ENJOY A GREAT BREAKFAST, LUNCH OR DINNER WITH LAURA’S FUDGE SHOP - THE GREATEST THE GREAT FOLKS AT THE OCEANVIEW • SEE PAGE 28 NAME IN FUDGE • SEE PAGE 22 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 PAGE 5 TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS Tampa Bay Rays Questions: 8) In July 2010, what Rays 1) In 2008, the Rays posted their pitcher threw the first no-hitter in first winning record and made franchise history? their first-ever playoff and World 9) That same season, the Rays Series appearances. Who were were the unfortunate victims of their opponents in the three two no-hitters thrown against them. Name the perpetrators. postseason series? 10) Three uniform numbers have 2) In what year were the Tampa been retired by the Rays. To Bay Devil Rays renamed the whom did they belong? Tampa Bay Rays? 3) What future Hall of Famer Answers: collected his 3,000th career hit 1) Chicago White Sox (ALDS), as a member of the Devil Rays Boston Red Sox (ALCS) and in 1999? Philadelphia Phillies (World 4) Prior to the 2003 season, the Series) team traded what outfielder to 2) 2008 the Seattle Mariners for the right 3) Wade Boggs to negotiate with manager Lou 4) Randy Winn Piniella? 5) Boggs 6) Larry Rothschild 5) Who hit the first home run 7) Left fielder Carl Crawford in Tampa Bay team history in 8) Matt Garza March 1998? 9) Dallas Braden of the Oakland 6) Who was the team’s first A’s and Edwin Jackson of the manager? Arizona Diamondbacks 7) What Rays player won game 10) Boggs (12), Don Zimmer (66) MVP honors in the 2009 All-Star and Jackie Robinson (42, retired Game? MLB-wide) WORD SEARCH V A H S E L J E B E A C C A L D L J P C Z B K P M X Y W H Z P M V F A Y A C Q E U L U P A D E C E I T W D V S V R N O F O Z A B W Y H I J A B A D E K J P E R S R T O S R F A S E N E O F R L C U S L A M Z N W R A R U A E J O H N O E V A N S L M A T N X U R D D G T S I I I E E R S N B S E N O I S C G V D V U D E I L E L W M E X O B L R I Q W F N Z A B E H S U G Y W H N Z R S G N A S T C F C O E G W E A F E T H O M A S A P A B Y L M S H L X L N T E “The Alienist: Angel of Darkness” on TNT (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Laszlo (Kreizler) (Daniel) Brühl (Mental) Pathologies Sara (Howard) (Dakota) Fanning Detective (Agency) John (Moore) (Luke) Evans (New York) Times Cyrus (Montrose) (Robert Ray) Wisdom Murder Thomas (Byrnes) (Ted) Levine Deceit PAGE 6 Custom Features Release the week of July 19 - July 25, 2020. TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS HALLENGE STUMPERS HALLENGE STUMPERS TV C TampaSPORTS Bay Rays TV C SPORTS Questions: 8) In July 2010, what Rays Tampa1) In 2008, the Rays Bay posted their Rays pitcher threw the first no-hitter in Tampa Bay Rays Questions:first winning record and made 8)franchise In July 2010, history? what Rays Questions: 8) In July 2010, what Rays 1)their In 2008, first-ever the Raysplayoff posted and World their pitcher9) That threw same the season, first no-hitter the Rays in 1) In 2008, the Rays posted their pitcher threw the first no-hitter in franchise history? firstSeries winning appearances. record and Who made were were the unfortunate victims of first winning record and made franchise history? their first-ever playoff and World 9)two That no-hitters same season, thrown the against Rays 9) That same season, the Rays their opponents in the three were the unfortunate victims of their first-ever playoff and World Series appearances. Who were them. Name the perpetrators. were the unfortunate victims of postseason series? two no-hitters thrown against Series appearances. Who were their opponents in the three 10) Three uniform numbers have two no-hitters thrown against them. Name the perpetrators. their opponents in the three postseason2) In what yearseries? were the Tampa them. Name the perpetrators. 10)been Three retired uniform by the numbers Rays. haveTo postseason series? 