INDEX TO NAMES OF THE AUTHORS AND OF THE PAPERS CONTRIBUTED BY THEM. Baldenspergcr, P. J., Esq.­ PAGE Beth-Dejan , • 114 Bergheim, Samuel, Esq;- The Identification of the City of David-Zion and Millo 120 Birch, Rev. W. F., M.A.- 'fhe Sepulchres of David on Ophel 261 The City of David-Zion not at" Goliath's Castle" 263 The Rock of Etam and the Cave of .A.dullam 338 Bliss, F. ,T., Ph.D.- Third Report of the Excavations at Jerusalem 9-25 Fourth . ,, . _,, 97-108 .. 305-320 Si:x;th " · .. ,, " Narrative of an_ Expedition to Moab and Gilead in March, 1895 203 Conder, Major C. R., D.C.L., LL.D., M.R.A.S., ,R.E.­ N cites on the Quarterly Statement 87 The Hreniatite Weight 191 The .A.ssyrians in Syria 191 Notes on Dr. Bliss's Discoveries at Jerusalem 330 No.tes on the July Quaderly Statement .. 332 Dalton, Rev. Canon J. N., C.M.G.- · N-ote on the First Wail-of Ancient Jerusalem and the Present Excavations 26 Note on Dr. Bliss's Lejjfm in Moab 332 Note on Colonel Watson's Paper on the Stoppage of the Jordan 334 Davis, Ebenezer, Esq.- N.qtes_ on the Hrematite .Weigh~ from Samaria • , 187 Dickie, Archibald Campbell, Esq., A.R.I.B.A.- Fifth Report on the Ei;;ca-vations of Jerusalem , , 235 IV Ewing, Rev. W.- PAGE Greek and other Inscriptions collected in the Hamitn, edited by A. G. Wright, Esq., and .A. Souter, Esq., M.A. 41, 131, 265, 355 .A Journey in the Haumn 60, 161,281,355 Fowler, Rev. J. T., F.S.A.- St. Cuthbert's Oros~.. 128 Glaisher, James, Esq., F.R.S.-. Results of Meteorological Observations taken at Jerusalem for 1887, 184; for 1888, 294 ; for 1889, 368. Murray, A. S., Esq., LL.D.- Greek Mosaic Inscription from Mount of Olives 86 The Mosaic with Armenian Inscript.ion from near the Damascus Gate, Jerusalem 126 Greek Inscription from near Tripoli, forwarded by Dr. Harris 128 Latin Inscription in the Wall of Neby Dafid, Jerusalem 130 Notes on Inscriptions collected in Moab by Dr. :Bliss 371 Pitcairn, Rev. D. Lee, M.A.- The Identification of the City of David 342 Schick, Herr Eaurath von- Reports from­ Muristan .• 29,108,248 .A Stair and Postern in the Old Wall north of Jerusalem 30 .An Addition to the Report on the recently-found Mosaic outside the Damascus Gate 30 '.L''.lmbs, or Remainder of Third Wall 30 Recent Discoveries on the Mount of Olives 32 :Beth Zur •• 37 Montefioreh .. · 40 Excavations made inside t.he New Gate 109 An old Pool west of the City • • 109 Reckoning of Time among the .Armenians 110 The Armenian Cross 110 Church at Deir ez Zeituny 249 Old Churches in Jerusalem 321 Cross at the Russian Ground near the Church of the llolJ Sepulchre 328 Changes at Siloam 328 .Another Tomb at the Muristan.. 329 Stone Basin found in Rock-cut Tomb 321} Schumacher, Dr. G.­ Reports from Galilee 110 Simpson, William, Esq., M.R.A.S.­ The Swastica•• - · 84 Smith, Rev. George Adam, D.D., LL.D.­ On Aphek in Sharon 252 V Stevenson, W. E., Esq,- PAGE The Stoppage of the River Jordan A.D. 1267 3:14 Stewarl, Aubrey, Esq., M.A.