
January 20, 1989 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 303 SENATE-Friday, January 20, 1989 (Legislative day of Tuesday, January 3, 1989) INAUGURATION OF THE PRESI­ would have us go, both as individuals read our newspapers and watch our DENT OF THE UNITED STATES and as a nation. television screens, it seems that evil is AND THE VICE PRESIDENT Forgive us, we pray, as we turn to getting worse, but we thank Thee for Members of the House of Represent- Thee in repentance and in faith. Re­ the millions of people who pray daily atives, Members of the Senate, Jus­ store us to Thyself and recreate within and go to church and synagogue on tices of the Supreme Court, members us a desire to follow Thy will for all the weekends. We believe that this is of the Cabinet, members of the diplo­ our lives. the day the Lord has made. Let us re­ matic COrPS, the Governors of the As George Washington reminded us joice and be glad in it. States and the Mayor of the District in his Farewell Address, morality and All this we pray in the name of the of Columbia, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, faith are the pillars of our society. Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. and other distinguished guests. assem­ May we never forget that. Amen. bled on the west front. The Scriptures also say promotion comes not from the East nor from the Mr. FORD. It is now my special MRS. BUSH AND MRS. QUAYLE West but from Thee. pleasure to introduce the Harlan Boys' Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Michel, We acknowledge Thy divine help in Choir from Harlan, KY, under the di­ and Mrs. Stevens escorted Mrs. Bush the selection of our leadership each 4 rection of Mr. David Davies. They will and Mrs. Quayle to the President's years. sing "This Is My Country." platform. We recognize, 0 Lord, in our sover­ <The Harlan, KY, Boys' Choir sang THE PRESIDENT AND MRS. REAGAN eignty Thou hast permitted Ronald "This Is My Country.") Mr. Giugni and Mr. Russ escorted Reagan to lead us for the past 8 years. [Applause.] the President and Mrs. Reagan, ac­ We pray that as he and his wife, Mr. FORD. It is now my pleasure to companied by Senator STEVENS and Nancy, leave the White House and go present my distinguished colleague, Representative MICHEL, to the Presi­ to the west coast, Thou would give the honorable TED STEVENS, a Senator dent's platform. them many more years of health and from Alaska, to introduce the Vice THE VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT happiness. Presidential oath and the Presidential Ms. Jeanine Drysdale-Lowe, Senate Now we come to a new era in our his­ oath. Deputy Sergeant at Arms, and Mr. tory. In Thy sovereignty, Thou hast Senator STEVENS. Russ escorted the Vice President-elect, permitted George Bush to lead us at Mr. STEVENS. Thank you, Chair­ accompanied by Senator MITCHELL, this momentous hour in our history man FoRD, for your many courtesies. Senator STEVENS, Representative for the next 4 years. As he today President and Mrs. Reagan and Vice MICHEL, and Representative FOLEY, to places his hand upon the Bible and President and Mrs. Bush, fellow citi­ the President's platform. solemnly swears before Thee to pre­ zens: The Vice President-elect will THE PRESIDENT-ELECT serve, protect, and defend the Consti­ take his oath of his office as his wife, Senator FORD and Speaker WRIGHT, tution, give him the wisdom, integrity, Marilyn Tucker Quayle, holds the accompanied by Mr. Michael J. Ruehl­ and courage to help this become a Quayle family Bible. Their children, ing, the executive director, and Mr. nation that is gentle and kind. Tucker, Benjamin, and Corinne, will Giugni and Mr. Russ, escorted the Protect him from physical danger; join them. The Vice President-elect President-elect to the President's plat­ and in the lovely moments of decision, has asked a gracious lady, the first form. grant him Thy wisdom to know what woman to sit on the Highest Court of THEINAUGURALC~ONY is morally right, and uncompromising our land, to administer his oath of Mr. FORD. Mr. President, Mr. Vice courage to do it. Give him a cool head office. It is my honor to present now President, and my fellow Americans: and a warm heart; give him a compas­ the distinguished Associate Justice of On behalf of the Joint Congressional sion for those in physical, moral, and -the Supreme Court, the Honorable Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, spiritual need. Sandra Day O'Connor, to administer welcome to the Bicentennial Presiden­ 0 God, we consecrate today George the oath of office to the Vice Presi­ tial