i GTC’s Commitment to the Public The Genesee Transportation Council assures that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, disability, age, gender, or income status, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity. GTC further assures every effort will be made to ensure nondiscrimination in all of its programs and activities, whether those programs and activities are federally funded or not. En Español El Consejo Genesee del Transporte asegura completa implementación del Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, que prohibe la discriminación por motivo de raza, color de piel, origen nacional edad, género, discapacidad, o estado de ingresos, en la provisión de beneficios y servicios que sean resultado de programas y actividades que reciban asistencia financiera federal. Notice This report was prepared by Toole Design Group and SRF Associates in the course of performing work contracted for and sponsored by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and the Genesse Transportation Council (hereafter the "Sponsors"). The opinions expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect those of the Sponsors or the State of New York, and reference to any specific product, service, process, or method does not constitute an implied or expressed recommendation or endorsement of it. Further, the Sponsors, the State of New York, and the contractor make no warranties or representations, expressed or implied, as to the fitness for particular purpose or merchantability of any product, apparatus, or service, or the usefulness, completeness, or accuracy of any processes, methods, or other information contained, described, disclosed, or referred to in this report. The Sponsors, the State of New York, and the contractor make no representation that the use of any product, apparatus, process, method, or other information will not infringe privately owned rights and will assume no liability for any loss, injury, or damage resulting from, or occurring in connection with, the use of information contained, described, disclosed, or referred to in this report. NYSERDA makes every effort to provide accurate information about copyright owners and related matters in the reports we publish. Contractors are responsible for determining and satisfying copyright or other use restrictions regarding the content of the reports that they write, in compliance with NYSERDA’s policies and federal law. If you are the copyright owner and believe a NYSERDA report has not properly attributed your work to you or has used it without permission, please email [email protected]. ii 1. Report No. C-13-53 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. 4. Title and Subtitle - Rochester Area Bike Sharing Program Final Report 5. Report Date - January 2015 6. Performing Organization Code 7. Authors 8. Performing Organization Report No. Alison M. Cohen, Adrian Witte, Stephen Ferranti, Mauricio Hernandez, David Kruse 9. Performing Organization Name and 10. Work Unit No. Address 11. Contract or Grant No. Toole Design Group SRF Associates 8484 Georgia Avenue, Suite 800 3495 Winton Place, Bldg E, Suite 110 Silver Spring, MD 20901 Rochester, NY 14623 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered – Final Report NYS Department of Transportation 14. Sponsoring Agency Code 50 Wolf Road Albany, NY 12232 15. Supplementary Notes Project funded in part by with funds from the Federal Highway Administration. 16. The Genesee Transportation Council (GTC) commissioned this study to explore the feasibility of implementing a bike share system throughout Rochester and the surrounding area. The report recommends a multi-phase bike share system consisting of a four-phase, 100 station, 1000 bike system in Rochester proper, and a regional system that includes Villages of Brockport, East Rochester, Pittsford, and Fairport, the RIT Campus, activity centers in the Towns of Greece and Brighton, and the City of Canandaigua. The report identifies opportunities and challenges for a bike share program in the Rochester area, lays out a system map and identifies the revenues and expenses required to implement the program. 17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement Bike share, Rochester No Restrictions 19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of 22. Price Pages Unclassified Unclassified 143 Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Genesee Transportation Council (GTC) would like to thank the following organizations for their assistance in the completion of this report: • City of Rochester • University of Rochester Medical Center • Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency • R Community Bikes • University of Rochester • Reconnect Rochester • Rochester Institute of Technology • City of Canandaigua • Monroe Community College • MVP Health Care • State University of New York at Brockport • Wegmans • Rochester Downtown Development • Rochester Rhinos Corporation • Staybridge Suites • Buffalo Car Share • Visit Rochester • Cyclopedia • Town of Brighton • American Association of Retired Persons • New York State Department of • Rochester Area Community Foundation Transportation • Rochester Business Alliance • Rochester Cycling Alliance • Winn Development • Monroe County Department of • Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield Transportation • Monroe County Health Department Consultants: Toole Design Group, LLC SRF Associates iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................................................................................... iv List of Figures........................................................................................................................................................................................ viii List of Tables ........................................................................................................................................................................................viiii List of Acronyms ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ix EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................................... ES-1 PART I FEASIBILITY STUDY ............................................................................................................................................................. 1 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 2. What is Bike Share? ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4 3. Benefits of Bike Share ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8 4. System Goals and Objectives ....................................................................................................................................................... 19 5. Comparable Cities ......................................................................................................................................................................... 22 6. Existing Conditions and Community Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 32 7. Public and Stakeholder Engagement ........................................................................................................................................... 48 8. Bike Share Suitability Analysis .................................................................................................................................................... 56 9. Rochester Area Bike Share Feasibility Recommendation ......................................................................................................... 60 PART II - BUSINESS PLAN ................................................................................................................................................................ 61 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................... 63 2. System Size and Phasing ............................................................................................................................................................... 64 3. Business Model Evaluation ........................................................................................................................................................... 70 4. Financial Analysis ......................................................................................................................................................................... 76 5. Implementation Considerations ................................................................................................................................................... 87 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................................................................................
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