Interciencia ISSN: 0378-1844 [email protected] Asociación Interciencia Venezuela Ortiz-Alcaraz, Antonio; Aguirre-Muñoz, Alfonso; Méndez-Sánchez, Federico; Ortega- Rubio, Alfredo FERAL SHEEP ERADICATION AT SOCORRO ISLAND, MEXICO: A MANDATORY STEP TO ENSURE ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION Interciencia, vol. 41, núm. 3, marzo, 2016, pp. 184-189 Asociación Interciencia Caracas, Venezuela Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=33944256007 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative FERAL SHEEP ERADICATION AT SOCORRO ISLAND, MEXICO: A MANDATORY STEP TO ENSURE ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION Antonio Ortiz-Alcaraz, Alfonso Aguirre-Muñoz, Federico Méndez-Sánchez and Alfredo Ortega-Rubio SUMMARY Domestic sheep have been introduced to numerous islands were captured and equipped with radio-collars (Judas sheep). worldwide; they became feral and caused indiscriminate im- From March 2010 to April 2012 eradication continued using pacts on ecosystems. On Socorro, a tropical Mexican island terrestrial hunting; 505 sheep were dispatched at this stage. in the Pacific Ocean, feral sheep caused soil compaction and The use of Judas sheep and detection dogs were critical in lo- erosion, loss of vegetation, habitat destruction, landscape al- cating the last remaining sheep. A systematic monitoring pro- terations, and species extinction. In response to these biodiver- gram conducted during two years confirmed eradication suc- sity threats, feral sheep were removed from Socorro Island. In cess. In June 2014, Socorro Island was declared free of feral 2009, 1257 sheep were dispatched using aerial hunting over 35 sheep. To date (November 2015), a remarkable ecosystem re- hours of flight time. To locate remaining herds, twelve sheep covery has been recorded. Introduction even the primary cause of ex- environment with Psidium so- erosive processes caused by tinctions (Baillie et al., 2004; corrense and Guettarda insu- feral sheep (Ortega-Rubio Insular ecosystems have un- Reaser et al., 2007). In partic- laris, both endemic species, et al., 1992). This degradation usually high rates of endemic ular, the settlement of herbi- was severely disturbed. problem was alarming since species present in their envi- vores like feral sheep (Ovis Constant overgrazing resulted the erosion rate for deforested ronments. Islands are import- aries) has caused important in the abundance of paths areas on Socorro Island was ant breeding grounds for a ecological impacts on insular formed by the trampling of estimated at 20 to 90 tons/ha/ variety of birds and marine ecosystems. In 1869, 100 sheep on the soil, which trig- year (Arnaud et al., 1993; mammals. Mexican islands are sheep were introduced to gered different erosive pro- Maya-Delgado et al., 1994; known for their high biodiver- Socorro Island for ranching cesses and put native flora and Ochoa-López et al., 1998). sity richness (Aguirre-Muñoz (they supplied food to boaters fauna at risk (Figure 1). Similarly, areas covered by et al., 2005, 2011). Despite and fishermen); over time, Among the most significant introduced vegetation have a their ecological significance, without humane care, sheep changes on the original floral negative effect on local natu- many islands around the world became feral, successfully composition has been an in- ral processes, since native receive serious impacts derived adapting to island conditions crease in the presence of fauna species depend on na- from human activity (Johnson (Levin and Moran, 1989; graminacea species and scrub tive plants for food, shelter or and Stattersfield, 1990). Álvarez-Cárdenas et al., 1994; species as well as a reduction nesting. Arthropods are rare Approximately 75% of all ani- Brattstrom, 2015). Since its of the area covered by the na- on disturbed areas (Jimenez mal extinctions have occurred introduction, feral sheep has tive flora. Sheep are particu- et al., 1994). Vertebrates were on islands, the majority being caused great modification to larly efficient in the propaga- negatively affected due caused by introduced species the natural habitat. Erosion tion of introduced plant spe- to habitat loss; for example, (Diamond, 1989; Groombridge, rates and loss of vegetation cies (they carry seeds in coat the Socorro Blue Lizard 1992). Feral species are among coverage derived from the and excret). The change in (Urosaurus auriculatus) and the main causes of biodiversity sheep presence were docu- native vegetation has been ob- the endemic birds Socorro loss and ecological disequilib- mented along the south- served in every habitat that Mockingbird (Mimus gray- rium in many environments ern-central region of the island sheep