--- '?:Sv V- ' • m - fx S& "sn> ' - • - •.••VI'I I coirac %...., :m$x tao &£> -V)? m «ti Tte fill' V? ™'.5,n;v i'j jiw'i .istiisifrSruH. Is ...... <*mm DOLLARS f**&* PUBLISHED EVERY i.' •»'* r i • • '' *W '•' '• > Agriculture, Cavt0 JHanttfaftort*; % Jfamili) Jfeujspaucr—DeDotri to jCitcraturc, ©cncralJJiiW^ 'jilU M" S iSt •510-a - •" £ fisli.l. 'jv? "sf:; :;::r:,:.;yoLuME xxxi -NUMBER 28, NUMBER m NEWSERIES. KORWiUiK', CT. TUESDAY, JULY 9, ~r{ turned sadly into the house; and, sitting preacher ? It was. a time: when the gath­ After securing rooms, he walked' into 'the i v Terms of the Gazette. ,. NOTICE, POETRY. down, thrust his hands into his pockets, with ered feeling, checked some great obstacle, streets, earnestly scanning the signs as" ha Xi. A. SMITH, now"Principal of passed. He stopped before one that read V Village subscribers bycarrier—peryvnr$2 00 Rs: the dogged air of one who makes up his pauses in its rash career, and, for a moment, 'M;iil° do. in advance do. 2 00 Golden Hill Seminary (Bridgeport), From the Niw York Star. mind to be content with a positive evil. there, seems a doubt which-; way the tide '• Attorney^at-Law;" he'-paused, and ' then, *v O Tlce subscribers, or those living out of ha ving taken the house in this place, formerly THE BOSTON MUMMY. ]V[ W had been in S but a will flow. The awful passage, so solemnly with a start, as if the determination had n . the Carrier's district, and who call for " occupied by Eliphalet Lockwood, deceased, quoted, fell on the crowd like fire upon spice of the desperate in it, he ascended the will remove, here, and be in readiness to re­ Among all the hoaxes of the day, the Boston few weeks, and, although a stranger, had im­ •.- .their papers at the office, .: ; 1 50 powder, and, stimulated, as it seemed to stairs to the office. An elderly mai?, with ceive her pupils at the usual time—the first Mummy hoax stands pre-eminent. Only to pressed its inhabitants favorably—so -quiet, Companies of five or more receiving their them, by a command from Heaven, they bald head, and wrinkled face, was seated at Wednesday in May. think of our cute Yankee friends in the mod­ retiring, and, as all thought, kind was he, in p;ipurs by mall, if paid in advance 1 50 a table, surrounded by boolcs and papers.— 'Circulars containing Terms for Boarding ern Athens, who can see farther into the mys­ manners and disposition. The business that once more seized their trembling captive, - O. ' — - ' Inviting the new scholars may be found at the Post Office. A teries of religion, science an^criminal jurispru­ brought him to the place was by no means when the old captain whom W had comer to be seated, be o. S. Ferry, limited~"humbev of Day Scholars will be re­ dence, than any other live men, and who are, settled, and the intelligence he had received importuned.rfor,| passage,, claimed to b^ peered at him through his spectacles, and in­ in fact, the " chosen people" of the western ceived. ' must have been of a very pressing nature to heard :—tr • ^4," v : :n quired his business. V Attorney <md Coil scllor at Law. hemisphere, 11 TERMS. Primary English Studies, $8 ; make one naturally so timid anxious to "Comrades," said be, "Squire B Mr, C—you do not remember trie ?" MaBlory's Building. higher branches.$10 per session (of five months). " Lightsof the world and demigods of fame,"' thinks we had'nt ought to hang this fellow. " I cannot say that I do," answered the Only think of the learned pundits of that city brave a storm that caused the boldest to Qflice hours J rom 8 to 12 o' clock, A. M.;. and Extra charges the same as for boarding pupils. Well, I'll tell you what we'll do with him. attorney, slowly, as if in doubt. being so deliciously taken in and done for as shrink from duty. He had been sitting with from 1 to 6 o'clock, P. M. " Do you not remember pleadingin behaif Cheap, Ready Pay, they were, to the tune of five dollars each, by a look of gloomy discontent but a short time, He wanted to sail with me this day. He of a poor fellow about being lynched for % ] C. & G. A. BISSELiL, AND "that celebrated archa3ologist, Mr. Gliddon. when the clatter of horses' feet was heard in shall do so. We'll take him ou£sid.e the One Price Store. Oh ! it was rich ! it beats our Joyce Heih af­ the street, and a man, pale and trembling, bay—tie him in an open boat, and set him murder some thirty year.s since." Attorneys .and counsellors at Law. The Subscriber, grateful for the