Jun-bS-^x . ' ; ---------------^ - 0 5 - - 1 2 7 _ .0S-12T.-Ubra>tlan J Jun-03-4 ^, -tA k^-A *^.:aiatogiQU »l SoalatirSaalat . 8 5 T 0 1 Weather Sundo ^ ■■ ' . ■. Sunday Edition ~-~-Mor^l^ew5 ' ’ High Cloudinessness l ~ l ~ l ---------— •— ?—J— M ore-Sportt—o r -------- ^ _ — “ - - ............~ ~ FFamity-Comics t -------------------- Feature .Section ^^Mi^gte^^Ue^s-Hontir^s-Honie-Newspaper-^^ - - /- S ' , TEN CENTS . ^ L . 6 ^ N O , 48 . ■' - • . J; . TVTWIN FALLS., IPAHO.AHO. SUNDAY,SUNDA JUNE, 2, 1968968 ■' ’ _ Workers I pDeimiriBn > n ^ M t:ions i o r Spinpin Off At Alcoa On Strike■e- *■ 1 ^ 8 8 ^ h J| fPrancece T' o PlaPlaguei ItalyIt NEW YORK (AP). - A strike • , hit the nation’s tw6 largest alu- i_Byj)AVID_MAZZARELLAiL L ^ Jhoursjhours_by b staging^^lMri on one ty ,conference.con Some moderatesoderatcs HumH undreds of rebels Inside sue* , minum .producers Saturday, de- - R o m e (AP) — -710101100lice ancTantf df NapINaplc's busiest aveniics.'s. hhad ^ sasaid such a riTove'WdUld'bevduld'be cpcded'hrciamplrigcpcdet shut U'lc crrtp” " •' spite what is usually a paltem-tttem - demonstrationsdemons spinningng ,. off At FFlorence University,y, stu- playinjplaying into thc hands of Com- versitjversity’.s moin' gate. Thc fXi;c- sctting agreement -with ihethe • • ' - fcj* ~' from thetl Frcnch iiationaial crisis dcnUdents occupiedc the rector’ssr’s of- munlslmunists, who made gainsis in na- to-factto-facc battles gave way to u .- w.l' « was a tional elections two weeks,<5. ago. rock-tlrock-throwing fighl ihat causqd fl-AFL-CIO United Steelworkers}rkers '.' ..|H ^|||p$V .'A ^ 1 hit '- I'Italy again .Saturday,aturday, fices.fices, sayings thcir action was a tionni 1 ---Unioiv.-—- — ---------- — -------------- ^ spreadingspread! from Rome, to0 Turin, gesture toward "the struggleiggle of But Socially- favoringfig W\h- injuriesinjuric to bolh sides' and duni- irktrsJl dcawal— .from ,the. conmicoafHion6 n |aBc-toage to automobilps. - 'f ______ _ About 13,000 m em bers of3f the i.;-. ■rX*— Naples-Naples-and-Florencer-^ ------—•---------------- FFreneh-sludenlR-and-worktrsJl rench dcawal Studentsstude baltled.'>y.ith fistsfists and Rome University’s rcbdls.tdls.set set blamciblamed thcir parly's rccentccnt bad Polnpolice p atro lcd 'fR c ar'CT'lSUt "AFL-CIO Aluminum Workersirkcrs ^ ''I a rocks atI Rome University,>ity, but up barbarricades at all gatestes andfshowinandfshowing ^at tho polls on thcthe did nonot Intervene. , ‘ 'Union and 4.150 members ofof-the the '' • f \ and—nc-(. Thc students controlling th e.". struck • • >. the school grounds remainedained in dcpositideposited, heaps of stonesics nndand ChristiChristian D em ocrats •-and— nc-(. Thc United _Auto ' Workers struck ■y. read- cused them ot lacking the1C will tolo univcruniversity sincc\Friday planned - • — ^AIuminum-WrrK)f-J^n»nca-<=Al-- the controlCOI of activists demon- bricks ncarby.-’apparcntly. read- cused strating—stratin( r-agaihst------ President■resident ylnfi-for-a-sieget—They-fai>-up;j^nacUylnfi-tu coa—and Reynolds M etal Co. Charles dc Gaulle of Francc.ince. red flagsflaj on major buildingsings un- form^;form^.' .That-- faction believed ncxt.next. plants in 12 states.' > , Police and leftist extremiststrcmists der thcirthc control.and.draped-aped a withdrwithdrawal'would, brightenhtcn ,. thcthe As night, fell, policc. throufeh- -------ScpaTacet alk,s~between-^-A roa ic o a -^ ^ B ^ — :■■■?