- St. Cnthhcrt's Cross,, 83 Stuart, Rev. A. Moody, D.D.- Lapping of the Water 345 Watson, Lieut.-Col. C. M., C.M.G., R.E.- The Stoppage of the River Jordan A..D. 1267 253 Wilson, Major-General Sir Charles, K.C.B., RE.­ Notes on Dr. Bliss's Excavations at Jerusalem 193,297 Wright, A. G., Esq.­ Syria aud Arabia 67 I. Formation of the Provinces of Syria and Arabia 67 District of Damascus 69 Judea 69 Arabia 71 II. The Boundary" Lines of Syria and .Arabia 73 Classified List of Dates found on Inscriptions 80-82 List of Places as given by Ancient Authorities 82 Wright, Rev. Professor T. F., Ph.D.- The Julian Inscription in the Metropolitan l\.Iuseum, New York 124, a 2 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE .Plan to illustrate Dr. :Elise's Third R-eport on the Excavations at Jerusalem 9 Antique Gate recently discovered at Jerusalem . 10 Specimen of Masonry 15 Specimens of Masonry in South ·wall of Ancient Jerusalem 20, 21 Plan to illustrate Herr Schick's Notes on the Muristan; Postern in the Old Wall; Mosaic outside Damascus Gate; Third Wall, &c. 30 Plan of the 'fop of Mount Olivct . • 33 Plan and Sections of Excavations on Mount Olivet 3-t Pattern of Mosaic on Mount of Olives 3i Inscriptions colle~ted in the Hauran .. 42-60, 131-160, 265-280, 346-354 Sketch Map showing the Routes travelled by the Rev. W. Ewing 60 Hebrew Inscription near the Ash Heape at J eru~alem 83 St. Cuthbert's Cross, Cross Pattee, Maltese Cross.. 84 Greek Mosaic Inscription from Mount of Olives . 86 :Byzantine Church, discovered on the Mount of Olives 101 ,, ,, "Vase and Base of Pillar found in the Ruins of 104 Section of Rock-cut Tomb with Cross at 'rell es Samak . 111 Glass Ware with Aramaic Characters nem· Ras en Nakura 112 Stone Figure of a Ram from Yazur 113 Greek Inscription on a Copper Ring 113 The Julian Inscription in t11~ Museum of Art, New York 124 Inscript-ion on 'l'orub near Damascus Gate .• 124 Greek Inscription from near Tripoli 128, 129 Latin Inscription in the Wall of Neby Daud, Jerusalem 130 Sculptured Head, Ah1·y 154 Arab Tribe Marks (Wasm) .. 163 Marks on a Dolmen .. 169 The Game called " Man~alah " 171 Figure in an Arch 171 Comparative Study of the Characters of the H!Pmatite \Y eight 188 Map to illustrate Dr. Bliss's Journey in Moab 204 Madcba-Plans of Churches .. 206-212 Mosaic at Madeba 207 Greek Inscription at Madeba 209 ,, Kerak .. 371,372 ,, ,, Wady \Yalch .• 3'n Inscriptions on Roman Milestones •• 213, 214, 371 Vll PAGE Lejjt\n Sketch. of South Gate 221 ' Plan of Military Town of 222 Pia~ of Roman Fort .. 224 Kaser Bsher •• 227 Palace at Mashetta .. 229 Inner Palace at Mashetta 230 En~~nce Gate of Mashet,ta. (From a Photograph) 231 Jnner Palace of Mashett.a. (From a Photograph) 232 Tower at Mashetta 233 Plan to illustrate the Fifth Report on the Excavations at J erusalern 235 Plans, Sketch, Sections, and Elevations, .. 237-247 Key Plan to the Specimens of l\f,asonry 244 Plan of Church of the "Convent of the Olive Tree," Jerusalem 251 Map to illustrate the account of the Stoppage of the Jordan in A.D. 1267 .. 