Regular Meeting of the Common Council Wednesday, July 14, 2021 7:00 PM Council Chambers, City Hall, 2nd Floor, 27 West Main Street, New Britain, Connecticut NOTICE - The next regular meeting of the Common Council will be held on Wednesday evening, July 14, 2021, at 7:05 PM in Council Chambers, City Hall, 2nd Floor, 27 West Main Street, New Britain, Connecticut. Public Participation will begin prior to the regular meeting at 7:00 pm. Members of the public may view a live broadcast via the live stream link: http://www.newbritainct.gov/meetings Individuals seeking public participation may join the queue beginning at 6:45 pm by calling 1 (609) 663-5783. 7:00 PM - PUBLIC PARTICIPATION CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AWARDS, PRESENTATIONS AND SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS APPROVAL OF MINUTES MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF JUNE 9, 2021 AND JUNE 23, 2021. June 9, 2021 June 23, 2021 AMENDMENTS TO AGENDA 1 PETITIONS 1. Ald. Anderson for the appropriate department(s) to install speed humps, or allow residents to install their own removable speed humps, on Forest Street. Property owners are concerned for the safety of pedestrians in the area due to unsafe driving conditions by speeding motorists. Vehicles often use the street to access the park and disregard speeding, stop sign and other safety restrictions in the area. Residents in the area have stated that they would be willing to pay for the removable speed humps if they were allowed to be installed. This would allow for the removal during winter months, were plowing may be an issue. If speed humps are not an option, please provide options for other structural traffic calming strategies. Residents are concerned that additional police monitoring has not solved the problem. Petition 2. Ald. Anderson for the appropriate department(s) to provide the following information for the past five years: 1. Percentage of 9-1-1 calls that are non-criminal matters, such as traffic, medical health, and other requests for help 2. Percentage of 9-1-1 calls related to crime 3. Pertaining to arrests within the City, percentage of arrests due to serious crimes 4. Percentage of arrests due to low-level offenses Petition 3. Ald. Saavedra for the appropriate department(s) to detail the attendance record of Alderman/ Alderwoman for council meetings since November 2019. Please include a notation for in person vs virtual participation as well as absences. Petition 4. Ald. Santiago for the appropriate department(s) to replace sewer grates along Pershing Avenue, from Elam Street to Clinton Street. The Public Works Department has signified that they will be replacing sewer grates within the City; however, please prioritize this area as it is in need of immediate attention due to flooding, as well as soil and debris blocking the grates. Petition 5. Ald. Santiago for Common Council meetings to allow for remote access to public participation to accommodate residents unable to attend in person due to life situations, such as: parents with small children, elderly unable to obtain rides, residents with disabilities, and any other hindrance not noted. Allowing for call-in option as well as in person participation would generate more participation by the community members. Petition CONSENT AGENDA - All reports are on consent unless removed during the Common Council meeting. REPORTS OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, DEPARTMENTS AND LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEES: A. RE: CLAIMS FOR INJURIES AND/OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. Report 2 B. EMERGENCY PURCHASE ORDER. RE: $33,400 TO HRP ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES AT 16 BOOTH STREET. Report C. RE: PURCHASING REPORT FOR BID THRESHOLD ITEMS. Report D. BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS RESPONSE TO ITEM NO. 35212. RE: PARKING STUDY ON SANTO COURT. Report Original Petition E. BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS RESPONSE TO ITEM NO. 35418. RE: TRAFFIC STUDY IN THE AREA OF VILLAGE SQUARE DRIVE. Report Original Petition F. BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS RESPONSE TO ITEM NO. 35419. RE: TRAFFIC STUDY IN THE AREA OF 25-40 LORRAINE STREET. Report Original Petition G. BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS RESPONSE TO ITEM NO. 35420. RE: INSTALLATION OF DEAF CHILD SIGNAGE IN THE AREA OF 50 CHILDS STREET. Report Original Petition H. BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS RESPONSE TO ITEM NO. 35434. RE: PARKING STUDY IN THE AREA OF 75 LURTON STREET. Report Original Petition I. BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS RESPONSE TO ITEM NO. 35435. RE: POLICE ENFORCEMENT OF NOISE AND TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS AT CHESLEY PARK. Report Original Petition J. