V *,'••> 11,1 BIO — THUR8DAY, MARCH 1, 19M - COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS m-CROSSWORD PUZZLE Dayton^High Edited by Trade Michel Jafle ilurusuupG rcounty team — Page B2 ' 7 Bullring cheers 45 Disgraces 52 vipers SMurrayorKesey 46One-Hnar 53 — store; retail For week or March 4-March 10 CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Spiritu- LIBRA (Sept 23 to Oct 22) Do not QRi0 9) 9 Summer time, You will not make any loog^rps taexodo 47'"Rrte of Spring" outlet AUES,(March 21 to April 19) Give al matten lake center stage, and you are commit to a limiting arrangement this ' InFIa* participant 54 Seine feeder due for a refreshing iplriraal turnaround week—posh for a trial basis on any new destinations, but use this weefctpjream loved ones the room they need to panrae and scheme about Jiow niimlmyoa are 10 Laud" 48 Weather word 55 Portal their ow%gbal«, and they win remain loy- Spend time with friends discussing reli- professional ^ or -personal situa,tioni '10 dive forth 11 Feline sound 49 Cutting tool 57 Native American al «nd loving toward you, SpeoS tome gious and philosophical subjects. through tbe end of the month. Wait until going to get there Werj^ fte'tyew.. 14; March date 12 Regarding 50 Urge 58 Goddess: Lat-- time mvaluadng your own goals. next roontb to make anything permanent AQUARIUS 0an-,'2Ofto/FebJ* 18) i 15 Lubricated,..: 13 — the line 51 Ernie or 59 Eye.in ~"XEO(July 23 to Aug. 22) Friendi and Investigate new ways >to,jincreaset TOUT 16 Strange: Comb. 18 Rim spool Howard Ovledo TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Vps family need your tender loving care. Offer SCORPIO (Oct 23 to Nov.; 21) Con- income. Dp nbt overlook new investments 7'fomv '•*',''•• "19RIII iHi week to repay old social and profei- support and encouragement in their sider new projects and proposals carefully or ways to freelance yojpr professional lit' 17, Retall.outtet 23 Artist Chagall ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: fclonal debt! Buy lunch to thank helpful endeavor* Be prepared to step in and help because they wilUhave long-ranging skills. The added income will be welcome Ife: 20 USNA grad. 24 Spring parts nnnn nnnii colleague*, renew contacts with old a loved one with a_tough_'pro)ecL effects Make sure you have all the facts next month. — — — 21 Summers, 25 Ending with ramnn nnnm friend! and aquaintancei. before you sigh anything I- along the Riviera convey 7 ramran onnm VIRGO (Aug 23 to Sept 22) You will PISCES (Feb 19 to March 20) Inter- - 22-Pulled '— 26 —~f atBlo GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Thi« i> get a lot of feedback on an investment or SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec 21) esting challenges lie ahead, but you need 23 Blanc and Torme 27 Utopian your week for ihopptng — you will get« professional change you are considering. Plan-a-small-family reunlon_to_bring to bolster your confidence to meet them. 24 Sandburg or 28 Namesakes, of good bargain on an appliance or some- Take time to weed through all that infor- everyone closer and, alleviate any bad Do your homework thi» week to prepare VOL61 NO.24— SPRINGFIELD, N.J., THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1990—2* Sagan -Wolfe, the sleuth thing die for the home. Treat yourself ton marion — only about a third will be really feelings. Now Is' a good time to renew for any new projects, promotions or COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS TWO SECTIONS — 50 CENTS 26 Coda, for one 29 Bereavement luxury item you have been coveting bondi arrangements. 29 GvVTVV word 30 Baseball's Yogi' ninniin 30 Satchel 31 Fall flower 33 River to the 32 "Beau —": Fiilda ' Wren novel -Amati Trio set at Center _34.Heather..genus 34-Lab burners— Dance set lottery Regional BOE budget 35 Ship's course 37 San—, Texas nirjiiirim The Amati Trio will appear in a Union County Arts Center March 14 The following are the winning 36 Retail outlets . 38 Ibsen heroine HHHEI annin Judy and Al Comey of Berkeley matinee performance at Railway's at 7:30 p.m. Featured will be darede- NewJersey Lottery numbers for the 40 —tse-tung • 39 Border on Heights and Jack and Barbara Fee- Union County Arts Center, 1601 Irv- vil acrobats, music, magic tricks and week of Feb. 18 41 Roman date [flHHH ley of • Rosellc Park have been ing SL, March II at 2*30 dances from the Far East draws public concern PICK IT— AND PICK 4 42 Author Harte named, co-chairmen of the annual 43 Urban transports The group includes Paul Ostrovs The l/WO-seat Union County Arts Feb 18—235, 8890 > By DAVE WISE increase in this year's schoolbudget where, however, these reductions I 44 — Spee tea brunch and dance sponsored by Icy, keyboard, Piotr Milewsh, violin- Center is in Railway's downtown Feb 19—661, 9746 The Board of Education of Union A number of them stated that they would be made_ ' 45 "Back