patronage fair hollow ! we did not mistake her for a man stood within the doorway. His first discord­ adrift. Then the Lord have mercy on him. Mr. M W u ;!" exclaimed the C{ Office over J. Maliory & Co.'s Store heretofore received from his numerous friends at all events, though we looked upon her as a ant utterance was the word "Murder!'1 What say you ?" lawyer joyfully. Can it be possible? I sort of mummy. The Philadelphia Bulletin never forget a face,and yours I savy in a frame NORWALK, CONN. and acquaintances during the past 25 years, No expression of pain or terror can send the A shout of approbation was the response, would has done the whole story into doggerel quite work that night that ought to impress it up­ say to them and the public generally, same deathly chill to the heart as that one and they hurried W to the shore. that he is now engaged in business on his own artistically, as will be seen by his subjoined George A. Davenport, word of terrible meaning; paralyzed with In the meantime the storm grew loud., and on my memory foreyer. But I thought you account, and on the cheap, ready pay, and one specimens : stupid surprise, the gathered crowd inquir­ when, in the dark night, their torches beaten dead -years ago," Attorney and Counsellor at law, price system. One Athenian modest trembled, out by the wind and rain, the crowd heard '• Sit down—sit down, and tell nje sill." It will be obvious to all reflecting minds, that, ingly gazed at the breathless messenger of Ojjicc West Side the Bridge, As before the crowd assembled, the angry waves dashing over the rude pier, " After I was thrown from the vessel, that to conduct the mercantile business on the one , He remarked the mummy's stature evil. Before he could relate what seemed - NORWALK, CONN. their courage failed, and seven only were night," said W——seating himself, " L price system, and that a very low price, it must Rather tall for female nature. to choke his utterance, the sheriff of the found ready for the enterprise. Clambering was so frightened that for some time J had Jan. 1st, 1850. 3 be done for ready pay. Gliddon bad an explanation, county hastily entered, and arrested M no consciousness of what occurred. On be­ - Additions will constantly be made of season­ Nearly ready for narration, W . upon the deck, with their victim in their Wm. W. Marram ore, able goods, to his already large stock comprising But, ere he began his answer. " For what ? " faltered the young man. midst, the cables were cut, and the little coming more collected., I found my boat half filled with water, riding the .short, heavy an unusual variety. Cried another, "She's a man. Sir ! " The murder of Millie Woods," was the bark, like a frightened bird, flew out to sea. The subscriber flatters himselfthat. from his Consternation, lady's blushmg, Perhaps no scene ever painted itself on waves, and every second I .expected to go stern reply. means and long experience, together with the Beaux confused disposed for rushing under, or .capsized, and so d.rowa. This C.omcr of State and Main Streets, It wanted only this to swell the horrible the canvass of real life so startling, weird help of polite and attentive clerks be will offer Off without a moment waiting ; and strancre as this. While the stout-hearted not oc.eurjng, i hegan to look a'bout me. I BRIDGEPORT, CONN. sensation that had fallen upon the crowd. great inducements to all who may want good For,'twas fixed without debating, skipper steered the bark, the convict, assisted found the .cord by -which I was tied passed and cheap goods. Millie Woods, a little girl ten or twelve That the tinroll'd priestess tender by foui of his companions, tied YV to over my shoulder. 1 managed to get in my FIE5&BS <&, HEWDmCKS, SEYMOUR COMSTOCK- "Was not of the female gender! years of age, was an only child of respecta­ the open boat, and the preacher, kneeling mouth and soon gnawed it apart. This loos­ I\l<\ N UFACT URKit5 AMD DKALKItS IN New Canaan. Jan. 31. 1850. 6 Gliddon for a moment, faltered, ble parents living within a mile of S , upon the deck, was heard between the pauses ened my hands, so that in a few minutes I But his visage soon was altered, and, by her sprightly loveliness, had won Soots, Slioes, Leather, and Findings of the thunder, far above wave.s and wind, freed myself and sat up. With an old cup For he saw a dawning notion the affection of all the villagers.
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