Welcome to the seventh jam-packed issue of Autitude featuring a wonderful mix of artwork, writing and photography. Autitude continues to be shaped by what matters most to you and is curated and illustrated by Ash Loydon. Keep your fantastic contributions coming. Whether it’s a poem, a written reflection, a cartoon, a blog, photography or example of another creative pursuit, we would love to hear about it. If you have something you would like to share, please get in touch with us at [email protected]. A new block of Click and Connect groups are starting up on 28th July so have a look and see if anything appeals to you. To make sure you are updated when the latest edition is released sign up here – thank you! 4. Click & Connect Updates. 7. Reasonable Adjustment – A series by Lea B. 13. Autism Through Many Eyes – Gordon Barlow. 15. Andrew Moodie looks back at Casino Royale. 20. Who Wrote ‘Autistic?’ 21. Poem by C.D. 22. More of your creations in Artitude! 37. Poem by OTL Cellartapes. 38. In Other Words – Kate Roy. 39. Ash Loydon asks Do Autists Dream Of Electric Sheep? 42. We preview Paul Wady’s Model Aircraft Museum album. 46. Spectrum Superstars! 47. Autism Appreciation Week News. Click & Connect Click and Connect allows the autistic community and their families in Scotland to stay connected through the pandemic and beyond. These groups aim to reduce feelings of loneliness & isolation by providing an opportunity to connect with others online. Mindful Autism Support Group Our Mindful Autism Support Group for autistic individuals and family members of autistic people in Scotland. Run by Jonny Drury, the group will take place every Thursday afternoon from 29th July to 30th September. Each session will run via Zoom and is free to join. Find out more and sign up to the next session here. Virtual Art Group Do you want to explore your creative side? Join our online Art Group taking place every Wednesday from 28th July to 29th September from 5pm - 6.30pm. The Art Group is open to autistic people and their families and aims to bring people together for creative expression in an informal and safe environment. It offers the chance for a mindful break from the day’s worries and can help to reduce stress. Find out more and sign up to the next session here. Summer Dance and Movement Group Join our online Summer Dance & Movement Group taking place every Monday until 9th August, 10am – 10.30am. Each inclusive Dance Movement class aims to build confidence, strengthen co-ordination and allow individuals to connect with each other through movement in a safe and nurturing environment. Find out more and sign up to the next session here. Virtual Choir Group Our Virtual Choir takes place every Thursday from 29th July to the 23rd of September from 5pm until 6pm. This group is for autistic people and their families in Scotland, and all ages and abilities are welcome! Numbers will be limited to a maximum of 15 people so sign up quick! We will learn a range of songs over the sessions. The songs will be chosen by you and you will be able to submit your favourite song or a song that means something to you when you register for the group. Find out more and sign up to the next session here. 6. Alternative Text 10th September 2019 3.57 Pm What is this image about? "ea sits most nervousl# in $ront o$ the empty %onferen%e room o$ &harity To'ers. This might# s%ene o$ press meetings an( %ompan# announ%ements and li$e)%hanging %ontra%ts 'ill no' be the s%ene o$ A Parti%ular "ove &onfession to *enrik. There 'on't be an a (ien%e this time- apart $rom .ra(le# the (og- o$ %ourse- 'ho alrea(# manage( to snea+ in, easil# passing b# the %are taker 'ho 'as m %h more preo%%upie( 'ith a rerun o$ /mergenc# 0oom than the re%eption. While on the tv s%reen 1D 1ar+ 3reen is (esperatel# tr#ing to resus%itate a poli%e man, "ea 'onders: 'hat 'ill be the end o$ all this- $or her- in 2019!... Whether *enrik 'ill inform her imme(iatel# that he,s s $$i%ientl# %ommitte( to 1rs *enri+- blindness- potty)training and $ull)time 'orking still nuptiall# embra%e(- or 'ill there be an opening $or "ea to hear that he 'ishes to (o a one)eight# in his li$e and it 'ill be her small hand he 'oul( ta+e this time- papers or no papers!... She kno's she has no right to ask $or anything but s ((enl# she $eels so lost on that %hair in the %orri(or. 5ot li+e a PR personnel 'ho 'orks here- more like a rookie 6ournalist. *er knees pulle( to her %hest, resting her temple on her arm 'hile .ra(le# 7 ietl#- humbl# pla%es his signature on the expensive blue 'all)to)'all %arpet o$ the mighty %onference room in a %orner. 