e CaliforniaTech Volume LVII Pasculena, California Friday, September 30, 1955 Number 1 Tech hosts world statesmen New freshmen return from Trustees name Hoffman, Douglas, Bunche three-day mountain retreat new members to visit campus as guests of Y to Tech staff Paul Hoffman, William O. Douglas, and Ralph Bunche are The presence of almost two hundred new faces among the to be guests at Caltech this year in a new "Leaders of Amer­ student body at the beginning of this week was the sign that New appointments to the fac­ ica" series announced recently by the Cal tech YMCA. Each ulty and research staff of the New Student Camp was over and the Class of 1959 was present of these very distinguished men will be on campus several days and ready to go to work. The annual outing at Camp Radford California Institute of Technol­ was held Thursday, Friday and Saturday. ogy, for this academic year have for addresses, talks to classes, and informal meetings Y(ith The freshman class contains -----------­ been announced by the board of students and faculty. almost exactly 180 men, contrary trustees. Funds for these visits are fur· to rumors that had been heard Named as Senior Research nished by the Robert A. Milli­ earlier to the effect that too Juniors to hold Fellows are Toyoki Koga, engi­ Dr. Golston kan bequest to the YMCA. The many applicants had been ac­ neering; Herbert Rhinesmith, program was established to cepted. The ranks were swelled picnic at beach chemistry; John Seddon, aero­ bring outstanding men of the at camp by 17 transfer students nautics; and Lloyd S. Shapley, receives Yale country to the Caltech campus. in the upper classes. Junior class social chairman rr.athematics. Doug Ritchie has set Sunday, Pual G. Hoffman, chairman of Assistant professors appointed the board of Studebaker-Pack­ Highlight of the camp pro­ Octobell 9, as the date for the are: Clarence R. Allen, Leon T. professorship ard Corporation, will appear gram, as always, was the ad­ popularly requested junior beach Silver and Gerald J. Wasser­ Dr. Arthur W. Galston, asso­ dress given by Dr. Lee Du­ picnic. The place is Playa del here the week of November 7. burg, geology; Peter Fay and ciate professor of biology at Cal­ Mr .Hoffman was president and Bridge, president of the Insti­ Rey beach, south of Santa Mon­ Mack E. Thompson, history; Roy tech for the past four years, left tute, on Friday night. During ica. Female companions are re­ director of the Ford Foundation Gould and Robert D. Middle­ the Institute in August to re­ from 1951 to 1953. Prior to that the three days the new students quired, and the cost of the sup­ brook, electrical engineering. ceive a professorship in biology he was administrator of the Eco­ also listened to a great many per will be footed by the juni~r Added to the staff of instruc­ at Yale University September 1. nomics Cooperation Administra­ other speeches, talks, and "clue treasury. There will be volley­ tors are Calvin H. Wilcox, math­ tion (The Marshall Plan), fol­ sessions" given by student lead­ ball and many other activities In addition to his teaching du­ ematics, and Dwight Thomas, lowing a long career in the auto­ ers and faculty members on va­ besides swimming. ties here, Dr. Galston conducted English and public speaking. movbile business. Specific topics rious subjects of Caltech life. extensive research on the effect of light on plant growth. Spe­ for his addresses will be an­ The new class showed consid­ cifically, he has investigated the nounced on his return from Eu­ erable interest in athletics, but mechanisms by which light ef­ rope. could not compete with the fac­ Parking regulations changed; fects the production, utilization ,\Villiam O. Douglas, currently ulty in softball, as the old men and destruction of the plant touring Russia, will be here Jan­ of science took the traditional car spaces remain scarse growth hormone. He has also uary 22 to 27, 1956. In addition softball game for the second done studies on various enzymes to serving on the Supreme year in a row'. In music the Two changes in campus parking regulations have been made and their roles in the chemistry Court, Justice Douglas is the au­ new men were an unqualified by the Institute in an effort to curb increasing parking viola­ of plant and animal life. thor of a number of books on success, and the Grand Amalga­ tions. Parking hours have been tightened and fines for con­ civil liberties, American law, mated Concert Band, though not tinued violations have been increased. Dr. Galston is co-author, with Dr. James Bonner, of the text­ mountaineering, and world tra­ as large