ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Herpetozoa Jahr/Year: 2018 Band/Volume: 30_3_4 Autor(en)/Author(s): Koppitz Christian Artikel/Article: Are Anguis graeca (BEDRIAGA, 1881) and Anguis cephallonica WerNer, 1894, sympatric in the lowlands of southern laconia? 223-225 All_Short_Notes:SHORT_NOTE.qxd 02.03.2018 17:34 Seite 21 SHOrT NOTe HerPeTOZOA 30 (3/4) Wien, 28. Februar 2018 SHOrT NOTe 223 OveNdeN 2002), the clasped Common Toad 1768), pp. 252-274. in: güNTHer , r. (ed.): die Amphi - male may have failed to get rid of the male bien und reptilien deutschlands. Jena, Stuttgart, lübeck, Ulm (g. Fischer). SimOvić , A. & A NderSON , Spadefoot Toad due to mutual inability to N. & A Nđel KOvić , m. & g vOZdeNOvić , S. & đ Orđe - correctly interpret (i) the meaning of the vić , S. (2014): Unusual amplexuses between anurans inguinal grasp by Pelobates (not inter - and caudates.- Herpeto logy Notes, leiden; 7: 25-29. pretable by Bufo ) and the toad’s potentially KeY WOrdS: Amphibia: Anura: Pelobatidae, uttered defensive vocalization (not inter - Bufonidae; Pelobates fuscus , Bufo bufo , breeding eco - pretable by Pelobates ). logy, behavior, mating, amplexus, mismatched pair SUBmiTTed: August 4, 2016 ACKNOWledgmeNTS: The authors are grateful to Tomáš Bukovský (Žďár nad Sázavou) for AUTHOrS: Zdeněk mAčáT (Corresponding providing the photographic record. This work was sup - author ˂ [email protected] ˃) ‒ department of ported by the Slovak research and development Agency ecology and environmental Sciences, Palacký Uni - under the contract no. APvv-15-0147. versity in Olomouc, Šlechtitelů 27, 78371, Olomouc, Czech republic; daniel JABlONSKi ‒ department of reFereNCeS: ArAK , A. (1983): male-male Zoology, Comenius University in Bratislava, mlynská competition and mate choice in anuran amphibians; pp. dolina, ilkovičova 6, 84215, Bratislava, Slovakia. 181-120. in: BATeSON , P. (ed.): mate choice. Cam - bridge (Cambridge University Press). ArNOld , e. N. & O veNdeN , d. (2002): A field guide to the reptiles and amphibians of Britain and europe . london (Collins), pp. 272. dürigeN , B. (1897): deutschlands Amphibien und reptilien. eine Beschreibung und Schilderung Are Anguis graeca (B edriAgA , sämmtlicher in deutschland und den an grenzenden gebieten vorkommenden lurche und Kriechthiere. 1881) and Anguis cephallonica magdeburg (Creutz’sche verlagsbuch handlung), pp. WerNer , 1894, sympatric in the viii, 676. HöBle , g. (2005): Rana palustris (Pickerel Frog) and Ambystoma maculatum (Spotted Salaman - lowlands of southern laconia? der). reproductive behaviour.- Herpetological review, Salt lake City; 36: 55-56. mArCO , A. & l iZANA , m. The Balkan Peninsula is an important (2002): The absence of species and sex recognition during mate search by male common toads, Bufo bufo .- center of biodiversity and endemism of the ethology, ecology and evolution, Firenze; 14: 1-8. european herpetofauna (S illerO et al. mOllOv , i. A. & P OP geOrgiev , g. S. & N AUmOv , B. Y. 2014). The knowledge of amphibians and & T ZANKOv , N. d. & S TOYANOv , A. Y. (2010): Cases of reptiles in the region has been increasing abnormal amplexus in anurans (Am phibia: Anura) from Bulgaria and greece.