Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 10-30-1992 The iH lltop 10-30-1992 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 10-30-1992" (1992). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 65. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000/65 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ) • • • • II • • • • Vo1ume 76, No.10 Serving the Howard University community since 1924 October 30, 1992 Death causes rental policy IHIJI ca IHIILJI ca IBI1r§ concerns By Larry W. Brown Hilltop Staff Writer ', An argument apparently To God over balloons turned violent at bethe Armour J . Blackburn University Center Saturday Glory... night, leaving one man dead and no arrests. The shooting, • which did no t involve H2 University students, occurred I as a dance was ending outside Blackburn Center. District police identified the victim as 22-year-old Craig Austin, who died of multiple gunsh6t wounds. Austin was ' enlisted in the Navy and sta- tioned at a base in Norfolk, Va. according to Sgt. Walter • Staples of the homicide unit. The dance at Blackburn was sponsored by the LeDroit Smile Park Alumni Assoc iation, a ladies ... community group. According· to reports as the function was breaking up, Austin <ind sever­ H3 al others were arguing with the • assailant ''over nothing." It is unclear at this time whether or \ not the suspect attended the dance . • ''Everyone is hurt and J.n all her glory •••• • ( shocke,d. I am dismayed. You have to ' look at an incident like From !he Colll>ge of Fine Arts, D.C. nattve l'losallnd Whlhl takes htlr ptaee as !he new.Mica this with a fine-toothed comb," 1 Howard'IJniversity for 1992·93. Her prizes totaled more than $1 1000. See related story, H3. Roberta McLeod, director of • ' the Blackburn Center said. The University often leases Phunky Phinger~ reach,for 'Mo·Mecca' Blackburn Center. to communi- ' ty groups with a univers ity You Student filmmakers hope ~o find success in film sponsor and provides campus security. In a statement to The asked on H U's story, leave momentos for the future Washington ~ os t , Alan • for By Chelsea L. Stalling s ubs idiaries such as B lack enabling the company to gener­ Hennesch, who is·the manager Hilltop Staff Wr1.ter Magic Filmworks, Pap Daddy a te income from additional of media refations fo r the Variety... Productions, Code: BLACK sources," Harris said. University, said that fhe slay­ This year·s Horn eco1n i11 g Produciions, A Cab Fl aggin ' Also going by the name "Pap ing may change the fpolicies . events, along \\ itl1 f'our other Production, T ribal Eyes Daddy," Harris added that he is regarding the use of the build­ H4 homecoming ye<1rs1 v.1tll IJe cap* Fil rnworks a11d B rothers ii} seeking to hire tale nt from the ing. • tured on filn1 - a proj~ct that Mo1ion Fil tnworks. Uni versity's community. ''Obviously when you have will be in the 'hands of Phu~1k)1 In February 1992, Harris and ''I just want to help up and a horrible event such as this, Ph inge rs. ~· Ahaghotu came together tq form corning filmmakers, especially you think about how can we Worki11g \vith th e Howard a company that promotes' con- those from Howard. I see it as prevent this in the future," • u ·niversity· Ho 1n ecom.in g Certs, produces mus;c vi deos, picking the cream of the crop of Hennesch said: ''I would think Stee ring (:on11nittec. Phu11k y . Ho ward's fil.m s tudents and that will be our first order of , documentaries, films and more. Ph ingers cO!fo.u nqers Steve Fo r the two Un iver sity them becoming a part of me," business come tomorrow.'' Harris 'and ugo Ahagl1otu have Blackburn Center and been in attc11da11(;c i·o r the University administration are Campus Page3 week's events. fil1nin g tl1e 1tios1 I . in the process of reviewing the re cent se·g111e11t o f the • - incident and will extend efforts ·Editorial ' Page4 University's hi story. The mater­ to protect the University's ial wil l be combined to com­ community, McLeod said. memorate the University's !25th ''We've met with Dr. Steve Commentary Pages anniversary i11 a filn1 titled ."N1o' Favors ( Vice-President for Mecc;1: Straight Outta Academic Affairs) to see what Business/Finance Page8 ' Howard." we can do. We will now be .. ln' a video cOJlage featu ri11g putting up metal detectors for Ho mecoming activities fro111 ~ • ~ate-night events," she said. Sports Page 10 • 1987 to 1992, celebri1ies in the