Federal Railroad Administration, DOT § 232.1 PART 232—BRAKE SYSTEM SAFETY 232.403 Design standards for one-way end-of- train devices. STANDARDS for FREIGHT and 232.405 Design and performance standards OTHER NON-PASSENGER TRAINS for two-way end-of-train devices. and EQUIPMENT; END-of-TRAIN 232.407 Operations requiring use of two-way end-of-train devices; prohibition on pur- DEVICES chase of nonconforming devices. 232.409 Inspection and testing of end-of- Subpart A—General train devices. Sec. Subpart F—Introduction of New Brake 232.1 Scope. 232.3 Applicability. System Technology 232.5 Definitions. 232.501 Scope. 232.7 Waivers. 232.503 Process to introduce new brake sys- 232.9 Responsibility for compliance. tem technology. 232.11 Penalties. 232.505 Pre-revenue service acceptance test- 232.13 Preemptive effect. ing plan. 232.15 Movement of defective equipment. 232.17 Special approval procedure. APPENDIX A—SCHEDULE OF CIVIL PENALTIES 232.19 Availability of records. APPENDIX B—49 CFR PART 232 PRIOR TO MAY 232.21 Information collection. 31, 2001 AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 20102–20103, 20107, Subpart B—General Requirements 20133, 20141, 20301–20303, 20306, 21301–21302, 21304; 49 CFR 1.49(c), (m). 232.101 Scope. 232.103 General requirements for all train SOURCE: 66 FR 4193, Jan. 17, 2001, unless brake systems. otherwise noted. 232.105 General requirements for loco- motives. Subpart A—General 232.107 Air source requirements and cold weather operations. § 232.1 Scope. 232.109 Dynamic brake requirements. 232.111 Train handling information. (a) This part prescribes Federal safe- ty standards for freight and other non- Subpart C—Inspection and Testing passenger train brake systems and Requirements equipment. Subpart E of this part pre- scribes Federal safety standards not 232.201 Scope. only for freight and other non-pas- 232.203 Training requirements. 232.205 Class I brake tests—initial terminal senger train brake systems and equip- inspection. ment, but also for passenger train 232.207 Class IA brake tests—1,000-mile in- brake systems. This part does not re- spection. strict a railroad from adopting or en- 232.209 Class II brake tests—intermediate forcing additional or more stringent re- inspection. quirements not inconsistent with this 232.211 Class III brake tests—trainline con- part. tinuity inspection. (b) Except as otherwise specifically 232.213 Extended haul trains. 232.215 Transfer train brake tests. provided in this paragraph or in this 232.217 Train brake tests conducted using part, railroads to which this part ap- yard air. plies shall comply with all the require- 232.219 Double heading and helper service. ments contained in subparts A through C and subpart F of this part beginning Subpart D—Periodic Maintenance and on April 1, 2004. Sections 232.1 through Testing Requirements 232.13 and 232.17 through 232.21 of this 232.301 Scope. part will become applicable to all rail- 232.303 General requirements. roads to which this part applies begin- 232.305 Single car air brake tests. ning on May 31, 2001. Subpart D of this 232.307 Modification of the single car air part will become applicable to all rail- brake test procedures. roads to which this part applies begin- 232.309 Equipment and devices used to per- ning on August 1, 2001. Subpart E of form single car air brake tests. this part will become applicable to all trains operating on track which is part Subpart E—End-of-Train Devices of the general railroad system of trans- 232.401 Scope. portation beginning on May 31, 2001. 421 VerDate 11<MAY>2000 09:16 Nov 28, 2001 Jkt 194203 PO 00000 Frm 00421 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\194203T.XXX pfrm01 PsN: 194203T § 232.3 49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–01 Edition) (c) A railroad may request earlier ap- politan or suburban area (as described plication of the requirements con- by 49 U.S.C. 20102(1)), including public tained in subparts A through C and authorities operating passenger train subpart F of this part upon written no- service; tification to FRA’s Associate Adminis- (4) Rapid transit operations in an trator for Safety. Such a request shall urban area that are not connected with indicate the railroad’s readiness and the general railroad system of trans- ability to comply with all of the re- portation; quirements contained in those sub- (5) Tourist, scenic, historic, or excur- parts. sion operations, whether on or off the (d) Except for operations identified in general railroad system; § 232.3(c)(1), (c)(4), and (c)(6) through (6) Freight and other non-passenger (c)(8), all railroads which are part of trains of four-wheel coal cars; the general railroad system of trans- (7) Freight and other non-passenger portation shall operate pursuant