HOWTO REACH US vtm" ",' MIAMI-DADE CUSTDMEA SEAVICE CENTEAS )\flnlty cln ADDRESS liP HOURS OF OPERATION CORAL GABLES 388 MINQRCA!WE 33134 MON-FRI: 8:3OAM-1iKFM 2:OCF'M..(i;OOPM SAnJRDA.l': 10£OAM·2:OOPM CLOSED SLNOAY XFINITY TV, INTERNET AND VOICE HIAl..U>l 2131 WEST6,2N:)ST 33016 MON-fRl: 9:00AM-6;OOPM SAnJFlDA'f. 10:0QAM·2:00PM CLOSED SlJIolDAY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES CATALOG KENDAIJ. 1404 SW 117TH AVE 3:3187 MON-FRI: 9:00AM-6:OOPM SAllJPDA't. 10:OQ/\M-2:IXIPM CLOSED SUNDAY Avenlura, Biscayne Park, Carol City, Coral Gables, Portions NETRO"AMI , Xl6 tMJ rrt-I AVE ~137 MON·FFII: e:OOAM~i1Cf'M 01 Cable GatNes, PortionS of Unincorporated Coral Gabtes., SAllJF[)A'f. 8:DOAM-5:00fl'M EI Portal. Kendall, Kay Biscayne. uberty City, Medley, Metro CLOSED SUNDAY Miami, Miami Gardens, Miami lakes, Miami Shorut>, North NORTH DADE 18601 ~ 2ND AVE ~16g MON-HI: B:OOAM-6i1Cf'M Miami Beach. North Miami, NoI1h West Dade, Opa Locka, SATtPDAY: 8:'00AM·~IXIPU ~alm Spnngs, Pinecrest, South Dade, West Miami, CLOSED SUNDAY Unincaporated Miwni·Oade County PEAAlIriIE 18055 SWFRANJO AD 331'1 MON-FAI: 8:00AM-5:OCf'M s.omJRDAIf. 10:CCIAM-2:00PM CLOSED SlJIolDAY ,~, ~ ~ do'«~ ~«'" tAt:;t ,« '" ' e 305-COMCAST (266-2278) 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK CfiJ ell )(/[111\1' ' " ,,' WWW.COMCAST.COM WWW.XFINITY.COM frL:~ and Pt~gr..mmllJ,l iJb.;K]!~ char... ~ PrlCl!5oorotlR:r.·j,; ;r.,;~.cable Iet"5 and :iIIliS. Un_ J!tv'lll*,* >pllClllOO, ~rl{o:-li >:tIJM'l a;t rhoB mJ~"" cnar~ tor I~Q CtrJllSl,lcn.:lln~ p.<d;aQB Pr;Ct!i ~tc",n OJ no1.-clYd8 ~~ ....Qlll5, r.",r~I,;:.tlllieli,fX lult;, lfOJIm ,~ry FEIe olh.... ~"'It-\ll"o..oll ItBiO( JIlu ~a:aIJi£'r.tQr'J'$(Ie ~,IJloll:d~ '011 cr IrrlelrallJfal ~l Sytrll::rip~IoIl:O umlltld 1!lr:lI~ Sen'lCe IS ~u&:llo 1(QIIIIe IPf Dtl&.,;wI CII Hleo Sl9l¥1CI9. Ado.1U1i!lIQlJop':l(.nl m1/ 0fiI ~ 10 ra;ewe certan st'f¥ (liS IIlC Lo3ilg, WI f'O( ;;-,. Itj Friil'1',Yn S1EIr"l'l:&l [)13roJnl:s na, ...pIy b wnllt mltIpllljlrflf1llllm ~"rI;~ l:1I>!tJrM,1 '="11:51 ~o¥.rwt 01 "Ilor aC:Kl'Itr1lr ardarwnQIl! r;ooIrJlllr d ~~lI!cl,,1It' ~ llA:l:ftI ,~I\;Iln lJ.'fW ~"'J ~rd.JJ,,"J i'Ilr;," 'rlllr tlllTV_"QI ,rIJJ 'lJ.llir~ ~~rlilifl m.~1S 01 !;I:I/"Il:~ ~r Sl-aICJ,,1bl t> premll6Tlctwn!15 bf»n9 ~~fW1Imng.Ce~n serlItes iIrtI iUalll*:ioiI~V CfB1 pa'lotlll'l(J'l'1ef 1uIlll;,l SoiI...."e. Corn:al>l $IIIf¥n IS '~~,IllCr 1'Q C~m'iI::I1s S1llI1danl :trms i1n~ :or,o :1C,~oI9llOllte. Prk:es :il!'n'1Cf!S ani September 2010 rlJilr~'lI;; ,;;r, !ilJt,jEIC1ll: ~ ,nlorTlWrun iiIlwt)')lll" W::o! nochfl;(l 1IJIJlor.t)' CiIIllllllllUld:l1 f'J!Jrblll.M lrUiloarN ""' lie )I<Jl,OllII, olll",ir ;It>....~'I... UWI..ll. C12()\O CatI'~l AlII nghj~ 1~1IllIl lij(,~'Jl ,r'nJllj!lprrAtler iI !DlDlol i1r..~en,~ IJl a TV OJiI\f.ceo.