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT RESPONSE TO ITEM NO. 35476. RE: INSTALLATION OF TRASH RECEPTACLES ON BROAD STREET. Report Original Petition REPORTS RETURNED FROM COMMITTEE K. ZONING SUBCOMMITTEE ACTION ON ITEM NO. 35478. RE: PLAN OF CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT PRESENTATION. Report L. COMMITTEE ON PLANNING, ZONING AND HOUSING RECOMMENDATION FOR 3 ITEM NO. 35490. RE: SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT FOR 15 ROUNDHILL ROAD. Report RESOLUTIONS RETURNED FROM COMMITTEE 1A. RE: SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT FOR 15 ROUNDHILL ROAD. Resolution Exhibit A NEW RESOLUTIONS 1. STD CONTROL PROGRAM. RE: MINIMIZING THE RISK OF SPREADING SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES THROUGH AWARENESS, IDENTIFICATION, TREATMENT AND INTERVENTION. C. OSBORN, R. SMEDLEY Resolution 2. RE: STATE FUNDING OF $46,835 FOR BIOTERRORISM PLANNING PROGRAM. C. OSBORN, R. SMEDLEY Resolution 3. LOCIP BUDGET TRANSFER AND AMENDMENT. RE: REDUCE FUNDING FOR THE SOUTH MAIN CORRIDOR BY $50,000 AND INCREASE THE STREET PAVING FUNDING BY $50,000. A. AYALON, K. RUTKOWSKI Resolution 4. RE: $137,700 TO MORTON SALT, INC. FOR TREATED ROAD SALT FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR THE 2021-2022 WINTER SEASON. A. AYALON, K. RUTKOWSKI Resolution 5. RE: $8,850,000 OF FEDERAL AMERICAN RECOVERY PLAN ACT MONEY FOR THE RENOVATION OF OSGOOD PARK. K. RUTKOWSKI, P. CATANZARO, S. SAAVEDRA, F. SANTIAGO, C. ANDERSON, I. SANCHEZ, R. REYES, C. OSBORN, A. AYALON Resolution 6. RE: $606,990 TO EASTFORD FIRE RESCUE AND SALES FOR PURCHASE OF THREE (3) AMBULANCES FOR NEW BRITAIN EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES. R. SMEDLEY Resolution 7. RE: AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH PERMITIUM FOR A ONE YEAR TERM ENDING JULY 3, 2022. R. SMEDLEY Resolution 8. RE: APPOINTMENT OF LANETTE SPRANZO MACARUSO TO THE MATTABASSETT DISTRICT. F. SANTIAGO, C. ANDERSON Resolution 9. RE: JUVENILE AND ADULT JUSTICE, ESCALATING UNPUNISHED CRIME AND 4 PUBLIC SAFETY. D. SALERNO, K. ROSADO, W. PABON, R. SMEDLEY, H. DYSON, P. CATANZARO, K. RUTKOWSKI, M. THOMPSON, S. SAAVEDRA Resolution 10. PUBLIC BID NO. 4061. RE: ROOF REPLACEMENT AT FIRE STATION NO. 5. C. ANDERSON, K. RUTKOWSKI, R. SMEDLEY, M. THOMPSON Resolution E-Mailing Record Mailing Record Tabulation Sheet 11. WITHDRAWN RE: SALE OF CITY OWNED PROPERTY. K. ROSADO 12. PUBLIC BID NO. 4062. RE: ON-CALL ROOF, SIDING, WINDOW AND MASONRY REPAIRS/REPLACEMENT SERVICES FOR THE FACILITIES AND ENERGY DEPARTMENT. C. ANDERSON, R. SMEDLEY, K. RUTKOWSKI, M. THOMPSON Resolution UNFINISHED BUSINESS UNFINISHED BUSINESS Unfinished Business ADJOURNMENT 5 June 9, 2021 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMON COUNCIL JUNE 9, 2021 Mayor Erin E. Stewart called the Regular Meeting of the Common Council to order at 7:06 p.m. on Wednesday, the 9th day of June 2021 in the Common Council Chambers, City Hall. Twelve members were present at roll call: Ald. Rosado, Pabon, Smedley, Catanzaro, Anderson, Ayalon, Beloin-Saavedra, Dyson, Reyes, Rutkowski, Thompson and Salerno. Three members were absent: Ald. Santiago, Osborn and Sanchez. Invocation was given by City Clerk, Mark H. Bernacki: O God, our Heavenly Father, We give thanks for the father in our lives. Some fathers are still with us and share their love, wisdom and firm guidance that only dads can provide. Other fathers are in your kingdom but memories of their love, protection, sage advice, time and family events burn ever strong. We remember the sacrifices our fathers made for us, and the ways they believed in and inspired us to achieve our dreams and goals during life’s challenges. We ask this in Thy name. Amen. The pledge to the flag was led by Mayor Stewart. The Mayor admired a balloon arrangement from Bouquet.ct commemorating New Britain’s 150 year anniversary that appeared in the Common Council Chambers. Ald. Rosado moved to accept and adopt the Minutes of the Special Meeting of April 14, 2021, Regular Meetings of April 14, 2021, April 28, 2021, May 12, 2021 and May 26, 2021, seconded by Ald. Salerno. So voted. Ald. Rosado moved to amend the Agenda by adding 35473(19), seconded by Ald. Salerno. Roll call vote – all members present voted in favor. PETITIONS 35474 ELLIS STREET HOLDINGS, LLC BY ATTY. MICHAEL A. CARRIER FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE ARUD DISTRICT MASTER PLAN FOR PROPERTY KNOWN AS 321 ELLIS STREET TO ALLOW THE DEVELOPMENT OF 154 APARTMENT UNITS IN THE EXISTING FACTORY BUILDING. REFERRED TO CITY PLAN AND THE ZONING SUBCOMMITTEE. 35475 ALD. THOMPSON FOR THE PARKING ON WILDWOOD STREET TO BE RESTRICTED TO ONE SIDE OF THE STREET ONLY. REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS. 35476 ALD. THOMPSON FOR THE INSTALLATION OF TRASH RECEPTACLES AT THE CORNER OF BROAD STREET AND GOLD STREET AS WELL AS BROAD STREET AND BOOTH STREET. REFERRED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Ald. Rosado moved to accept and adopt the Consent Agenda, seconded by Ald. Salerno. Roll call vote – all members present voted in favor. Approved by Mayor Erin E. Stewart June 10, 2021. CONSENT AGENDA CITY CLERK 35457 RE: CLAIMS FOR INJURIES AND/OR PROPERTY DAMAGE 208 6 June 9, 2021 To Her Honor, the Mayor, and the Common Council of the City of New Britain: the undersigned beg leave to report the following: CLAIMANTS NAME Naitmbarek, Othmane Mark H. Bernacki City Clerk COMMITTEE ON PLANNING, ZONING AND HOUSING 35443-1 RE: SALE OF EXCESS WATER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF NEW BRITAIN BOARD OF WATER AND THE KENSINGTON FIRE DISTRICT To Her Honor, the Mayor, and the Common Council of the City of New Britain: the undersigned beg leave to report the following: The Common Council and Committee on Planning, Zoning and Housing held a public hearing and regular meeting on Tuesday, June 8, 2021, in Council Chambers, to which was referred the matter of Item No.
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