February 10, 1942 PAGE 22 I) KrK O 1 T KVhN 1N G TIM K S (PHUSL CHEHUI 8800) Tuesday, Furniture, Household Goode Trade School*—Male Male Help Wanted Income Tax Service Personals Miscellaneous lor Sale Sfoi/es and Heaters Stoves and Heaters Tilt.. 17 le pteaiant work AHKAM T.r .*rnt. e. r.,,ruled! »eTVlce MR.B ray f \ ' .1-1 featured at State ICE SKATKyi— 41 l» up Daviaon Un- • « . t 1 ady ancement ' 4 Beautiful "s- Piece k Av< I the rush File now lijlitMuk Fait 637 Mitchell Pl.k/.t 2.*>H3 claimed kreield F! 153ri7 l.lvemol*. pxwv-u-cI .. Flnlah , A . .. n .! . I .rk. R :u to.’ Day i»op. lh*3» Grand Riyer, Mwlclied Walnut Ji ATTENTION TAX c.impute : n. iaiu. G 8. Stcvt-n*. n. No NEt-’DI I *¦' ' ' liar r*-no\ ed p*iliue*»’>, 27u.< East tt >y. ttye- .yig ee'Al.lt*}i.-d l iKoor Great Store*). iVTMi . * . I a ... ve-unge hie"it|v 11410 Mack 1 .« a* t. t* w ; 1 A ni|uin. I I 0[«"n rti guarati'e.d Krut Insiilute. i* ne» t. , ~ ... • ti>\e ~ yie amei a* buy. o* r• 1 ¦ tlwtt lit*- 7 >, it | i,m, li ...du.g Randolph KODAKS- M i AAIII aell HOTPOINT T Red-1 Ttßk Casus *' < yil 'l..* lor pn.ili SUITE • W. I RI Vl' t Want A«l* uae ft)7 Shelby i; y * exchange CLEARANCE BEDROOM j; 1 r H. v.n.e Camera Ex.. ;| ARN * RANGE Is VO MORF P.IVKTP 1 them f re*u.t*' i : Including MACHINES, idmrcoal ;i ELECTRIC RANGE While they last. New used Floor S WELDINV, e PILES AN!' CHRONIC DISEASES TWO HARBECI k wlte Bed Bo*rniv 4h* *4— ARC ci.-t ,1 REFTtIGERA Samples, Demonstiators at Big F ull * F treatment while working and Cirki EF URN. e’> a*'* "» .flue ga*. llU» a *r*!? A. Wei Wamer-Swasey •' Savings Dresser—FOß Bibles and Gospel Tracts D D* Sw irte Rectal Clti.le. .'.Odft Caa* Ttiß eti Bruiibii' I r qplck *ai*. Hftl ss4°o l1 1 B-oadyy yy. > rnocKss inspection avi nui Tfi", ~ D'2l2’l Clifl <! BUK SAVE SAVE SAVE 1 '!. 1 S v rurpo»e* atyle* ard Prn-ea nix b._«r* .» M* s*soO,' F.»x tt- -ir-r. v*| pi in »-r!MF U.'fuN—AlWHtißt 1 FLORENCE * SET-UP STarrord. 1177 C ( T-»- D l Mi> c Vi h »t ViNm d ,d> in TueAilaye aDe, 4 -hum*r. with lamp | r . t.T STIO.N .V Wearing Apparel 'Full and $29.95 *-* Mach"*, S'AiAr - I-a I V i ni i i time-clock All porcelain. S rVNPKK REP AIK Ohr «>r{:mization has an open- i! mr' R . I"'we. n I iskine and Elliott Special, 81 ALL EUR COATS greatly reduced for / F.LECTROMASTER S6B 00 » J.fto up. oven 50% ing set up man. Must January cleanup e. Price* 2 new crate*. SCHOOL f>r a READ MGS French E :*e (Teapot D-unei and Brand insulated In Tappan Detroit Jewel STORES i WOLVERINE t-'yerv c, CENTRAL mu vsi: uoiik n at guarante d at Rubin », Hft4 largest Outplay in Otlrsd i j*<v> W Ft'RT Pav Nir.HT S. Re J la fully qualified and have t : I and FYi* 4417 Second. Apart- Dutch Oven White Star rr.