The 1 9 6 0 Socialist Vote See Page 4 th e MILITANT PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE Vol. XXIV — No. 47 NEW YORK. N. Y., MONDAY, DECEMBER 26. 1960 P ric e 10c Auto Group Calls “Algeria Is Algerian!" Steel Production For "30-for-40" Plunges to Lowest Urges Nationwide Conference Of AFL-CIO in Fight for Jobs Since the Thirties DETROIT, Dec. 19 — The immediate calling of a national conference of all AFL-CIO unions to fight for Corporations Decide to Stop the 30-hour week at 40-hours pay, and to formulate a united legislative program for Bares Truth Announcing Rate of Capacity the new Congress, was proposed Socialist Slate here last week by the National About Crisis By Tom Kerry Committee for Democratic Ac­ Dec. 22 — It is estimated that the rate of steel produc­ tion in the United Automobile Wins Gains in Workers union, . In Caribbean tion next week w ill be at 40 per cent of capacity or lower. The proposal was made in the Remember how Eisenhower Next week’s rate, says the Dec. 20, New York Times, “may form of a letter by NCFDA be the lowest for a nonstrike period since the depression Toronto Race Chairman Eugene Hoffman to ordered the U.S. fleet into the Walter Reuther and the UAW Caribbean in November to “pro­ days of the Nineteen Thirties.” The Toronto municipal elec­ international executive board, tect” the dictators in Nicaragua The hoped for rise in steel demand by the auto industry tion Dec. 5 was the most fruitful which was holding a meeting in and Guatemala from being over­ one for socialists in a decade. Detroit. The letter also out­ failed to materialize. With car- The Socialist Educational League lined a program of action to thrown by “Communist” forces inventory now over the one-mil­ contested for mayor and con­ mobilize the UAW membership from abroad? Here is how Rich­ lion mark auto producers are Laos Dictator troller while the Young Socialist in preparation for contract ne­ ard Dudman, in the Nov. 27 St. welcoming the holiday shut­ Alliance ran an effective ward down. gotiations in 1961. Louis Post-Dispatch, describes campaign for the Board of Edu­ The slump in steel and auto, * The NCFDA has been active the true facts about what hap­ Fits State Dept. cation. While they were hit by all year popularizing the need those sensitive barometers of the a news blackout in the daily for the 30-hour week, which pened in the two Central Amer­ health of the economy, is re­ press they got on radio and TV has been gaining support from ican countries: flected in the rise of unemploy­ For the first time in the six-year struggle for independence from imperialist France, the Specifications for the first time and aroused an UAW locals as unemployment ment and part-time employ­ masses in Algiers poured out of the Casbah in a mighty demonstration that brought new power “In Nicaragua, the outbreak of “The forces of pro-American encouraging amount of interest has grown. Its letter was ment. Unemployment is now to the rebel side. In the face of machinegun lire from the French army, young Algerians con­ Nov. 11 was made by a group counter- revolutionary Gen. and support for their campaign. sharply critical of the Reuther nearing the five-million mark. tinued to wave flags of the National Liberation Front and to shout "Independence!" "Down of about 1 0 sons of wealthy Phoumi Nosavan were in control Ross Dowson, SEL candidate leadership because “no action The number of workers on short leaders of the Conservative op­ of Ventiane after two days of for mayor, polled 1,656 votes in other than lip service has been with the Ultras!" and "Long Live the FLN!" Still wearing their traditional veils, women were weeks is estimated at close to a contest heavily stacked against in the forefront of the demonstration with a "You-you-you" cry that struck terror among the position. They had taken part fighting which set buildings i n taken by the UAW executive in an abortive uprising a few two million. And the curve in him . board. Certainly your share- French "ultras" who oppose independence. both categories is upward. the administrative capital months before and were said to ablaze. General Phoumi is Alan Harris, SEL nominee for the-profits plan is not a full be sm arting from taunts that Deputy Premier in a regime now controller, won 14,674 votes. employment plan. A share-the- Heads in Sand John Darling, YSA candidate they had failed to fire a shot. recognized by the United States work plan is the only practical The steel barons have a rather for board of education, received Criminal Action “The group, armed with sub­ as the