THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY ntered as tiocond UIUHJ ut Pout O'«c«. W«»I«I>\«. N J WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1959 32 Page*—10 Cents Name Business Manager Boro Pastor Will Speak at Lenten Robert Mulreany For Westfield Schools Service Tonight Edward J. VoorhecB of Seiiford, Elected President N.Y., has been named assistant to the superintendent In clmi-jre of Famous Preachers business affairs by the Westfield Scries Continues At Board of Education. This new position was provided for in the First Congregational Of School Board 19BD-(iO school bud/ret approved ast week, according to Robert H. The Rev. Dehvyn Rnyson, pastor Mulrcany, president of the Mountainside Presbyterian 'We feel that Mr. Voorhees can Church, will preach at the second Mrs. Kimball Is make two major contributions to- Famous Preachers Lenten service ward our goal of providing the which will be held in the First best possible education for all our Congregational Church tonight at Named VP As Westfield boys and girls," Mr. 8 o'clock Dr. J, Lylo McCorison, Mulrcany stated. pastor of the Congregational Group Organizes "In the first place, he will as- Church, will conduct the service, sume responsibilities which will assisted by the church choir. free nur administrative, super- The Rev. Mr. Rnyson was born Robert H. Mulreanv was elect- visory, and teaching staff from and raised in Oak Park, 111. Ho is ed president of the Board of Edu- many time-consuming non-profes- a graduate of the University of cation at its organization muetlng Bional duties, so they may devote a Rochester, and McCormack Pres- Monday night. Mra. Bruce E. Kim- greater portion of their effort to byterian Seminary in Chicago, 111. ball was named vice president. teaching and the improvement of He also took graduate work at Un- Mr. Mulreany, who was rceloct- instruction. ion Theological Seminary, New od to the board at last week's York. school election, has been a mem- "Secondly," Mr. Mulreany con EDWARD J. VOORHEES tinucd, "we feel Mr. Voorhecs can ber since February, I960,' and Upon graduation, he became vice prosidont since July, 1S88. centralize and systematize our pastor of the Evergreen Village business operations so they will be He has served on the finance and Community Presbyterian Church, budget, and operation and main- carried on more efficiently and 'New Look' Due Detroit, Mich. After this, he be- economically. Our school system tenance committees and as board came assistant director of the representative on the lay commit- —-Fred Kc has grown so in the past ten years Presbyterian Institute of Indus that the employment of a business 2 Skating Ponds tee on evaluating: teacher per- ; SCIENTISTS—Pupilt in the sixth fade CUII of Howard Buch in MeKinlcy School thow trial Relations following which he formance. n, lk«T conilructed in • tciencc unit. L«ft to rifht arc Daniel Waite, Richard Homer, Don manager is felt by the board to became pastor of the Greystone ROBERT MULREANY' tt, Un|''°n Booth, Richard Silcoi, Jim Coy, Glenn Harmon And John Alt. be absolutely essential. Presbyterian Church in Elizabeth. Mrs. Kimball has been a bo«rd "He was selected for the West- Town Approves It was from this post that he was member since 19S3 when she was Legion Schedules field business position after an ex- Commission's Plan called to become pastor of the elected to fill the unexplred term ongh Council $2800 Scholarship tensive screening program in newly formed Mountainside of Mrs. Marjorie Mockrish. She Oratorical Contest which more than 40 applicants' Recommendations by the Rccre church. Although less than ten has served on tho following com- backgrounds were reviewed." ation Commission that the town years old, the church now num- mittees: Instruction and health, •ns Sewer Bids Tomorrow Night Offered by Club Mr. Voorhees, at present busi- provide for safer Ice skating facil- bers several hundred members. of which she has been chairman X ' ness administrator for the Seaford ities at Fairview Cemetery and since 1058; new sites and build- Martin Wallberg Post 3, Amer- At tonight's service, Mr. Ray- Ings, and revision of rules »nd schools will join the Westfield Brightwood Pond, and prepare and son has announced he will preach g Ordinance ican Legion, will sponsor its an- College Women system June 1. He will be respon regulations. Her special assign- nual high school oratorical contest line all school and town football on the subject, "On Loving Our aible for the preparation of the and baseball fields, has been ap- ments have included community Introduced tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the Ameri- List Requirements school budgets, for the super- Neighbors." The community ii in- relations for tho past two years; proved by the Town Council, the vited to attend. member of the executive board of can Legion building:, 1003 North vision of accounting procedures commission announced today. liMHSIDE—Bids on the avenue. The public is invited, ac- The College Woman's Club of and for the purchasing of supplies Announcement hit keen made Union County School Boards As- a ? 