Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research University of Oran Faculty of Letters, Languages and Arts Department of Anglo-Saxon Languages English Section Magister Thesis In African Civilisation Islam and Christianity in Uganda (1840’s – 1900’s) Presented by: Supervised by: TEGUIA Cherif Pr. LAHOUEL B. Members of the Jury: - Dr. B. Belmekki – President - Dr. A. Bahous – Examiner - Dr. L. Moulfi – Examiner Academic Year 2010/2011 On this special day, I wish you were here with us sharing this important moment of my life. On this special day, I wish you were here with us to thank you for encouraging me. On this special day, I wish you were here with us so that my mother’s happiness would be complete. On this special day I wish you were here with us to show you that all the sacrifices you made for us; your nephews and nieces, paid off. Unfortunately, this can never happen. Your sudden departure left us with a deep void impossible to fill. Since that horrible day, life became tasteless. You were more than an uncle, you were like a father to us and now you are gone forever. Dear uncle, On this special day I raise my hands to God and hope He would grant you His mercy and give us the courage to carry on life without you by our sides. To God we belong and to Him we return. i First of all, I would like to dedicate this work to my family for their warm support. To my beloved parents who have always been there for me with their love and encouragement. To my sister who has always given me unequivocal support, and to my brothers who have always encouraged me. I also dedicate this work to my aunt and her husband who have the cutest kids one can have; the greedy Younes, the cunning Ayoub and Raouda the little princess. To my friends Ziri Saïd (Réda), Touta Rezzoug Houari and Osamnia Adbelkrim. To Djellabet Mohammed, Beloud Yacine, Mesbah Dahou and Naib Amina. To Bousboua Mohammed and Fillali Aboubaker, may God grant them his mercy. To all my students. A special dedication to Serir Hadj Mohammed who has been of great help and who I am deeply indebted to. And Finally, I would like to dedicate this work to a special person who has been of great help too, and who always brings happiness wherever she goes. Madjid Fadéla, I dedicate this work to you. ii ISLAM AND CHRISTIANITY IN UGANDA (1840s – 1900s) CONTENTS In Memory Dedication Acknowledgements List of maps List of Acronyms INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. 1 CHAPTER ONE: Road to Uganda (1844 - 1879).............................................................. 5 1) An Overview of 19th century East Africa................................................................. 6 2) Arabs’ venture and settlement in Uganda................................................................ 9 3) Explorers and the search for the Nile source............................................................ 14 4) Christian Missionaries.............................................................................................. 26 a- The Christian Missionary Society...................................................................... 26 b- The White Fathers.............................................................................................. 30 CHAPTER TWO: Religion and Politics (1879 – 1880s)................................................... 35 1) Traditional Religion.................................................................................................. 36 2) Pre-colonial Political System.................................................................................... 38 3) Indigenous Education............................................................................................... 42 4) Muslim and Christian Interference........................................................................... 47 a- The Muslims........................................................................................................ 48 b- The Christians..................................................................................................... 52 5) Trouble at the Court.................................................................................................. 56 6) Politico-religious Groupings..................................................................................... 59 7) Threat to the Kabaka’s Power.................................................................................. 61 a- The Muslim Martyrdom (1874-1876)................................................................. 62 b- Mutesa and The White Fathers........................................................................... 64 c- The Christian martyrdom (1885-1887)............................................................... 