Evergr~en XLX volt WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE, PULLMAN FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1944 No. 51 King-Queen Candidates Vie For Title 'JIMMY LUNCEFORD'S ORCHESTRA SCHEDULED FOR DANCE MAY 13 Well Known Negro Band to Appear At Men's Gym- Imporlant Notice nosium: Vincent Lopez Also In Prospect To Appear; Sen iors to Revise Prom Plans A list. is nested in the Ever- green office and has been given The highlight date of the campus for the future is Saturday, May to the college hill bus as to who l3-the date that Jimmy Lunceford and his great Negro band are on the staff is privileged to ride scheduled to appear on the campus to play for a dance in the men's on the bus through the Ever- --------------, gymnasium, announced Dean Otis green contract. Those whose C, McCreery and Graduate Man- names are not there may re- ager Earl V. Foster. ceive special permission slips Jimmy Lunceford and his band from the editor if necessary, TODD DUNCAN originated down Harlem way in , but only 'for Evergreen business. New York. At present they are on Students with no connection on a northwest tour but previous to the staff whatsoever should not that they were playing at the violate the Evergreen privilege. TO PERFORM Savoy ballroom and Paramount • theatre in New York city. J. L. Air Corps Brings Negro was the featured jive king in the Hollywood movie rendition of Baritone Sta r of Gersh- "Blues in the Night," his most SKYLINERS win's 'Porgy and Bess' • popular recording. The band also played California engagements at In his third triumphal season the Casamanana and the Aragon. as Porgy in Gershwin's Negro The famed Lunceford saxophone folk opera. Todd Duncan, great TO PlAY AT will be the principal attraction negro baritone, will sing in E. A. Bryan hall at 8 n. m. Friday night, at the dance along with the ar- March 31. This concert is a part rangements of the well-known of the Air Corps entertainment brass section. JUNIOR PROM series and is also open to thestu- This dance is being sponsored dents and members of the Pull- by the Air Corps and ASSCW un- Tickets on Sale Tomorrow. man Community Concert Associa- der the direction of Dean Mc- tion. Ballot Box, King and Creery and Mr. Foster. Dean Mc- Duncan skyrocketed to fame Creery also stated that Vincent Queen Pictures To with his interpretation of Porgy in Be in Bookstore the original production of "Porgy Lopez and his orchestra are in and Bess" in 1935. Before that prospect to appear on the campus. time he had made concert ap- However the plans are very ten- The Sky Liners from Walla tative but a request has been sent Walla will furnish the dance music pearances, and one excursion into at the Junior Prom April 15 an- the opera "Cavaleria Rusticana." to him as to his open dates said nounced Jeanette Enright, chair- After the original "Porgy"-a Dean McCreery. man. The ten piece band, led by great artistic but not commercial Jimmy Lunceford's appearance Howard Philips has been featured success, Duncan retu~ned to his has been scheduled the same eve- at the Whitman college dances. (Continued on Page 3) Pictured above are the soldier-civilian candidates who are com- Delta Delta Delta; Alberta Dunagan, Sigma Kappa. Stahding, ning as the Senior Prom. A spe- peting for title of King and Queen of the Junior Prom. The win-- left to right, Shirley Folsom, Kappa Alpha Theta; Donnell Drake, Tickets for the Junior Prom cial meeting will be held today will go on sale tomorrow and will ners will be crowned at the annual Junior Prom April 15. The with the coordinators office and Air Corps, Squadron 1; Bina Guenther, Alpha Chi Omega; Carl be sold in the orderly rooms in I candidates from left to right, seated are: Geneva Conniff, Pi Beta Bergquist, Vets; Margaret Schleef, Kappa Kappa. Gamma; Mort (.(.F. Songlesl several members of the senior the barracks, at the Bookstore, class. Dean McCreery said, "I Phi; Barbara Pearson, Alpha Gamma Delta; Wanda Piper, Joslin, Associated Men Students; Evelyn Lund, Duncan Dunn; and by representatives at Chi Nu wouldn't say it is impossible to R. E. Smith, Air Corps, Squadron 3; Connie HofCl'.cCommunity Chi, Collegiate Manor, Campus Delta Zeta; ;rohn Russell, Air Corps, Squadron 5; Lorra.ine Aldous. Planned lor Sat. get together and we will canvass Hall; William Moffitt, Air Corps, Squadron 2; and Kay Allison, Lodge and Community hall. Each South Hall; Pannalee BrouiUard, Chi Omega; Millie Price, Ste- all possibilities to help-the senior Kappa Delta. Absent from the picture were Jean Noteboom, ticket will entitle the purchaser to A songfest in the Golf Club vens Hall; Marvel .Jean Shirley, Alpha Delta Pi; Helen Friemuth, cast