Cambridge University Press 0521812534 - Handbook of Urban Insects and Arachnids William H Robinson Index More information Index Abbots bagworm (Oiketicus abbotti) allergies, allergens 18; arthropods 335 (Acari) 392, 393, 394, 395; acarophobia 18 Blattaria 18, 36; Coleoptera acorn weevil (Balanimus uniformis) 95; Diptera 157, 158; 95 Hemiptera 202, 206 acrobat ant (Crematogaster lineolata) allethrin 24 245 almond moth, tropical warehouse acrobat ants, cock-tail ants moth (Cadra cautella) 337; (Crematogaster spp.) 244; development 337; food 338; biology 244; morphology morphology 337 244; acrobat ant 245; see also amadinohydrazone 24 Crematogaster in Family, genus, American blackflour beetle species index (Tribolium audax) 128 aerial yellowjacket (Dolichovespula American cockroach (Periplaneta arenaria) 279 americana) 52, 54; aerial yellowjackets (Dolichovespula development 53; distribution spp.) 279; colonies 279; nests 54; habitats 54; mating 53; 279 ootheca 53; parthenogenesis aesthetic damage 20 53; pheromones 37, 53, 54 aesthetic injury level 15 American dog tick( Dermacentor aesthetic pests 3 variabilis) 402 affluent fringe 7 American house dust mite African carpenter bee (Xylocopa (Dermatophagoides farinae) 392; caffra) 226; parasite 227 allergens 392; development African cluster bug (Agonoscelis 392; distribution indoors 392; puberula) 210 habitats 392 African cricket (Macrogryllus American house spider (Achaearanea consocius) 351 tepidariorum) 418 African fungus beetle (Alphitobius American oaklonghorn beetle viator) 124 (Eburia quadrigeminata)83 African horse (deer) fly (Chrysops American spider beetle (Mezium silaceus) 190 americanum) 118 African mole cricket (Gryllotalpa American stag beetle (Lucanus africana) 353 elaphus) 109 African paper wasp (Belonogaster Angoumois grain moth (Sitotroga junecus) 272 cerealella) 330; development African powderpost beetle (Lyctus 331; distribution 331 africanus) 111 angular fungus beetle (Cryptophagus African-strain honey bee (Apis acutangulus)89 mellifera scutellata) 231 animal burrow, nest arthropods aggressive house spider (Tegenaria (Acari) 337, 339, 340, 392, agrestis) 407; distribution 407; 393; Coleoptera 89, 100, 102 habitats 407 annual cicadas (Tibicen spp.) 217 agriculture interface 7 anobiid barkbeetle ( Ernobius mollis) agroecosystem 4 67; development 67; feeding alderfly (Archichauliodes diversus) 348 67; frass 67; mating 67 Allegheny mound ant (Formica anobiid beetles (Anobiidae) 66; exectoides) 246 feeding habits 66; larvae 66; 456 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521812534 - Handbook of Urban Insects and Arachnids William H Robinson Index More information Index 457 anobiid barkbeetle 67; yellow ant 235; southern fire development 161; disease 335; pest species 335; Abbots anobiid powderpost beetle ant 258; spotted sugar ant transmission 162; dispersal bagworm 335; bagworm 335; 67; broadheaded anobiid 69; 243, 250; Texas leaf-cutting 162; distribution 162 see also Psychidae in Family, cigarette beetle 69; common ant 238, 239; thief ant 257; Asian umbrella wasps (Polybiodes genus, species index bookbeetles 69; dampwood tropical fire ant 257; velvety spp.) 273 baldfaced hornet (Dolichovespula borer 68; deathwatch beetle tree ant, California velvety tree asiatic oakweevil ( Crytepistomus maculata) 279; colonies 280; 70; decayed-wood anobiid 68; ant 251; white-footed ant 260; castaneus)92 food 280; nests 279; species drugstore beetle 70; eastern yellow ant 235; see also assassin bugs, kissing bugs 281 deathwatch beetle 69; Formicidae in Family, genus, (Reduviidae) 211; distribution bamboo: Coleoptera 73, 80, 110, furniture beetle 66; hardwood species index 211; pest status 212; species 111; Hymenoptera 225, 227 anobiid 70; Mexican book aphids (Aphididae) 216: 212; big bed bug 214; black bamboo carpenter bee (Xylocopa beetle 70; Queensland pine development, pest status 216; corsair 213; conenose bugs, iridipennis) 227 beetle 67; silky anobiid 70; see cotton aphid 216; green peach chinches, bareiros, benchuca, bamboo longhorn beetle also Anobiidae in Family, aphid 216 chirimacha, vinchua 213; (Chlorophorus annularis)80 genus, species index aquarium mites (Histiostoma spp.) delicate assassin bug 213; bamboo powderpost beetle anobiid powderpost beetle 393 masked hunter, dust bug, (Dinoderus minutus)73 (Euvrilletta peltata)67; arana˜ de detr`as de los cuadros 412 kissing bug 213; spider banana cockroach (Panchlora nivea) development 67; distribution arana˜ de rincones 412 predator 213; thread-legged 42 68; frass 67; parasites 68 arboreal tree weta (Hemideina spp.) bug 213; two-spotted corsairs banana spider (Heteropoda venatoria) ant lions, doodlebugs 351 213; wheel bug 212; see also 417 (Myrmeleontidae) 348; arbovirus 17 Reduviidae in Family, genus, bananas: arthropods 