HERALD COOKING SCHOOL ENDS TOMORROW, STATE THEATER AVERAGE DAILT CIRCULAllON WEATHER for the Moath of Jaaoory, 1985 Foreeaet of U. 8. Weather Bureau, Hartford fliln ff P i t ’l l ft t i t rt 4 ■ - 6,048 211ClalUuPiSIPir 1!| F r a U I Clondy, pretMbly rain toalght aod Member of Ihe AodM Friday. SUghtty warmer toolghL Boieoa of Otacolatiaae MANCHESTER A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM V O L. L V II., N O . lOS AdvertWac rm g* l|l). BfANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY S, 1938 .(SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS HURLET LOSES Drifting: Ice Takes Polar Party for a Ride BREECHES BUOY May 31, 1917 - -J*;' ^ r- - ELEVEN MEN KILLED HIS HIGHWAYS ?NORTH»^POLE JOB FREES MAN fJpNTROL HGHT IN i m TRAP / WHEN U.S. BOMBERS Soprenie Court Roles Roads, Maroon^ In Rapids, Free^ Bridges Are Province Of ing, He Is Rescued By Men COLLIDE IN MIDAI Highway Depl; No ERect Of Coast Guard From Dis- Worst Disaster Of Its On Merritt Quiz, Is Belief. tant Station; Is Critical Little Businessmens* Parley In U. S. History; ThriM SPITZBERGEN Hartford, Feb. » —(A P ) — SUte Lowell, Mesa., Feb. 3.— (A P ) — Feb. 1, 1933 Highway Commissioner John A Coast Guardsmen in a breeches Men Injored; Giant Planes ^ Macdonald is tbe victor in a legal / / buoy today brought to shore a man battle over Jurisdiction of the lay- Jan Mayen marooned since midnight on a jag- Were Engaged In W w out, construction, reconstruction and U. j ged rock In the Merrimack river improvement of Connecticut's high- basin below Pawtucket falls. He was ways and bridges. Tbe Supreme AR(jriC Identified as EMward GIbUn, 33, of Maneuvers Off Paintic _ Court of Errors in an unanimous Lowell. HIs father, John J. Ulblln, opinion wiitten by Justice George A severe Arctic storm haa shattered the ice-floe on which, eight months ago, Russia establlabed a four- director of the Lowell High school Coast; One Falls A U az^ 1 E. Hinman, banded down late yes- man camp to study polar meteorological conditions, and although a fissure developed in the ice cake on band and prominent In musical cir- terday, also stated that tbe Public which their tent stands, the daring ^en tista have radioed to Moscow, "Don't worry.” The map shows cles, said Eklward had gone for a Works Act of 1937 manifests no tbe position of the floe when the experiment began and its approximate position at present. The men walk last evening. legislative Intent to limit or impair in the photo are Ivan Papanin, left, expedition chief, who sent the laconic message to the Soviet cap- San Pedro, Peb. 8.— (A P )— that JurUdictlon or bis powers and So serious waa GIblin’a condition ital, and Fydorov, one of the acientiata. A Soviet ice- breaker Is preparing to rescue tbe psrty, which saw that he was unable to tell hospital A mid-air collision of two giant % duties by transferring them to the Its reserve supply bases and its storehouse of technical material go floating off on other cakes of Ice. department of the Commissioner of authorities how be fell Into the bombers— worst plane disastar Ji Public Works. water. Little hope was held for hie in American naval history— ^ In Its opinion, the state's highest recovery when he first was taken'- court sustained Superior Court ashore but after an hour's examina- claimed its eleventh life to ^ y - '^ J u ^ e John A. Cornell's decision for DAVIS BEING HELD tion, Dr. Leo King said the victim as a search was made by air the Connecticut Rural Roads Im- had a fair chance. and sea for the missing bodies provement Association In Its suit COOKING SESSIONS Legs Froaen of ten airmen. against Macdonald, Public Works A Guardsman rode the buoy to a Commissioner Robert A. Hurley and IN $300,000 B A a n>ck 75 feet from shore, tied the Rescued from the water aft* Comptroller Charles A. Swartz half-frozen man into It and fellow er the bomber ll-P -4 fell in a ^ seeking to enjoin them from allow- Uuard.