Inauguration. It is now my pleas­ Herbert Walker Bush to the Presiden­ dent-elect, JAMES DANFORTH QUAYLE. ure to present for the invocation the cy of these United States, with the as­ Reverend Billy Graham. surance that from this hour on, as he ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE TO THE Will everyone please rise? and his family move into the White VICE PRESIDENT Associate Justice O'CONNOR. Raise INVOCATION House, they will have the presence Reverend GRAHAM. Shall we pray? and the power of the One who said, "I your right hand. Our Father and our God, Thou hast will never leave thee nor forsake Associate Justice of the United said blessed is the nation whose God is thee." We pray Thou will bless his States Sandra Day O'Connor adminis­ the Lord. wife, Barbara, and their children as tered to the Vice President-elect the We recognize on this historic occa­ they stand at his side, and his mother, oath of office prescribed by the Con­ sion that we are a nation under God. who is here today. And what we pray stitution, which he repeated, as fol­ This faith in God is our foundation for President Bush, we also pray for lows: and our heritage. Thou hast warned us Vice President JAMES DANFORTH I, JAMES DANFORTH QUAYLE, do sol­ in the Holy Scriptures if the founda­ QuAYLE and his wife, Marilyn, and emnly swear that I will support and tions be destroyed, what can the right­ their children. We pray as well for the dE;lfend the Constitution of the United eous do? members of the Cabinet, the Congress, States; that I will bear true faith and We confess that we are in danger of the courts, and all others whom Thou allegiance to the same; that I take this destroying some of those foundations hast entrusted with positions of lead­ obligation freely, without any mental for times our faith in Thee has fal­ ership. We pray that the spiritual tide reservation or PUrPOse of evasion, and tered and we have chosen to go our that many of us have sensed running that I will well and faithfully dis­ own way than the way that Thou in this Nation may continue. As we charge the duties of the office on e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. 304 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE January 20, 1989 which I am about to enter. So help me I placed my hand is the Bible on speech, free elections, and the exercise God. which he placed his. of free will unhampered by the state. Associate Justice O'CONNOR. Con­ It is right that the memory of Wash­ [Applause.] gratulations. ington be with us today, not only be­ For the first time in this century­ [Applause.] cause this is our Bicentennial Inaugu­ for the first time in perhaps all histo­ Mr. STEVENS. S.Sgt. Alvy Powell, ration, but because Washington re­ ry-man does not have to ilivent a of the U.S. Army Band, will now sing mains the Father of our country. And system by which to live. We don't have "God Bless America." he would, I think, be gladdened by this to talk late into the night about which <S. Sgt. Alvy Powell, of the U.S. day, for today is the concrete expres­ form of government is better. We Army Band, sang "God Bless Amer­ sion of a stunning fact: our continuity don't have to wrest justice from the ica.") these 200 years since our Government kings. We only have to summon it [Applause.] began. from within ourselves. Mr. STEVENS. Thank you, Staff We meet on democracy's front We must act on what we know. I Sergeant Powell. porch, a good place to talk as neigh­ take as my guide the hope of a saint: President Reagan, Vice President bors and as friends. For this is a day In crucial things, unity; in important and Mrs. Quayle, fellow Americans: when our Nation is made whole, when things, diversity; in all things, generos­ The wife of the President-elect, Bar­ our differences for a moment are sus­ ity. bara Bush, will hold the Bible first pended. America today is a proud, free used at the inauguration of President And my first act as President is a George Washington, together with the prayer. I ask you to bow your heads: Nation, decent and civil-a place we Bush Bible. Heavenly Father, we bow our heads cannot help but love. We know in our With us today is the President­ and thank You for Your love. Accept hearts, not loudly and proudly, but as elect's mother, Mrs. Prescott Bush; our thanks for the peace that yields a simple fact, that this cQuntry has George, Jr.; Neil; Marvin; and Doro­ this day and the shared faith that meaning beyond what we see, and that thy, with their families, who join their makes its continuance likely.
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