Friday, Moy 4, 1973 The oBseRveR Velum• XV luue 13 THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPEA OF STERN COLLEGE FOR WOMEN lfene Heskes Shows Evolution 11Moscow 7'' Bring Out letter '4:5f Jewish Musical Forms Af-)f-hird Form Of Arts lecture To Amerkan Jewish Leadership SSSJ-- A desperate appeal to DJ'\kZN_~ by Aileen Pollock American Jewish leadership from Irene Heskes, musicologist and Jewish composers, although not of 109 Soviet Jews not to weaken their director of the National Jewish Jewish subiect matter? Are firm stand in support of the ~:j Music Council, spoke on the music non~Jewish works of American Jackson Amendment has been [ of Israel on April 10 to a large, Ji'wish composers considered a brought out by the seven young enthusiastic audience. This was part of Jewish ethnomusicology? American Jews who sat in at the the third lecture of the English While giving musical '.\loscow OVIR (emigration) office. Department's Forum of the Arts illustrations on the tape recorder, The letter reads as follows-~ series, coordinated by Dr. Morris Mrs. Heskes offered a running Epstein l\.frs: Hes.kes demon­ commentary on the history and To the Leaders of the Jewish strated the various ktnds of music evolution of .Jewish music She rommunities in the United States: to be heard in Israel, using a tape offered an interesting ,sidelight on We have reached the critical recorder, and occasionally her o~n the origin of the melody of llatik­ period where the future of the soprano voice. Her talk included rnh, which is usually thought of as Soviet Aliyah and our very lives insights on the wide spectrum of derived from Smetana's Moldau hang in the balance. Jewish music today She showed how this "wandering You must know: Our situation Ftanked by members and friends ot the Student struggle fer Sovtet We Mrs. Heskes posed the basic melody," as she called it, was also has never been more serious. Jewry, Abraham Zalmanson conducts his eighth hunger strike for bis used among the Basques, have received refusarafter refusal niece, the imprlsoned Sylva Zalmanson. Standing inside a ~·prison cage" We ~::1~9nl~f ~:!\~in~~~i~es l:rf~!~ Bohemians, and in the Rhineland. in our struggle for repatriation. opposite the U.N., Zalmanson urged the releaBe of Che four members of only as music which is Jewish in The melody is an Ashkenazic are followed, harrassed, beaten. his family suffering In Soviet labor camps. <SSSJ) Photo l content'? What of ~ic written by tradition smig in Yigdal. It has \\'e live £rom '1a-y to day in the also entered Spanish-Portuguese maddening uncertainty of Israel or Victor Polsky, Victor Fiermark, professional art poster tradition in the prayer for rain. The prison. Boris Orlov and Eitan Finkelstein. reproductions of paintings by the Key '73 Attacked melody of llatikvah bears very Do not cOJ11promise in your ef- SOVIET JEWRY MATERIALS ''Prisoner of Conscience" artist striking resemblance to a melody forts on our behalf. You haven't the Boris Penson. Free literature on in the Hebrew Union Hymnal, right to accept the treachercms A new "Prisoner of Conscience each may be obtained from t.he By New Federation originally used in Charleston in policy of "selective emigration" Pin" and special Soviet Jewry Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry, 1830. The Hatikvah is a melody that based on the lie of "state security." "turn the Mails Red" envelopes 200 West 72nd Street, suites 3()..31, T9-sk Force has been part of Jewish tradition Do not be comforted with self· are now available, as --Well as New York, N.Y. 10023. for hundreds of years. deceit,ourhi,toryi,repletewith Congress Votes In A"id j - Modern Israeli folk music shows .temporary success bought with the _,/ by Rachel Shapiro influences of cbassidism in its joy, blood of our at)ns and daughters. rhythm, and ~e. It is also in· The Federation of Jewish the Near East, as seen --pJntaflthropies. aroused by nae-by a.!:'."n"~ !:.:· :;. ·~ -~For.CoU§ge Studtmts iri its modl11 quality :The cadenee nd telephone calls and questions from of the rriusic is molded by the f,."r:~~1~"" will be tragic_ a ;ashiniiion, o.c. (a'si:C..Actlng Pres1aent N'OO!II and wiU ·take the Jewish community, has joined Brothers! Be strong! Let your with unusual speed, the House and effect immediately. the battle against Key '73 and the ~~r~ of :e~~rs° HJi~~~:guished Jewish hearts guide you in the Senate have approved funds (pr A total of $895 million. was Jews for Jesus movement. between two streams of tradition in crucial days that will follow. several student financial afa: committed to student aid iD.cludhlg Through its newly formed com­ Jewish music. The liturgical programs for academic 1973--1974, $122.l million for tbe- BOG mittee called The Task Force on tradition is most conservative Among the signers of the letter are including a small amount to program, $210.3 million