a vote for one King and class." Jim Hattrick, senior class North Hall, and Marjorie McReynolds, Linden Cottage. house Saturday morning at 9: 30 Queen candidate. The ballot box president, expressed the hope that a. m. will open the annual College will be placed in the Bookstore the Senior Prom can go on as where pictures of the candidates Christian Fellowship Inland Em- YWCA Sophomore will also be on display. pire convention, at which time scheduled with the planned decor- Rennick, Hast:ings· Nominai:ed The theme of the semi-formal Mr. Nathan Walton, returned ations and the use of Jimmy is the "World of Tomorrow" and missionary from China, will speak Lunceford's orchestra. (ouncil Members the dance programs and decora- and later lead an informal discus- tions will fit in with the theme. sion. ,Named Wednes. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Norris, Miss Alice Reid, Intervarsity For Si:udeni: Body Presiden~ Col. and Mrs. W. L. Morrison and Fellowship staff member, will be Sprin.g Vacation Dean and Mrs. C. C. Todd, will be guest speaker at a Bible study Recognition Service Held the patrons and patronesses. Spe- in the Y. M. rooms at 1:30 n. m. ! At student body elections, April cial guests include: President E. Plans Announced • During Dinner Hour At a tea in South Hall Satur- Paper (ampaign 11 either BOB RENNICK or O. Holland, Miss Lulu Holmes and CHARLES (MYRT) HASTINGS Fusser's Corrected At Dorms and Jim Hattrick, president of the day afternoon from 3 to 5 Mr. By Board Today will be elected to serve as presi- If there are any changes in Houses senior class. ' Walton will discuss his experience dent of ASSCW for 1944-45. Bob student addresses since the The climax of the dance, which in China. He has spent fourteen To Be Tomorrow Shhhh .. " don't tell a soul, is on the Board of Control, a second semester it is request- concludes Junior week, will be the years there, the last one in a Jap- Members of the YWCA Sopho- but there's going to be a SPRING member of the basketball team, ed that .the changes be made crowning of the King and Queen anese concentration camp in oc- City, College. to Cooperate more Council held a recognition VACATION beginning next Wed- and also a member of Beta Theta at the YMCA rooms, 4521, as at intermission. Al Raney, presi- cupied China. His wife and three service in each house and hall nesday and ending on Monday! It In One-Day Paper Pi fraternity. He was also on the the Fusser's Guide is to be dent of the Junior class, will be children, the youngest of which Wednesday night during the din- the master-of-ceremonies at the was born in the concentration will not only apply to civilians on Salvage Drive executive committee of the sopho- revised and corrections run next week in the Evergreen. ner hour for the newly appointed crowning, following which, the camp, were with him, the campus, but for every G.1., more class. Myrt was past. presi- gi,rl selected by the individual Tomorrow, April 1, the college King and Queen will lead the Mr. Walton will also speak at from Vet to Air Cadet. dent of A.M.S, and a member of • groups. The purpose of the can- Grand March. and city will cooperate in a rna- 7 :30 in the Golf Club house and A special meeting was held last the Bookstore board. He lived at dlelight service was that the can- '01' one-day paper salvage drive in hold a worship service Sunday night by the Board of Regents Pine Manor for his first two years dle is the Y.W. symbol of carry- ~n attempt to help relieve the Mary J. ('arroll morning from 9:30 to 10:30 in the to pass the bill on the vacation, and was a member of the Inter- ing on the light of Christian life, critical paper shortage. Because Collegiate Knights. Board Approves Y. M. rooms. The Board of Regents agreed that The council members were paper is so vital to the war ef- Vying for the office of vice Named A,sPrexy All students who are interested the tedious work imposed on pro- chosen for their interest in Y.W. fort, the present shortage is a president is IRMA PIOVESAN are welcomed by C. C. F. members fessors and students called for a and their ability to carry out the Siudents Named nationwide problem. and MARGARET SCHLEEF. Irma to attend any of these various break, Also the spreading of the Of Panhellenic work next year. The council has meetings. (Continued on Page 3) The college YMCA service com- is a member of Sigma Kappa Phi charge of the sewing basket, help- For WS( Awards mittee is heading the drive on the foreign language honorary, and New president of senior Pan- ing at the USO and various other campus, cooperating with the president of Newman Club.
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