■»' .'f/ .. ' . .L 1 ^ . ■ bclashed la^d violently In theB cccnter'huge c n te r'h u g e brojizebi statu e ol tHerC G rreek e c k 'party’s—party’; iCTltlshctf—TJrognrsslve^Tjut-rf3jji\Siilvtrwt’ ilre • city^vent orr-alert-:— i------ and Reynolds and the.two strik-..slrik-. '■•V''/ • M • reputation. ' • again'against^a possible recurrence ol fed- ofo fT Turin u ri after a-rally in support goddessgoddcsi Minerva in red.. reputa ihg .union's continued, wilh fed­ of FrcnchF r strikers. Reports BcsidBeside the disorders ‘in 7 the Thc 'move opened the way for thcthe bbloody street fighting and eral mediators on hnnd. spcct of a ’minority transitional goverrt-'.cargoverd-.car biburning that turned a color- settled ^ from the northern Ilaliariiri indus-Indus- streets, there was a prospect of a mir The steelworkers union settled trial the So- ment of-'Christian Democrats,Ifulimocrats.lful ScScction nf old Rome Into a • with Alcoa—Friday-nlfihtt and t trial city told of widespreadjread in- politicalpoHtica instability after the So- ment Juries and arrests. Shoplop win- cialist party declared it was possibpossibly- with participitaliontation of gucrriguerrilla battlefield Friday, Saturday agreed with Reynoldsynolds . riy. The activists holding Rome K aiser dows were1 battered in by red pulling ouL of the-centcr-left•left co- the tirtiny Republican parly. The and' three other firms-Kaiser uDemo- Elsewhere__ in the__—Capital,capital, UnivcUnivers!ty__ bclnng_ to ;.the^'St^u- . ) ..-th c -- bani\ers.and_polcs .bearing,ing. hugeh u g e alitionalit*oti-wiih.lhe_Chrlstian.Dem o- ,,_Elsc ■ ■Ahimihtim &; Chemical Co..- the — i>ortrai ed Italy moderate .student's tryingryfng to deni’derit M ovem ent"—ii- JiDtlonwItfe ' • O rm et Corp and Olin Alumi- portraits of Mao Ts(M«ng.Ig. cratic Party. that has ruled Italy model KW ’3^1.1 ■___ In_NIn Naple.s. LOOO .studcnls-iirst:nts-iirst for fiveflvi years. :: .■ opcn-open- the -• university ' faculty organorganization that'planned nnd .-.•num. - - . • ^ s effcct huiltlings loi:_Bpnng„cj!amma-l.carnqcjiammn-lcarneti ouKmost ot thc.slt.ins- - - ;The steclworHer.T tinfan repre^ ' ' V' seizedTtne.local'.university,seized; iity, then "'fhe'“T h e ' split, w h ich 'lak es cffcct EuTltlii tr l},.T ' r rn‘>>‘chtmarched through the center'of:cnter'of when .Parliament • Tconvenes:onvcnes lions were repulsed whenhen they andand'^dcTnonstraTions . that, con-: aenls about half of the indus- I■ I D ■ B v ,; ^ r | town : Gaulle Wednesday, was announcedccd.Sat- .Sat- soughsought to fight, thcir way intoInto vuisccvulscd . thc Italian university c. rest I '^ . g l ' H fcl ’j t town shouting onti-De Gaulle Wedne 't r y ’s 60,000 w orkers. The rest ■ ^ slogans. They blocked trafficraffic for urday night after a two-dayday par- the gigrounds. *» systcisystem lasl winter arid fall. are represented by qther unions.inions. ■ | Q H f c ' Alcoa immediately announced)unced rT•, - K* • ’ ';;■ !--> ■iprice in creases to m eet thele cost f, rt : ■ .• ■ '■ . 1 ■ ' M i of the - steelworkers contract.ntract. B-,i '|h Aiumfnljm ingots ro up 1i cent KKE !”■ Bank Site?- J s t s,^orkersDem; Demonstrate-!- . per pound to 25‘cents. Fabricat- - M 3?