to the trains of eight-wheel standard logging requirements contained in this part 232 cars if the height of each car from the as it existed on May 31, 2001 and in- top of the rail to the center of the cou- cluded as Appendix B to this part until pling is not more than 25 inches; or they are either required to operate pur- (8) A locomotive used in hauling a suant to the requirements contained in train referred to in paragraph (c)(7) of this part or the requirements con- this subsection when the locomotive tained in part 238 of this chapter or and cars of the train are used only to they elect to comply earlier than oth- transport logs. erwise required with the requirements (d) The provisions formerly contained contained in this part or the require- in Interstate Commerce Commission ments contained in part 238 of this Order 13528, of May 30, 1945, as amend- chapter. ed, now revoked, are codified in this [66 FR 4193, Jan. 17, 2001, as amended at 66 paragraph. This part is not applicable FR 9906, Feb. 12, 2001] to the following equipment: (1) Scale test weight cars. § 232.3 Applicability. (2) Locomotive cranes, steam shovels, (a) Except as provided in paragraphs pile drivers, and machines of similar (b) and (c) of this section, this part ap- construction, and maintenance ma- plies to all railroads that operate chines built prior to September 21, 1945. freight or other non-passenger train (3) Export, industrial, and other cars service on standard gage track which is not owned by a railroad which are not part of the general railroad system of to be used in service, except for move- transportation. This includes the oper- ment as shipments on their own wheels ation of circus trains and private cars to given destinations. Such cars shall when hauled on such railroads. be properly identified by a card at- (b) Subpart E of this part, ‘‘End-of- tached to each side of the car, signed Train Devices,’’ applies to all trains op- by the shipper, stating that such move- erating on track which is part of the ment is being made under the author- general railroad system of transpor- ity of this paragraph. tation unless specifically excepted in (4) Industrial and other than rail- that subpart. road-owned cars which are not to be (c) Except as provided in § 232.1(d) and used in service except for movement paragraph (b) of this section, this part within the limits of a single switching does not apply to: district (i.e., within the limits of an in- (1) A railroad that operates only on dustrial facility). track inside an installation that is not (5) Narrow-gage cars. part of the general railroad system of (6) Cars used exclusively in switching transportation. operations and not used in train move- (2) Intercity or commuter passenger ments within the meaning of the Fed- train operations on standard gage eral safety appliance laws (49 U.S.C. track which is part of the general rail- 20301–20306). road system of transportation; (3) Commuter or other short-haul rail § 232.5 Definitions. passenger train operations in a metro- For purposes of this part— 422 VerDate 11<MAY>2000 09:16 Nov 28, 2001 Jkt 194203 PO 00000 Frm 00422 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\194203T.XXX pfrm01 PsN: 194203T Federal Railroad Administration, DOT § 232.5 AAR means the Association of Amer- Brake, inoperative dynamic means a ican Railroads. dynamic brake that, for any reason, no Air brake means a combination of de- longer provides its designed retarding vices operated by compressed air, ar- force on the train. ranged in a system, and controlled Brake, parking means a brake that manually, electrically, electronically, can be applied by means other than by or pneumatically, by means of which hand, such as spring, hydraulic, or air the motion of a railroad car or loco- pressure when the brake pipe air is de- motive is retarded or arrested. pleted, or by an electrical motor. Air Flow Indicator, AFM means a spe- Brake pipe means the system of pip- cific air flow indicator required by the ing (including branch pipes, angle air flow method of qualifying train air cocks, cutout cocks, dirt collectors, brakes (AFM). The AFM Air Flow Indi- hoses, and hose couplings) used for con- cator is a calibrated air flow measuring necting locomotives and all railroad device which is clearly visible and leg- cars for the passage of compressed air. ible in daylight and darkness from the Brake, primary means those compo- engineer’s normal operating position. nents of the train brake system nec- The indicator face displays: essary to stop the train within the sig- (1) Markings from 10 cubic feet per nal spacing distance without thermal minute (CFM) to 80 CFM, in incre- damage to friction braking surfaces.
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