2)Bay In whatDevil yearRays were renamed the Tampa the 10) Three uniform numbers have beenwhom retired did theyby the belong? Rays. To 2) In what year were the Tampa BayTampa Devil Bay Rays Rays? renamed the been retired by the Rays. To whom did they belong? Bay Devil Rays renamed the Tampa3) What Bay future Rays? Hall of Famer whom did they belong? Answers: Tampa Bay Rays? 3)collected What future his 3,000th Hall of Famercareer hit Answers:1) Chicago White Sox (ALDS), 3) What future Hall of Famer Answers: collectedas a member his 3,000th of the careerDevil Rays hit 1)Boston Chicago Red White Sox Sox (ALCS) (ALDS), and as a member of the Devil Rays collected his 3,000th career hit 1) Chicago White Sox (ALDS), in 1999? BostonPhiladelphia Red Sox Phillies (ALCS) (World and in 1999? Philadelphia Phillies (World as a member of the Devil Rays Boston Red Sox (ALCS) and 4) Prior to the 2003 season, the Series) 4) Prior to the 2003 season, the Series) in 1999? Philadelphia Phillies (World 2) 2008 teamteam traded traded what what outfielder outfielder to to 2) 2008 4) Prior to the 2003 season, the Series) 3) Wade Boggs thethe Seattle Seattle Mariners Mariners for for the the right right 3) Wade Boggs team traded what outfielder to 2) 2008 4) Randy Winn toto negotiate negotiate with with manager manager Lou Lou 4) Randy Winn the Seattle Mariners for the right 3) Wade Boggs 5)5) Boggs Boggs Piniella?Piniella? to negotiate with manager Lou 4) Randy Winn 6)6) Larry Larry Rothschild Rothschild 5)5) Who Who hit hit the the first first home home run run Piniella? 5) Boggs 7)7) Left Left fielder fielder Carl Carl Crawford Crawford 6) Larry Rothschild inin Tampa Tampa Bay Bay team team history history in in 5) Who hit the first home run 8)8) Matt Matt Garza Garza 7) Left fielder Carl Crawford March 1998? 9) Dallas Braden of the Oakland in Tampa Bay team history in March 1998? 9) Dallas Braden of the Oakland 8) Matt Garza 6) Who was the team’s first A’s and Edwin Jackson of the 6) Who was the team’s first March 1998? 9) Dallas Braden of the Oakland manager? ArizonaA’s and Diamondbacks Edwin Jackson of the manager? 6) Who was the team’s first A’s and Edwin Jackson of the 7) What Rays player won game 10)Arizona Boggs Diamondbacks (12), Don Zimmer (66) manager? Arizona Diamondbacks MVP7) What honors Rays in theplayer 2009 won All-Star game and10) Jackie Boggs Robinson (12), Don (42, Zimmer retired (66) 7) What Rays player won game 10) Boggs (12), Don Zimmer (66) Game?MVP honors in the 2009 All-Star MLB-wide)and Jackie Robinson (42, retired MVP honors in the 2009 All-Star and Jackie Robinson (42, retired Game? MLB-wide) Game? MLB-wide) SEARCH WORD SEARCH SEARCH V AHSELJEBEACCALWORD WORD D LJPCZBKPMXYWHZ V AHSELJEBEACCAL V AHSELJEBEACCAL P MVFAYACQEULUPA D LJPCZBKPMXYWHZ D LJPCZBKPMXYWHZ D ECEITWDVSVRNOF OP ZABWYHIJABADEKMVFAYACQEULUPA P MVFAYACQEULUPA JD PERSRTOSRFASENECEITWDVSVRNOF D ECEITWDVSVRNOF EO OFRLCUSLAMZNWRZABWYHIJABADEK O ZABWYHIJABADEK AJ RUAEJOHNOEVANSPERSRTOSRFASEN J PERSRTOSRFASEN LE MATNXURDDGTSIIOFRLCUSLAMZNWR E OFRLCUSLAMZNWR IA EERSNBSENOISCGRUAEJOHNOEVANS A RUAEJOHNOEVANS VL DVUDEILELWMEXOMATNXURDDGTSII L MATNXURDDGTSII I EERSNBSENOISCG BI LRIQWFNZABEHSUEERSNBSENOISCG G YWHN ZRSGNASTCF V DVUDEILELWMEXO V DVUDEILELWMEXO C OEGWEAFETHOMAS B LRIQWFNZABEHSU AB PABYLMSHLXLNTELRIQWFNZABEHSU G YWHN ZRSGNASTCF G“TheYWHN Alienist: AngelZRSGNASTCF of Darkness” on TNT C OEGWEAFETHOMAS C OEGWEAFETHOMAS(Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Laszlo (Kreizler) (Daniel) Brühl (Mental) Pathologies A PABYLMSHLXLNTE SaraA (Howard)PABYLMSHLXLNTE(Dakota) Fanning Detective (Agency) “The Alienist: Angel of Darkness” on TNT John“The (Moore) Alienist:(Luke) Angel Evans of Darkness”(New York) on Times TNT (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Cyrus (Montrose) (Words(Robert in parentheses Ray) Wisdom not in puzzle)Murder Laszlo (Kreizler) (Daniel) Brühl (Mental) Pathologies ThomasLaszlo (Kreizler)(Byrnes) (Ted)(Daniel) Levine Brühl Deceit(Mental) Pathologies Sara (Howard) (Dakota) Fanning Detective (Agency) Sara (Howard) (Dakota) Fanning Detective (Agency) John (Moore) (Luke) Evans (New York) Times John (Moore) (Luke) Evans (New York) Times Cyrus (Montrose) (Robert Ray) Wisdom Murder Custom Features Cyrus (Montrose)Release(Robert the week Ray) Wisdomof July 19Murder - July 25, 2020. Thomas (Byrnes) (Ted) Levine Deceit Thomas (Byrnes) (Ted) Levine Deceit PAGE 7 Custom Features Release the week of July 19 - July 25, 2020. Custom Features Release the week of July 19 - July 25, 2020. PAGE 8 PAGE 9 PAGE 10 PAGE 11 WILDWOOD EVENTS Miss North Wildwood Friday, July 17 Sterling Harbor Bait & Tackle pres- Boogie Board Races Crowning Ceremony Lifeguard races will be held on the ents the 27th Annual Duke of Fluke Saturday, July 18 Thursday, July 16 beach at 15th Avenue in North Wild- Tournament – South Jersey’s larg- Annual wave riding competition for 6:30 p.m. Crowning Ceremony at the wood beginning at 6 p.m.
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