
New Latin Grammar 1 New Latin Grammar The Project Gutenberg EBook of New Latin Grammar, by Charles E. Bennett This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re−use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.net Title: New Latin Grammar Author: Charles E. Bennett Release Date: April 20, 2005 [EBook #15665] Language: English Character set encoding: Unicode UTF−8 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK NEW LATIN GRAMMAR *** Produced by Nathan Gibson, Keith Edkins and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team. NEW LATIN GRAMMAR BY CHARLES E. BENNETT Goldwin Smith Professor of Latin in Cornell University _Quicquid praecipies, esto brevis, ut cito dicta_ _Percipiant animi dociles teneantque fideles:_ _Omne supervacuum pleno de pectore manat._ −−HORACE, Ars Poetica. COPYRIGHT, 1895; 1908; 1918 BY CHARLES E. BENNETT * * * * * PREFACE. The present work is a revision of that published in 1908. No radical alterations have been introduced, although a number of minor changes will be noted. I have added an Introduction on the origin and development of the Latin language, which it is hoped will prove interesting and instructive to the more ambitious pupil. At the end of the book will be found an Index to the Sources of the Illustrative Examples cited in the Syntax. C.E.B. ITHACA, NEW YORK, May 4, 1918 * * * * * PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. PART I. 2 The present book is a revision of my Latin Grammar originally published in 1895. Wherever greater accuracy or precision of statement seemed possible, I have endeavored to secure this. The rules for syllable division have been changed and made to conform to the prevailing practice of the Romans themselves. In the Perfect Subjunctive Active, the endings _−Ä«s_, _−Ä«mus_, _−Ä«tis_ are now marked long. The theory of vowel length before the suffixes −gnus, −gna, −gnum, and also before j, has been discarded. In the Syntax I have recognized a special category of Ablative of Association, and have abandoned the original doctrine as to the force of tenses in the Prohibitive. Apart from the foregoing, only minor and unessential modifications have been introduced. In its main lines the work remains unchanged. ITHACA, NEW YORK, October 16, 1907. * * * * * FROM THE PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. The object of this book is to present the essential facts of Latin grammar in a direct and simple manner, and within the smallest compass consistent with scholarly standards. While intended primarily for the secondary school, it has not neglected the needs of the college student, and aims to furnish such grammatical information as is ordinarily required in undergraduate courses. The experience of foreign educators in recent years has tended to restrict the size of school−grammars of Latin, and has demanded an incorporation of the main principles of the language in compact manuals of 250 pages. Within the past decade, several grammars of this scope have appeared abroad which have amply met the most exacting demands. The publication in this country of a grammar of similar plan and scope seems fully justified at the present time, as all recent editions of classic texts summarize in introductions the special idioms of grammar and style peculiar to individual authors. This makes it feasible to dispense with the enumeration of many minutiae of usage which would otherwise demand consideration in a student's grammar. In the chapter on Prosody, I have designedly omitted all special treatment of the lyric metres of Horace and Catullus, as well as of the measures of the comic poets. Our standard editions of these authors all give such thorough consideration to versification that repetition in a separate place seems superfluous. ITHACA, NEW YORK, December 15, 1894. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Introduction−−The Latin language PART I. SOUNDS, ACCENT, QUANTITY, ETC. The Alphabet § 1 Classification of Sounds § 2 Sounds of the Letters § 3 Syllables § 4 Quantity § 5 Accent § 6 Vowel Changes § 7 Consonant Changes § 8 Peculiarities of Orthography § 9 PART II. 3 PART II. INFLECTIONS. CHAPTER I. −−_Declension._ A. NOUNS. § 10 Gender of Nouns § 13 Number § 16 Cases § 17 The Five Declensions § 18 First Declension § 20 Second Declension § 23 Third Declension § 28 Fourth Declension § 48 Fifth Declension § 51 Defective Nouns § 54 B. ADJECTIVES. § 62 Adjectives of the First and Second Declensions § 63 Adjectives of the Third Declension § 67 Comparison of Adjectives § 71 Formation and Comparison of Adverbs § 76 Numerals § 78 C. PRONOUNS. § 82 Personal Pronouns § 84 Reflexive Pronouns § 85 Possessive Pronouns § 86 Demonstrative Pronouns § 87 The Intensive Pronoun § 88 The Relative Pronoun § 89 Interrogative Pronouns § 90 Indefinite Pronouns § 91 Pronominal Adjectives § 92 