STOCKBRIDGE-MUNSEE COMMUNITY Band of Mohicans MOHICANMOHICAN NEWSNEWS The people of the waters that are never still Vol. XXVII No. 20 N8480 Moh He Con Nuck Road • Bowler, WI 54416 October 15, 2019 S-M Tribal Drug State, federal, tribal officials update Endangered Child partnership agreement Program recognized by the state Lisa Schmitt is the new Behavioral Health Counselor at the Wisconsin’s 11 federally recog- “This agreement is about provid- Stockbridge-Munsee Behavioral nized tribal governments met with ing guidance and structure for us Department. state and federal officials today to to enjoy a deeper and more mean- update a commitment to partner- ingful understanding of our unique Lisa is a Licensed Professional/ ship on transportation-related is- operational needs,” said WisDOT Substance Abuse Counselor. sues. The partnership agreement, Secretary-Designee Craig Thomp- She enjoys helping people and initially launched in 2005, sets the son. “Our signatures today mark a The Wisconsin Alliance for Drug looks forward to assisting people framework for government-to-gov- new chapter in important relation- Endangered Children (DEC) with healthy lifestyle choices and ernment cooperation on project ships we want to continue cultivat- recognized the Stockbridge healthy futures in the Stockbridge- development and labor issues that ing for the benefit of our communi- Munsee Tribal DEC Program at Munsee Community. transcend state, federal and tribal ties and future generations.” the recent statewide Wisconsin jurisdictions. Agreement cont on page Five: Drug Endangered Children Her family consists of one daughter Conference, held July 16-18 in La and extended family in the Wausau Lay Advocate and Guardian AD Litem Training Crosse, Wisconsin. The team was area, whom she loves and values given a plaque which is proudly dearly. displayed in the downstairs area of the Health & Wellness Center. Lisa’s education includes a The team was created in the bachelor’s degree in Criminal spring of 2017. The success of Justice from Mount Senario College this team is as a whole with the in Ladysmith, WI., a MS in Human involvement and dedication from Services Community Psychology many different departments and from Springfield College Mass. individuals. The main focus of the and a MS in Human Services group is working towards creating Mental Health Counseling also education and awareness of the from Springfield College, School drug issues within the community. of Human Services. We meet monthly to discuss Lay Advocate and Guardian AD others, such as Oneida, to attend planning for events, information in She has worked in residential, Litem Training Held September 28 the training. Garza also brought the community, and more. outpatient, hospital and clinic -29 in Wesley Martin to address The team worked hard to reach settings with mental health and On Saturday and Sunday, those in attendance about issues state recognition this past July. We substance abuse issues, along September 28th and 29th, about they might come across as lay are now part of the more than 60 with assisting people with positive ten people who wanted to become advocates. DEC programs in Wisconsin. coping skills. a Lay Advocate or Guardian The training was free and a direct The team is always looking for new Ad Litem in the Tribal Courts result of a memorandum Chief members, anyone is welcome! Ms. Schmitt really loves her assembled at the Stockbridge- Judge Travis Miller had issued to family, helping people become Munsee Tribal Court to attend a all Lay Advocates and Guardians Please contact facilitator Teresa their best, she also enjoys riding training organized by Chief Judge Ad Litem (GAL) regarding a tribal Juga; Indian Child Welfare at 715- her motorcycle and loves the free Travis Miller. ordinance change which requires 793-4580 for more information. feeling that riding creates for her. The trainer for the program was the Clerk of Court to maintain a PRSRT STD Attorney Luis Garza, who has list of all individuals approved by US POSTAGE PAID SHAWANO, WI extensive knowledge in Tribal the Tribal Court System to act PERMIT NO. 135 courts, both as an attorney and as guardians ad litem and lay a Guardian Ad Litem, and people advocates. came from this community and Training continued on pg Ten: What’s Inside? Ads pg 10-11 Directives pg 8- 9 Continuation pg 5 Happy Ads pg 6 - 7 Elders pg 4 Voices pg 2-3 MOHICAN NEWS October 15, 2019 Page 2 STOCKBRIDGE-MUNSEE CLIMATE CRISIS PROPOSAL programs and policies in light of (Brent Michael Davids, 2 Sep For reservation health, we cannot sustain long-term adaptation to climate change, giving priority 2019) afford a “business as usual” the climate crisis. We should to developing environmental approach to the climate crisis, analyze both the positive and resilience. PROPOSAL—The Stockbridge- when considering future risks and negative financial impacts as well Munsee Band of the Mohican future