65 CHAPTER THREE: The Beginning of the End (1790s – 1900s)...................................... 72 1) Muslim-Christian Coup-d’état.................................................................................. 73 2) Catholic / Protestant Alliance.................................................................................... 75 3) The Anglo-German Rivalry in East Africa............................................................... 79 4) Captain Lugard in Uganda........................................................................................ 85 5) Muslim Rebellion and the British Protectorate......................................................... 96 6) Colonial Rule and Missionaries................................................................................. 102 a- The Mill Hill Fathers........................................................................................... 103 b- The Muslim Rebellion, 1897............................................................................... 108 7) The Uganda Agreement............................................................................................ 114 CONCLUSION................................................................................................................... 118 APPENDICES.................................................................................................................... 120 BIBLIGRAPHY................................................................................................................. 140 GLOSSARY........................................................................................................................ 146 It would not have been possible to write this thesis without the help and support of the kind people around me, to only some of whom it is possible to give particular mention here. Above all, I am heartily thankful to my supervisor, Professor B. Lahouel, whose encouragement, guidance and support from the initial to the final level enabled me to develop an understanding of the subject. Her advice and valuable information have been of great help and for that I am deeply grateful to her. My deepest gratitude is sent to Dr. R. Yacine for giving us the chance to pursue academic studies. And I am most grateful Dr. Moulfi as well as Dr. Mostefa and Dr. Chami for their help and support. I am also deeply grateful to Father Pierre Federlay from the White Fathers’ Church in Paris for giving me the opportunity to consult their library, and for clarifying some elements from the history of the White Fathers in Uganda. Last, but by no means least, I would like thank the members of the jury who had devoted time examining the present work. I LIST OF MAPS - Map 1: Buganda and Bunyoro...................................................... 8 - Map 2: Trade circuits of the Great Lakes region.......................... 10 - Map 3: Quest for the Nile Source................................................. 16 - Map 4: The Nile Headwaters........................................................ 22 - Map 5: The White Fathers from Zanzibar to Uganda................... 32 - Map 6: The British and German spheres of interest in East Africa (1884-1885) ......................................................... 80 - Map 7: Anglo-German Agreements of 1886 and 1890................. 84 II LIST OF ACRONYMS - CMS: Christian Missionary Society - IBEAC: British East Africa Company - LMS: London Missionary Society - MHF: Mill Hill Fathers - RGS: Royal Geographical Society - UMCA: Universities' Mission to Central Africa III جهخٛـــــص نقذ أ ّدٖ اَحشبس اﻹسﻻو ٔ انًسٛذٛة ثذٔنة أٔغُذا خﻻل انُصف انثبَـٙ يٍ انقشٌ ٩١ إنٗ جغٛٛش يٕاصٚـٍ انقٕٖ ٔ صعضعة اﻷسس انحٙ ثُٛث عهٛٓب سٛبسة انذكى. قجم قذٔو انعشة ٔ اﻷٔسثٍٛٛ كبَث انًًهكة جعٛش جذث دكى انًهك انز٘ كبَث سهطحّ يطهقة. ٔ يع يجٙء انعشة دخهث أٔغُذا يشدهة دبسًة فٙ جبسٚخٓب إر أ ّدٖ انحعبٌٔ انًضدٔج ثٍٛ انطشفٍٛ اﻷٔغُذ٘ ٔ انعشثـٙ إنٗ جٛٓئة اﻷسضٛة ﻻَحشبس اﻹسﻻو ضًٍ انطجقة انذـبكًة انحٙ ثذٔسْب سبعذت فٙ َشش انذٚـٍ انجذٚذ ضًٍ انذبشٛة ٔ انشعـت. نكٍ يع قذٔو انشْجبٌ اﻻَجهٛض فٙ انعقذ انسبثع يٍ انقشٌ ٩١ ٔجذ انًسهًٌٕ يُبفسب قٕٚب ﻻ ٚسحٓبٌ ثّ، ث ّى جﻻِ يجٙء فشقة يٍ انفشَسٍّٛٛ. ْزا يب ص ّعت يٓ ًّة انعشة ٔ أججبعٓى. اَشغهث ك ّم يجًـٕعة فٙ َشش دُٚٓب ٔ فٙ صسع ثزٔس انذقذ ٔ انكشاْٛة ججبِ اٜخشٍٚ ٔ فٙ أق ّم يٍ عششٍٚ سُة أصجذث أٔغُذا يسشدبً نُضاعـبت دُٛٚة نُٛحٙٓ اﻷيش إنٗ دشٔة أْهٛة ساح ضذٛحٓب آﻻف انًٕاطٍُٛ. ٔ يع جذ ّخم انسهطبت انجشٚطبَٛة نذًبٚة يصبنذٓب فٙ انًُطقة أصجخ يٍ انجذٙٓٚ أٌ أٔغُذا أصجذث ضًٍ قبئًة انذٔل انحٚ ٙجت اﻻسحذٕار عهٛٓب. ٔ ثبنفعم يع َٓـبٚة انقشٌ ٩١ ٔ فٙ ض ّم انًسبعٙ انجشٚطبَٛة يٍ أجم جسٕٚة أيٕس انجهذ ٔ كجخ اَحشبس انًُٛٓة انفشَسٛة فُشض اجفبق يع دبكى أٔغُذا أٍٚ أق ّش .ثسقٕط يًهكحّ جذث اﻻَحذاة انجشٚطبَٙ سُة ٩١١١ INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION
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