- Biharean Biologist, Ora - noticeably during the last decades ( SPeY- dea; 4: 121-125. NöllerT , A. & g üNTHer , r. (1996): BrOeCK et al. 2010) leading to taxonomic Knoblauch kröte - Pelobates fuscus fuscus (lAUreNTi , revisions and descriptions of new species Fig. 1: A specimen of Anguis resembling the phenotype of Anguis graeca (B edriAgA , 1881). record locality 36.70066° N, 22.49006° e, 45 m a.s.l., Karioupoli, southern Peloponnese Peninsula, greece. All_Short_Notes:SHORT_NOTE.qxd 02.03.2018 17:34 Seite 22 224 SHOrT NOTe HerPeTOZOA 30 (3/4) Wien, 28. Februar 2018 SHOrT NOTe (e.g., ArNTZeN et al. 2007; lJUBiSAvlJeviC ters from the sea. The anguid was found et al. 2007; lYmBerAKiS et al. 2008; gvO Ž - early in the morning of April 29, 2014, rest - díK et al . 2010). However, information ing on a stone wall at the edge of a dirt road about the biology, ecology and distribution between olive plantations and Quercus mac - of most of these species is still fragmen - rolepis woodlands. The region is character - tary. ized by a mix of broadleaved oak forest, Within the genus Anguis liNNAeUS , olive tree groves, citrus groves, gardens and 1758, two Balkan endemics, Anguis graeca scrublands; the near eridanus river pro - (B edriAgA , 1881), and Anguis cephallonica vides suitable habitats such as riverbeds and WerNer , 1894 , are known to occur on the humid pastures. during the following days, greek Peloponnese Peninsula ( gvO ŽdíK et two specimens of the A. cephallonica phe - al . 2010). So far, on the Peloponnese, notype were found within a hundred meter Anguis graeca (B edriAgA , 1881) [previous - distance to the finding location of the A. ly assigned to Anguis colchica (NOrdmANN , graeca phenotype specimen, providing evi - 1840) and Anguis fragilis liNNAeUS , 1758 ] dence for the coexistence of both forms in was only known to occur in the northern the area. part, while the Peloponnese / south ionian These findings substantiate the occur - island endemic, Anguis cephallonica Wer- rence of the A. graeca phenotype 100 kilo - Ner , 1894, seemed to be widely distributed meters south of the supposed A. graeca - A. over the whole peninsula ( grilliTSCH & cephallonica contact zone. moreover, it CABelA 1990 ). Sympatric occurrence with - shows that both forms occur in sympatry in of a narrow contact zone of both species among lowland conditions of the southern was reported from the northern highlands of Peloponnese. the Peloponnese (e.g., mAYer et al. 1990, These findings and the results of 1991). THANOU et al. (2014) confirm the need of a in the last years, additional records of revision of the actual knowledge about the A. graeca from central parts of the Pelopon - co-occurrence of A. graeca and A. cephal - nese were published ( vAlAKOS et al. 2008; lonica within the Peloponnese Peninsula. SillerO et al. 2014). These new records Further studies should combine molecular suggest that the range overlap on the Pelo - results with external morphology, ecology, ponnese is much wider than previously distribution and the degree of sympatry thought. THANOU et al. (2014) pointed to among both Anguis forms. the problem that the distinguishing features ACKNOWledgmeNTS: The author is grate - of the two Peloponnesian slow worm spe - ful to dionysios Zaharatos and Sonja Peters for their hospitality, the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences cies as described by CABelA & g rilliTSCH and the Hellriegel institute e.v. for their financial sup - (1990) should be handled carefully due to port. Thanks also go to erik Kubitz and lisa Hoyer for phenotypical overlap . support of the