Index 1. General Anatomy 2. Development of the Head and Neck 3. Osteology 4. Basic Neuroanatomy and Cranial Nerves 5. The Neck 6. Scalp and Muscles of Facial Expression 7. Parotid Bed and Gland 8. Temporal and Infratemporal Fossae 9. Muscles of Mastication 10. Temporomandibular Joint 11. Pterygopalatine Fossa 12. Nose and Nasal Cavity 13. Paranasal Sinuses 14. Oral Cavity 15. Tongue 16. Pharynx 17. Larynx 18. Cervical Fascia 19. Ear 20. Eye and Orbit 21. Autonomics of the Head and Neck 22. Intraoral Injections General Anatomy 1. 2nd State of deglutition is characterized by: (A) Elevation of larynx (B) Momentory apnea (C) Paristalsis of pharyngoesophageal sphincter (D) Relaxation of pharyngeal constrictors Answer: A 2. Abduction of eyeball is by the action of (A) Lateral rectus, superior oblique and inferior oblique (B) Medial rectus, superior rectus and inferior rectus (C) Superior oblique and superior rectus (D) Inferior oblique and inferior rectus Answer: A 3. Abductors of Larynx are: (A) Posterior crico arytenoids (B) Trenasverse arytenoids (C) Arytenoid Cricothyroid (D) All Answer: A 4. All are paranasal sinuses except: (A) Maxillary (B) Sphenoidal (C) Covernous (D) Ethmoidal. Answer: C 5. All are true about emissary veins of scalp except: (A) Valveless (B) Connect extracranial veins with intracranial venous sinuses (C) Principal vein of scalp (D) Present in loose areolar tissue Answer: C 6. All are true about mandibular nerve except: (A) Sensory branch arises from anterior trunk (B) Supplies muscles of mastication by main trunk (C) Buccal nerve innervates buccinator muscle (D) Nerve to medial pterygoid arises from main trunk Answer: B 7. All are true for ligamentum nuchae except: (A) Fibrous sheet that separate neck into two parts (B) Attached above to external occipital protuberance (C) Lies in median plane beneath deep fascia (D) Lies between deep fascia and superficial fascia. Answer: D 8. All muscles of facial expression are supplied by facial nerve except (A) Orbicularis oris (B) Levator palpebrae superioris (C) Orbicularis oculi (D) Levator anguli oris Answer: B 9. All of the following are supplied by ansa cervicalis except: (A) Sternohyoid (B) Omohyoid (C) Sternothyroid (D) Thyrohyoid Answer: D 10. All of the following are supplied by mandibular nerve except: (A) Masseter (B) Buccinator (C) Medial pterygoid (D) Anterior belly of digastric Answer: B 11. All of the following are true about upper eyelid except (A) Muscles which close the eyelid are supplied by facial nerve (B) Muscles which open the eyelid are supplied by trigeminal nerve (C) Sensory supply is by the Vth cranial nerve (D) Blood supply is by the lacrimal and ophthalmic arteries. Answer: B 12. All of the following forms the boundaries of scalenovertebral triangle except: (A) Longus colli – lower oblique part (B) 1st part of subclavian artery (C) Scalenus medium muscle (D) Neck of 1st rib Answer: C 13. All of the following muscles are elevator of hyoid bone except: (A) Digastric (B) Hyoglossus (C) Mylohyoid (D) Geniohyoid Answer: B 14. All of the following muscles form the boundaries of carotid triangle except: (A) Anterior belly of digastric (B) Posterior belly of digastric (C) Sternomastoid (D) Superior belly of omohyoid Answer: A 15. All of the muscles of larynx are supplied by recurrent laryngeal nerve except: (A) Cricohyoid (B) Cricothyroid (C) Arytenoid (D) Eryepiglottis Answer: B 16. All of these are true for fourth ventricle except: (A) Cavity of hind brain (B) Diamond shaped (C) Communicates with 3rd ventricle by interventricular foramen (D) Lies between cerebellum dorsally and pars and medulla ventrally. Answer: C 17. All structures are related to cavernous sinus except: (A) II or optic nerve (B) IV nerve (C) VI nerve (D) Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve Answer: A 18. All the cranial nerves provide innervation for the structures in the head and neck except are that additionally supplies thorax and abdomen: (A) Glossopharyngeal (B) Spinal accessory (C) Vagus (D) Hypoglossal Answer: C 19. All the following are branches of external carotid artery except: (A) Superior thyroid (B) Anterior ehthmoidal (C) Posterior auricular (D) Occipital Answer: B 20. All the following muscle are innervated by facial nerve except (A) Occipitofrontalis (B) Rigorous (C) Anterior belly of digastric (D) Procerus Answer: C 21. All the following muscles extend the head except: (A) Rectus capitis posterior major (B) Rectus capitis posterior minor (C) Oblique capitis superior (D) Oblique capitis inferior Answer: D 22. Anterior limit of infratemporal fossa: (A) Lateral pterygoid plate (B) Maxillary posterior wall (C) Pterygomaxillary fissure (D) Mastoid process Answer: B 23. Articular disc of TMJ is: (A) Fibrocartilagenous (B) Bony (C) Hyaline (D) Elastic Answer: A 24. Atlantoaxial joint is: (A) Pivot (B) Synovial (C) Saddle (D) Hinge Answer: A 25. Atlas (C1) vertebra is identified by: (A) Ring shaped (B) No