a group as usual, was Rule 4, which formerly stated that parking at Athletic Field vel. the most musical such organi­ (Tournament Park) is permit· book "Principles of Plant Physi­ zation to 'be heard in several tevd at all hours, has been Dabney Hall scene ology," published in 1952, and Ralph Bunche will be on cam­ years. changed to read: . has published many papers in pus the week of April 8, 1956, "Parking in Athletic Field of first exchange scientific journals. during the third term. Mr. While at camp Bob Ingram of (Tournament Park) is permit- Dabne Hall Bunche, who received a Nobel Alhambra was chosen to serve ted at all hours on a daily or .y Dr. Galston received his bach­ Peace Prize after settling Arab­ as first-term class president. weekly basis. Vehicles left in Tomorrow mght at 8:30 Cal- elor of science degree from Cor­ Israeli disputes, is currently un­ Other officers are one position for more than 30 tech will be host to girls from nell University in 1940, and went dersecretary of the United Na­ Other officers are vice president, days will be presumed to be in USC, Occidental, Whittier, Pasa­ on to obtain his MS in 1942 and tions and Director of the De­ John Evanhoe; secretary, Neal storage and a charge of $1.00 per dena Playhouse, Huntington his PhD in 1943 at the Univer­ partment of Trusteeship of the de Gaston; treasurer, George United Nations. day will be made for such stor- Hospital, and Los Angeles Coun­ sity of Illinois. A research fel­ Logeman; athletic manage r, age." ty Hospital at the first exchange Tentative plans have been Brent Banta; Board of Control, and firot student body social low at Caltech in 1943-44, he Rule 10, stipulating a $1.00 fine made for these men to live on Bob Huebotter and Clint Frasier. function of the year. The dance served in the U.S. Navy in 1945­ for each first violation of the campus in the student house will be held in Dabney Hall, a:ld 46, returning to Caltech as a sen­ rules and a $2.00 fine for each guest suite. John Young, series the dress will be coat and tie. subsequent violation, will read: ior research fellow in 1947. He chairman, has stated that there The exchange is being organ­ spent the year 1950-51 in Swe­ Hartford first "Persons violating any of the ized by Bob Kausen, who is fill­ will be opportunity for students den. France, and England as a above rules will be assessed a ing in as first rep until elections to meet these men informally in rep candidate $1.00 ne for the first violation. can be held to fill the post va­ Fellow of the Guggenheim the student houses and in class Fon each subsequent violation cated by Dick Morse. Foundation. discussions. J on Harford was the only the amount of the fine to be as­ nominee for the office of first sessed will be increased by $1.00 representative at large in nomi­ over the amount of the previous nations held Thursday. The fine. election is being held to fill the A set of rules regarding the Dr. Neher visits Greenland, Mexico; vacancy caused by the depavture repair lot has also been drawn of Dick Morse. Morse, who was up. These repair lot regulations elected in elections held at the are: leaves for India and Europe October 8 close of second term of last year 1. No car may be repaired in dia. This trip to India, on panied by his wife, is under the is now attending the University by Dick Hundley the lot without the consent and which Dr. Neher will be accom- auspices of the Foreign Opera­ of Colorado. knowledge of the ASCIT Second Of all the internationally fa­ tions Administration of the Uni­ Nominations will remain open Representative. mous Caltech faculty members ted States State Department. none has done more traveling through October 7. If there are 2. A car may not occupy a recently than Henry Victor Following their stay in India, more nominees, elections will be repair space for more than one Neher, professor of physics. Dr. Dr. Neher and his wife will .\:teld the following week; in the week, at which time the key Neher has just returned to Pas­ spend two months touring Eu· event that there are no more must be returned. Special ap­ adena from Mexico, where he rope. Besides sightseeing, they nominations, Harford will be­ proval must be obtained for spent two weeks conferring with will visit several of the more come first rep. larger repairs. Mexican cosmic ray experts. important continental research The first rep is a member of 3. After all repair jobs, the Prior to that, Dr. Neher was in institutions, where Dr. Neher stall must be cleaned up, includ­ the .ASCIT Board of Directors.
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