2021-22 All-School Mailing Information Illinois High School Association 2715 McGraw Drive, Bloomington, IL 61704 Phone: 309-663-6377 Fax: 309-663-7479 E-mail: [email protected] Web: http://www.ihsa.org August, 2021 TO: The Principals and Athletic Directors of IHSA Member Schools FROM: Craig Anderson, Executive Director This memo summarizes the annual IHSA supplies included in the All-School Mailing. Member schools will be asked to access the Schools Center for a series of documents that, when coupled with the supplies found in the hard mailing, will constitute the entire All-School Mailing for the 2020-21 school year. The publications in the hard mailing should be dispersed to both the Principal and the Athletic Director. Additional copies of any of the IHSA Handbook may be ordered from the IHSA Office. HARD MAILING MATERIAL contents: ON-LINE MAILING MATERIAL contents: ADMINISTRATOR'S PACKET containing: PRINCIPAL'S PACKET containing: 1 All School Mailing Cover Letter 1 Letter Summarizing Supply Mailing 2 IHSA Handbook with Illustrations 1 All-School Mailing Cover Letter 4 School Calendar 1 New Administrators Workshop Letter 1 NFHS Soccer Rules Change Poster (for applicable 1 Rules Meeting Attendance Letter schools) 1 Special Notice -- About Eligibility Rulings from IHSA 1 NFHS Volleyball Rule Change Poster (for applicable 1 Nomination and Election Letter schools) 1 Scholarship Recognition Certificate Program 1 National Federation Poster - “Use Your Helmet Properly” 1 Illinois Athletic Directors Association Brochure (for applicable schools) 1 Sports Medicine Information 1 National Federation Poster- “2020 Football Rules 1 Student Section Showdown Information Revisions” (for applicable schools) 1 “Do What’s Right” Sportsmanship Information 1 Swimming and Diving Rule Change Poster (for 1 Student Advisory Committee Information applicable schools) 1 Athletes With Disabilities Information 1 Spirit Rules Book (for applicable schools) 1 Pre-Game Medical Huddle Information 1 Football Rules Book (for applicable schools) 1 IHSA Fall Sports Acclimatization Chart 1 Volleyball Rules Book (for applicable schools) 1 IHSA Football Acclimatization Chart 1 Soccer Rules Book (for applicable schools) 1 Swimming & Diving Rules Book (for applicable schools) 2021-22 All-School Mailing Information Illinois High School Association 2715 McGraw Drive, Bloomington, IL 61704 Phone: 309-663-6377 Fax: 309-663-7479 E-mail: [email protected] Web: http://www.ihsa.org To: Principals/Official Representatives and Athletic Directors From: Craig D. Anderson, Executive Director Date: August, 2021 Subject: August All-School Mailing On behalf of the IHSA Board of Directors and Staff, we want to thank you for your continued support of safely returning our students to their sports and activities. We are excited about the 2021-2022 school year and the opportunities ahead of us. We truly got through this together! Included in this mailing are copies of the 2021-2022 IHSA Handbook and Calendar along with brochures and information that will be helpful. We would ask that you locate additional key information in the soft mailing . Please find some important notes regarding the upcoming school year below: Eligibility Rulings: The IHSA utilizes special forms to assist in handling your requests for eligibility rulings regarding student residency and transfers. These forms and instructions are downloadable from the IHSA web site (www.ihsa.org). 2021-22 IHSA Town Meetings/Principals Rules Meetings: IHSA By-law 3.120 requires attendance by the principal or principal’s designee at an annual IHSA Town Meeting/Principals Rules Meeting. The meetings will begin at 9:00 a.m. with a presentation and review of the current legislative proposals by the Legislative Commission Member representing your District and an IHSA staff member. Following the discussion regarding the new by-law proposals, the agenda items for the Principals Rules Meeting will be presented. There will be opportunities to attend this meeting in-person or in a virtual setting. Meeting options are available here . 