THE MASTER'S CARPET; OR MASONRY AND BAAL-WORSHIP IDENTICAL. REVIEWING THE SIMILARITY BETWEEN MASONRY, ROMANISM AND "THE MYSTERIES," AND COMPARING THE WHOLE WITH THE BIBLE. BY EDMOND RONAYNE, ( i Past Master of Keystone Lodge, No. 639, Chicago, And Author of "The Handbook of Freemasonry^ FULLY ILLUSTRATED. 'Prove all things, hold fast that which is good."1 Thess. u. 21. 'Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers." 2 Cor, vi. 14. T. B. ARNOLD, 104-106 FRANKLIN ST., CHICAGO. 1887. H6 H7 Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1879, BY EDMOND RONAYNE, In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE Introduction. Masonic Laws opposed to parental duty. The "Good Man" argument. Masonic charity. Pure selfishness. Chicago Fire. Masonic Board of Relief Masonic Benevolence rewarded.. 9 CHAPTER II. Masonry a religious institution. Teaches piety. Lodge meetings strictly religious. Opened and closed with prayer. Masonry of divine origin. Teaches divine truth. Lodges consecrated to holy purposes. Not Christian 39 CHAPTER III. The Masonic religion examined. Moi'al law of nat- ure. Purely antichristian. True God entirely ig- nored. Grand Orient of France. Masonic despot- ism. Obedience right or wrong. Masonry and Romanism. Pure theism. Masonic religion not founded on the Bible. Masonic traditions. Ro- manism and Masonry compared. Condemned by the Word of God 57 CHAPTER IV. What Masonry claims to do. The new birth. Temple building. Mental illumination. Romanism and Masonry compared. Both opposed to God's Word. Freedom from sin. "Justification by works." Masonic precepts. Masons in search of divine truth. Never find it. Masonry above the true religion. Masonry a wicked counterfeit 83 CHAPTER V. Masonry and Romanism. Private judgment. Their secrecy and despotism illustrated. Masonry and the Bible. Square and Compass. "Book of the law." Masonic "ovenant. The Bible not the Masonic rule of iaitli. Only a Symbol. Three great lights. Three lesser Lights. Masonic and Romish coincidence. Both false and unscriptural. The Worshipful Master and Pope both gods. "Masonry and Leo XII 114 CHAPTER VI. Masonry and Romanism. The confessional. Conflict of authority. Masonic prayers. Master opening --84552 iV CONTENTS. PAGE the lodge. The G. A. O. T. U Master closing the lodge. Masonry idolatrous worship. Master pray- ing for candidate. Masonic confession of faith. Prayer at Hiram's grave. Romish pra}7 ers. Incon- sistency of Protestant ministers. Masonry and Romanism condemned by God's Word 144 CHAPTER VII. Masonry mutilates the Bible. Credibility of Masonic witnesses. Christ's name expunged from the Scriptures. Inconsistency of Masonic ministers. Mutilation of the Bible expressly forbidden. Masonic morality a carricature. A trinity of thieves. Worship of the Virgin Mary. Rome mutilates the Bible. Which is most to be con- demned? A Catholic priest or a Masonic minis- ter? 175 CHAPTER VIII. Masonic antiquity. King Solomon never Grand Mas- ter. The SS. John not Masons. Xor all the Pres- idents. Arnold a Mason. First meeting held in 1717. Sprung up in a grog-shop. The ''Masonic fathers." The Masonic religion and philosophy revived, Signs, grips, passwords and lodge govern- ment invented. Early seceding Masons. Two conflicting Grand Lodges. Masonry conceived in fraud and sustained by deception. Mah- ljah-bone, by whom invented and how 197 CHAPTER IX. Masonry and the Ancient Mysteries. Adam the first man who -wore an apron. By whom invested. Distinction between Masonic lodges and Masonic philosophy. Origin of Sabaism or star-worship. The sun-god. Worshipped in secret. Ancient mysteries. Mysteries of Egypt and Elcusis. Masonry and the Mysteries identical. Osiris, the .snn-god of Egypt. Hiram Abiffand Osiris one and the same. Freemasonry the okl sun-worship re- vived. Meaning of the term ''God of nature." Must believe Masonic testimony regarding itself. 219 CHAPTER X. Preparation of candidates. Masons ignorant of Mason- ry. Guilt of Masonic ministers. Why lodges meet in "upper chambers." Purging the lodge. Initia- tion in darkness. The cable-tow. "Neither naked nor clad." NeiU-r barefoot nor shod." Floor of the 241 \ lodge holy ground CONTENTS. V. CHAPTER XI. PAGE. Initiator}' ceremonies. Pitiable condition of Masonic ministers. Rite of Induction. Rite of circumam- 1 dilation. Rite of Secrecy. Masonic idols. Masonic penalties. An idolatrous system 261 CHAPTER XII. Rite of Illumination. Virtues of a hoodwink. Rite of Intrusting. Rite of Investiture. Masonry un- doubtedly the worship of Baal 281 CHAPTER XIII. The Master's Carpet. Why so called. Masonic em hieing. Form of the lodge. Its supports. Covering. Furniture. Ornaments. Lights. Jew- els. Situation 278 CHAPTER XIV. The point within a Circle. Lodge dedications. Refers to the sun. Borrowed from the Mysteries. Re- presents the Phallus or Baal-peor of pagan worship. Condemned by Paul. Supported by Masonic Ministers. The symbol of Masonic licentiousness. 