8es- 9 'as here... (Just to better prepare $or the great tal+- #ou kno'<= >.02 Pm Fast $or'ar(ing to the next pi%ture- this is 'here "ea and *enrik are both sitting at the same table ) 'ell- not exa%tl# be%ause "ea grabs ever# opportunit# to 'al+ about, rearranging various ob6e%ts in the room- (o ble %he%+ing the lights $or hersel$- then taking another round to align some %hairs- politel# enquiring about the other person's %ough. @ther person is be%oming visibl# more and more nervous- and "ea is happ# *enri+ is not as+ing ,9s that the smell o$ (og pee in the %arpet?, 'hen she sees his nose twitching. 9ndee(- this 'on't be #o r usual roses and s%ente( %andles type o$ love %onfession. Rather the short and (eep one- in the 'aiting $or nine months- 6ust a mile a'a# $rom the $rontline- 'ith surveillance planes zooming b# above 'hile the heroine,s hair is trouble( b# the strong 'ind and the man's arms $ol( around her strongl# in a s'eet embra%e etc etc etc. .ut, ba%k to reality. "ea $eels angr# 'ith *enrik $or the ver# ver# $irst time 'hen he tells her he took most o$ his antibioti%s. Aren’t people suppose( to rigorousl# take all o$ the pres%ribe( me(i%ations- a %ouple o$ times a (a#! ) "ea is pa%ing to and $rom the table- her stoma%h pulsating in her %hest. The# have ha( this (is%ussion meeting s%he(ule( between them $or two 'ee+s... &oul(n't the# 6 st %ontinue %hatting about *enrik Junior or about his %oughing or even better: about li$e! .ut 1r. *enrik asks (ire%tl# 'hat (oes she 'ant to talk about and there,s no 'a# out o$ this no'. What she +ne' alrea(# b# 5ovember 2018 'ill be verbalise(. 9$ her spe%trum o$ relative l %k prevails and sele%tive muteness (oesn't strike< >.06 Pm She has never $elt that not being able establish e#e)%onta%t 'ith *enrik 'as an iss e. 9$ anything- it gave a break to her a tism an( allo'e( her to $o%us on the things that reall# mattere(. There 'ere so man# other 'a#s to bri(ge that gap anyho'D mind)%onta%t, soul) %onta%t, voi%e)%onta%t, 6oke)%onta%t, their 'ork %ontra%ts- the most subtlest o$ to %h)%onta%t rarel# 'hen she hande( something over to him. "ea $elt %ompletel# $loating on a %lo ( $rom that one s7uare millimetre o$ skin share( 'ith *enrik $or a se%ond. She 'ill remember the sensation $or the rest o$ her li$e. .ut no'... 6ust $or no'... it 'o l( mean ever#thing to her to be able to share a loo+- sen( a gaze ba%k and $orth as she 'ill be sa#ing the milestone 'or(s: 9 love #ou. 5o nee( to pani% though: s ((enl# a pair o$ %ho%olate bro'n e#es meet hers- 'ith some %anine relaxing treatment a((e(- in the $orm o$ slo'- long li%+s b# .ra(le# on the sole o$ her shoe. ,This 'ill be the 'orl(,s most biAarre (e%laration o$ love like this, ) "ea thinks but taking a (eep breath she (oes sa# the 'or(s. &on$essing her man# (a#s o$ love $or him Enot $or .ra(le#- $or *enri+F twi%e- 'hile being %losel# stare( in the $a%e b# a (og. @nl# then she (ares to look at *enrik again. *is %heeks no' look bright re( a$ter all that paleness that %oul( %ompete 'ith any o$ the 'alls around them. GWhat is it about elevate( risk o$ stroke and heart atta%k $or men once the# enter their $i$ties! @h- bo#<..., >.10 Pm As it happens sometimes- Dr 1ar+ 3reen 'as ns %%ess$ul and he %alls the time o$ (eath 'ith a %ouple o$ spots o$ s'eat on his $orehea( on the s%reen, as "ea (rags hersel$ ba%k to her o$$i%e 'ith the us al %anine $ollo')up. 9s that real or $ake! The s'eat. *enri+,s 'or(s. All this thing happening to her... ,,9t's time to a(opt that (og- 1s .- isn,t it? ,, the %are taker %alls a$ter her but she barel# hears it. She,s six #ears ol( again and "ittle "ea 6ust (is%overe( that li$e %an be terrible an( ba( memories 'on't 6ust go a'a#.
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