to — one" the Our- House Foundation March ist; and young Argentinian emigre restoration district. Tickets are avail- Feb 20—808, 7689 County Regional High School District feared that staff cutbacks might affect Declining student enrollment is pri- 47 Legumes 11 from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Leo Grinhauz, cellist able at the Irving Street box office - Feb. 21—214, 2796 1 heaifypublic comments on its tenta- ;theU.quality;,of education , ,.. marily responsible, for the possible;.,, 48 Close Hilton Hotel, Short Hills. The event 1 Taiwan's Bao Dao troupe, Chinese weekdays between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Feb. 22—993, 3713 . tive $33.5 million school budget forf teacher layoffs, according to regional i 49 Fill with dismay will provide funding for residential, : ';.;-"I,don't;rjelieye that^not increasing; 52 Klrglz for "Beautiful bland/' will appear at_' or by calling 499r8226. - ;. • 1990-91 Tuesday'at; 'Goyirndi' \ school district spokesman'Thomas''' employment, social, and recreation Feb. 2"3i-643,. 3112 tb^budget jvhile sacrificing quality is mountain ranger, Feb. 24—134, 9708 Livingston Regional High School in : the answer.'t stated Alan-Schwarz; a Long. District.officials project that^ 53 Manger services offered to men and women . ' • •" ' PICK-* •-..' ' .-...•"•, Berkeley Heights. '" -\ ' ' " "•'law. ? student7«nd^Bcrl(BlBy-Heights ^enrollrnenrvim decline in the regional ,' occupant? in Union, Morris, and Essex coun- 1 Parish Players to open at YWCA :: district by 108 students thls-year.^, ,, 56 Retail outlets ties who have developmental Feb. 19—16, 21, 22, 23,33,45; - The district includes Jonathan Day- :resident "I think they (residents) 60 Novelist Emlle disabilities. Parish Players; reportedly New row, Saturday, March .9, 10. 16, and bonus —77519; ton Regional High School in Spring- would rather have an increase in taxes !'Wo have a decrease in enrbll-,y 61 Early American Jersey's oldest continually running 17 at 8:30 p.m. and on March 11 at Feb; 22—6, 7, 15, 26, 42, 43; field, David Brcarley Regional High than lose in the quality of education." merit," Board of Education President dwelling community theater, will present "Six 2:30,p.m, For reservations or Informa- bonus — 88924. School friKenJl worth, ArthUrL. John- TheUnionCounty Regional Feder- Natalie Waldt remarked at Tuesday's ;'i 62 Equitable Karen ' Fcinblalt, development Characters in Search of an Author" by. tion, one can call the box office.at LUCKY 7-9, 21, 26, 31, 36, 42, son Regional High School in Clark ation of Teachers has stated that it meeting.; "We. can't have teachers '.'•; 63 "This other director for the Our House Founda- Luigi Pirandello', directed by Sakti 753-2622. Parish Players are in resi- 56,;51,.66, 75. and Governor Livingston Regional supports the proposed 1990-91 school without idds/' • ' . , • •- . —,..,": Richard tion, said, "The annual event brings II Sengupta, who adapted the play from dence at the YWCA of Plalnfield, 232 High'School in Berkeley Heights. ) budget as a way to "balance education One concerned parent, Vivian-' together private benefactors and Pirandello's original Italian text. East Front St. Jonathan Dayton enrolls students Levy, suggested that the board adopt " 64 Ovens other friend's of the Foundation who needs with cost containment 65 Molding Performances are slated foiLtomor--- from • both Springfield and an earlier budget proposal which . .are-interested-ln-helpingrto-providtr Help a student necessities." ' - ',,:':: .' .. -Mountainside. ~ ^ :' . • '~~ Despite signs of public disapproval"—called for a 2.6 percent iricrease in for a brighter future for individuals 1 1 Time follower * who have disabilities." Are you a manager or owner of a Parents, teachers and other district over the tentative school budget, the school spending. According to Levy, 2 Gulf of.—j Summit Symphony due Sunday business who would like to help stu- residents voiced their concerns over -- board has not abandoned its plan to this increase would only cost' county . "3Agts. ." For reservations and information The Summit Symphony will pre- the guest appearance of Norman Krie- dents in your community develop the board's proposal to reduce the cut "up to 35, staff positions" withta residents' between $20 to $80 tax dol-.. 4 — ru|e 65 their skills? . • .!•. Jars more a year. 5 Flask ' one can contact Fcinblatt at the scnt the third irra;series of four con- ger, pianist. mimbef of district staff positions by the four high schools in the regional 6 Citrus fruits foundation office by calling certs Sunday at 3 p.m., at tho Summif The orchestra is under the direction Why not sponsor this newspaper's 35 In order to achieve a zero percent district, The board has not determined (Continued on PBRC 2) in local BOE elections 464-8008.
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