SEASON Moorefield Boys Basketball playoff FINALE loss marks the end of winter sports. Established 1845 Page 1B OOREFIELD Rain and M melting snow resulted in high water EXAMINER last week. and Hardy County News USPS 362-300 TWO SECTIONS • 16 PAGES 94¢ VOLUME 124 - NUMBER 11 Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Head-On Ambulance Authority in Critical Condition Collision Lack of Commission Action Stifles Board’s Ability to Conduct Business Kills One By Jean A. Flanagan Greg Greenwalt, whose term ignation, citing health issues and appointed to fill the unexpired at the March 3 County Commis- Moorefield Examiner expired in February and who asked apologizing to the citizens of the term of Alex Santana, was not re- sion meeting as to whether board not to be reappointed, chaired the county that he is unable to finish appointed by the commission. Ju- members serve until they are re- Near The Hardy County Emergency meeting. lian Hott and Craig Strawderman, placed, as is the case with many his appointed term. Ambulance Authority has no pres- “I was asked by Commissioner whose terms expired in February state sanctioned boards. Accord- ident, vice president nor secretary. Keplinger to Secretary Paul Lewis, who was agreed to con- ing to Hardy County Prosecuting Mathias The members of the board who chair the meet- tinue to serve Attorney Lucas See, that does not By Jean A. Flanagan previously held those positions ing,” he said. Paramedics’ Hours Reduced on the board, apply to the ambulance authority. Moorefield Examiner have either resigned or were not “I have no oth- Following an executive session, until his West Virginia license is ap- but were not “The prosecuting attorney con- reappointed by the Hardy County er authority. I requested by Commissioner William proved. Once his license has been reappointed. cluded that the appointments do Gordon Lyons, 71, of Petersburg Commission when their terms ex- cannot vote. I “JR” Keplinger to discuss personnel, approved, the three paramedics will Treasurer expire unless reappointed. was pronounced dead after a head- pired. am no longer a the HCEAA voted to limit the hours of be limited to 16 hours per day, seven Tim Ramsey is “At this point, there is no presi- on collision on Route 259, south of The HCEAA met on Wednes- member of this each of the two, full time paramedics days per week. the only officer dent, vice president or secretary,” Mathias on Thursday. day, March 11 at the Baker build- board.” to 36 per six-day week. The six days “We were told by Commission- of the authority Greenwalt said. “We have a check- are designated as Monday through er Keplinger, that there will not be Injured in the crash were Dar- ing. The board has been reduced Vice Presi- remaining. ing account that requires two sig- Saturday. enough money to continue the way lene Lyons, 78, also of Petersburg from 15 to eight members. There dent Ted Gar- Greenwalt The most recently hired paramedic we have been,” said former president natures on every check. The state and Nathan Baker of Fulks Run, were five members present, so a rett submitted will be limited to 24 hours per week Greg Greenwalt. said a ques- requires a modification of the li- Continued on page 8 quorum was reached. a letter of res- tion was raised Continued on page 6 Hardy County Chamber Of Commerce Honorees Announced Photo by Mike Mallow From left Will Runion, Melodie Carpenter, Tonya Abe, Patrick Turn- er, Sammy Phillips and Paul Shockey. Not shown LaShonna Runion. Business of the Year Hardman’s Hardware By Jean A. Flanagan sonburg and we are comparable Moorefield Examiner in price,” Runion said. “One of the things that makes Photo by Jean Flanagan “We sell more than just prod- us unique is that we can react to ucts,” said Will Runion, general the community’s needs. ” Entrepreneurs manager of Hardman’s Hard- Several years ago, Hardman’s ware. Those six words are the took a survey of its customers. Paul Yandura and Donald Hitchcock Photo by Jean Flanagan Photo by Jean Flanagan secret to Hardman’s success and While the store received a great By Jean A. Flanagan Thus began the Lost River Trad- just one reason it was chosen the deal of compliments about its cus- Moorefield Examiner ing Post. Community Service Businessperson 2015 Business of the Year by the tomer service, the main complaint “Our friends, our parents, they was the parking situation. Greg Greenwalt Renick Williams Hardy County Chamber of Com- Shortly after Donald Hitchcock all thought we were crazy,” Yan- “We immediately took steps to By Jean A. Flanagan By Jean A. Flanagan merce. and Paul Yandura