1963 CON-GRESSIONAL RECORD-· HOUSE 1857 PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. JOHNSON of· California: By Mr. O'NEILL: H.R. 3454. A bill for the relief of Vicente · H.R. 3461. A blll for the relief of Gino Under clause 1 of rule XXII,_private Ybinarriaga-Lopategui; to the Committee· on DeSantis; to the· Committee on the Judiciary:. bills and resolutions were introduced and the Judiciary. · ' H.R. 3462. A blll for the ·relief ·of Aurora ·severally referred as -follows: · By·Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts: · Matessich; to the Committee on the Judi­ . By· Mr." BROMWELL: . H.R. 3455. A bill for the relief of Rudolph ciary. H.R. 3447. A bill for the relief o~ Nonrta T. Sikora; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. POWELL: Sadumiano; to t~e Committee on the Ju­ By Mr. MOORE: H.R. 3463. A bUl for the relief of Doris diciary. H.R. 3456: A bill for the relief of Maria Gunter; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 3448. A bill for the relief of Alicia A. Orpha:tlidis; to the Committee on the Judi­ Mr: PUCINSKI: ciary. Basco; to the CoPJ.mittee on tl"~e Judiciary. H.R. 3464. A bill for the relief of Jan H.R. 3449. A bill for the relief of _Elena A. By Mr. MULTER: Marchelewski; to the Committee on the Basco; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 3457. A bill for the relief of Salomon Judiciary. Zami-Setton; to the Committee on the Judi­ By Mr. ROSENTHAL: . By Mr. DOWNING: . ciary. H.R. 3450. A bill for the relief of Herbert H.R. 3465. A bill for the relief of Mrs. H.R. 3458. A bill for the relief of Filippo B. Shorter, Sr.; to the Committee on the Rosaria Minacapelli; to the Committee on LoCicero, Rosalia LoCicero, Paola LoCicero, the Judiciary. · · Judiciary. and Guiseppa LoCicero; to the Committee on By Mr. FINO: H.R. 3466. A bill for the relief of Irina the Judiciary. Semenovna Novikova; to the Committee on H.R. 3451. A bill for the relief of Nava By Mr. MURPHY of Illinois: the Judiciary. Barak; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 3459. A bill for the relief of Peregrina H.R. 3452. A bill for the relief of Pablo Calipo Sucaldito; to the Committee on the H.R. 3467. A bill for the relief of Anastasia Flume; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Judiciary. Bonaros; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. HEALEY: H.R. 3460. A bill for the relief of Marija H.R. 3468. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Klara H.R. 3453. A bill for the relief of Domenico Matijevic; to the Committee on the Judi­ Schlittner; to the Committee on the Judi­ Busetto; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ciary. ciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Ansley Wilcox House as a National withstanding any other provision of law, .Bank of Buffalo covering a driveway ramp the Secretary of the Interior shall acquire on and automobile parking privileges, together Historic Site behalf of the United States the real property with the right of ingress and egress to Dela­ described in section 2 of this Act, known as ware Avenue and Franklin Street, as con­ the Ansley Wilcox House, which real property tained in said lease. EXTENSION OF REMARKS is of national historic significance as the OF place in which Theodore Roosevelt took the oath of office as President of the United HO~ .. T~ADDJ:US J. DULSKI States on September 14, 1901, following the Postmaster General J. Edward Day Ad­ OF NEW YORK assassination of President Wllllam McKinley. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Secretary shall maintain and preserve dresses West Virginia Legislators­ such property as a national historic site for Tuesday, February 5, 1963 the inspiration and benefit of the people ot - Stresses Need for Resolute Action in Mr. DULSKI. Mr. Speaker, I am re­ the United States. Order ·To Realize National Economic SEc. 2. The real property referred to in the introducing the bill which would desig­ first section of this Act is more particularly Potential nate the Ansley Wilcox House at 641 described as follows: Delaware Avenue in Buffalo, N.Y., as a All that tract or parcel of land, situate national historic site. This is the place in the city of Buffalo, county of Erie, State EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF where Theodore Roosevelt was sworn in of New York, and begi~ning at a point in the as President of the United States, and east line of Delaware Avenue distant 110 HON. JENNINGS RANDOLPH it is one of only four sites outside Wash­ feet southerly from the southerly line of land ington, D.C., where the Presidential Oath of Catharine Marie Richmond, recorded in OF WEST VIRGINIA Erie County clerk's office in liber 247 of deeds IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES has been administered. The others are at page 167; running thence easterly a dis­ the old Subtreasury Building in New tance of 110 feet; Tuesday, February 5, 1963 York City where George Washington Running thence southerly a distance of Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, the _was inaugurated for his first term; Phil­ 60 feet to a point in the north line of land pressing need for rethinking and restruc­ adelphia's Congress Hall-the scene of of Morris Michael, recorded in Erie County turing in current tax procedures has been Washington's second and John Adams' Clerk's office in liber 531 of deeds at page 335; -effectively brought out by President John inauguration; and the homestead ·in running thence easterly and along the north Plymouth, Vt., where Calvin Coolidge line of land of the said Morris Michael 64 feet F. Kennedy in his state of the Union more or less, and continuing easterly on a ·message of January 10, 1963. The Chief was sworn in. line extendt:d from the land of Morris Executive has pointed out that we must There is no question but that the Wil­ Michael a further distance of 174 feet more institute a permanent program of ex­ cox House is a national historic· Iand­ or less to the westerly line of Franklin panded incentives and opportunities for ·mark of the utmost significance. Street; running .thence northerly along the private expenditures, promoting fuller Last year legislation was enacted to westerly line of Franklin Street 110 feet; use of industrial capacity and higher add Sagamore Island on Long Island, running thence westerly 134 feet; running thence northerly and parallel with Franklin employment. N.Y., and the Theodore Roosevelt birth­ Street 59.51 feet more or less to a point dis­ Another effective and significant ex­ place in New York, as national historic tant 40 feet more or less easterly from the pression of this challenge which faces sites. This is a fitting tribute to our southeast corner of lands of Amelia Steven­ Congress and the Nation has now come 26th President. I feel that the preserva­ son, recorded in 'Erie County Clerk's office in from the capable and conscientious Post­ tion of the Wilcox House in Buffalo, as a liber 669 at page 299; master General of the United States, the historic shrine, would be an even richer Running thence westerly 40 feet to the Honorable J. Edward Day. tribute to this great American. The bill southeast corner of lands of .the said follows: Amelia Stevenson and continuing westerly in Speaking before members of the West H.R.·- a line along the south line of the land of Virginia Legislature at a banquet given Catharine Marie Richmond a further dis- by the Charleston Chamber of Com­ A bill to provide for the acquisition . tance of 174 feet more or less to the easterly and preservation of the real property line of Delaware Avenue; running thence merce in our capital city on January 29, known as the Ansley Wilcox House in Buf­ .southerly along the easterly line of Delaware 1963, the Cabinet member stated that: falo, New York, as a national historic site Avenue 110 feet to the place of begii;ming. The dynamic age in which-we live requires Be it enacted by the' Senate and H~use of And being subject to an easement as con­ vital adjustments to new ideas. The chal­ Representatives of the United. Stata . ot tained in a lease agreement dated January lenges that face us are gigantic-but the America in Congress assembled, That, not- 6, 1959, between the landlord and the Liberty opportunities are exciting. CIX--118 1858 CONGRESSIONAL ·RECORD-- HOUSE February ·5 Mr. Day also stressed that current tax conscious of the needs of her western in­ gested the utility of a similar corps, work­ proposals are designed to bring into bal­ habitants. ing in the areas of our own community ance our entire economy, and that the Regular communication with the East was needs-in slums, in hospitals, in centers for made possible by the creation of post offices the aged, in schools for the illiterate and general principle of tax reduction has at Morgantown and Wheeling in 1794, at handicapped, etc. President Kennedy will the support of liberal economists and Greenbrier Court House and West Liberty by ask Congress to enact legislation setting up conservative business groups. 1797, at Clarksburg in 1798 and at Union at such a corps this year. Mr. President, I · request that the ad­ 1800. To cure the chronic slackness in our econ­ dress by Postmaster General J. Edward A post office was established at Kanawha omy, President Kennedy last Thursday sent Day in Charleston, W.Va., January 29, Courthouse sometime before 1801.
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