CHAPTER II. −−_Conjugation. § 93_ Verb Stems § 97 The Four Conjugations § 98 Conjugation of Sum § 100 First Conjugation § 101 Second Conjugation § 103 Third Conjugation § 105 Fourth Conjugation § 107 Verbs in _−iÅ_ of the Third Conjugation § 109 Deponent Verbs § 112 Semi−Deponents § 114 Periphrastic Conjugation § 115 Peculiarities of Conjugation § 116 Formation of the Verb Stems § 117 List of the Most Important Verbs with Principal Parts § 120 Irregular Verbs § 124 Defective Verbs § 133 Impersonal Verbs § 138 PART III. PARTICLES. § 139 Adverbs § 140 Prepositions § 141 Interjections § 145 PART IV. WORD FORMATION. I. DERIVATIVES. § 146 PART V. 4 Nouns § 147 Adjectives § 150 Verbs § 155 Adverbs § 157 II. COMPOUNDS. § 158 Examples of Compounds § 159 PART V. SYNTAX. CHAPTER I. −−_Sentences._ Classification of Sentences § 161 Form of Interrogative Sentences § 162 Subject and Predicate § 163 Simple and Compound Sentences § 164 CHAPTER II. −−_Syntax of Nouns._ Subject § 166 Predicate Nouns § 167 Appositives § 169 The Nominative § 170 The Accusative § 172 The Dative § 186 The Genitive § 194 The Ablative § 213 The Locative § 232 CHAPTER III. −−_Syntax of Adjectives._ Agreement of Adjectives § 234 Adjectives used Substantively § 236 Adjectives with the Force of Adverbs § 239 Comparatives and Superlatives § 240 Other Peculiarities § 241 CHAPTER IV. −−_Syntax of Pronouns._ Personal Pronouns § 242 Possessive Pronouns § 243 Reflexive Pronouns § 244 Reciprocal Pronouns § 245 Demonstrative Pronouns § 246 Relative Pronouns § 250 Indefinite Pronouns § 252 Pronominal Adjectives § 253 CHAPTER V. −−_Syntax of Verbs._ Agreement of Verbs § 254 Voices § 256 Tenses −− Of the Indicative § 257 −− Of the Subjunctive § CHAPTER VI. 5 266 −− Of the Infinitive § 270 Moods −− In Independent Sentences § 271 −− −− Volitive Subjunctive § 273 −− −− Optative Subjunctive § 279 −− −− Potential Subjunctive § 280 −− −− Imperative § 281 −− In Dependent Clauses −− −− Clauses of Purpose § 282 −− −− Clauses of Characteristic § 283 −− −− Clauses of Result § 284 −− −− Causal Clauses § 285 −− −− Temporal Clauses −− −− −− Introduced by Postquam, Ut, Ubi, etc. § 287 −− −− −− _Cum_−Clauses § 288 −− −− −− Introduced by Antequam and Priusquam § 291 −− −− −− Introduced by Dum, _DÅnec_, Quoad § 293 −− −− Substantive Clauses § 294 −− −− −− Developed from the Volitive § 295 −− −− −− Developed from the Optative § 296 −− −− −− Of Result § 297 −− −− −− After _nÅn dubito_, etc. § 298 −− −− −− Introduced by Quod § 299 −− −− −− Indirect Questions § 300 −− −− Conditional Sentences § 301 −− −− Use of _SÄ«_, Nisi, _SÄ«n_ § 306 −− −− Conditional Clauses of Comparison § 307 −− −− Concessive Clauses § 308 −− −− Adversative Clauses with _QuamvÄ«s_, Quamquam, etc. § 309 −− −− Clauses of Wish and Proviso § 310 −− −− Relative Clauses § 311 −− −− Indirect Discourse § 313 −− −− −− Moods in Indirect Discourse § 314 −− −− −− Tenses in Indirect Discourse § 317 −− −− −− Conditional Sentences in Indirect Discourse § 319 −− −− Implied Indirect Discourse § 323 −− −− Subjunctive by Attraction § 324 Noun and Adjective Forms of the Verb § 325 −− Infinitive § 326 −− Participles § 336 −− Gerund § 338 −− Supine § 340 CHAPTER VI. −−_Particles._ Coördinate Conjunctions § 341 Adverbs § 347 CHAPTER VII. −−_Word−Order and Sentence−Structure._ Word−Order § 348 Sentence−Structure § 351 CHAPTER VIII. −−_Hints on Latin Style. § 352_ Nouns § 353 Adjectives § 354 Pronouns § 355 Verbs § 356 The Cases § 357 PART VI. PROSODY. § 360 Quantity of Vowels and Syllables § 362 Verse−Structure § 366 The Dactylic Hexameter § 368 The Dactylic Pentameter § 369 Iambic Measures § 370 SUPPLEMENTS TO THE GRAMMAR. I. Roman Calendar § 371 II. Roman Names § 373 III. Figures of Syntax and Rhetoric § 374 * * * * * CHAPTER VI. 6 Index to the Illustrative Examples Cited in the Syntax Index to the Principal Parts of Latin Verbs General Index Footnotes * * * * * INTRODUCTION. THE LATIN LANGUAGE. 1. The Indo−European Family of Languages.−−Latin belongs to one group of a large family of languages, known as _Indo−European_.[1] This Indo−European family of languages embraces the following groups: ASIATIC MEMBERS OF THE INDO−EUROPEAN FAMILY. a. The Sanskrit, spoken in ancient India. Of this there were several stages, the oldest of which is the Vedic, or language of the Vedic Hymns. These Hymns are the oldest literary productions known to us among all the branches of the Indo−European family. A conservative estimate places them as far back as 1500 B.C. Some scholars have even set them more than a thousand years earlier than this, i.e. anterior to 2500 B.C. The Sanskrit, in modified form, has always continued to be spoken in India, and is represented to−day by a large number of dialects descended from the ancient Sanskrit, and spoken by millions of people.
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