by CARLYLE B. HAYNES 0 E stand at a crisis. We are witnessing The curse still pervades the earth and poisons the close of a long series of experi- the air; men can not disinfect it. The thorn Wments made by man in an attempt to and thistle still remind us of the primal sin; improve and save himself. And man has men can not uproot them. Disease still haunts failed. the body ; man can not drive it out. Death The world is more wicked and more lawless still smites its daily myriads ; man tries in vain than ever. Peace has not set up her reign to disarm it. The grave still receives ourioved among the nations. Misrule has not departed. ones, and preys upon the beautiful ; and man Righteousness does not sit on the throne of pleads in vain that it should give back the joy the nations. Holiness does not beautify the of his heart and the desire of his eyes. homes of men. Man's merchandise is not con- Such are the fruits of Adam's sin, and such secrated to God. Man's wealth is not laid at the powerlessness of his children to remove so the feet of Jesus. The human heart remains much as one of the ten thousand evils. It is still deceitful above all things, and desperately demonstrated that man can ruin, but not re- wicked. Oppression, murder, cruelty, selfish- store, a world. He has made attempts at resto- ness, lust, strife, dissension, and hatred are ration, but has sadly and miserably failed. He still uneradicated, unsubdued, unmitigated. has made attempts at progress, but they have Man has found no cure for these maladies. been abortive. Progress in evil, progress in They rage on, and he is powerless. alienation from God,—these are the features of VOL. 52, NO. 20 MAY 19, 1 9 2 5 • greatest prominence in his history. This great event marks the meeting Belief of. this great truth and the But this progress in evil has a limit. place of two eternities. It brings the cherishing of this lofty hope result in God has set bounds to it, beyond which crisis in the history of the planet and precious blessings to the believer. He will not allow men to pass. He will the race. It strikes the hour which Among these blessings, seven stand out not permit this earth of His to become bears the burden of immortal destinies. prominently. altogether a hell ; He will make the It closes up the present dispensation of It leads to an enlarged study of the wrath of man to praise Him, and the mercy to the world. It opens to our Word of God. Let the mind and heart remainder thereof He will restrain. view the scenes of glory which will en- become convinced of the Lord's return, (Psalm 76 : io.) He will allow a cer- dure throughout the ages of the ages. and at once the interest is aroused in tain amount of evil to exist, and for a The effect of this hope on those who all the subjects of the Bible. The certain time ; but no more. believe it is a good effect. It has a ten- writings of the prophets become of THE CROWNING HOPE special interest. Scripture is compared with scripture, and a flood of light is And it is well that we are nearing the poured upon the sacred page. Object boundaries. It is time the good dis- after object of interest is disclosed. placed the evil, and the blessing the Those portions of the Scriptures which curse. The second Adam is at hand, before excited no emotion now call and with Him, the kingdom and the forth the deepest feeling. glory. He brings the cure. He re- It draws away from the love of the bukes disease and sorrow. He binds world. We may have had our imagi- death: He rifles the grave. He de- nations captivated by the lovely things livers creation. He establishes a peace- about us. Our fond hearts may have ful, righteous throne. He brings in an been too deeply pledged to earthly joys. ever-widening knowledge, an ever- But when we learn that "the earth also brightening glory. The dishonored and the works that are therein shall be past will not be remembered nor come burned up," who, then, will continue into Mind. to seek after the world's wealth, its There are many wito love Jesus so silver, and its gold? Who will be much that they would like to see Him. "Behold, He cometh with the clouds; and every eye shall see Him." "And covetous when he believes the Lord They are pleased at the thought of His the kings of the earth, and the Jesus is at hand, to destroy the worth- soon coming. They are 'designated 'as princes, and the chief captains, and the rich, and the strong, and every less treasure of earth? Who will be those "that love His appearing." They bondman and freeman, hid them- self-indulgent when he expects the im- have in their hearts this crowning selves in the caves and in the rocks mediate return of his Lord? Who will of the mountains; and they say to hope. All their expectation of future the mountains and to the rocks, Fall be dazzled by the world's low ambition good hangs on this, and the very on us, and hide us from the face of and paltry splendor when he is seeking thought that He will soon come has its Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: for the speedy conferment of the crown effect upon them now.. the great day of Their wrath is of glory? There is that in the Sav- This effect could be nothing but come; and who is able to stand?" iour's speedy coming which dries up beneficial. It is a good hope; it must, the springs of worldliness, mortifies therefore, bring about good results. If the schemes of earthly ambition, makes they were looking for an evil thing, the joys of The world to pall on the and their minds were willingly and dency to cause people to become purer. senses, and leaves no glory here by constantly dwelling upon the evil, it Only holy men and women will be able reason of the glory that excels. could do nothing but bring about evil to stand in that day. And so "every It reproves timidity and want of results. But this hope is high and man that hath this hope in him puri- earnestness. Expecting to see the vials holy and noble. It must, therefore, fieth himself, even as He is pure." of wrath poured out on a godless bring. about corresponding results. i John 3 : 3. world, who will be afraid to confess their Lord? Who can continue cold or Indeed, there is no more mighty Paul wrote to Titus regarding the lukewarm when they expect soon to see motive for good that God has placed effect of this "blessed hope" on the be- the saints of God caught up to meet before the minds of His saints, both to liever's life, saying: "Teaching us their King? The sense of the near- impress their own hearts and to in- that, denying ungodliness and worldly ness of these awe-inspiring events fluence those about them, than this. It lusts, we should live soberly, right- steels the heart and nerves the hand. is preeminent in the power of its in- eously, and godly, in this present It elevates the mind, give. boldness to fluence. Next to the inward working world ; looking for that blessed hope, the heart, creates promptness in design, of God's Spirit, it is the controlling and the glorious appearing of the great produces firmness in action. It causes force in the system of divine revelation. God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; disregard of consequence, and makes a Nothing can be compared to it. who° gave Himself for us, that He man careful only to be found in that might redeem us from all iniquity, and THE MEETING PLACE OF TWO day a firm and consistent follower of ETERNITIES purify unto Himself a peculiar people, the Lord Jesus. zealous of good works." Titus 2 : It affects alike •the destinies of the It arouses one to the need of assur- living and the dead. For awful 12-14. ance. Who can rest in uncertainty as weight, solemn majesty, impressive in- It is in view of our Lord's return to his acceptance with God when he fluence, and awakening- power, not that Paul urges the need of brotherly believes the Lord will presently sep- even the shortness of life, the solem- love and unblamable holiness : "The arate the saints from the apostates, and nity of death, the fear of hell, or the Lord make you to increase and abound' destroy the sinners ? Such a consid- hope of glory can equal the great fact in love one toward another, and toward eration creates a profound desire for a that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the all men, even as we do toward you : to personal interest in Christ, an assur- crucified Saviour and glorified High the end He may stablish your hearts ance that we are His. It is impossible Priest, the humbled and exalted Re- unblamable in holiness before God, to desire the coming of our Lord unless deemer, will soon come again in the even our Father, at the coming of our we fully believe that God is reconciled, glory of His Father, to judge the Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints." perfectly reconciled to us.
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