Intelligence Digest | Middle East 4-10 November 2012 Afghanistan Victims and relatives to testify in trial of US soldier accused of killing 16 Afghan civilians New York Times, 9 November: T o victims and four victims' relatives ill testify Friday from Afghanistan, via videoconference and through a translator, in an overnight session of the pre-trial hearing for Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, ho allegedly murdered 16 Afghan civilians in t o villages in March. nydailyne s.com/ne s/ orld/victims-testify-afghan-massacre-case-article- 1.11,,3.0 Afghan-Pakistan meeting to discuss resuming negotiations with the Afghan aliban Express Tribune, 9 November: Afghan and Pa0istani officials ill hold tal0s in 1slamabad ne2t ee0 on restarting negotiations ith the Afghan Taliban, mar0ing Salahuddin Rabbani's first visit to Pa0istan since the 0illing of his father and predecessor as head of Afghanistan's 3igh Peace Council, Burhanuddin Rabbani. tribune.com.p0/story/463060/pa0istan-afghanistan-to-revive-tal0s- ith- taliban/ Afghanistan bomb attacks "kill 20" BBC, 8 November: At least 20 people, including 12 civilians, have been 0illed in four separate militant attac0s in Afghanistan, officials say. 5omen and children ere among 10 0illed hen a minibus hit a roadside bomb in southern 3elmand province. Other bombings 0illed five Afghan soldiers in 6aghman in the east, three police in 7andahar and t o boys in 8abul province. bbc.co.u0/ne s/ orld-asia-20248632 Afghanistan welcomes UN designation of Haqqani Network as terrorists and rules out negotiations Reuters, 6 November: Afghanistan's presidential spo0esman elcomed the :nited Nations' designation of the 3aqqani Net or0 as a terrorist organization on Tuesday, and said the government ould not negotiate ith the group. reuters.com/article/2012/11/06/us-afghanistan-haqqanis- id:SBRE8A.0R620121106 Open Briefing | 1 Attacker of schoolgirl Malala )ousafzai believed hiding in E Afghanistan Washin ton Post, 6 November: :.S. officials say that Mullah Fazlullah, the Taliban leader ho ordered the attac0 last month on 14-year-old activist Malala Yousafzai, is hiding in eastern Afghanistan no , but is not being trac0ed by :.S. forces there because "he is vie ed as an ?other-side-of-the-border' problem" ashingtonpost.com/ orld/national-security/pa0istani-militants-hiding-in- afghanistan/2012/11/06/60,cca82-2782-11e2-b4f2-8320a,f0086,_story.html Afghanistan welcomes UN designation of Haqqani Network as terrorists and rules out negotiations Reuters, 6 November: Afghanistan's presidential spo0esman elcomed the :nited Nations' designation of the 3aqqani Net or0 as a terrorist organization on Tuesday, and said the government ould not negotiate ith the group, hich is blamed for several high-profile attac0s in Afghanistan reuters.com/article/2012/11/06/us-afghanistan-haqqanis-id:SBRE8A.0R620121106 1ran Ahmadine,ad -ants Direct alks with US on Iran Nuclear Issue Turkish Weekly, 9 November: 1ranian President Mahmoud AhmadineBad said problems related to his countryCs nuclear program must be discussed directly ith the :nited States, 1RNA ne s agency reported. tur0ish ee0ly.net/ne s/144630/ahmadineBad- ants-direct-tal0s- ith-us-on-iran-nuclear-issue.html UN confirms December talks with Iran World Bulletin, 9 November: The :.N. nuclear agency said on Friday it ould hold a ne round of atomic tal0s ith 1ran in Tehran on December 13, confirming an earlier Reuters report. orldbulletin.net/inde2.phpEaTypeFhaberGArticle1DF,833. Iran warns against airs.ace breach after US drone incident World Bulletin, 9 November: 1ran said it ould deal decisively ith any foreign encroachment into its airspace, an apparent arning to the :nited States after one of its surveillance drones as allegedly targeted by 1ranian arplanes last ee0. orldbulletin.net/inde2.phpEaTypeFhaberGArticle1DF,8327 Inflation continues to rise in Iran Critical Threats, 8 November: According to the Central Ban0, inflation reached an average of 24.,H during the past t elve months. 1n the last month, inflation reached 32H irantrac0er.org/iran-ne s-round-november-8-2012 U.S. targets Iranian human rights violators CNN, 8 November: The :nited States sanctioned 17 1ranian individuals and entities for their alleged roles in the 1ranian government's human rights abuses and support of terrorism, the Treasury and State departments announced Thursday. security.blogs.cnn.com/2012/11/08/u-s-targets-iranian-human-rights-violators/ Iranian MPs draft 0ill to reduce oil e1.orts by u. to a third Reuters, 7 November: 1ranian parliamentarians have prepared a draft la to reduce the country's crude e2ports by up to a third this year in retaliation for estern sanctions against 1ran's oil sector, the semi- official Fars ne s agency said on 5ednesday. u0.reuters.com/article/2012/11/07/u0-iran-e2ports-la -id:7BRE8A61MO20121107 Open Briefing | 2 Iran says will take .art in nuclear-free Middle East conference Reuters, 6 November: 1ran said on Tuesday it ould ta0e part in a proposed international conference in December on creating a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East. reuters.com/article/2012/11/06/us-iran-nuclear-meeting-id:SBRE8A.0T:20121106 Iran sets u. new base near dis.uted islands US News, 4 November: 1ran's po erful Revolutionary Iuards inaugurated a ne naval base on Sunday to reinforce Tehran's authority over three Persian Iulf islands also claimed by the neighboring :nited Arab Emirates, 1ranian state TV reported. usne s.com/ne s/ orld/articles/2012/11/04/report-iran-sets-up-base-near-disputed-islands 1raq Iraq cancels 34.2bn Russian arms deal over "corru.tion" BBC, 10 November: 1raq has cancelled a $4.2bn LM2.6bnN deal to buy arms from Russia because of concerns about "corruption", an 1raqi government advisor has said. bbc.co.u0/ne s/ orld-middle-east-20278774 Iraq needs u. to 31trillion to rebuild ,,P, 9 November: 1raq needs up to $:S1 trillion L$A,64.18 billionN over the ne2t 10 years to rebuild its crumbling infrastructure and battered economy, its investment chief says. finance.ninemsn.com.au/ne sbusiness/aap/8.61647/iraq-needs-us1-trillion-to-rebuild Seven killed in Iraq attacks PakTribune, 9 November: A series of bombings and gun attac0s 0illed seven people in 1raq on Thursday, including four ho died in a car bombing in a predominantly Shia city south of Baghdad, officials said. pa0tribune.com/ne s/Seven-0illed-in-1raq-attac0s-2.4802.html urkish air strikes kill 12 6urdish militants Reuters, 9 November: Tur0ish air force Bets and attac0 helicopters pounded 7urdish militants along the border ith 1raq on Thursday, 0illing 13, the local governor's office and security sources said on Friday. u0.reuters.com/article/2012/11/0,/u0-tur0ey-0urds-id:7BRE8A803I2012110, Iraq car bomb kills 27 army recruits ,-P, 6 November: At least 2. people ere 0illed on Tuesday by a car bomb that as placed outside an 1raqi army base as ne recruits ere massed at the entrance gate, in the country's deadliest single attac0 for more than three months. google.com/hostedne s/afp/article/A6eqM.h3,EbIOgiBt2:NfO6ehbIOq7V4nOEdoc1dFCNI.ef,8f8ad60 38bc04d2a26,6b8b2c7df3.161 1srael Palestinian boy "killed by Israeli gunfire" BBC, 9 November: A Palestinian boy has been 0illed by 1sraeli gunfire in the Iaza Strip, during clashes bet een 1sraeli forces and militants, Palestinian medics say. bbc.co.u0/ne s/ orld-middle-east-202.8.41 Open Briefing | 2 Israel says it follows U.S. lead on Iran CNN, 8 November: 1srael is signaling a maBor change in tone to ard :.S. President Barac0 Obama no that he has on reelection. 1n an intervie ith CNNCs Christiane Amanpour on Thursday, 1srael's Deputy Foreign Minister, Danny Ayalon, gave hat could only be described as a ringing endorsement of the Obama administrationCs handling of 1ranCs nuclear program. amanpour.blogs.cnn.com/2012/11/08/mending-fences- ith-obama-israel-says-it-follo s-u-s-lead-on-iran/ Israel advances .lans for 1,212 new -est 0ank settlement homes Reuters, 6 November: 1srael has announced plans to press ahead ith construction of 1,213 homes on anne2ed 5est Ban0 land, defying international opposition to its settlement policies. reuters.com/article/2012/11/06/us-palestinians-israel-settlements-id:SBRE8A.0AM20121106 Israel arrests wife of Islamic 9ihad leader Gulf News, 0 November: 1sraeli forces have detained the ife of an 1slamic Pihad leader ho is being held in administrative detention, 1sraeli and Palestinian sources said on Monday. Palestinian security sources in the northern city of Penin said Na al SaCadi, .2, as arrested at her home in the cityCs refugee camp in the early hours of Monday morning. gulfne s.com/ne s/region/palestinian-territories/israel-arrests- ife-of-islamic-Bihad-leader-1.10,8.70 :aza shi. to break Israeli siege from within World Bulletin, 4 November: Palestinian and foreign activists are ma0ing preparations for a ship named "Iaza Ara0" ith hich they plan to brea0 the embargo on Iaza from ithin by raising anchor in May 2013. orldbulletin.net/EaTypeFhaberGArticle1DF,807. Pordan UN food relief agency chief stresses need to strengthen aid to Syrian refugees UN News Service, 9 November: During a visit to Pordan, the head of the :nited Nations food relief agency, the 5FP, today said the orld body and its partners are intensifying their efforts to assist Syrian refugees ho continue to gro in numbers due to the violence in the Middle Eastern country. un.org/apps/ne s/story.aspENe sIDF4344,GCrFSyriaGCr1FQ.:P1F74bnPR 9ordan king asks Obama to work on Mideast .eace 1ordan Times, 8 November: Pordan's 7ing Abdullah 11 on Thursday congratulated Barac0 Obama on his re- election, telling him the Middle East's future "hinges on" resolving the Palestinian-1sraeli conflict.
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