-i1 f1IE IllCr_, ftJ~ rra~ chiuQe p~r !e,lt11l1 MV'" MIA @omcast. ill hI. <O()J~O. dw~ lora PIiIl"a:Io1 3CO~l'S 1r0011lJt.tiTI9ClolleQll1llld It.tlJ\NQll. O1I;_IGJ, c~,n 'It,e ~ roo ,~iw al ycu rBo.1<Je~r ~av tie ....r'lt'l:llo lIE lW~ or 11>w-'r~ d&/gIIllsIBd OIl I/"ll amual ral'1l;cr::l Prioo; are ~dW/l.i;,l ilPJ'I;:il,t1li l;wI:rfloe lees aril rl9llllllll COSlS r:;c ,$IilI' \f8:i atlil1il,1les, f« cUSlcmers 1IIl!n C.:lmn.-cial ilICtOtIllS ()" tdllni iflOrQIITIIlI1I ;oITt JrWl:l, .-nm~ ilI"ll1 O!ller Inl;tmat.:n rriYlIl\ i1PllI\l. iJpOIl PJOI* netIC', all ~rl(irI;" ~flJlIra l~nM~ t1\Ml11111lOC~h,JfIlO and ..-:llqlg ale s.tIjl9L1 \tI ~liIQl1 8495-6000 (0010-0090,0130,0140,0270, 036(), 04(](),0420, 0440-0470, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIUIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIII 0500-0530,0710·0730) 081 1 4 4 0 0 000 4 91-COM-00000001 )\.flnlty Iml'!m:mj7imm!li~ro:mr~ ©moo WiIIll our c:ustomerslo be 3fT\aUld will11r'!e cl1olc~ COrT\cas! offers, eilclled we by the innov,J1lon Cornc;a.:M plQ¥Qes and sa1Jsfied with me ~lCe 9l1d retiability of every int«8C11C1'\ 'Mth Comc:ast. 0 ..... goal IS to provlcM OU' customers W1Ih a conr;l$lerrtly superior CUSlOl'l"l&r expenel1Ce-wheltler at :-.IgI1-uP. dl.lr,ng the ncrmal tcOUf'Sa of busrles.s or diJIYIG a SCI"YItce 1ILt.1I, The Culilomet Guarantee WELCOME TO XFINITV lets you know what they GlJ1 expect from Comcast and wh.iIt we're doing 10 ho~ We've upgr.ded our network to t.k. your TV, C1UrW',r. accoUl1table ~.t)' day. Internat i1nd Voic. to a wholl. sirvice newllval. WE MAKE THE FOUOWING GUARANTEES TO OUR CUSTOMERS; Only from Come••t. We will give you a 3O-day, mGnlly-back QUa,..n_ on all our 5erwices. If you are not 3Bll3hed and wdllo cnncel servICe for 9rJy rea30fl. )'llIJ Q.,ln dO ~ , M 4S INI .' ' " ., "1, , In the IIIJI 30 diJys and get yOo.l money back &mph( relum all eqlllprtJefll III woriung condmon and we'll refund the morrtt1l)' recurnng fee lor your!lr::;1 30 XFINITY is TV, Internet and Voice service made eyen better by Ccmc85I'S dD),:> of:xr.tces.and any charges yCIU pad tor sbll:l~ In~tallatlon. network upgrade 10 an ali-digital platform. We will nEIl: you and vow home with courtes~ and respect As a. result of these I;hanges, we have rebranded our products using the Our IBchfJ..ja'l~ will d~ly dl~pl,Jy (he" CorncZOlId!:nuflC.lIIO/'O wtl8n Itltljl .m.... e tQUowinQ names: XF1NITY TV, XFINITY Internet and XFINITY VOice. .:It your home_ They;:6e Ir::uned and eqJlpped 10 complele Ihe lob on the I,,,,,, ViOl!. Our Cu~o~r Ac.c:oJn! ElCecutr¥~ .....1be oaurle:DU~ =d knoiMedge:J.b1e ""'"-"' yCIJ cont;lCt us. KOWWfCil!1'XI'IN .' .~, " " " We wiD Inswe,. your quC$tions at your corwenience. ~ all exi!;llflfj Comc:asl wslomer, you do not need 10 do af1ythlng. Just You can «lI'1taet us 24 hours a da~, 7 da)'S a week regardlog ¥l) :>efIIlce-rMated relax and s-.joy yoex enhan.ced XFINlTV TV, Internet and Voice services. iswe by callmg ,-&JD-COMCAST. 