Draft Report SunWater Irrigation Price Review: 2012-2017 Volume 2 Callide Valley Water Supply Scheme November 2011 Level 19, 12 Creek Street Brisbane Queensland 4000 GPO Box 2257 Brisbane Qld 4001 Telephone (07) 3222 0555 Facsimile (07) 3222 0599 [email protected] www.qca.org.au © Queensland Competition Authority 2011 The Queensland Competition Authority supports and encourages the dissemination and exchange of information. However, copyright protects this document. The Queensland Competition Authority has no objection to this material being reproduced, made available online or electronically but only if it is recognised as the owner of the copyright and this material remains unaltered. Queensland Competition Authority Submissions SUBMISSIONS This report is a draft only and is subject to revision. Public involvement is an important element of the decision-making processes of the Queensland Competition Authority (the Authority). Therefore submissions are invited from interested parties. The Authority will take account of all submissions received. Written submissions should be sent to the address below. While the Authority does not necessarily require submissions in any particular format, it would be appreciated if two printed copies are provided together with an electronic version on disk (Microsoft Word format) or by e-mail. Submissions, comments or inquiries regarding this paper should be directed to: Queensland Competition Authority GPO Box 2257 Brisbane QLD 4001 Telephone: (07) 3222 0557 Fax: (07) 3222 0599 Email: [email protected] The closing date for submissions is 23 December 2011. Confidentiality In the interests of transparency and to promote informed discussion, the Authority would prefer submissions to be made publicly available wherever this is reasonable. However, if a person making a submission does not want that submission to be public, that person should claim confidentiality in respect of the document (or any part of the document). Claims for confidentiality should be clearly noted on the front page of the submission and the relevant sections of the submission should be marked as confidential, so that the remainder of the document can be made publicly available. It would also be appreciated if two copies of each version of these submissions (i.e. the complete version and another excising confidential information) could be provided. Again, it would be appreciated if each version could be provided on disk. Where it is unclear why a submission has been marked “confidential”, the status of the submission will be discussed with the person making the submission. While the Authority will endeavour to identify and protect material claimed as confidential as well as exempt information and information disclosure of which would be contrary to the public interest (within the meaning of the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI)), it cannot guarantee that submissions will not be made publicly available. As stated in s187 of the Queensland Competition Authority Act 1997 (the QCA Act), the Authority must take all reasonable steps to ensure the information is not disclosed without the person’s consent, provided the Authority is satisfied that the person’s belief is justified and that the disclosure of the information would not be in the public interest. Notwithstanding this, there is a possibility that the Authority may be required to reveal confidential information as a result of a RTI request. Public access to submissions Subject to any confidentiality constraints, submissions will be available for public inspection at the Brisbane office of the Authority, or on its website at www.qca.org.au. If you experience any difficulty gaining access to documents please contact the office (07) 3222 0555. Information about the role and current activities of the Authority, including copies of reports, papers and submissions can also be found on the Authority’s website. i Queensland Competition Authority Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE GLOSSARY IV EXECUTIVE SUMMARY V 1. CALLIDE VALLEY WATER SUPPLY SCHEME 1 1.1 Scheme Description 1 1.2 Bulk Water Infrastructure 2 1.3 Network Service Plans 3 1.4 Consultation 3 2. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK 5 2.1 Introduction 5 2.2 Stakeholder Submissions 5 2.3 Authority’s Analysis 5 3. PRICING FRAMEWORK 8 3.1 Tariff Structure 8 3.2 Water Use Forecasts 9 3.3 Tariff Groups 11 3.4 Storage Rental Fees 11 4. RENEWALS ANNUITY 13 4.1 Introduction 13 4.2 SunWater’s Opening ARR Balance (1 July 2006) 14 4.3 Past Renewals Expenditure 14 4.4 Opening ARR Balance (at 1 July 2012) 20 4.5 Forecast Renewals Expenditure 21 4.6 SunWater’s Consultation with Customers 34 4.7 Allocation of Headworks Renewals Costs According to WAE Priority 35 4.8 Calculating the Renewals Annuity 39 5. OPERATING COSTS 40 5.1 Background 40 5.2 Total Operating Costs 40 5.3 Non-Direct Costs 45 5.4 Direct Costs 48 5.5 Cost Allocation According to WAE Priority 67 5.6 Summary of Operating Costs 68 6. DRAFT PRICES 71 6.1 Background 71 6.2 Approach to Calculating Prices 71 6.3 Total Costs 72 6.4 Fixed and Variable Costs 72 ii Queensland Competition Authority Table of Contents 6.5 Allocation of Costs According to WAE Priority 73 6.6 Cost Reflective Prices 74 6.7 Queensland Government Pricing Policies 74 6.8 The Authority’s Recommended Prices 75 6.9 Impact of Recommended Prices 76 REFERENCES 77 APPENDIX A: FUTURE RENEWALS LIST 91 iii Queensland Competition Authority Glossary GLOSSARY Refer to Volume 1 for a comprehensive list of acronyms, terms and definitions. iv Queensland Competition Authority Executive Summary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Ministerial Direction The Authority has been directed by the Minister for Finance and The Arts and the Treasurer for Queensland to recommend irrigation prices to apply to particular SunWater water supply schemes (WSS) from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2017 (the 2012-17 regulatory period). A copy of the Ministerial Direction forms Appendix A to Volume 1. Summary of Price Recommendations The Authority’s recommended irrigation prices to apply to the Callide Valley WSS for the 2012-17 regulatory period are outlined in Table 1 together with actual prices since 1 July 2006. Draft Report Volume 1 of this Draft Report addresses key issues relevant to the regulatory and pricing frameworks, renewals and operating expenditure and cost allocation, which apply to all schemes. Volume 2, which comprises scheme specific reports, should be read in conjunction with Volume 1. Consultation The Authority has consulted extensively with SunWater and other stakeholders throughout this review. Consultation has included: inviting submissions from, and meeting with, interested parties; the commissioning of independent reports on key issues; and, publication of Issues Papers. Comments on the Draft Report are due by 23 December 2011. All submissions will be taken into account by the Authority in preparing its Final Report due by 30 April 2012. Table 1: Prices for the Callide WSS ($/ML) Actual Prices Recommended Prices 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Surface Water (Callide and Kroombit Creek) Fixed (Part A) 1.12 2.24 3.44 4.68 5.88 8.12 11.93 14.28 16.24 16.65 17.06 Volumetric 15.64 17.68 20.20 22.55 24.83 25.72 8.00 8.20 8.40 8.61 8.83 (Part B) Callide Benefited Groundwater Area Fixed (Part A) 1.12 2.24 3.44 4.68 5.88 8.12 11.93 14.28 16.24 16.65 17.06 Volumetric 15.64 17.68 20.20 22.55 24.83 25.72 8.00 8.20 8.40 8.61 8.83 (Part B) Note: 2011-12 prices include the interim increase of $2/ML in addition to CPI. Source: Actual Prices (SunWater, 2011al) and Recommended Prices (QCA, 2011). v Queensland Competition Authority Chapter 1 Callide Valley Water Supply Scheme 1. CALLIDE VALLEY WATER SUPPLY SCHEME 1.1 Scheme Description The Callide Valley water supply scheme (WSS) supplies bulk water for groundwater recharge purposes in the benefited area located around the town of Biloela. The scheme operates by the controlled release of flows into the Callide Creek, Kroombit Creek and Kariboe Creek. An overview of the key characteristics of this WSS is provided in Table 1.1. Table 1.1: Key Scheme Information for the Callide Valley WSS Callide Valley WSS Business Centre Biloela Irrigation Uses of Water Irrigation crops include winter and summer cereals and lucerne Urban Water Supplies Township of Biloela Industrial Water Supplies A number of large industries are supplied including the Callide Power Station and a meatworks Source: Synergies Economic Consulting (2010). The Callide Valley WSS has a total of 138 customers. Medium and high priority water access entitlements (WAE) are outlined in Table 1.2. Table 1.2: Water Access Entitlements Customer Group Irrigation WAE (ML) Total WAE (ML) Medium Priority 18,295 19,970 High Priority 0 4,313 Total 18,295 24,283 Source: SunWater (2011ao). The majority of water used by customers is extracted via groundwater bores. However, there are a small number of customers that draw water directly from the creek systems (Halcrow, 2011). The groundwater table lies between 10 to 20 metres below surface and the cost of pumping is borne by the irrigators. The irrigation system operates by releasing water into the natural streams at rates such that water does not flow beyond the limits of the benefited area. Water then seeps through the ground into the groundwater aquifer. The status of the aquifer is monitored via some 300 observation bores which are monitored each quarter. Water allocations are based on the observations made. As noted above, water is also supplied from Callide Dam to the Biloela township and to the Callide Power Stations A, B and C.
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