costs. as the compromises we may need We should mandate carbon- Nation should join other tribal to enact along the way. Besides neutral building codes for all new nations in declaring a climate UTILITIES—On our reservation, our sacrifice and investment, there construction—and adhere to change emergency, and put into our use of electricity and gas is may be chances for real economic them—and create clean energy effect a solid mission to address it. a major source of carbon dioxide growth as we work to mitigate the goals and standards to adapt older As an indigenous nation that cares emissions. We buy electricity from effects of the climate crisis. reservation buildings. for future generations, it’s clear utilities that largely burn coal to our young people are calling for produce it, and Liquid Petroleum ACTION— Our Nation should immediately immediate and sustained action gas is a fossil fuel that emits Declare a tribal climate emergency partner with Wisconsin Governor on the climate crisis—it’s their greenhouse gases. Additionally, and commit to going carbon Tony Evers—creating a state-to- future—and involving the younger it’s vital to consider how the climate neutral by 2030 or 2050 at the state relationship—to address the generations is critical to achieving crisis may disrupt the utilities’ very latest; make this a top priority climate crisis. success in our tribal mission to ability to provide services to us. mission and start planning ways to tackle the climate crisis. We’ve suffered multi-day electric achieve it. This year, the Governor signed an and gas outages, and these may executive order eliminating the use SCIENCE—The Wisconsin happen for longer periods and with Mobilize tribal resources to foster of carbon-based fuel in Wisconsin warming trend matches the global greater frequency. more climate change analysis and by 2050. trend. The Wisconsin Initiative on awareness, to create responsive Climate Change Impacts (WICCI) PLANNING—Given that action plans; the longer we wait, The governor also created the predicts Wisconsin’s annual individualistic responses the more costly it will become. Office of Sustainability and Clean average temperature is likely to are difficult and limited in Energy, to strive for the standards warm by 4-9°F by mid-century... effectiveness, real action must Increase the circulation set by 2015 Paris accord on “the expected rate of warming is be taken at the tribal government of education about carbon-neutral climate. about four times greater than what level; our climate response must and sustainable environments we have experienced since 1950” be considered, prioritized and put across the reservation and in all The new Office is responsible for with “more frequent storms than in into effect as a collective group. tribal programs, such as regular coordinating the efforts of other the past,” worsening “heat waves, We must deliberate on what our publication in the newspaper and state agencies, local governments, air pollution and the spread of climate adaptation measures will community outreach. A better utilities and businesses. infectious diseases” (WICCI). The be, and then integrate them into understanding of climate science climate crisis will increase the reservation-wide ordinances and is needed, of its impacts, and how It will also develop renewable risk of flooding, intensify storms related policies. to implement adaptation strategies energy standards for state-owned and their frequency, threaten on the reservation at all levels. buildings and foster research and drinking water, and intensify the COST—We must evaluate our business development related to strain on roads and buildings. capacity as a tribal nation to Review all existing tribal renewable energy. Express your thoughts and opinions. Let your voice be heard. STOCKBRIDGE-MUNSEE The Mohican News is published We welcome your letters to the Editor and the Community. COMMUNITY twice monthly by: Band of Mohican Indians Stockbridge-Munsee Community Community Voices PO Box 70 Letters of opinion can be dropped of at Mohican News in the Tribal PUBLISHER: N8480 Moh He Con Nuck Road Offices or can be mailed to: Stockbridge-Munsee Community Bowler, WI 54416 Telephone: 715-793-4389 Mohican News EDITOR: Mohican News welcomes articles, Jeff Vele letters, photographs, and any pub- N8480 Moh He Con Nuck Road lishable items of interest to Native PO Box 70 STAFF REPORTER: Americans. All materials to be re- Bowler, WI 54416 TBD turned should be accompanied by e-mail: [email protected] a return self-addressed envelope Please type your letters or print clearly and include your signature, EDITORIAL BOARD: with sufficient return postage. address, and daytime phone number. Letters must be 500 words or Maggie Bennett A one-year subscription rate is less. All letters are subject to editing and may require confirmation. Misty Cook $12.00 for 24 issues. 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