November 7, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 21825 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—Wednesday, November 7, 2001 The House met at 10:00 a.m. and was Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, I object today’s distinguished guest chaplain, called to order by the Speaker pro tem- to the vote on the ground that a my personal pastor, Reverend John pore (Mr. SHAW). quorum is not present and make the Reist, Junior. f point of order that a quorum is not Reverend Reist is a great American present. and a community leader. He has served DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- as a veteran in the Armed Forces. He PRO TEMPORE ant to clause 8, rule XX, further pro- now combines his duty at the Somerset The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- ceedings on this question will be post- Congregational Church with his work fore the House the following commu- poned. as a professor of Christianity and lit- nication from the Speaker: The point of no quorum is considered erature at Hillsdale College. He has NOVEMBER 7, 2001. withdrawn. been recognized as teacher of the year, I hereby appoint the Honorable E. CLAY f served as academic dean and is now the SHAW, Jr. to act as Speaker pro tempore on executive director of the Michigan As- this day. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE sociation of Scholars. He holds a Ph.D. J. DENNIS HASTERT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the degree in English from the University f gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. of Chicago and has been widely pub- SMITH) come forward and lead the lished. PRAYER House in the Pledge of Allegiance. His warmth, his devotion, his humor The Reverend Dr. John S. Reist, Jr., Mr. SMITH of New Jersey led the and understanding make him an out- Professor of Christianity and Lit- Pledge of Allegiance as follows: standing counselor to his congregants erature, Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the and his students. These qualities have Michigan, and Pastor, Somerset Con- United States of America, and to the Repub- led to a doubling of our congregation in gregational Church, Somerset, Michi- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, the 3 years since he came to our gan, offered the following prayer: indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. church. Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, f Reverend Reist is distinguished by we are grateful for the Members of this his love for his family, his church and House whom we have elected by Your MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE his college, and his ability to motivate Providence to do Your work. A message from the Senate by Mr. and cultivate those around him. I am We ask that You give Your wisdom Monahan, one of its clerks, announced proud to welcome him here today as to this House as they consider and de- that the Senate has passed with an our guest chaplain. bate. amendment in which the concurrence f We request that You grant to them, of the House is requested, a bill of the and through them, to us, the power to House of the following title: ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE choose the right and the will to do the H.R. 3061. An act making appropriations right, not only for us but for all man- for the Departments of Labor, Health and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The kind. Human Services, and Education, and related Chair will receive 15 one-minute We pray that whether in this House agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- speeches on each side. or in far-off mountains and trenches or tember 30, 2002, and for other purposes. f in the skies or the corridors of power, The message also announced that the all of us might eventually and finally Senate insists upon its amendment to SALUTE TO THE WORLD SERIES rejoice that we in our time and in our the bill (H.R. 3061) ‘‘An Act making ap- PLAYERS, ARIZONA DIAMOND- place will have made out of this propriations for the Departments of BACKS AND NEW YORK YANKEES present challenging moment a memo- Labor, Health and Human Services, (Mr. HAYWORTH asked and was rable passage toward Your coming and Education, and related agencies for given permission to address the House kingdom of righteousness and peace. the fiscal year ending September 30, for 1 minute and to revise and extend We pray this in the name of Jesus 2002, and for other purposes,’’ requests his remarks.) Christ and for the sake of all human- a conference with the House on the dis- Mr. HAYWORTH. Mr. Speaker, there ity. Amen. agreeing votes of the two Houses there- is no doubt that this is a trying time in f on, and appoints Mr. HARKIN, Mr. HOL- our history. Questions of great moment THE JOURNAL LINGS, Mr. INOUYE, Mr. REID, Mr. KOHL, confront this House, and yet precisely Mrs. MURRAY, Ms. LANDRIEU, Mr. BYRD, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The because this is a time of national need, Mr. SPECTER, Mr. COCHRAN, Mr. GREGG, Chair has examined the Journal of the it is entirely appropriate that we focus Mr. CRAIG, Mrs. HUTCHISON, Mr. STE- last day’s proceedings and announces likewise on our national pastime be- VENS, and Mr. DEWINE, to be the con- to the House his approval thereof. cause the recently completed World Se- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- ferees on the part of the Senate. ries offers to millions of Americans nal stands approved. f more than just diversion and amuse- Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, pursuant ment. It offers again reinforcement of EXTENDING A WELCOME TO THE to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote on the positive characteristics of team- GUEST CHAPLAIN, THE REV- agreeing to the Speaker’s approval of work and rising to the task when the EREND DR. JOHN S. REIST, JR. the Journal. chips are down. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The (Mr. SMITH of Michigan asked and As one who is honored to represent question is on the Speaker’s approval was given permission to address the the great State of Arizona, I come to of the Journal. House for 1 minute.) this well today to salute the new world The question was taken; and the Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Mr. Speak- champion Arizona Diamondbacks. Speaker pro tempore announced that er, I rise to introduce our guest chap- Randy Johnson, Curt Schilling, abso- the ayes appeared to have it. lain today, and we certainly welcome lutely thrilling on the mound. Quite b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 04 2004 08:50 Aug 15, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\H07NO1.000 H07NO1 21826 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE November 7, 2001 rationally and reasonably co-Most Val- filiated with the universities from Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. uable Players in the series. across the Nation. Also in attendance Speaker, time is running out for us to I salute likewise the American will be representatives from national stop mad scientists from cloning inno- League Champions New York Yankees research policy organizations and rep- cent human beings. because it is a simple notion in sports, resentatives from the National Insti- Infamous fertility specialist Severino to be the best, you have to beat the tute on Drug Abuse. Antinori is working with a team of sci- best, and that is what the The National Hispanic Science Net- entists right now to clone humans. He Diamondbacks accomplished as a team. work is working toward reducing recently told the BBC radio, and I So we salute the D-backs as World health disparities between Hispanics quote, I think in 3 or 4 months we will Champs. We salute the Yankees, and and other populations. This group is have the first pregnancy. Asked wheth- let us get back to work on behalf of the committed to involving Hispanic sci- er he would have a cloned human being American people. entists in federally supported research by September 2002, he said, I hope and f through mentoring, training, net- I believe. working and technical assistance op- Columnist Charles Krauthammer is GAO EMPLOYEES EPITOMIZE portunities. one of the many calling on the Senate PROFESSIONALISM Please join me in congratulating the to pass a human cloning ban. He re- (Mr. HOYER asked and was given National Hispanic Science Network on cently said, and I quote, ‘‘Sanity and permission to address the House for 1 Drug Abuse for its dedication in assist- prudence combined to produce a great minute.) ing Hispanics through research and victory on July 31 when the House of Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise on education. Representatives overwhelmingly de- behalf of all of the Members of the f feated—the margin was over 100 votes— House. It is not every day that Mem- the legalization of early human embry- bers of the House and their staffs have FORTRESS AMERICA onic cloning. But the fight is not over. to evacuate their congressional offices (Mr. FARR of California asked and The Senate needs to act as well.’’ due to an unseen but potentially lethal was given permission to address the Our government, Mr. Speaker, can- health hazard. In fact, as all of us House for 1 minute and to revise and not sit idly by as unethical scientists know, it was unprecedented.
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