whether electronically, mechanically, by photocopy or recording, is prohibited without the prior permission of the copyright holder. The project is co-funded by the European Union (ERDF, IPA funds). Produced using environmentally friendly technologies and materials. Copyright reserved. © DANUBEPARKS 2019 Citation: DANUBEPARKS (2019) Ecological Connectivity in the Danube River Basin. Future Perspectives and Guiding Principles. Orth an der Donau, 64 pp. Dear Readers, and semi-natural areas including healthy ecosystems with a rich diversity of species that provide multiple ecosystem ser- The Danube River is a symbol and a lifeline for several coun- vices and benefits. tries which needs to be safeguarded and restored. In the beginning of this century 75% of the Lower Danube’s flood- The European Commission is working towards a European plains were cut off by dykes as a result of land conversion for Green Deal which aims, inter alia, to make the protection farming and development causing increased pollution and and restoration of ecosystems a Leitmotif for decision ma- flood risks, threats which are expected to be exacerbated by kers, including cohesion policy. DANUBEparksCONNEC- climate change. The EU environment and biodiversity policy TED, which is supported by the European Territorial Coope- including the EU Birds, Habitats and Water Framework Di- ration Interreg programme, is one of the examples included rectives aim to support Member States to reverse that trend. in the ‘Guidance on a strategic framework for further sup- The “Lower Danube Green Corridor”, a 1,000 km long cor- porting the deployment of EU-level green and blue infra- ridor with many Natura 2000 sites has made significant im- structure (SWD(2019) 193 final) published by the European provements to water quality, increased biodiversity, lowered Commission in 2019. The guidance lays out the definition risks from flooding and improved local livelihoods. and criteria for EU-level green and blue infrastructure pro- jects. It shows what can be achieved, if countries decide Green and Blue Infrastructure is an efficient tool to conser- to join forces behind a common objective. I hope that this ve and enhance the multiple benefits that nature provides. important and ambitious initiative will be continued, scaled The science is clear: in order to stem interlinked and inter- up and replicated also in other regions. dependent challenges such as biodiversity loss and clima- te change we need to work with nature rather than against Stefan Leiner it. The present poly-crisis cannot be solved by dealing with each issue in isolation or in a consecutive manner. It needs Head of Biodiversity Unit partnerships, solidarity and swift implementation of integra- European Commission ted approaches such as nature-based solutions to climate Directorate change adaptation and mitigation and disaster risk reduc- General Environment tion. We need strategically planned networks with natural Dear Readers, Understanding the conservation values of ecological corri- than the blackberry, the social values of the “green infra- dors is one of the basic foundations to understand how life structure” are as important as their biodiversity values in or- on the planet can survive in the face of human overpopulati- der to reconnect people with nature. on trends and competing demands for land use. Discussions on the importance of connectivity have gained Conservation importance of such corridors is sometimes adequate attention in the global biodiversity conservation difficult to recognise at a first glance, especially when com- agenda. New global targets for the post 2020 period clearly paring corridors with emblematic patches of habitats in pro- indicate the importance of connected protected and con- tected and conserved areas, and if looking at the corridors served areas. Although the publication “Ecological Connec- only over a short period. It might come as a surprise, but tivity in the Danube River Basin” explores the connectivity the number of song-bird species determined in one scenic between the various habitats in the Danube River Basin, its wetland area, known for its birds, can be very similar to the findings and guidance go beyond regional importance. number of species detected in the longer observation period in the floodplains up- and downstream of the river, passing that wetland. It is important to understand that organisms need to move Andrej Sovinc from one habitat to another and that their survival is not de- pendent only on safeguarding their reproduction areas. The IUCN World Commision on term „organisms“ also includes humans; in times when the Protected Areas amount of time people in the western world spend indoors Regional Vice-Chair exceeds 90% and our children play within a 90% smaller Europe area than their parents when they were the same age and the BlackBerry is more familiar to the majority of the youth Table of Contents SUMMARY 7 I. ECOLOGICAL CONNECTIVITY – AN INTRODUCTION 8 Conceptualising Ecological Connectivity ................................................................................................................................................. 9 Political Framework for Ecological Connectivity ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Functions and Types of Corridors ............................................................................................................................................................ 12 Terminology .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 The Danube River Basin ......................................................................................................................................................................... 16 II. ECOLOGICAL CORRIDORS AND GAPS IN THE DANUBE RIVER BASIN 17 Main Elements of Green Infrastructure: Land ............................................................................................................................................ 18 Protected Area Network ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 18 Large Forest Areas and Extensively Managed Land ................................................................................................................................................. 21 Main Elements of Green Infrastructure: Water .......................................................................................................................................... 21 Main Elements of Green Infrastructure: Air ............................................................................................................................................... 22 Main Corridors in the Danube River Basin ................................................................................................................................................ 25 III. BARRIERS AND GAPS IN THE DANUBE RIVER BASIN 28 Barriers and Gaps on Land .................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Barriers and Gaps in the Water .............................................................................................................................................................. 29 Barriers and Gaps in the Air .................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Barriers and Gaps in Knowledge ............................................................................................................................................................ 30 Connectivity of Main Corridors in the Danube River Basin ........................................................................................................................ 32 IV. ENHANCING ECOLOGICAL CONNECTIVITY – STRATEGIES & PROJECTS 35 Relevant Strategies and Policies ............................................................................................................................................................... 36 Best Practice Projects ..............................................................................................................................................................................
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