110,000 sani- cording to Carolus T. Clark, chair- Westfleld will again offer a four He will also have According to the recommenda- that the third scnrlet wi!! be held sociation, 1958-58; and board's unopened by the Bor- nan of tlie local contest. year scholarship of $700 annually under his direction the'four cafe- tions, Fairview Cemetery and Thursday, Feb. 26, at the First representative on W e a t f I e I d Tuesday night. Fif- to a qualified girl, graduating in terias where »n avenge of 1,400- Orlghtwood ponds will be cleared Baptist Church with the Rev. Schools Athletic Council since re submitted. The All pupils of Holy Trinity and June from the Westfield High of stumps and wood, and signs Richard Hurdman of St. Paul's February, 1956. She haa been I tin introduced an ordi- Westfield senior and junior high School. Applications are available posted as to whether or not the Church as the preacher. president of the latter group for f.ftf issmnce of. bonds to schools, have bten invited to par- in the school guidance office and (Please,turn to page 2) ponds are in good skating condi- the last two years, , t il» project. ticipate. Medals will be awarded must be filled out and returned to tion. Supervisory checks will also 'ov first, second and third places. the scholarship chairman, Mrs. be made to insure continued safe Committees were appointed; by r biddtr was Minieri & Son Commander Albert J, Moelter skating. Notes 30th Year Mr. Mulreany as follows: Finance i whoie base bid was Clinton Seaman, on or before Study-Discussion and budget, Ernest Carlson,- <H«lr- has arso announced that the post March C. In regard to the maintenance, Ilk tabling l),300,,feet of will sponsor six students at Boys man; Gordon Walker, vice chair- i B tWsyberry )AM, Park Applicants will' be judged on' preparation and lining of the As YM Matron man; Instruction, Mrs. KimtanU IfN Providence road State Which will be held in June scholarship, character, all-around tanting school and town fields, the town and 15v. Jane Spraggr, chairman at' Rutgers University.' ability and personality as well as will assume the responsibility for and vice chairman, respectively; need. Only girls who have attend- preparing and lining- all fields, In- Mrs; Henry Is operation and maintenance, War- Pueltelli of Union was aec- MRS. BRUCE KIMBALL ilh a bid of 548,002. Sllvestrl ed Westfield High School for more Will Meet Tuesdays stead of the Board of Education. Honored for Service ren King.ibury and Kenneth nctlon Co. of Belleville ivas PTA Will Hear than one year are considered eli- In Westfield Library In the p^ast the board only provided Beyles, chairman and • vice chair- tt 552,119. gible. maintenance for school fields for Mrs. Helen Henry of 70S) South man; and new sites and building*, school programs, and not for gen- Thomas Bennett and Laertea 'Fpr- Council opened bids on the Previous winrlers of this schol- A study-discussion group en- avenue today observes her 30th Herbert Haase Talk On Alaska arship who are now in college are efal town \ recreational purposes. anniversary as matron of the YM tenbaugh, chairman and vice chair- ttion, 6,000 feet, in the New titled "Economics and Politics" The town now takes care of the man, race road - Greenwood road Zilpha Bentley, Mt. Holyoke '60; will meet at the Westfield Memor- fields at Tiunuques Park with re- CA resident hall, in Westfleld, ac- MOUNTAINSIDE — Mrs. Ed- Shirley bouglas, Mac Murray Col- ial Library beginning Tuesday at cording to an announcement by Heads Boro Fund Assignments were made'as fol- t last month's meeting. address the spect to general maintenance, lin- Kitaan Albert Harking said win Schoffman will lege '61 j and Janet Carlisle, Penn- 8 p.m., Miss Shirley Louise ing and marking. Frank A. Ketcham, president of the lows: Recreation Commission, Mr. Mountainside PTA on "Alaska, the sylvania State University '62. Wright, librarian, announced to- YM Board of Directors. Boylesi Union County . School wacU will not be awarded Magnificent" tonight at 8:15 »fto the ? 100,000 bonding In 1958, three additional fresh- day. The new group, which will The commission also recommend- Mrs, Henry, who is a native of «9,823 Collected Boards Association, Dr. gpragfr; o'clock in Deerfteld School, Cen- man scholarships were awarded to meet for ten consecutive Tuesday ed that two basketball courts be Ireland, has compiled the longest Athletic Council, Mi«.
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