McLeod said that ' fi lm w ill inc lu'de: Ph y licia Blackburn Center has never Page 11 Rashad. Jesse Jackson. Debbie . had problems· with any outside Tempo Allen and Roberta Flack. Members of Phuntw Phingers are giving back Mo' to the Mecca. v . group using the facilities . .The The two approached seniors, Phunky Phingers has Harris said. policies, such as having strict Weekender Page 12 Pres ident Dr. Franklyn G. mean! working wi ~ h some of the · Ahaghotu, who is a senior guidelines and managers on Jenifer with the ide1.1 tOr tlTe 1Jro­ ·top 1nuslc entertainers. medical technology major, real- duty at all times, have been set ject' and he referred them to 1l1e • Afier being in business for ized a Couple of years ago that up to protect the building's Hilltopics Page 13 Steeri ng Comn1ittee'. almost a year, H art i ~ a nd film and music production were users. ''They' re l~ giti1n<1tc brothers · Al1aghotu agreed that funding is newfound talents of his. ''The groups we know have and tl1 ey' re tryi ng to do son1e a major obstac le. The ma'.j ority ''As soon as I starred net­ been mature. Our security had positive th i ng ~ i11 the black co1n­ \ of the ir profits go toward the working with other Howard stu- nothing to do with (the inci­ (OJUJ(Q)'JrIE (Q)IF 'JrIHIIE WIEIEJK munity," said Ho111ecoming purchase of more advance~' film dents who shared my same inter- dent). All the event's partici­ Chairperson Steffa11ie Carr. ''We and video equipment. ests, it started to happen. I knew pants had left and were outside ''History is a clock that people use to were more than J1appy to be 11 ''Our ... company iS seeking i t. was lime for me to do my the building," she said. vehic le to help f'acilitate tl1i s td minimiz"e the risk' that often part," he said. McLeod hopes this incident tell their time of (lay. It is a compass project.'' goes h ~nd · in hand with investing ln an attempt to do their part will help people understand Phunky Phingers is an orga­ they use to find themselves on the in fi lm production by creating a that it is illegal to bear arms in nization that consists 01· a host 1>1. complete produc tion station, see Fingers, page 9 the District . map of human geography. It tells • "It's a sad time." McLeod said. ''This was just a debate them where they are, and what they over balloons. There are some In.11"Je:Speeial HonJtoming Sttl~ -. things we pray we can protect. are.'' But how much can we pro­ -John Henrik Clarke • tect?'' • ,. • .J. • ' I • I ., ! • •• i' PAGE2 I THE HILLTOP October 30, 1992 • • ligibility question·pla es pageant again . Bl/ Melody A. Jordan rel eased to THE HILLTOP; September to di scuss the contes­ participate in the Mi ss Howard Mi ss Howard, ,Mi ss School qf she said. ahd Portia Wiikerson ho,ve ve r, Nicole Green, Mi ss tants' qualifications. pageant. Watkins said. Busi ness and Mi ss School ~f Brown coOcurred. ''She Hilltop Staff Writers School of Architecture, who is a The student councils of each ''The 011ly way we could Education, second runner-up, ~II (Tippitt) wasn't as supportive as tr;insfer student, was disqualified participating schoo l were accept th'e suc.·cessor is if the werf asked questions from the we needed her to be and she Miscommunication arid dis­ because she lacked the required informed in advance o f the sc hool strips tl1e former from her S?c::a'k out. I wasn't willing to make compro­ organization proved to be the 30 Universi1y credit hours. requirements and regulations to c rown and. her position," mises," the Missouri native said. nemesis of tt1 e Mi ss l.J.o warJ Among the rules and guide­ be met by Miss Howard candi­ McKenzie said. Gown accommodations as Universi ty Pageant- the dil'f'i - lines, all potential candidates dates, Belinda Watkins, direcror Disputes over contestants' well as difficulties with the stage f culties began with the se l e1.·tit•~ ·had to be c lass ified as at least of Student Activities. said. qualifications did not end here. set up plagued Monday's show. process. sophomores with a minimum of ''The schools are required to In se veral Hilltopics published Tippin said she had no con­ In the beginning. th ere v.•ere 30 credit hours earned at the submit criteria for their contes­ by THE HILLTOP, Johnesta trol of the circumstances sur­ • tints before the pageant so they Norvel l's, who is Miss School of rounding the set .
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