occupied (SEMARNAT, soni) and Socorro Wren (Courchamp et al., 2003; (León de la Luz et al., 1994; 2004). Nearly 30% of the orig- (Troglodytes sissonii) were Blackburn et al., 2004, Maya-Delgado et al., 1994). inal soil and vegetation on less abundant in eroded Aguirre-Muñoz et al., 2008), Particularly, a shrub land Socorro Island was lost due to areas (Martínez-Gómez et al., KEYWORDS / Environmental Restoration / Eradication / Exotic Fauna / Feral Sheep / Ovis aries / Socorro Island / Received: 11/24/15. Modified: 02/08/2016. Accepted: 02/09/2016. Antonio Ortiz-Alcaraz. Biologist, Islands Project, Grupo de Federico Méndez-Sánchez. B.Sc. Mexico. Researcher, CIBNOR, Universidad Autónoma de Baja Ecología y Conservación de in Oceanography, UABC, Mexico. Address: CIBNOR. California (UABC), Mexico. Islas, (GECI), Mexico. Mexico). M.Sc. in Environmental Av. Instituto Politécnico Masters in Use, Management Alfonso Aguirre-Muñoz. B.Sc. Management, University of Nacional 195, Playa Palo de and Conservation of Natural in Oceanography, UABC, Auckland, New Zealand. Direc- Santa Rita Sur, La Paz, Baja Resources, and Ph.D. candidate Mexico. Ph.D. in Sustainable tor for Development, GECI, California Sur, C.P. 23096, in Ecology, Centro de Development and Regional Mexico. México e-mail: aortega@cib- Investigaciones Biológicas del Studies, El Colegio de la Fron- Alfredo Ortega-Rubio. Doctor nor.mx Noroeste (CIBNOR), Mexico. tera Norte, Mexico. Executive of Science in Ecology, Director, Gulf of California Director, GECI, Mexico. Instituto Politécnico Nacional, 184 0378-1844/14/07/468-08 $ 3.00/0 MARCH 2016, VOL. 41 Nº 3 ERRADICACIÓN DE BORREGO FERAL EN ISLA SOCORRO, MÉXICO: ACCIÓN REQUERIDA PARA LOGRAR SU RESTAURACIÓN ECOLÓGICA Antonio Ortiz-Alcaraz, Alfonso Aguirre-Muñoz, Federico Méndez-Sánchez y Alfredo Ortega-Rubio RESUMEN Borregos domésticos han sido introducidos en numerosas equipados con radio-collares (borregos Judas); una vez libe- islas alrededor del mundo; éstos se vuelven ferales y pro- rados sirvieron para localizar las manadas remanentes. De vocan impactos indiscriminados en los ecosistemas. En Isla marzo 2010 a abril 2012 se continuó con la erradicación me- Socorro, una isla tropical mexicana en el Océano Pacífico, diante cacería terrestre; 505 borregos fueron sacrificados en los borregos ferales causaron la erosión y compactación del esta etapa. El uso de borregos Judas y perros de muestra en- suelo, pérdida de vegetación y destrucción de hábitat, alte- trenados fue fundamental para la localización de los últimos raciones del paisaje, y la extinción de especies. En respues- borregos. Con el fin de confirmar la erradicación se llevó a ta a estas amenazas a la biodiversidad, los borregos fueron cabo por dos años un programa de monitoreo sistemático. En erradicados de Isla Socorro. En 2009, 1257 borregos ferales junio 2014, Isla Socorro fue declarada libre de borregos fera- fueron sacrificados durante la fase de cacería aérea, con 35 les. A la fecha (noviembre 2015) se ha registrado una mejoría horas de vuelo. Un total de 12 borregos fueron capturados y notable del ecosistema. ERRADICAÇÃO DE CARNEIROS FERAIS NA ILHA SOCORRO, MÉXICO: UM PASSO OBRIGATÓRIO PARA GARANTIR A RESTAURAÇÃO ECOLÓGICA Antonio Ortiz-Alcaraz, Alfonso Aguirre-Muñoz, Federico Méndez-Sánchez e Alfredo Ortega-Rubio RESUMO Carneiros domésticos foram introduzidos em numerosas leiras (carneiros Judas) para localizar os rebanhos restantes. ilhas em todo o mundo; tornaram-se ferais e tiveram impactos Entre março 2010 a abril 2012, continuo a erradicação com amplamente indiscriminados sobre os ecossistemas. Em Socor- caça terrestre e 505 carneiros foram sacrificados nesta fase. ro, uma ilha tropical mexicana no Oceano Pacífico, os carnei- O uso de “carneiros Judas” e cães de detecção foram funda- ros ferais causaram a compactação e erosão do solo, perda de mentais para localizar os últimos carneiros. Para confirmar o vegetação e habitat, mudança da paisagem, e extinção de es- sucesso da erradicação um programa de monitoração sistemá- pécies. Em resposta a estas ameaças à biodiversidade os car- tica foi realizado nos dois anos seguintes. Em junho 2014, Ilha neiros ferais foram retirados da Ilha Socorro. Em 2009, 1257 Socorro foi declarada livre de carneiros selvagens. Até a pre- ovinos foram sacrificados durante 35 horas de vôo de caça aé- sente data (novembro 2015) se registra uma recuperação notá- rea. Doze ovinos foram capturados e equipados com rádio co- vel do ecossistema. Armada de México), the Mexican civil society organi- zation Grupo de Ecología y Conservación de Islas, A.C. (GECI) completed the feral sheep eradication on Socorro Island by 2012. In
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