body (C) No spine (D) All of the above Answer: D 26. Auditory tube is supplied by: (A) Ascending pharyngeal (B) Middle meningeal (C) Artery of pterygoid canal (D) All Answer: D 27. Blood supply of tonsil is: (A) Lingual artery (B) Superior thyroid artery (C) Facial artery (D) Pharyngeal artery Answer: C 28. Broca’s area is localized in: (A) Superior temporal gyrus (B) Parietal lobe (C) Inferior frontal lobe (D) Angular gyrus Answer: C 29. Carotid artery may be palpated at: (A) Hyoid bone (B) Thyroid cartilage (C) Transverse process of C5 (D) Transverse process of C3 Answer: B 30. Carotid body is richly supplied by: (A) Facial nerve (B) Glossopharyngeal nerve (C) Abducent nerve (D) Hypoglossal nerve Answer: B 31. Carotid sheath contains all except: (A) Vagus nerve (B) Internal carotid artery (C) Internal jugular vein (D) External carotid artery Answer: D 32. Cartilage lining trachea is: (A) Elastic (B) White fibrocartilage (C) Hyaline (D) Cellular Answer: C 33. Cavernous sinus communicates directly with all except: (A) Inferior petrosal sinus (B) Pterygoid venous plexus (C) Veins in orbit (D) Sigmoid and straight sinus Answer: D 34. Cavernous sinus does not communicate with the: (A) Ophthalmic vein (B) Internal jugular vein (C) External jugular vein (D) Pterygoid plexus. Answer: C 35. Cerebellar syndrome is characterized by: (A) Intention tremors (B) Ataxic gait (C) Muscular hypotonia (D) All Answer: D 36. Circle of Willis is formed by branches of: (A) Two internal carotid and two vertebral arteries (B) Two internal carotid and two vertebral arteries (C) Two internal carotid arteries (D) Two vertebral carotid arteries Answer: A 37. Cleft lip occurs due to failure of: (A) Fusion of lateral nasal process with maxillary process (B) Fusion of median nasal process with maxillary process. (C) Fusion of median and lateral nasal process (D) None. Answer: B 38. Cliliary ganglion is located (A) Between optic nerve and lateral rectus (B) Apex of orbit (C) Between apex of orbit and superior rectus (D) Apex of orbit between optic nerve and lateral rectus Answer: D 39. Common carotid artery divides at the level of: (A) Hyoid bone (B) Cricoid cartilage (C) Superior border of thyroid cartilage (D) Inferior border of thyroid cartilage Answer: C 40. Connecting vein between facial vein and cavernous sinus is: (A) Superior ophthalmic (B) Inferior ophthalmic (C) Connecting pterygoid plexus (D) None Answer: A 41. Contents of middle ear cavity are all except: (A) Malleus (B) Stapes (C) Chorda tympani (D) Cells of cord Answer: D 42. Contents of posterior triangle are these except: (A) Brachial plexus (B) Thyrocervical trunk (C) Subclavian artery (D) Omohyoid Answer: D 43. Corpus callosum is a/an: (A) Association fibers (B) Commissural fibers (C) Projection fibers (D) None Answer: B 44. Cranial nerve which are part of parasympathetic cord via: (A) III, IV, V, VII (B) III, VII, VIII, IX (C) III, VII, IX, X (D) VII, IX, X, XI Answer: C 45. CSF is partly absorbed by lymphatics around: (A) I, II, VII, VIII (B) I, II, VI, VII (C) I, III, VII, VIII (D) I, II, VI, VIII Answer: A 46. Dacrycystitis is caused by the inflammation of (A) Submandibular gland (B) Parotid gland (C) Sublingual gland (D) Lacrimal gland Answer: D 47. Damage to internal laryngeal nerve results in: (A) Hoarseness (B) Loss of timber of voice (C) Anesthesia of larynx (D) Breathing difficulty Answer: C 48. Danger area of face is called because of connection of facial veins to cavernous sinus through (A) Transverse facial vein (B) Maxillary vein (C) Superior ophthalmic vein (D) Ethmoidal vein Answer: C 49. Deep surface of hyoglossus is related to: (A) Lingual nerve (B) Hypoglossal nerve (C) Submandibular ganglion (D) Glossopharyngeal nerve Answer: D 50. Derivative of IInd pharyngeal arch is: (A) Sphenomandibular ligament (B) Anterior ligament of malleus (C) Stylomandibular ligament (D) Stylohyoid ligament Answer: D 51. Development of palate begins at the age of: (A) 4 weeks (B) 6 weeks (C) 13 weeks (D) 18 weeks. Answer: A 52. Duct of parotid gland is: (A) Stenson’s duct (B) Wharton’s duct (C) Nasolacrimal duct (D) Bartholin’s duct. Answer: A 53. Eruption sequence of decideous teeth: (A) A, B, D, C, E (B) A, B, C, D, E (C) A, B, E, D, C (D) A, D, B, C, E Answer: A 54. Esophagus commences at the following level: (A) Lower end of aricoid (B) C5 vertebra (C) 10 cm from incisior teeth (D) C7 vertebra Answer: A 55. External ear cartilage is: (A) Elastic (B) Hyaline (C) Fibrous (D) All Answer: A 56. External jugular vein: (A) Lies deep to sternomastoid (B) Drains into internal jugular vein (C) Formed by union of posterior auricular and posterior division of retromandibular vein (D) Pierces pretracheal layer of cervical fascia before termination Answer: C 57. Facial artery is a branch of (A) Internal carotid artery (B) External carotid artery (C) Superficial temporal artery (D) Maxillary artery Answer: B 58.
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