^ Students, bricat- -'KM - ' 1- ■ •• ed products go up 4 per cent. ■'.) , J.ohn B. Robertson,-owner-ow ner . ^ The steejworkers flfireementlement I■r-i-ffli'-' , n - a | '■■ '•BbI of. thetl Perrine Hotel,1 has \ g came .as that union prepared-ed for I,;- i a I a ■ ilB - • rcachcd an agreement ^bout AgainstjCi|u3 PresPresident De Gaulle^( ^ , talks opening'here Monday with s . A I thc-jthe-jiroperly with theI'B .'Bank a n k ^ ......... the steel industry. The contracts]tracts '-r ^ r 1J - ■ fo r 480.000 steel w orkers expire • U H of i(Idaho nnd.has.givcriert ten* By LOUIS WEVINN the turmoil,li as-gasolint^-suppliese-supplies demodemonstration, staiged In the ants notice they must vacate., PARIS (AP) — Tens of thou- returireturned to normal, for.□r. a long MontM ontparnasse q u a rte r on - the agree* |.r.-M \l iUt^^Brp.r J'-H H [ ^ ■ y ------- tKciraliaing-bjnJDfr^h-^h--------- h5tm n rn qs~pf jjr s t u d cnts-and-wworkers orkers. Pen'®Penlccosl.weekend in' the-sunny Left-Left-Bank-bf-the -Sclne.-Iht-fo-—:------ ~SSTUr~ -bwtndiBhin g .tha f lags.of .anarchyuliaraiiy £fiUUmvniryijilc.— ^-----------------_________-—cnI a l Jnoint nf- tho rallv ,,wa.s n------------ increase of 55.9 ccnls over the ”Et@|^ ’ > 1' ^ . ' and revolution, demonstratedmstrated ThcThe newly .revampedd French squftisquare nariied Ju,ne,18. 1D40— next three years, a.steelworkersorkers , <r i'.i* ; --day he-couid-not-give-^ut--ive -out- - llaTnsisaTn'sf "PrTsident Charlcs”dcirlcs”dc CabirCabinet held its first meeting lhe 1date De Gaulle'.summoned . - - spokesman said. Present scales Q I ..................................... ■ any more details lhann that, Gaulle here Saturday andnd urged wllhwith De Gaulle and appealedpealed for rrenFrcnchmcn to unilo against the — rang^from —J3.09—to-J3.28-an.28-an —fc| 7 M K y B -*- -, b -buL-thai u t .. he understood»d...th&_ the__.the. the pi.rnilllons of strikers still out massmassive support, for the 77-ll- GernGerman occupation in World ' - .h t ) u r .- ......^ - ---------------------------- ”tb ~ rc~ in^Frdnce-tb stand firm........... ——.......... yeaf^d-eWyeaf- cf-pf-stale-an'J^hlse-arid'^;KlS War —•-* T' 7 ' ~’ .. • . ^' ~bank~^va's~plaririlrig~tb~rc^~banli in^Fro jn. m for - ThA_hmnft cqnnrp. wn< fillrd _____ th e ' B ui Pail!>liili.?*by“fh6 .scores of fpHo> J,:"' f i n e AWTS i;E N ii:.KH a i t 'm ih^ e wot o llftge B rS d u lh tm Jdfth6 b'gtVfen of a new and the- Rue de'--Rennes a'nd eludes impro%^ed pensions, hos-. left,j . Dr. Harry Brumbafchibai;h and !Dr. Jarhea L. Taylor,>r, collegec o ile |» pr<president. D r. B rum bachbaih" Is “'“■■ Sthousands S motored awaya^y *^fro^from June 23 and June 30, of a new and^ pital Insurance and .unempioy- ^ .elation . aerecmcnt soon. -------- ----- ^— - National. Assembly. , Boulevard Montparnasse, lead* chairman cf the Ovlc-Auaitorlum- Auditorium Association board.. The Civ.<cCiv.«c Auditorium Association . ■rtf mnv'p' inB^pHhc-iquaTe-wenrjammcd ------- - merit benefits and a nfew'530-a- has contributed financiallyIally lo thcthe construction o( tbele new.buUdifinew.buUdlng ^nd anyone Interestedjrested ;-------^Bank~of~ldaho~1ia3~b~eCn~^ B i re-BECh— — "“ ^ T I ■ “T, A f"' timl5~back-to-work .move- . week vacation bonus. for about aooyards. Columns of , ' , esp^tally Civic Auditoriumrium Fund ]pledgers, are Invited!d to tour IlMlhe campus Saturday.y* givengive the go-ahead by b'ojh T .
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