31G CHAPTER XV. The Masonic Legend. The Masonic revival. How ef- fected and why. Osiris and Hiram one and the same characters. Legend of Hiram A biff'. Legend of Osiris. Both identical 331 CHAPTER XVI. The Masonic tragedy. Murder of Hiram historically false. A substitute lor Osiris. Candidate kneel- ing to pray. Personates the sun-god in his conflict with night. Is slain by Jubelum. Body concealed. liuiiedat foot of a' tamarind tree. Search lor the ruffians. Accidental discovery. Search for the body. Loss of Master's word. Substitution of Man-nab- bone. Procession. Prayer at the grave. of the Five Raising body. points of Fellowship. Coincident scenes. Egyptian figure. "Lion's paw." Masonic worship idolatry 351 CHAPTER XVII. Tammuz Identical with Hiram. His secret worship re- vealed to Ezekiel. The acacia or evergreen. The beautiful virgin. The all-seeing eye. Forty- seventh problem of Euclid. Corn, wine, and oil. Romanism and Masonry compared. The beast and his image. Case submitted. Henry's resolve. 381 ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE. Masonic Emblems 9, 39, 57, 197 Preparation of Candidates .84, 252, 201 Holy Bible, Square and Compass 124, 175 Opening the Lodge 151 Closing the Lodge 159 Master praying for Candidate 104 Candidate making confession of Masonic faith 160 Praying at Candidate's supposed grave 169 Emblem of Masonic Sun-worship '. 225 1 Emblem oi "High hills and low vales,' 245 Rite of Induction 265 Candidate led by Senior Deacon 269 Journey of Candidate in Symbolic Pilgrimage 270 Rite oi Secrecy and goddess Fides 274 "Two human figures,*' or god of Secrecy 276 7 ' "Due form in F. C. and M. M. degrees.' 280 "Due guard" of a Mason 283 Rite of Illumination 283 Rite of Intrusting 288 Rite oi Investiture 293 Form of the Lodge 300 Three Pillars 302 Wisdom, Strength and Beauty." Sun-god in the East, West and South 305 Covering of the Lodge, or "Clouded Canopy" 309 Furniture and Lights 311 Ornaments and "Blazing Star" 313 The Phallus or "Point wit bin a Circle" 318 Candidate praying forhimself 356 Conflict in the South, West and at nightfall 358 Hero or Sun-god slain, concealed and buried 364 Search and interrogating way-faring man 308 Search for the Master's word' 370 Solemn procession 373 Prayer at Hiram's grave 374 Master raising Candidate by "Lion's Paw," 375 Five Points of Fellowship 375 Osiris and Beautiful Virgin 377, 387 All-seeing Eye and Priest at Mass 388, 394 In all the most popular Manuals of Freema- sonry and in its standard works of the highest author- ity and merit, there are four well authenticated claims set up on behalf of that institution, as follows: i st. That it is a religious philosophy, or a sys- tem of religious science. 2nd. That it was REVIVED in its "present out- ward form" in 1717. 3rd. That all its ceremonies, symbols, and the celebrated legend of Hiram in the Master Mason's degree, were directly borrowed from the "Ancient Mysteries," or the secret worship of Baal, Osiris or Tammuz, and 4th. That a strict obedience to its precepts and obligations is all that is' necessary to free man from sin, and to secure for him a happy immortality. The design of this work, then, is to discuss these claims in a clear, simple and intelligible manner, and to demonstrate beyond the possibility of dispute or doubt, on the part of any Freemason, that the Masonic system, as it exists to-day, is precisely the same religi- ous philosophy, and the same form of secret worship, that used to be taught and practiced in honor of the "god of nature" in the old temples of paganism. All the proofs adduced to establish these facts are de- signedly drawn from the testimony of Masonry itself, and are so arranged as to be recognized at a glance, and must be found of great value for immediate re- ference in all possible discussions on this important subject. The work is also profusely illustrated the interior of the lodge, the position of its various officers, the ceremonies through which the candidate is made to pass, and the emblems and symbols of its different degrees, being accurately represented by wood-en- gravings, specially prepared for this exposition, and passed upon by some of the former members ot the Order, while the legend of Osiris in the Egyptian Mysteries, and the celebrated legend of Hiram in the Masonic Mysteries, are compared with such minute- ness of detail that none can fail to note their absolute identity. This constitutes the r(al secrets of a Master Mason, and was never before alluded to by any seceder nor in any exposition of its pretended mys- teries. The unmistakable coincidence between Masonry and Romanism is also set forth, and it is demonstra- ted with positive certainty that both systems have sprung from the same pagan source the one being the old pagan BEAST of Revelation and the other the Image of the Beast.
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