for SUp­ Key '73, the Federation hopes to musically, very slowly influenced top activists as Dr. Benjamin initiate the Basic Opportunity plemental Education Opportunity combat evangelical efforts and Levich, Vladimir Slepak, Prof. Grant (BOG) program_ The bill Grants (SEOG), and $293 million (Continued on Page 3) increase Jewish consciousness. Alexander Lerner, Kiril Khenkin, has been signed into law by for National Defense Student Formed two months ago, this • Loans <NDSLL task force will consist of college Studies Off er Many Ontnons,· Congress virtually Ignored youth and high school seniors who Jewish Hebrew r President Nixon's proposed will work through Federation sponsored coffee houses and ~~n1~~i·~~··s~= YMHA's in the New York Berman Discusses Requirements, further Study Metropolitan Area. These -----=- on the advanced level. The time, she may also begin graduate ~~:- ~d ~·~ youngsters will also be prepared to language of instruction of these work towards h.er M.A. The programs-· and requested fff2' confront Jews for Jesus people and courses is Hebrew. BA-M.A. programs with Y.U. million for the BOG progtam In­ disrupt their efforts to win con­ The Jewish Studies Major is open graduate schools also available to stead. But Congress has-matched verts. to students on the intermediate and the Hebrew and Jewish Studies to the penny the totalfundlng ie9el Although the task force will not advanced level. Here too, twenty. Major. She may do graduate work. for student ·assistance · sought by begin its program until next· year. four credits above the general in Judaic Studies or her specific the President. it is already recruiting members requirements are needed. At least field of concentration at Stern such The Nixon budget asked for $872 and formulating plans. Day school twelve of the twenty-four credits as literature or history. Jewish million with the lion's share being principals have been asked to send must be taken on the advanced Education and Jewish Community given to BOGs. Congress took this in names of graduates, and level. The areas of possible con­ Service are two other fields the total amount, refunded SEOGs. collegians have been contacted. centration of study for the Jewish CHaenbrewcoannsd1_dJeerwisahftSetrudihe,ie Maujon~ College Work Study and NDSL Several organizations such as Jews Studies Major are Language and ri.e't loans at last year's level, then for Judaism, JACY, and Hinneni Literature ( Hebrew courses dergraduate studies. placed the remaining $122 million have also been notified and asked numbered under 70), Bible It is hoped that after Pesach in BOGs. The $23 million difference to lend their support. {Hebrew courses over 70), Jewish vacation, the majors and the is funds previously appropriated All interested youngsters will be History, Jewish Philosophy faculty will meet. Representatives by Congress for NDSL loans but meeting on May 9 at 7:30 in the Rabbi Saul J. Berman, iCOW'Se9fl,w.nJ1ered between31 and ;~1;t'Jk;*J&~:e J"£j~~;:; impounded by th,e PresidenL Federation ~uilding. At this time Jewish Studies Chairman 69, includil'lg Philosophy 61, and students wHI speak with ex­ JeWish Law and Rabbinic direct reactions and suggestions in ;~~!~es~t t'::;k J~:L mi°~~ af:~ perienced individuals and par- Literature (courses between 71 and· making decision for the academic 1973·1974, bringing the ticipate in rap sessions where next by Judy Altshul 99 l. Two specific areas of con· Hebrew-Jewish Studies Majors. new appropriations for student year's plans will be discussed. On Wednesday, April 4, the centration out of the five are ~ financial aid for next year to $895 materials specific requirements of the required. The 1angllage of in­ Brochures and printed Bulletin! million. Another student aid telling how to combat Key '73 will Jewish Studies Major and Hebrew struction for the majority of these program for next fall, Federally be to this nucleus Studies Major were defined by courses is English. also distributed following students were Insured Student Loans <FISL>. members. Rabbi Saul Berman, Judaic The practical distribution of The group of about 50-80 Stud~t Council office received funds last October. Paul Schulder, ad hoc Studies Department Chairman. credits is left up to each individual. elected to Mr. yesterday: The bill reached the floor of the chairman of the committee, feels The Hebrew Studies Major must She may put particular emphasis House Thursday April 12 as an of President-Sherry Scheinberg that "there are too many young fulfill twenty-four credits above on one of her two chosen areas Adler amendment to the Joint Resolution She may also Vice President-Susan men and women floundering. The the general requireme11ts. These concentration. Corresponding Secretary-Naomi on Emergency Supplemental must be tak-en divide the twenty-four bes!.
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