-smen hauled him ashore. An splintering impact last night»^^ ing Hurley to advertise fOr bids and CLOSE TOMORROW ambulance rushed him to St. award contracts for work oh high Attorney For Dutch’ Schnltz J. H. Heater, radioman first Joseph’s hospital half a mile away. class of San IMego, died aboard ways and bridges. His legs apparently were frozen No Further Action the hospital ship relief at San ' ^ Shortly after the supreme court's Hundreds Of Women Fmd ICEBREAKER STARTS Unable To Raise Bond; from the hips down, and bis rescuer opihlon bad been announced, Attor- was unable to bend them to get him Clemente island this morning. ney-General Charles J. McLaughlin ‘Tfew Entlinsiasm For OU Into the buoy. Three of his companions said he would advise the three de- Charged As Being Fugitive Rescue came shortly after dawn, were seriously injured but TO SAVE SCIENTISTS after Guardsmen had worked dog- partment heads involved to make were expected to recover. such adjustments as are necessary Job” In Attending Herald gedly all night to rig the line across to abide by the decision. It is not PbUadeIpbla, Feb. 3— (A P )—Two the river. Glbltn waa near collapse The bodies of three more of when finally rescued. expected that further court action women— the dark haired w ife be the ll-P-4’a crew and the sev- will be necessary. Classes At State Theater. Four Rossbns Are Adrift Shortly before the rescue GlbUn en men in its slater bomber, The case came to the state's high- abandoned and hie red haired sweet- had worked himself from hU first est court on appeal from a Judg- heart-pledged their love to Rich- rock refuge, 150 feet from shore to the 11-P-S, were hunted by the ment for the Rural Roads Associa- "The most Important thing I get On SmaU Ice Floe Off ard “Dixie" Davla today. But he one only 75 feet away, by clinging U nitM . States fieet. N avy tion entered by'Judge Oomeil after still needed $300,000 bail to get out from the Herald Cooking School Is to the line aa It was hauled through sources here said unoffidany he had overruled a demurrer to the of the city lockup on a chaige of the water. Tlie enthusiastic group above, armed with antl-receaaion banners, is complaint and tbe defendants bad new enthusiasm for tbe old Job.” The Coast Of Greenland. being a f^U ve from New York there was no hope the men had One line broke after it bad been a delegation of “ little business” men. as they arrived in Washington In survived. waived their right to plead further This statement from a woman at- where he is wanted in connection shot across tbe river with a gun, answer to President RoooeveU’s invitation to come down and say their so that tbe question conld be a tendsnt at tjia school yaaterday ex- with District Attome;’ Thomas E. say on what’s to be done about jgivtng tha business pendulum an upswing. TIte bombers, acoutbig fo r a and another was walked across on theoretical enemy off the eoulMni > iip Immediate datennlaa- aasss tbs feelings of huMrsda . Moscow,- Feh. 5—(A P I —The I Deway’a war on gangstera. Ire iipriver. Guardsmett' inched ft Tbe former attorney for Arthur Callfomia oaeet,. coUlded, during a who fisvs attamM tk » ihrse sSs- siet Icebrealnr TEHtyr sailed from doamstream Mowly, foatteliiff e Quick action to return the super- slons to date. tw norrow la the (Dutch Schultz) Fleguheim er, and sudden aqualL within view a t bm» ., vision of highway construction to Murmansk today to rescue the four George Weinberg, former Schultz end to the top o f on 8D-foot aerial neuvering aetn ee ftdpo. final session o f this year's school. ladder to clear trees along the river Macdonald was indicated last night. The new Inspiration for a Job Russiin sdeaUsts of tbe “North henchman, were arrested yesterday The u -P -S fen la flames. bank. The attorney-general said he that perhaps has become dull and Pole Camp” drifting precariously on In a raid on the apartment of Davis' BUSINESS MEN’S PARLEY ll-P-4 emeshed to pieoes o« the Would instruct Macdonald, Hurley colorleas during the years has been a amall block o f loe In Arctic seas show girl friend. Hope Dare. Meanwhile, with GlbUn lying on choppy I and Swartz to “ make adjustments found by all those who have at- off Greenland. Weinberg likewise waa held in hla narrow rock, volunteers arrang- Naval oflicert eehore eald 0)e tended the courses. The spiritual Murmansk la nearly 1,(X)0 miles $300,(X)0 ball on a fugitive charge. ed to place a sound truck on near- bombers, flying near each othar, (Contlaoed on Page fwo) opening to the dally school, the from tbe position last reported by Tbe girl was released after $2,500 by Pawtucket Bridge, from which ENDS AMID DISORDERS might have been crushed together friendly spirit expreaud by Miss the campers, who said yesterday hail had been posted for her, aa a they hoped a Clkithodlc priest could by a sudden downdraft. They were ’ Edna Ferguson, tbe lecturer, the their refuge, a silk tent with an suspicious person. New York auth. pronounce the last rites of the cruising at about 140 mltea an hour, many hints and bits o f advice, the emergency radio mast for a tent oritles hod offered a reward for tbe church against the roai o f the fails.
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