- .• c c umbia 2’700 Broadway, corner John R 0. r.. W I STIMiHOIBE, tillI I*olNT, 4035 FENKELL tui di- i.lß<*('V MilliiK, UOHIME, Hotpoint ,<n pit »e set totils. WANTMl of GENUINF! mink i• at »,/•¦ 12’. g' -d General Electric ]i o|>e« Sundays and Evenings <if v lIIAKITM' LILLIAN LEE—t’hu'rch Ki.»;rnoM\4TKK, '> tion, ir g . aftft Townsend k-A.'»72 lit. tui «( Uaernsi, LEARN WELDING . ' The remparit* 'Hied In Ihl* n|. < ' ' \I'P Idmuita ds !} llttto West racrifii Westinghouse, etc. Ont Block Write letter stating previous umn a’ yat T ¦¦>Y . l.T«! 'V A', t V , e 4 *, 9 IP0*» behind our #o*ein. lir e d ' ut* 1 Tyler ri 733,3 reg.»rdle«a o en- * MUST SACRIKICF rr,*' * '> w A-SBO, , ~, ment ter deten**. They are the 18 Months to Pay select, »u** D e*.- ?m •'*» k l txpciieme to Box De- * **' ,w Rr VKId.ND MAT.I.DA POWELL ri2’2’6 tile stuck of lur coa’s all ineluded in A HE L n of mfrs display .' Central Stores xi'TIM t«*n behtrd the ante behind the ;„i f-e* 'fi' tt¦*¦ Ay-' • rr) Reading* Daily »a!c It ,m '.u Day d Feerer. Inc , i I samples, living under $ ' • Parks. lfit» 43U room m • ; 1 P»»i)."« up war y.itory tor i lullA | I'likill, I Block I a«l of I Ixtrnol* F troit Times. tun*. Trinity lur* tl •« r Avenue 1 nay eiig r i*rm*' Alvin#, M.rllliiAN TR A’ ’E " A|.|. , t.'iiiu.'H 2-6721. wh"""**!* third Park sundny Evenings why ’he pri* * ‘ Amerlra! tel <>l.B Open and BENJAMINS «)|*en evening# WOOpW A?UI Ts. HI YU’.i \ri TRAEB Holy Trimly Church Bunding, opposite Tullcr H KA | kill West Vemor IN'l -rtr.» ! < • • y e * N allot al Mut .i Re i•- g, yi.tai Lofay. tte 07ktj. 3317 READ Time* Want Ail* for profit u»e A HF.AI.'TIFI'L *l-piece dinelt* In waitin' J.» aIA «.v»ri: ; 15392 Livernois. BIK. N. of Fenkell 5(1 1V.M.1 Pu)<r t' :>»» K 1 • VFT Marine M . hu < them fur result*’ ELEC. RANGlC—Westlnghou-e. 1940; rea l vcieor, s:>l 6n i. .iilarlx pined ni SB9 All.<’K IGNITION. SMlhl.D ('iimpany, W**t IN made to army an l et.e. iP. .1 A il re let Von urn. |s|f Superior, 16929 <;>i River i turdiner Furniture M"k t’-rpa fur % navy I'l »M ei ‘ Itivektlgat*! i Gratiot 6-Mile Road in PLUMBERS t - 13555 at East; , Vi-rnor highway «>F*eii to 9 p * *• tr..* mment repa.ntie a*.-em . : SUitt Hlilg n 8140 <>» * V- *'k Help Wanted Inatruction David "ei mit'f' * ranges, marred, makes; * wan . MRi'HAHT INSTHLMKM 8F:1;\ . Stoves and Heaters GAS riuted. all Open -ele* i n**f I* pattern rug- Vs* -*e« » Eve». Tilt 10 A iIOWSKOI'S phirrr '£ S h*> i< y SUITxMLF. ••iiipeniktlon will tie paid for sac rifle. Superior. 