THE DIVERSITY FACTOR IN TflE HISTORY OF ISLAM IN NAIROBI 1900 - 1963 ANNE NKIROTE MAINGI A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts at the University of N a i r o b i . October, 1987 This thesis is my original work and has not been presented Xor a degree in any other University, * ANNE N. MAINGI This thesis has been submitted for Examination with my approval as University Supervisor, -pRGFES S 0 R-AilMEXLJDH A SALIM To my dear Kagendo, I dedicate this w o r k . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis owes so much to the assistance of so many, My thanks first go to Professor Ahmed Idha Salim of University of Nairobi, who supervised my work and gave me the full benefit of his wise counsel and wide knowledge. X appreciate greatly both the time he expended and the interest he showed, I should also like to thank Dr, Z, Ntharaburi of Kenyatta University for all the assistance he offered me. Mr, Badr D. Kateregga, my mentor, patient and sympathetic teacher, encouraged me from my under*- graduate days, I also thank Professor R, Murungi of Kenyatta \ University for his assistance particularly in the difficulty initial days of the research. Thanks are due to Dr. J, Mugambi, who, in his capacity as the Chairman of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Nairobi, was always ready to help. To many friends, I extend my sincere thanks. In particular, mention must be made of Micheni Nkari, who very generously contributed his time and ideas. To my parents, Samuel and Tabitha; and my brother Ezekia, must go that special gratitude reserved for those who have encouraged, prodded and loved me through every venture, I'ijKil]\ f J \\ ou 1 d 111; i n R husband kJkj constant 1 helped and stead!astly sustained j;ie throughout the period of the study. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................. GLOSSARY ....... ... ............ ^............ i - ABSTRACT ........................................... viii INTRODUCTION ..................................... 1 The Aim of the Study ......................... 2 * Literature Review ....................... , 3 Methodology .............................. , , t 14 Footnotes ................................ , , , ,, t 16 CHAPTER I HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Origins of Sectarianism . , , 17 Footnotes , , , ............................. .« . 58 CHAPTER II THE ADVENT AND SPREAD OF ISLAM IN KENYA Introduction ..................................... U2 African and Swahili Muslims .................... 63 Asian Muslims ....................... F o o t n o t e s ........................ 99 CHAPTER III THE AFRICAN MUSLIMS OF NAIROBI Introduction ..................., .............. 103 The Early Period: Late 19th Century to 1920 , , , Pumwani .......................................... • 1 35 The Somalts ,, . ........................ * * • The Nubians .................... 343 F o o t n o t e s ........................................... 156 CHAPTER IV PAGE - - ASI/CI :1USLIMS OF NAIROBI: THE VISIBLE EXPRESSIONS OF SECTARIANISM 160 Social Organization .................. 164 Religious Practices .............................. 171 Mosques ........................................... 190 Sectarianism as Reflected in the Provision of Social Amenities .............. ........ ... 202 Other Outward Expressions of Sectarianism , . 209 F o o t n o t e s .......................... 215 CHAPTER V SECTARIANISM AS PORTRAYED IN THE EDUCATIONAL EFFORTS OF THE VARIOUS MUSLIM COMMUNITIES (N NWRftBU.218 F o o t n o t e s ........ 244 CONCLUSION 246 SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................... 251 , I \ l I MS> LIST OF TABLES ' PAGE A Diagramatical Illustration of Sectarianism in Islam .................. ......................... 57 Nairobi Population Census Table , ,........... Distribution of Asians in Kenya by Religion ....................' ............... s. 161 Ismaili Social Organization ........ ... ,,t 166 Mosques Built in Nairobi Before 1963 ........ 191 Enrolment at the Bohra School ................... 238 Maps GLOSSARY /iclkan, - Muslim rail to prayer. Ahadith - (plural of Iladith) - Prophetic traditions. Ahan - The feast held by fhe Somalis forty days after the death of a person, Allahu Akhar - God is great, Almarkaz al-islami - Islamic Centre, Amil - Dai’s personal representative in a Jamat. Anjuroane Hima$atul-Islami - The community for the defence of the faith, Ansar - Supporters, Usually it means the People of Madinah who welcomed and supported Prophet Muhammad. I Ashhadu anna~la ilaha ilia Allah - I ^bear witness that there is no (other) god but Allah, Ashhadu anna Mohammad .Rasul Allah - I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Assalaam Alaikum ~ Peace be upon you, It is a salutation, Atfal ~ Children. Baiat - The oath of allegiance given by the people to a