bought a week- dura said. “At first we wanted to correct that,” Runion said. “We There been a hardware store at end cabin in Lost River, they began appeal to the weekenders and the Moorefield Examiner Moorefield Examiner 131 N. Main St. in Moorefield for rented additional space next door searching for a way to move to the skiers heading west. It’s a great lo- decades. In 1990, the Hardman and we tried to organize our park- area on a full time basis. The rat cation. Anyone who comes to West To say Greg Greenwalt is a hum- Whether it’s farming, real es- family purchased it from the Bean ing with signage, to let people race of Washington DC was getting Virginia from the DC area comes ble man is a serious understate- tate, banking or commercial and family. Hardman’s owns seven know where the additional park- tiresome and they were looking to through Wardensville.” ment. Three hours after our inter- residential development, Renick hardware stores in West Virginia. ing was available.” simplify their lives. “So, we both be- But the Lost River Trading Post view, he called to ask that we not Williams has been at the forefront “They’re all located in small More recently, while other lo- came real estate agents, licensed in has turned into a bit more than publish a story about him. of it in Hardy County. towns, like Moorefield,” Run- cal retailers have spring merchan- West Virginia,” Hitchcock said. just a stopping place on the way “It’s been bothering me since Renick is the Hardy County ion said. “They’ve been around dise on the shelves already, Hard- to somewhere else. It’s a combina- we talked,” he said. “I don’t like Chamber of Commerce’s Business since 1907 and they’re still family- man’s was able to supply snow Hitchcock and Yandura are the Hardy County Chamber of Com- tion coffee shop, antique shop, craft awards. It’s not who I am.” Person of the Year. He will be so owned.” shovels and rock salt to those who Greenwalt was chosen to re- honored at the Annual Chamber needed it during the recent snow merce’s Entrepreneurs of the Year shop, with a few knick-knacks and Whether it’s electrical, plumb- ceive the 2015 Community Ser- of Commerce Meeting and Din- storm. for 2015. do-dads thrown in for good mea- ing, paint, tools, appliances, pool vice Award by the Hardy Coun- ner celebration on Wednesday, “We go out of our way to A shop called Antiques, Etc. on sure. supplies, lawn and garden sup- ty Chamber of Commerce. The March 25. plies or even a unique birthday help people in the community,” Main Street in Wardensville was “It’s turned into a place to visit,” award will be presented at the Renick was born and raised in gift, you can find it at Hardman’s. Runion said. “If someone has a their first commercial real estate Hitchcock said. “When people have Chamber’s Annual Meeting and Moorefield. As a kid he trapped Under the Do It Best Coopera- plumbing problem, we don’t just listing. It was an eclectic mix of an- guests visiting, they bring them Dinner on Wednesday, March 25. along the South Branch River. “I tive brand, Hardman’s offers just sell them the parts, we try to help tiques, knick-knacks, do-dads and here.” But one of the jobs of a news- had a trap line from Buzzard Ford what a small-town hardware store them fix the problem. We try to this and that. Part of the reason is the friendly paper is to tell the story of people bridge to Sycamore bridge,” he should offer - everything. Their hire people who are community “Driving back and forth to DC, welcome you get when you walk major brands include Stihl tools and service oriented.” Paul and I talked about the possibil- through the door. There is always who often are not recognized for said. and equipment, Harman stoves, Hardman’s has always tried to ities for the shop, trying to envision something new and the displays their good deeds. We tell those sto- During World War II, Williams Whirlpool appliances and Bio- give back to the community as a what it could be,” Hitchcock said. are always different. “Paul makes ries for two reasons - one to recog- delivered milk from his fam- Guard pool supplies. whole as well. They support the “We thought it could be a type of an effort to rearrange things, so the nize good work done by ordinary ily’s dairy farm to every house in “While price isn’t everything to local schools and nonprofits as general store, with arts and crafts.” whole store changes,” Hitchcock people, and two, to perhaps inspire Moorefield. He and his broth- everybody, you can compare us much as possible. On one of those trips, Hitchcock said.
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