0( onn al _.~~f1lvia Ask Comcast, lNe Chal, Community FOI'I.Jms, 01 e-rT\ail. i!i':'lThfliIilmifi:lir,l"NJ1(;ffi!1'bID' 7 We will offe,. easy-to-unden;tand packages. and provide ~ou with XF!N1TY bnngs you the ability to receive more aI' yo'" favorite a cllllar biU. entertainment and more ways to etljoy it - where, w\1., and how you want Our pac:1Ial}e:; and pat;kage pc.ng ~ de--..-gnetllo be' :rtJillgh"Of~ard. We Ulrn lor the ~ clarIty 'Mlh our blll~. You may VIeW 'lour morrthly :>t<ltemerrt OI1d • Th~ fastes.t (nternet, wrlh download speeds up to 105 Mbps service detiIIls anyl.lrTJe by 1115d,"g WWW,CQITI~\.C:aT1. • Triple the HD dlannels wilh the be:>!. HD picb..Jre c;vJality • 1V on your computer at xfJl"!~ comITV We wi. continuaUy ofhIr the best lnet most video choices. , The Ialgest On Demand library, approaChng 17,000 titles We·1Ie working hard to bnng more ch~ to our DJ:ortomer:;: .R:l[al1..:lI'1eou':.ly by • VOlcemail yOI,J can d'leck online from anywhere u:#lng ~ lull power- of our adv<:mced oe'!work.uld ~ of televr,;,on ellpet'len::e. We Will u:Je or'! demand tI:J bnrlg cu:;tome~ dr,::unJllc,JUy more • ~ clOss-platform and mobi'e features like: m~'DVA Manager. Universal chOlQY.;, tReludlng more mo~. more cporfc, more Kid:!: progr:::YTl$. more applICations iPhones the ability Caller ID, for and to use a remote GO!1trol netw~ TV ~andmore HD (h,an oJn)'one else. to Ofder' p-CXl.lcts and services while watching TV. • And, many more exciting, newfea.tureg We wiU qLlicklV addre:u -'ly prgblem YOLi e~ence. Afle¥ lhe h1 ItIsrt to your horTIre. I' we 00 nal s:Jtli!Of.1Ctari1y complete In:stalloJllon I or can't r1!tSLll1ie oJ 1'OIJ111"le ISSl.I6, ",,-e Will extend a cornphm«1t.aI"Y seNlC!!! 10 your 1?j:!3i'BlImimmml!['I;IV,Mr,j 3=rm c~ ~ult:.1rofT1 acc.a;nt Ada'llonally. l,tII6won'l 'fOU for a seNICe vlSrt lhat a The bMt place 10r you to learn more about the benefits of XRNrTY is at Corncast equi~1 or nlrl'll'lOrtl. problem. xflnrty.com. This IS a1$0 where you can dlSco'll'er how to get the most out of yOUf XFINITY sef\lioes, .sut..T1 il.S <lCCE'ssing e-mail and voice milll. walchlng We will schedlAe appointments at your convenience and be content online. and enjoying new services like myDVR Manager. mindful of your time. As a coul't~~, we wdl call you belore __ anwe l!ll YClUr home. It we fall :0 afTIve 101 a SCheduled lil$11 during1t1e appointment WindOW, we will credrt S20 10 'lour 3CCQLJnt. l-flfl\""",""" ~ ml __ ~,I ~II< ~0I:1 :ICfft:.. -.l1:li:·10 ..'" ~ ~RIII" 1'X"JlIIl;; rl~~ ...... q".aIl.oroll<1g_..,~_hw~r.Ilo_;D.IIlI",,::JI"'OPrtJm..-lsll\<f""'1l1:i11ldboo:_ 91-COM-00000002 s Table of Contents Channel Lineup • B~ifa ,cur fIl~ti:;i;i! hom I'i'H t~ j!~71! - !i~'rnl:;;!:ilj ce-t~lil.ult fj, UHf .(;h.:l~t1~'S Il'l(i;,,;ti.c: NlW'" " ~'" ,," 1\ il'l mad: ;~¥('i::of ~T';if;"il.
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