Caliph, Here it is used in connection with Ghulam Ahmad the founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement, demanding it from his followers. Baitul~H ikma - House of knowledge or wisdom. Usually it refers to the famous 9th century library in Baghdad. Baraat - Social boycott applied by the Dai, the leader of the Bohra Community, to those members who are sympathetic towards the Reformists, Barakat - Blessing. Sometimes it refers to mystic powers of saints in some muslim communities where saints are venerated, Batin (from iatu - stomach, belly) inside, In the context of this study it means esoteric interpretations, or meanings of the Quran. Dai~al Mutlaq - His Holiness the leader of the Dawoodt Bohra community, Dawat fDa'vrah) ~ Islamic call, propagation, Dhul-Hijja ^ Last month of Islamic calendar. Djumada: Jumada I - 5th month of Islamic calendar. Jumada II - 6th month of Islamic calendar, Dua - Invocation of God, prayer. Farman - Edict which is given by His Highness the Aga Khan to his followers, the Ismailis. Fatih al ulum - Opening, beginning of knowledge. Ghayba - Disappearance, invisibility, Ginan - Songs, hymns, i Hajj - Male Muslim pilgrim to Makkah, Hajjah - Female Muslim pilgrim to Makkah, Haram - Forbidden, Sometimes it is applied to the Holy Cities of Makkah and Madinah, Jdul Adhaa - Feast of Immolation, Greater Bairam, Feast coinciding with the Pilgrimage to Makkah, (iii ) Idul Fitr - Celebration, feast of ending the fast during the month of Ramadhan ijaza - Permission. It also means certificate. ijma* Consensus. It is one of the sources of Islamic Law. ilm - Knowledge9science, imam ~ Leader of prayer in the mosque. It is also applied to Ali and his successor among the Shia Muslims, isnad t- Chain of authorities, transmitters of Prophetic Hadith, Isra - Prophet Muhammad's night journey to Jerusalem. Istihsan - Good, Goodness, In context it means the right of preference based on the principle of good. Jahiltyya - Ignorance, Pre~Islamic period regarded as the Days of Ignorance, Jamat - Society, Community, Jamia - Mosque, Ju/n'a - Friday. Kafara - Atonement, Kafiri <- Infidel, Kamadia - Accountant in an Ismaili Jamat Khana, Kanzu - Long shirt worn by male Muslims, Karamat generosity, (iv) Khalifa - Successor of the Prophet as temporal leader of the Muslims, beginning with the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs who succeeded Prophet Muhammad \ and includes any Muslim leader during the reign of -various dynasties, Khatlm - Seal, Kitab al Mualim - The teacher's book. Kuanza Kuvunja Ungo ^ The beginning of puberty, Kuoga Mwaka ^ Symbolic bath by Swahili Muslims to signify the end of the year and the beginning of another according to the Islamic calendar, Kutahiri - To circumcise, to cleanse or purify, Kutlwa maji ya kata - To be sprinkled with water from a nutshell, Kuzunguka Mji - To go round the village. La hukma ilia li Llahi - There is no judgement except by God. Lajina imaillah - The adults' group among the Ahmadis in Nairobi. Leso - One or two pieces of light, coloured cotton material used by the Swahili Muslim women- both as indoor and outdoor apparel, N Madhahib (plural) - Schools of legal thought. Usually it means the four Sunni schools of thought, Madhhab (singular) ~ School of legal thought, Madrasa - School, Quranic school, (V) Malutji - Swahili version of HajJ which was applied to the Kikuyu Muslim converts. It was also applied to the Digo. Mahal - The rightly guided one, the expected one. Maktab - office. Afapenzi ya Mungu - The Grace of God used as the name of the Ahmadiyya newspaper. ' I M atria (al) - The Lord. Mfungo slta - That is, Eabi al Awal in the Arabic/ Islamic calendar, Miladrun Nabl - , Celebrations of the birthday of the P r o p h e t , « Mlraa A plant whose suckers are chewed, Msondo - A Swahili dance taught to the young girls, Muadhln ~ One who makes the call to prayers. Muhajlrun - Emigrants, those people who accompanied the Prophet to Madinah. Muharram -/That which is forbidden, the month in Islamic calendar when the Shia Muslims commemorate the massacre of Hus ay n at Karbala. Mukasir , ^ Breaker, the third in rank from the Dai, Mukhi ^ The treasurer in an Ismaili Jamat Khana. Mulla - One of the low rank leaders in a Bohra J am a t . Muungwana - A civilized person, one who belonged to the higher stratum in the Lamu Social stratification. Muzoo - The second in rank from the Dai. Nabl P r o p h e t . Nandi Food which is taken for offering to the Jamat Khan a, Nass People, in context, it is used to mean a chosen person from the House of the Prophet. Pir or Peer - Missionary. Qadi J u d g e . Qihla - Direction of Makkah for the purpose of prayer by Muslims. Qiyas Standard, one of the sources of Muslim Law, analogical deduction. Raja Hope, in context, the hope that
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