INDEX Administration of minimum wage laws in the United States, by F. H. Guild.. 107 Administration of mother's pension laws, by Charles Kettleborough 555 Administrative reorganization in Iowa, by F. E. Horack 258 Administrative reorganization in Minnesota, by Jeremiah S. Young 273 Allin, C. S., rev. of Harris, Intervention and colonization in Africa 389 America and the Philippines, by Carl Crow, rev. by Henry Jones Ford 181 American doctrine of judicial supremacy, by Charles Grove Haines, rev. by W. F. Dodd 168 Applied city government, by Herman G. James, rev. by Henry Jones Ford... 803 Austria-Hungary and the war, by Ernest Ludwig, rev. by N. Dwight Harris. 598 Baldwin, Simeon E., Education for the bar in the United States 437 Barclay, Sir Thomas, Thirty Years, rev. by John H. Latane1 405 Barnett, James D., The bicameral system in state legislation 449 Reorganization of state government in Oregon 287 Bates, Frank G., Budgetary laws 759 Constitutional amendments and referred acts, November election, 1914 101 Reorganization of state administration 317 Baty, T., and Morgan, J. H., War: its conduct and legal results, rev. by Lind- say Rogers 605 Beard, Mary Ritter, Woman's work in municipalities, rev. by Robert T. Crane 792 Bender's war revenue law 1914, rev. by J. Wallace Bryan 791 Bicameral system in state legislation, by James D. Barnett 449 Boggs, Theodore H., The trend within the British Empire 677 Book reviews 160-187, 385-412, 595-614, 787-804 Bose, Sudhindra, Remarks on President Goodnow's paper 224 Brissaud, Jean, A history of French public law, rev. by J. M. Vincent 604 Brown, P. Hume, The legislative union of England and Scotland, rev. by Edward Porritt 391 Brown, Philip Marshall, Foreigners in Turkey, rev. by Robert T. Crane 187 rev. of Tiverton, The principles and practice of prize law 406 Bryan, J. Wallace, rev. of Bender's war revenue law 1914 791 Biichi, Robert, Die Geschichte der Pan-Amerikanischen Bewegung mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung ihrer volkerrectlichen Bedeutung, rev. by Jesse S. Reeves 790 Budgetary laws, Frank G. Bates 759 Butler, J. R. M., The passing of the great reform bill, rev. by Edward Porritt. 401 Canadian annual review of public affairs, by J. Castell Hopkins, rev. by Edward Porritt 181 Carpenter, William S., Repeal of the judiciary act of 1801 519 825 826 INDEX Causes of the great war, by Edward Raymond Turner 16 City manager plan in Ohio, by L. D. Upson 496 City planning—New York, by A. M. H 564 Civil service legislation—1915, by Albert Smith Faught 549 Cohen, Morris Raphael, rev. of del Vecchio, The formal bases of law 799 Commission and city manager government, by A. M. H 561 Confederation of Europe: a study of the European alliance, 1813-1823, as an experimental in the international organization of peace, by Walter Alison Phillips, rev. by John H. Latane1 163 Congressional caucus of today, by Wilder H. Haines 696 Constitutional amendments and referred acts, November election, 1914, by Frank G. Bates 101 Cooke, Morris L., Scientific management of the public business 488 Corwin, Edward S., rev of Reeder, The validity of rate regulations 160 Court organization for a metropolitan district, by Herbert Harley 507 Crane, Robert T., rev. of Beard, Woman's work in municipalities 792 rev. of Brown, Foreigners in Turkey 187 rev. of Fenwick, The neutrality laws of the United States 172 rev. of Hull, The Monroe doctrine: national or international? 792 rev. of Lawrence, Documents illustrative of international law 184 Croly, Herbert, Progressive democracy, rev. by Henry Jones Ford 409 Crow, Carl, America and the Philippines, rev. by Henry Jones Ford 181 Cyclopedia of American government, by Andrew C. McLaughlin and Albert Bushnell Hart, rev. by John A. Fairlie 793 Dawson, William Harbutt, Municipal life and government in Germany, rev. by Karl F. Geiser 179 Dealey, J. Q., rev. of Ford, The natural history of the state: an introduction to political science 798 Decisions of state courts on points of public law 156, 382 Decisions of state courts on points of public law, by John T. Fitzpatrick, 590,779 Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States on constitutional questions, 1911-1914, by Emlin McClain 36 Dicey, A. V., Introduction to the study of the law of the constitution, rev. by E. P 385 Dickey, Francis W., The presidential preference primary 467 Direct primaries 309 Distribution of legislative bills 560 Documents illustrative of international law, by T. J. Lawrence, rev. by Robert T. Crane 184 Dodd, W. F., rev. of Haines, The American doctrine of judicial supremacy ... 168 Dorney, John A., Recent government publications of political interest 188-194, 413-423, 615-624, 805-810 Dread of responsibility, by Emile Faguet, rev. by J. W. Garner 398 Dykstra, C. A., The reorganization of state government in Kansas 264 Early history of the tradition of the constitution, by Frank I. Schechter... 