THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS FRIDAY. OCTOBER 1. 1954 LOWRY AIR FORCE BASE 7 :ZO am The President l eft the Doud R eidenc e 7 :30 am The President rrived at Lowry Field 9 :00 arn Mr. Charles bite. President of Republic Steel Company (Mr. White is coming to pay his respects) 10:00 m The President departed office, a ccomp nied by Mr. Charles hite, President of Republic Steel. 10:15 am Arrived at Brown Palac e Hotel, picked up Mr. Cieo rge en and proceeded to 1711 California and picked up Mr. Aksel Nielsen. Party drove on sightseeing tour a nd inspection of Mr. Nielsen's farm, surroun ing area. etc. 11:45 am The President arrived at the Cherl'y Hills Country Club 12:00 Noon The President p r a c ticed golf 12:15 pm The President bad lunch with the following: (given by Mr. Bill Flenniken) George Allen Bill Flenniken Mark Kramer Aksel Nielsen Charl bite ·p Arnold Lloyd Mangrum Don Kelly A . M . Bell Col Robert Schulz Maj A . D. Hardey Warwick M . Downing Maury Gooden L . M . Pexton John Louisio Jack Beardwood 1:00 pm The President play d golf with the following : Ch rle s White Don Kelly Jack Beardwood . 1. 19 .f:lO P sf.. ti p ta a.Vj!Ao 1 holes · golf ~-·_ dby LOW· y m ro CE • 7:25 e I.' ai redt Do e 7.:35 ~ • eld :OO am llv r meeaap _ dte \11"}" -rt•••~ ce. · • .Defena Cl _an , 8.:4S am e P~ aldent Uh S 10:22 - ~e · r al l : U ~e•id., . yins 1 h lea 101£ l :4S p _ The Z:SS pm eald at rriv d at POINT E 9, 1954 LO Y · FO CE l :so am *'•· El•enhowet tteacled the 1Zt07 12: •i •tle• t .,. 12: 1;05 fn 1 :00 pm 2 :30 -- proc•ede uite 0 • G•uea l: '.g:J)!J61;QQ y Mrs •. Elvi..-a Doud, o el &tld afteroooa to o M.r•..• iae ow.er d e l)cn ealcl.•. ce. LO Y 7:20 a . ee 7:30 am 7:3 . a.an • ll; 5 m The rte offic f.or nt .-rive a.t lZ:OO Noon Lunche iv n y Ch 1' y fflll• C tJ'y Clu attfll by approx.imat y 140 .· _r• l :Z? pn> The ~ · •i _ l'lt lay I U followi g: r ll Nod J rry Campb l1 ob ¢llva.ine 4 :15 pm The Pireeident compl t.yin. 14 kol • Qf golt 4 :31 m r~y Hill• r.ur · t to ence 5:00 m bere two minute during a two • l §4. com mor dug eecent liSht bulb : 3 pm Hugh •So 6:SO LO " Y 7:2.l m rui t dep rte aidenc 1 :33 Id :OOam Jr 1td•t on. matter• • .f the gover- at) 10~00 .. lUc r ll:Z.5 am ,.•• ,, t pa.r1e . m w Ch r y Hilb .a.t Cheri-y Hille Coll.lltry Club and as r lcl. • ldn an uat ., Cot> • U:50 1'h Pr si nt oll n Pite1ident ha • Oeor e Mr. ton Mr. p TUESD.A.Y • OCTO. 5, ' 2 1:00 pm 1:10 £ llo lng: ete laying 1 ol • Jc>lf Club e-urout r n P lace 4 •55 l' eident ce Hotel 8:10 pm Z? th th• f QUowia,g; ll:Z7 pm ownP U:35 ~ Pr s · n rrive at the Doud aideuc 1 "h t M PRESIDENT' S PPOlNnENTS TiruRSDAY, OCTOBER 7, l9e'>4 LOWRY AIR FORCE BASE 7i33 am Th President departed the ud residence '7'42 am The President arrived at his office. Lowry r Force Base 8:00 m Honorable Robert Cutler (General Cutl r is collling to brief the President on National eeurity Council m eting) 9100 am (Hon. Robert Cutler) (Major Gen. John • Gerhart) (Mr . Jim Lay ) (Mr . • E. Gl ason ) (Mr . J . Patrtck Coyn ) (G neral Cutl r brought these members of the National Security Council in to see the President briefly) OFF ntE RECORD 9a45 am the Vice President 10i48 m The President depart Lowry Air Force Bas for Cherry Hills Country Club ll :13 am Th President arrived at Cherry Hills Country Club 12 " Ml The President had luncheon with the followinga The Vice Preaident • ip n<>ld Mr . Leonard Hall Mr. uonald Nixon Mr . Ray Aber thnot Mr . Arthur Rydstrom Mr . George 11 n Mr . David G. Gordon 4:43 pm The President departed Cherry Hills Country Club 4s53 pm The President arrived at the Doud residence BASE lh• real ent departed the ud •••ic:tene for his offlee