FOUNDED IN 1939 M OCR AT THE PAPER THAT SHOWS THE WAY FORWARD No. 356 FEBRUARY 1974 7p Allow hunger WE ARE STILL SEVENPENCE HE "Irish Democrat" would have T been raised in price this month but for the three-day week. Some A.U.E. W; honours of our readers are on thrHr days, others on five, thanks to the policy of the worst government thtc coun- Co. Down man try has ever ha& Though it is true FOUNDATION member of the that S copper is net much, copper* r Connolly Association ft. C. mount up, and we thought we would Fairley (Bob Fairley to you) to hold, off the increase on the three- has been awarded the "Award day men, and hope Mat the five- a* Merit" of the Amalgamated day men would voluntarily make up the dtflerenoe, Union of Engineering Workers, and is to receive a presentation Tha 'a^tlNincoiat" is under- Force feeding anxiety growspriced in tfN M days of inflation. from his branch (Stoke Newing- Wt know that because we are sub- ten> at a gathering at the White stantially cheaper than papers Hart, High Street, opposite which we have been runningltvet Road, at 7.30 p.m. on wMh in prfce for years. ftttMy it ebrtiary 1st. The m«st» ought to ba lm pence. Wo Would «n to friends of like our readers to think over who is a Count) # HC detention of two hunger-striking girl prisoners in o men's prison whether we ought to raise it to tan Melon* pence in stages, or bring lit right up with a bang with a vie* to oim * where they ore being subjected fo torture of forcible feeding is holding It there as long ae pontile. tly retired from the rapidly becoming o public scandal. We understand' there is sod* to of his ftnutdi oners were still interned, for be an. enormous rise w tha n lea in had held for nearly Not only those, but all other prisoner* ^result of newsprint* sa tbat a smatt rise related to the troubles in the six how long, and when they were fi going to be releas^. Bfe had might haw «»Jba leHowed- by an- I to serve their sentences in WtSaiuB antic ''MM; protest vhfr .01 Northern Ireland had ~ Our imt atfa * ruh- aft! I Trades Council has Why make an exception for greased tube was inserted every them? morning at 10 a.m., ttnd pushed .transferred to Britain tb conPj pence sp long is due to help we sent the following resolution to plete their sentences and how' have receive* the ^rhm Minister and Home right down into their stomachs, Because to be situated so far many had gone the otter way: In the nuailfliM car very best Secretary: front hoifte places an extra bur- as they writhed, vomited and choked. He believed that 20 had been, thanks to: f. Qrtene 25p, D. Kel- ''We,the Ealing Trades Council, den on them which does not leher £1.S0, John and Leona Rob- pretMt against the harassment and transferred to Britain, but' affect most other prisoners. VILE MASH wanted to know definitely. He < inson £2, T. t. Cuddy top, Douglas intimidation of N.I.C.R.A., a non- Their relations and friends have Eden sop, Albert Rice £1, Richard violent organisation, and demand When the vile mash which thought the system was one of several hundreds of mites to one-way transfer. Bannister £1, Mrs Evelyn RatcWIe that their request to be left free to travel in order fo visit them; was forced down this tube £i, F.H.O. (Nuneaton) £V Dublin earry «f| their peaceful activities be reached the stomach, the girls thus they are either deprived of He had further requested the Joe (N.W.10) £1, A. Formal! £1, acceded to." vomited. If they brought it up, Home Secretary to describe . J. Kilderry £f, C. Maguira D. A Resolution on the same subject their full quota of visits or they it was forced down again. and B. MaHooh £1, D. O'Brien j'i, was also passed by the Ealing are struck at through their rela- exactly the procedure of forc- M. Brennan *V MNo "f. tCr Mc- tives' pockets. Mr A. W. Stallard told one of ible feeding, and wanted to •rane* «f the A.U.E.W. the lobbiers that he was trying Carthy 75p, Tim Sheeha* Mp, This is what the hunger strike know how many prisoners were Birmingham Readers sop, Central to get into Brixton to make a on hunger strike and for how London Readew £4, East London has been fundamentally about full investigation but was not and .it is excellent that thanks to long, and how many had been Readers £«4V South Londoh Head- Salop three finding it easy. He understood subjected to forcible