254 Plan to illustrate the Sixth Re"port on the Excavations at Jerusalem 805 Plan and Sections of the Baths South of Siloam .. 807 Sections of the Excavations at Jerusalem .. 309,313 Specimens of Masonry found in the Excavations •• :no, 314, 315 Restoration of the Wall crossiug Valley below Siloam 312 Plan of Jerusalem showing the situation of the Churches 821 tlie Church of "St. Thomas" 322 ,, the Chapel of the "Prison of Christ" 324 the Mosque "Yakubiyeh" .• 324 ,, the Church of " Mar J erias " 825 "Dar Disse" 826 the Church of St. Mark 328 Sketch of a Stone Basin 330 Inscriptions collected in Moab 371,372 Vlll GENERAL INDEX. Abu Zeid, Story of, 87. Hrematite Weight from Samaria, 187, Annual Meeting, 373. 191. Antiques, Sham, 298. Hauran, Inscribed Copper Ring fro::n, Aphek in Sharon, 252. 113. Arabia and Syria, 67. Hauran, Inscriptions collected in the, As~yrians, The, in Syria, 191. 41-60, 131-160,265--280, 346-354. Hauran, A J'ourney in the, 60, 161, 281, 355; Waters of Merom, Jisr Balance Sheet for 1894, 94. Benat Ya'kilb, Jaulan, 61; Hermon, Beisan, Find of Gold Coins at, 89. 61, 63; Lake H6.leh, 61, 62; Beth-Dejan, 114; Castle Vestiges of, Jewish Colony, 62; Old Roman 116; Closed Cavern, 116; Jawame, Road, Sa'sa', View described, Camels Names of, 116; Names of Portions verv numel'Ous, 63; Kuneiterah, of Land, 117-119. 63, ·54; Ma'ai'ah, Fountain, Circas­ Bridge at Lydda, 259. sian Courage, 64 ; Vengeance, Bridge near junction of Wady Zcrka, Large Encampreents, 65 ; Huge 259. Dolmen, Bedawtu Names for Dol­ Bridge of Damieh, Construction of, mens, 67 ; Dolmens, el Khushniyeh, 257. Gate Pillar and Marblt, Column, Ruins, Tel el Talaya, Tribe Marks, Carriage Road lo Jericho and Jordan, A.'yi\n el Fahham, 163; Tell Furj, 89. Tell el Faras, Fragments of Lava, Cases for Binding, 200. Ancient Building, Fine View fl'Om Casts. (See Notes and News.) Summit, 164; Tell ,Tokhadar, Khan, Cave of Adullam and the Rock Etam, Ancient Road from Gilead to 338. Damascus, 165; Perils of the Pil­ Churcl1 of the Holy Sepulchre, Rock grimage, 166; Dolmen near Tstl, under. 297. 168, 169; Rukkad, 168 ; Dil.r es City of David-Zion and Millo, Iden­ Sheikh, Cup Hollows, 170 ; Man. tification of, 120, 342. kalah, 171; Explanations of Phrases, 172; Sahem el Jaulan, 174; Ser­ pents, Remains of Ancient Baths, Dragomans in Pal~stine, 298. Wady 'Allan, Beit Akkar, 175; Sparkling Water, Mills, 176; Fauna and Flora of Sinai, Petra, 1md 'Adwan, Vineyards, 178 ; Flies, the Wady Arabah, 93. Fountain, e1 Merkez, Druses, Fountain of Siloam Dry, 1. Monastery of Job, 179, 180; Black Fylfot, The, 84. Village Community, Hammam Ayy6.b, 180 ; '.['ell 'Ashteruh, Expenses of the Medafeh, 181 ; Galilee, Reports from, llO. Ruin, 182; Wady en Nar, Umm Gammadion, The, 84,. cl J amil.1, 183 ; Discovery of Trea­ Glass Ware with Aramaic Characters sure, 184; Nawa, Fragments of 111.
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