legitimate government of road to full employment.” Teachers Pay Cut Off unique solution for the problem 6,043 votes, 21 per cent of the machine guns, took over Guar- Laos.” of growing unemployment in the total cast in the ward. Convention Instructions dia Nacional headquarters at That in a nutshell was the sit­ industry. They propose to dis­ Dowson had to buck opposi­ Urged Against Jinotepe and Diriamba, 25 miles uation in Laos Dec. 17, as re­ It also noted that the last By Louisiana Racists continue, after Jan. 1, the publi­ tion from the officials of the south of Managua, and am­ ported in brutally frank terms UAW convention, held in 1959, cation of figures showing the Toronto and District Labor bushed government reinforce­ by Ronald Stead, Southeast Asia specifically instructed the lead­ As the New Orleans crisis of corted her daughter through the Tenn. Racists rate of operation in the steel in­ Council. While these officials ments arriving from Managua, Correspondent of the Christian ership to prepare and publicize token school integration en­ mob of egg-hurling .hoodlums. With many Negro families al­ dustry. This is on the theory had declared they we re not for tered its sixth week Dec. 19, the k illin g 1 1 guardsmen and Science Monitor. a program for the shorter work Mr. Gabrielle was fired from his ready living in roadside tents, that what the people don’t see the Tory or Liberal candidates, wounding nine others. week. B ut: racist-controlled Louisiana state job as a gas-meter reader for the federal government has they can’t know — and what The ousted government, they said they did not feel that legislature cut off the salaries refusing to retreat from his pro­ "No action has been taken, filed suit in two Tennessee “A gang of perhaps 200 mem­ they don’t know can’t hurt which is backed by the work­ D owson’s clear-cut working- of all the city’s teachers. The integration stand. The police or educational effort made, to counties to block the slated bers of a pro-Castro youth, them! It’s more com m only ers and peasants, was fighting class program represented “the move aimed at forcing the clos­ failed to provide them adequate comply w ith these instruc­ Jan. 1 eviction of 700 Negro group, knowing something was known as the “ostrich policy.” a defensive action in which aspirations of this council.” ing of the two previously all- protection. the outcome still remains un­ tions of the convention. Ac­ tenant farmers who dared to brewing, helped out by seizing Some time ago the United The Toronto press made spe­ white schools now being at­ So they finally packed up and certain. tually the question of the register at the polls. Hundreds briefly the central telephone and Steelworkers union published cial note of the fact that both tended by four Negro children. along with their six children re­ . shorter work week has been of, Negro farm ers w ho own telegraph office and a radio sta- figures showing that the indus­ In Washington there was Harris and Darling out polled A possible way out for the New turned to their former home in ’ avoided, even when Presi­ their own land and a number , tion in Jinotepe. By the next try can operate at 40 percent ca­ jubilation over “the breather ” Communist party candidates. Orleans school board came North Providence, R.I. dent-elect Kennedy reaffirmed of Negro businessmen are also morning the government had re­ pacity and still make a profit. for it was not necessary to write The CP did not run for mayor. when an heiress offered a half Mr. Gabrielle told news­ his opposition to a shorter being starved out by an or­ gained control. Technological advances in the off the $300,000,000 of A m erican million dollars to help meet the men, "We want people to work week at the Steelwork­ ganized racist boycott. The Ne­ “The closest thing to evidence process of steelmaking have tax-payers’ money that has been payroll. know how the minority has ers convention during the re­ groes involved say the civil of Castro’s participation were a sharply increased productivity. poured into Laos to shore up Meanwhile, eight white chil­ poisoned people's minds. It's cent campaign." suits are not enough to stop the few red and black flags and Today more than half the force the counter-revolution. Memorial Held dren continued to attend the the ignorance of the minor­ racists, who should be hit with Asking the UAW leadership banners found afterward in the is partially employed or totally Frantz school with the lone Ne­ ity that caused it all." federal criminal actions.
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