feeding. ers £tM, West London Reader* the publicity given by the the relatives were finding it £7.39. Total BMM. demonstration "Guardian" and "Morning Star" very hard to get to see the two He has written separately with newspapers and Miss Kaye's boys who were also on hunger a request to be allowed to visij. OROMINENT among the many them. , • * sites and jobs represented at appearance on the B.B.C.'s strike. MEMORIAL FUND the Shrewsbury Three Demonstra- "World at One", members of Mr Stallard told the "Irish Arising further out of the The following further jffjllini tion in London on January 15th, of the British public are begin- Democrat" that he had put lobby one of the group of M.P.* have been nUlntf In npiwf •• was Sindall's St Bernard's site in ning to realise the facts. down a series of questions on friendly to Ireland has put down Pat Devine: A. r. m. Tattam £4, Soutball. Leading shop steward the present Irish situation. He a question on the subject of the A.U.E.W. (Engineering Section) £2, Pat Quinn and others attending the M.P.S CAMPAIGN wanted to know how many pris- raid on N.I.C.R.A. M. Keane £1. , Demonstration and Lobby had 100 During its lobby for "Hands r cent backing from all those off NICRA," the Connolly Asso- with them on the gigantic new hospital, for this action in de- ciation made the condition of fence of the workers' right to the prisoners one of the related A issues. Mr A. W. Stallard gave • ... •'. • f pMlit, which the Shrewsbury yOU should have seen Brian her own name or address. jtidgnlant so'gravely undermined. the lobbiers almost two hours of And the boohs will be tent ? : his time and explained the cam- Crowley in the "Democrat" So that was why Brian was if six people ail claim them paign he was waging to get the Bookshop, pursing his eyes as busy scrutinising the envelope. we'll have to choose the most Oil girls back home. he tried to read something that it could be a woman's hand, yet likely and hope fee the beet I < wasn't written. For a letter had on the other hand it Cfuld be And if nobody writes in, then He and other Labour M.P.s ex- come in ordering three books a man's. Anyway, that writing Union Lolor plained quite clearly that they somebody in Batharii has become and enclosing a payment of £3. is important. Will the person an unwitting, philantropiet TN the first part of his lecture on did not think anybody would be The order was made by ticking who ordered the books please James Fintan Lalor, put on by justified in committing the car a coupon from the "Irish Demo- send us another letter in the the West London Connolly Associa- bomb offence the prisoners were crat", two books on Connolly same handwriting ? tion, Eamonn MacLaughlln showed convicted of. and one on the l.R.A. The similarity of the hand- an incomparable ability to recreate But they regarded the thing in •m the atmosphere of famine, rural But woe and _ alack I The writing will be our guarantee the light of humanity and com- sender had not enclosed his or that the claimant is genuine. x\r HENEVEE * letter bomb or unrest and Monster Repeal Meet- ¥ r ings, and hold his audience en- monsense. The ice - cold flinty c«Wr- if twin #wtee-imt e% inflexibility that was being the mw media meoUon the Mkl thralled. Why? This to slander by Meed%-,. The second part of his lecture shown was typical of the Heath WEST LONDON CONNOLLY ASSN. lion. ' Will be given on Thursday, 14th Government. It was necessary Why aet •Urtim February at Hanwell Library, W.7. to bring a ray of generosity to THURSDAYS, FEBRUARY 14 & 2t admlt they act Illegally. They admit »t 8 p.m. when he will examine bear on the Irish question. they are. trying to tfabvert Eamonn MacLoughlin Pot O'Donohoe union* and inJnre Irtah R< Lalor's place in the Irish struggle Second, the girls might die. lam. Mightn't a few bemto aMriked J or freedom and the special value The process of forcible feeding to the IrietkM^^MPpi^Se at ior today of his life and ideas. was excruciating. The girls' FINTAN LALOR WOLFE TONE Instead m., F9i Mr MacLaughlin's talents leave mouths were forced open and a o ii i !• unwii appFhf toJjjjif'm i us in no doubt that this second lec- wedge of wood was inserted be- qniry (pnMic i ture will match the first in clarity acttvttle* or zzz •t tween their jaws.
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