at Lowry Al.r Force Baa t49 lhe •ident arrived at hit office• towiy r fore Base 10.00 Th following ~d tnessed th · ••1d9ftt signing a proclamation p~l•i tng the puiod vctobe:t 11th thnl G;to ~ 16, 1 ) a.9 ·tt.oncl ·•• eui. lral L ell• P•tty 1.eom1A ••l•tant eon G. et. l of the United tate.a •• th Sl •• Jtnsld nt of tton.l JAa e for e Ml•• 9M• <lhlson, tldent of A!fft-lcan ••• A•socl tion Mr•· Stuart Alexandei-, Consultant to the $\ageon General 10115 • Bishop alph A. Wrd ( 1th a!'d, Ibo served th• Method1•t Church in Ch1 for ny yeu• and 11 now reef.dent bishop for Fol'llClsa and Mong Kof\9• came to toll the Pre&ldent hls vletn on th en.rat plct\ll'e ln 1 ) 10•30 • badfOJ'd 1014$ am · lhe Viet aid t 11157 nie r ald t depart hle offlee f<>r th Doud Hetdence fu04 pa 11\e P a-ldent deputed the reside ce for th Bi-own Palace Hotel 5a10 pal Th President arr1Yi t 5130 pin 1.eglal ttv Leader• et1 in th Pl'e•ld ntial lte at th• Pal e Ho-tel with the following• Vice PJ-eald nt lxen enator 1111 ICncwla enator Eu9e• U 1kS.n Senator Hoaer· uguaon Congre.aaan Joaeph rtln CongreaSS1an Leslie A!'enda Congre• n Charln. llect ~---- - Page 2 Cof'19J'•tlMA l.eo llen Cbat..-n Leona Hall Mr. Jame• Ba•&ett Mr. Vtc J~hMOI\ ecr tuy 'D\oma• t _ 1tn1 • Brye R4rlow • a- ald 1'9iitn • J ck rtln • l.llney nydezt 7114 pm lbe President d•art the al.c~ Hotel nd motoli dUeetly to the Denver Clty Aud to~t ''h21 lhe Pre•ld nt arrlv at the Oenvtt City AUdltol'l.ua to 1p.U at t epubU.can RaUy. The Vlc ___ ldent .rent on th• au at 7•30 pm, 9f)Ok• for- 1bout et.ght •lnut••• •nd then lntzoduoed the Pna1 ent, who .,,oke until 8100 pm. _,03 pm lhe ••ld nt dt\p•rted from th udf.tOl'lum for th• J!Own P.alace Hotel 108 pm 1'be President ar!'ived at tbe own Palace Hotel 8119 pn The hedd t ~ecelved th• l..e;lslatlv ,t.eade.re in bls ultt tt th BJoc;wn Pal et H6tel 'nl• Pi-esl n-t 9a• a dlMa.r honoi-ing th t.egltl t1v 1.&ad rs ln o 8%7 t th Brown P lace Hotel l0a21 lhe Pr aid~ ~ted the ro-An Palace tel 10•27 pm 1be Pl'esid nt urtved at th "1143 Ill 1he sl ent depai-t the re 1d nee 7a5.1 am lb•••• a«> am Lt. Gen. loyd • arl$ e ndtng O.n r 1 2nd tmy ort 9•10 th Pl'etident depu th offle• mo or t C ei'fV Hill• CountJy Cl , ~companJ.ed t>y the folleurlngc ena l Floyd aka · Genttal •t ffal'tlOn · Th Ps- sldent luno eon ln ~1¥ te ·1nlng nom with the followings nei-.al me e 1 Ha.rao.n • 1-1 t th r eat of , I'. ton,, th Pht1dent w lk d on th• turace of the Club hen; :h• met 12 11111plOY4t•• of the Illinois allfornl ~••• G ny The 1 •nt eput CMJ'ry Mill• Country Cle tl Rt tnl 10 ~l Ps-e1id t nd the Pl:rwt L :y departed th resldenc aAd •tol'ed inctly to Corona Pl' tbytQO:ian Cb\lnh 1015.3 th lr&t . y · nlv · at the Church 12• pm 'lh9 Pr ldeAt .nd the Flr•t Lriy depart th Ohuch 12• . pm lh• al •tlt and tbe lrat lady urlved t th• r al~· at L y, ace · 1~ by J'ted the ~ ;rtddenc.e P. H" . lh• Pr••i ent.., th• b·•t Lady ftd • · f;toud. atrlvl!Ki at r•• ~· 'h - - '7153 1he ••!.dent a'l'rlved at hla office at Lowry ii' fo~ S.se 911?> • • • eU• of nv _r, lor o ( • · Elsenhollle.r augg\lated that • ells be lnvt ted to call on th . eeidlfnt) 9t20 Monon 1• frank • rr tt of yomtng ( aa OI' a~ tt to pay hi• ~eap_ect•) f.JC of nvel". Color dO ( •• to y thell" ••tPecta) 10100 (frank ood of lcM.t• P 11•• Texa•) o - ( 10143 am Th P.-e•lden't dt!P•l'ted Lowry Ali- oJ'C• &• for Cheny Hlllt Country Club U the ~•ldent had lunch n t Cheny HUl• Country Club wlth th follwl • • e lay • .i!\1 chrepfe n _• Gold1 F•uchild 'fh P.teti - t eparted l:fta'l"PV Hilla Country Cl 7, th• Ol'Ce 88 •00 91 at c o 1nvt.te uecemc>er 11th) 101 ry lr Feret • 10142 12•25 rry 111• Co.
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