15929 Grand Itiver * • 1 dealing * r :¦> H v\' ski t- H r J' IN' "HI'UItATUI, ITY Aliti’oi;r yv luppan gas all sizes, you'll aave 30‘* by • « *l‘ in n fn "lei ,394 I .In r r . -i.it • on ttie f"bowing resulting A BRAND IW4I I*A. NT Wr •# f» f A lent t, ft uiu f*r» ariirigtnn 304 i». control, light, i with distributor whv pay the long n- 1 u , if i it* listed Herbert G Batten- range, divided top. heat HEAT STOVE—Duo Th. rm 1938 four- R.-nson, due. • * *f vs \ \ GAS BTOVF, n*w tabletop >24 Open eves. 1 al* H A H4... - X H AND 'ner , Hotel, Kenil-, etc.: roi.in size, $25, private. price’ Alvin e 8715 W Vernor * • • - i 1 SCRK W «';<S.MI‘AN'Y lie-, i Gladstone 127 >7.9; In ciates. 7211 William- 13324 \\o<*dward l-.vciiingi* Sunday —Female V T *. yy >ii.,r 1-4 Trade Schools ' nplele ato. k bolt*, nut*, rew amt rth i ! *72’ CiVmm mwealth l«3rt Piym- BENJAMIN Ai’l’lIANCE SHOPS a i i i 2230 1 \ $9.5 is• rcilaincd living room s2o.ui w.i a \«o SUfcICIAL HCHFVV ,di I d r *er 287t1t)07. I BLK. N FKNKFI.L 8 I" Ajil fAIHO Mv touring tl 164 1 1.1.192 LIVERNOIH, BERNEY MACK A. MY C)i; .! pi. 1 1 era, Play.a • \cir ie.-:i*e Was Peter MuU* .ftft GRATIOT, PIX-MILK RD OIL HEATER BARGAINS Furniture, ' Household Goods -... ¦-.»« » Male Help—Salesmen >i ririJJ liralFH 4’EIMtH 1 AT F7. A BEDROOM suite j piece w vlnut fimelv, s- • a « • till." , | v and TILL b» * .I.t eI. "Tierl fit ft M-dieoe 9S*. East OPEN SUN.. 11 TO ri. EVES NKVV DUO-THERM. $33 slightly hiaired u i shipment; sacrifice, ;»ri' i.-H .»? v" ; v P it :-..i7 I’onttHc 2-door »erlal HCAIO-M4 aMKKH’vN R' 'TT WKl.DtNil COMPANY ALL-PORCELAIN table p gas'et.-vc new. 194" flax kample large size radiant, $lB 75 term* Alvin. West Vemor. k 1 IVK MEN WANT I .*it > Cl;7'."*'' Cad Mr. Beebe. HA i 871.8 l.afayetta *2’ft; used. GraPot s*l nun BTtl Also all other floor samples, % Beautiful Ta|teslry *’¦ . F. am Grand K* > e ut •ma 1270 ¦ 88 j.i PI, .pt riUllilA}* S7.MI. Kief*. 229 ft A s'.«3 7i pc bedroom, marred; $36. I , r* ' ire a | • rla il i: II *,¦¦>.l *.’C| broache* r*'inl- 1941 rii'Htels Kvunotl Norge. Wuakrr, at new yy UKKNEY- 83 47 MACK . ‘i tth A«* n to, the IFiapi'al ! iat et* L *. it '. i.g Is. tool wreiding, abv er stove greatly reduced price* '• new Full size ‘Sieepmaker’ Studio C tuch ' 1 'if'oArt 12 in Mi'-h *ar la -1 * idrlng Huy on Convenient Trims A NEW $46 loung* . half sls Emergen, y Carpet, Rug Cleaning ( Springs— ! W hi, n 1* p.'O.t W ;"f; r» ?* $34.50 Full nil line-I’lcre Iturk disposal 8347 MACK '• ; h AN A 1 *a;: 1 hia«tng on a!! ONLY Open Evening* IIERNEY .V ' r.g t < 1-- loti m.tal RUBY’S ACT pr 1 Write s BpF.'l pun simple tab,*> top, large I¦a rt a t.-rgmg-, etc oven ' >r" \L SPKCIAL, floor R¦> 1 r t Time* 9x12- $3.50 -• «pai K|39 nr SALK SF.I ..
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