field work, to Benny Trapp, evanthia Bearing in mind these problems, the Thanou, Johannes Honold and Klaus richter for the general discussion, to Peter Watson for correction of present note reports the record of a specimen the manuscript and last but not least to Fineas Zaha - from the lowlands of the Kato mani Pro - ratos who first spotted the specimen. montory, southern laconia, which meets all reFereNCeS: ArNTZeN , J. W. & T HemUdO , currently known morphological features of e. & W ielSTrA , B . (2007): The phylogeny of crested A. graeca as described in CABelA & g ril- newts ( Triturus cristatus superspecies): nucleargenetic liTSCH (1990). The specimen had a thick characters suggest a hard polytomy, in line with the paleogeography of the centre of origin.- Contributions body, snout-vent-length was 20 cm, total to Zoology, Amsterdam; 76 (4): 261-278. grilliTSCH length 26 cm. There was no lateral undulat - & C ABelA (1990): Zum systematischen Status der ed neck band or black belly present. The Blindschleichen (Squamata: Anguidae) der Peloponnes number of longitudinal scale rows at mid - und der südlichen ionischen inseln (griechenland).- Herpetozoa, Wien; 2 (3/4): 131-153. gvO ŽdíK , v. & body was 25, i.e., below 28 and the massive JANdZiKeT , d. & l YmBerAKiS , P. & J ABlONSKi , d. & head was slightly set off from the neck (Fig. mOrAveC , J. (2010): Slow worm, Anguis fragilis (rep - 1). tilia: Anguidae) as a species complex: genetic structure The site (36.70066° N, 22.49006° e, reveals deep divergences.- molecular Phylogenetics and evolution, San diego; 55: 460-472. lJUBiSAvl- 45 m a.s.l.) is located in the surroundings of JeviC , K. & A rriBAS , O. & d ŽUKić , g. & C ArrANZA , S. the village Karioupoli, about three kilome - (2007): genetic and morphological differentiation of All_Short_Notes:SHORT_NOTE.qxd 02.03.2018 17:34 Seite 23 SHOrT NOTe HerPeTOZOA 30 (3/4) Wien, 28. Februar 2018 SHOrT NOTe 225 mosor rock lizards, Dinarolacerta mosorensis (KOlOm- BATOvić , 1886), with the description of a new species from the Prokletije mountain massif (montenegro) (Squamata: lacertidae).- Zootaxa, Auckland; 1613: 1- 22. lYmBerAKiS , P. & P OUlAKAKiS , N. & K AliONT- ZOPOUlOU , A. & v AlAKOS , e. & m YlONAS , m. (2008): Two new species of Podarcis (Squamata; lacertidae) from greece.- Systematics and Biodiversity, Abingdon; 6 (3): 307-318. mAYer , W. & r iCHTer , K. & K Ammel , W. (1990): Kartierung der Herpetofauna des Beckens von Feneos (griechenland: Nord-Peloponnes).- Her - petozoa, Wien; 2 (3/4): 87-106. mAYer , W. & g ril- liTSCH , H. & C ABelA , A. (1991): Proteinelektrophore - tische Untersuchungen zur Systematik der südgriechi - schen Blindschleichen (Squamata: Anguidae: Anguis ).- Herpetozoa, Wien; 4 (3/4): 157-165. SillerO , N. & CAmPOS , J. & B ONArdi , A. & C OrTi , C. & C reemerS , r. & C rOCHeT , P. A. & i SAilOviC , J. C. & deNOël , m. & FiCeTOlA , g. F. & g ONçAlveS , J. & K UZmiN , S. & l Ym- BerAKiS , P. & de POUS , P. & r OdrigUeZ , A. & S iNdACO , r. & S PeYBrOeCK , J. & T OxOPeUS , B. & v ieiTeS , d. & veNCeS , m. (2014): Updated distribution and biogeog - raphy of amphibians and reptiles of europe.- Amphibia- reptilia, leiden; 35: 1-31. SPeYBrOeCK , J. & B eUKe- mA , W. & C rOCHeT , P. A. (2010): A tentative species list of the european herpetofauna (Amphibia and reptilia).- Zootaxa, Auckland; 2492: 1-27.
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