2021-22 IHSA Rules Meeting Video: IHSA By-law 2.120 requires the head coach from each member school, which participates in a sport or activity for which Rules Interpretation Meetings are held, to view an IHSA Rules Meeting Video in that sport or activity each year. This shall include all individual as well as team entries . In sports or activities where the same rules are used for boys and girls competition, both a boys head coach and a girls head coach must view the on-line Rules Meeting Video. All rules meeting videos will be conducted on-line. The presentation will be accessed through the Schools Center and the Officials Center. Coaches and officials will be able to view the meeting and then redeem credit for viewing the rules meeting video. Nominations and Elections for 2021-22: Nominations and Elections will be conducted in the following Divisions and Districts for the 2021- 22 school term: Board of Directors – Divisions 5 and 7 and At-Large Minority and At-Large Underrepresented School/Equity. Legislative Commission – Districts 1, 4, 10, 12, 16, 17, 19, 20, and 21; Athletic Administrator – Divisions 3 and 6; and, At-Large – Divisions 1, 4, 6 and 7. Nomination Ballots will go on-line on August 13, 2021 and are due by September 15, 2021. New Administrators Workshop: A New Administrators Workshop will be held on September 29, 2021. If you are a first-year administrator, or a new administrator in Illinois, please plan to participate in this workshop. Please complete the on-line invitation to register for the workshop . All new principals within the first two (2) years of becoming a principal, must attend this workshop or view an on-line presentation developed for new administrators by the IHSA. (By-law 2.130.1) Manuals for Sports and Activities: All Manuals will be on the IHSA web site and will be listed on the specific sport or activity page. There will be a Manual for Schools and a Manual for Managers with links to the Terms and Conditions and the Interactive Forms that need to be completed. Title IX at 50 Years: Throughout the 2021-2022 school year, IHSA and the NFHS will be celebrating the protections for all students affirmed with Title IX federal legislation signed into law nearly 50 years ago. We encourage you to join us in celebrating this significant historical event. 21-22 All-School Mlg Cvr Ltr SM (850) New Administrators Workshop ILLINOIS HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION 2715 McGraw Drive • Bloomington, IL 61704 • www.ihsa.org • Phone: 309-663-6377 • Fax: 309-663-7479 • To: Principal Addressed From: Craig D. Anderson, Executive Director The Illinois High School Association is planning its annual New Administrators Workshop to be conducted on Wednesday, September 29, 2021. The purpose of the workshop is to acquaint new administrators--either new to Illinois or new to high school administration--with the various responsibilities and services of the Association. The workshop will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. with an orientation to the IHSA rules and By-laws. The balance of the agenda will focus on administrative and operational questions pertaining to Association activities. Lunch will be served in our office at noon and the workshop will adjourn at approximately 2:15 p.m. If you are a first-year administrator, or a new administrator in Illinois, please plan to participate in this workshop. This workshop will satisfy IHSA By-law 2.130.1 which requires each new member school principal, within the first two (2) years of becoming a principal, to participate in the workshop or view an online presentation developed for new administrators by the IHSA. We will look forward meeting you at the workshop. IF YOU PLAN TO PARTICIPATE, PLEASE REGISTER ONLINE Registration will close on September 22, 2021 21-22 NPWS IHS A Rules Meeti ng Requ ir ement ww w. ihsa .or g • ge ner al@ihsa .org • Phone: 309-663 -6377 • Fax : 309-663 -7479 Aug us t, 20 21 To t he Princ ipal /I HS A O ffi cial R ep res en tat ive A dd res sed : IHS A By-law 2. 12 0 requ ires that a hea d coach fr om ea ch me mb er scho ol, whi ch pa rti cipa tes in a spo rt or ac ti vity for whi ch Rul es Inte rpret ati on Mee ting s are he ld, to view an IH SA On -line Ru les Mee ting vide o in t ha t s port or ac tivity ea ch y ea r. This shall i nclud e all ind ivi dual as well as t eam ent ries . The pu rpo se of th is by -law is no t jus t to ens ure th at som eo ne fr om th e scho ol views the rul es me eti ng vide o. Rath er, it is to ens ure th at a coa ch for ea ch spo rt or ac ti vity views the vide o sinc e it can aff ec t ea ch of the scho ol ’s tea ms in a di rec t way . The ref ore, in spo rts or ac ti vities wh ere the sam e rules are us ed for bo ys an d girls comp et iti on , bo th a bo ys pro gram coa ch an d a girls pr og ram coa ch mu st view the on line Ru les M ee ting vide o. Enfo rceme nt of t he r equ ireme nts o f B y-law 2 .12 0 wi ll i nc lud e t he f ollowi ng prov ision s: 1. Any s cho ol no t mee ting th e r eq uirem en t du ring th e 2 021-22 scho ol t erm for a s po rt/a cti vity in wh ich it pa rti cipa tes an d for whi ch Ru les Me eti ng s were con du cte d was plac ed on pro ba tion in tha t spo rt/a cti vity for one yea r.
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