410, 417, 418, feeding habits 348; food 348; Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) species index 422; Blattaria 41, 52; habits 348; ant lion 348; 250–251; colonies 250; attic fly (Pollenia rudis) 154 Orthoptera 355 spotted-winged ant lion 348; development 250; distribution attractants 26 banded cerambycid (Chlorophorus see also Myrmeleontidae in 251; food 250; nests 250; trail Australian brown-tailed moth strobilicola)86 Family, genus, species pheromone 250 (Euproctis edwardsii) 333 banded flesh fly (Eumacronychia index arid-land subterranean termite Australian carpet beetle decens) 183 ant lion (Weeleus acutus) 348 (Reticulitermes tibialis) 313 (Anthrenocerus australis) 100 banded garden spider (Argiope ant-like fosser (Mutilla europaea) armyworm (Sciara militaris, Australian cockroach (Periplaneta trifasciata) 409 264 S. thomae) 185 australasiae) 54; development banded hickory borer (Knulliana ants (Formicidae) 234: pest status aromatic cedars 25 54; distribution 54; habitats cincta) 84; development 84; 235; pathogenic organisms arsenic 22 54; ootheca 54 distribution 84; food 84; frass 235; acrobat ants 244, 245; ash barkbeetles ( Lepersinus aculeatus, Australian dog louse (Heterodoxus 84 Allegheny mound ant 246; L. fraxini) 121 spiniger) 359 banded woolybear (Pyrrharctia Argentine ant, sugar ant ash borers (Neoclytus acuminatus, Australian giant centipede isabella) 329 250–251; big-headed ant 255; N. caprea)85 (Ethmostigmus subripes) 422 bandicoot rat (Bendicota bengalensis) blackcarpenter ant 243; black ash tree (Fraxinus spp.) 215 Australian house centipede 375 house ant 261; blackimported Asian carpet beetle (Anthrenus (Allothereua maculata) 423 bareiros (Triatoma spp.) 213 fire ant 258; brown house ant coloratus)96 Australian paralysis tick( Ixodes barkbeetles, ambrosia beetles 261; California harvester ant Asian cockroach (Blattella asahinai) holocyclus) 403; symptoms of (Scolytidae) 120; development 255; California red-and-black 45; development 45; paralysis 403 120; food 120; frass 120; pest field ant 247; coastal brown distribution 45; habitats 45; Australian spider beetle (Ptinus status 120; ash barkbeetle ant, big-headed ant 255; ootheca 45 ocellus) 118: development 116, 121; coffee berry borer 121; cock-tail ant 244; common Asian firefly (Pteroptyx tener) 107 118; distribution 118; food 118 date stone beetle 122; eastern blackant 247; cornfield ant Asian flesh fly (Sarcophaga peregrina) Australian woods cockroach ambrosia beetle 121; eastern 248; driver ant 261; false 183 (Shawella couloniana)49 juniper barkbeetle 121; fruit honey ant 256; fire ant Asian hornet (Vespa manarinia) 276 azadirachtin 22 tree barkbeetle 121; lesser 256–259; Florida carpenter Asian ladybird beetle (Harmonia azalea lace bug (Stephanitis pyriodes) shot hole borer 122; oriental ant, bulldog ant 242; ghost axyridis) 88; development 88; 215 barkbeetle 122; red turpentine ant 259; giant carpenter ant distribution 88; parasites 88 azalea plant bug (Rhinocapsus beetle 122; shot hole borer 244; grease ant 257; Asian longhorn beetle (Anoplophora vanduzeei) 209 121; southern cypress beetle greenheaded ant 261; guinea glabripennis) 83; development azalea whitefly (Pealius azaleae) 216 121; striped ambrosia beetle ant 260; harvester ant 255; 83; distribution 83; food 83 121; western hemlockwood hormiga loca, formiga Asian paper wasps (Ropalidia spp.) backswimmer ( Notonecta undulata) stainer 122; see also Scolytidae cuiabana, crazy ant 254; larger 273, 281 210 in Family, genus, species yellow ant 236; little blackant Asian pinhole borer (Platypus backswimmers (Notonectidae) 210: index 252; little fire ant 261; parallelus) 116; distribution food 210; habits 210, 217; pest barkscorpions ( Centruroides) northern carpenter ant 242; 116, 118; frass 116; mating 116 status 210; backswimmer 210 432 odorous house ant 259; Asian slug moth, blue-striped nettle bacon beetle (Dermestes maculates) bartonellosis (Oroya fever) 182 pavement ant 260; paraoh’s grub (Latoia lepida); 102 basket beetles (Leptideela brevipennis, ant 253; piss ant 257; pyramid development 335 baculoviruses 21 Gracilia minuta)84 ant 246; red ant, red wood ant Asian stinkbug ( Halyomorpha halys) bagworm (Thyridopteryx bay leaves 25 247; red carpenter ant 241; red 211 ephemeraeformis) 335 bazaar fly (Musca sorbens)7,175 imported fire ant 257; Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes bagworms (Psychidae) 335; beach-flea (Orchestia agilis) 405 Singapore ant 251; smaller albopictus) 161, 163; caterpillar 335; distribution beach fleas (Amphipoda) 405 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521812534 - Handbook of Urban Insects and Arachnids William H Robinson Index More information 458 Index beach fly (Stomoxys
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