707 Economic history of Russia, by James Nabor, rev. by Samuel N. Harper.... 174 Education for the bar in the United States, by Simeon E. Baldwin 437 Essai sur la legitimate des gouvernements dans ses rapports avec les gouverne- ments de fait, by Raymond Gaudu, rev. by Charles G. Fenwick 185 INDEX 827 Essence of democracy, by Wilhelm Hasbach 50 Etat et les fonctionnaires: etudes economiques et sociales, publie'es avec le concours du college libre des sciences sociales, by Alexander Lefas, rev. by James W. Garner 166 Executive council, with special reference to Massachusetts, by A. N. Hol- combe 304 Faguet, Emile, The dread of responsibility, rev. by J. W. Garner 398 Fairlie, John A., Governmental reorganization in Illinois 252 rev. of McLaughlin and Hart, Cyclopedia of American government, 793 Faught, Albert Smith, Civil service legislation—1915 549 Fayne, James A., The federal trade commission: the development of the law which led to its development 57 Federal trade commission: the development of the law which led to its establishment, by James A. Fayne 57 Fenwick, Charles G., The neutrality laws of the United States, rev. by Robert T. Crane 172 News and notes 568-594, 763-779 rev. of Gaudu, Esai sur la legitimite' des gouvernements dans ses rap- ports avec les gouvernements de fait 185 rev. of Die Judikature des Standigen Schiedshofs von 1899-1913 178 rev. of Stockton, Outlines of international law 177 Finances de guerre de l'Angleterre, by Gaston Jeze, rev. by James W. Garner 602 Fitzpatrick, John T., Decisions of state courts on points of public law 590 Fixing responsibility for fires, by A. M. H 563 Ford, Henry Jones, The natural history of the state: an introduction to political science, rev. by J. Q. Dealey 798 Ford, Henry Jones, rev. of Croly, Progressive democracy 409 rev. of Crow, America and the Philippines 181 rev. of James, Applied city government 803 rev. of Keller, Societal evolution 802 rev. of Wallas, The great society 185 rev. of Walsh, The political science of John Adams 410 Foreigners in Turkey, by Philip Marshall Brown, rev. by Robert T. Crane... 187 Formal bases of law, by Giorgio del Vecchio, rev. by Morris Raphael Cohen.. 799 Forster, Henry A., Law reform—New York 735 French, Burton L., Sub-committees of Congress 68 Freund, Ernst, The substitution of rule for discretion in public law 666 Gaiser, Karl F., rev. of Dawson, Municipal life and government in Germany. 179 Garner, James W., Judicial control of administrative and legislative acts in France 637 rev. of Faguet, The dread of responsibility :.. 398 rev. of Jeze, Les finances de guerre de l'Angleterre 602 rev. of Jeze, Les principes gcneraux du droit administratif 608 rev. of Lefas, L'etat et les fonctionnaires 166 Gaudu, Raymond, Essai sur la legitimit<5 des gouvernements dans ses rap- ports avec les gouvernements de fait, rev. by Charles G. Fenwick 185 Genesis of parliamentary reform, by George Stead Veitch, rev. by Edward Porritt 401 828 INDEX Geschichte der Pan-Amerikanischen Bewegung mit besonderer Beriicksich- tigung ihrer volkerrechtlichen Bedeutung, by Bobert Biiohi, rev. by Jesse S. Reeves 790 Gettell, Raymond G., rev. of Smith, Harrington and his oceana 408 Goodnow, Frank J., Reform in China 209 Governmental reorganization in Illinois, by John A. Fairlie 252 Governors' messages 317 Great society, by Graham Wallas, rev. by Henry Jones Ford 185 Guild, F. H., Administration of minimum wage laws in the United States... 107 Haines, Charles Grove, The American doctrine of judicial supremacy, rev. by W. F. Dodd 168 chairman, Report of committee of seven on instruction in colleges and universities 353 Haines, Wilder H., The congressional caucus of today 696 Harley, Herbert, Court organization for a metropolitan district 507 Present tendencies in judicial reform 529 Harper, Samuel N., rev. of Nabor, an economic history of Russia 174 Harrington and his oceana, by H. F. Russell Smith, rev. by Raymond G. Gettell ' 408 Harris, Norman Dwight, Intervention and colonization in Africa, rev. by C. S. Allin 389 The Southern Slav question 227 rev. of Ludwig, Austria-Hungary and the war 598 Hart, Albert Bushnell,and McLaughlin, AndrewC, Clyclopedia of American government, rev. by John A. Fairlie 793 Hasbach, Wilhelm, The essence of democracy 50 Healy, William, The individual delinquent, rev. by Adolf Meyer 398 History of French public law, by Jean Brissaud, rev. by J. M. Vincent 604 Holcombe, A. N., The executive council, with special reference to Massachu- setts 304 Holden, Alice, Home rule legislation during the years 1913-1914 322 Home rule legislation during the years 1913-1914, by Alice M. Holden 322 Hopkins, J. Castell, The Canadian annual review of public affairs, rev. by Edward Porritt 181 Horack, F. E., Administrative reorganization in Iowa 258 Howe, Frederic C, The modern city and its problems, rev.
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