JUN S t998 More storm photos Pages The weekly newspaper serving the Towns of Bethlehem and New Scotland Storm knocks ou,t power lines in Bethlehem By Usa K. Kelly are in Mechanicville." Sunday's thunderstorms tore through Niagara Mohawk spokesman Bethlehem slicing down trees and electri­ Nick Lyman said crews from cal wires, causing sporadic power outages the Buffalo area were also throughout town. · brought in to help out, and will "'Th.e biggest problem we have is all of be working around the clock to· the wires that are down." said Supervisor restore power. As of 5 a.m. Tues­ Sheila Fuller. "Luckily, there were no inju­ day, Lyman said there were still ries." 9,000 customers without power Wrres were down in Slingerlands, and in Albany County, 3,000 in on Elsmere Avenue, Greenleaf Drive, Rensselaer County and 500 in Hawley Court and Dumbarton Drive in Schenectady and Saratoga. Delmar, and many roads were closed to Lyman said Niagara Mohawk traffic. Damaged wires left residents on would concentrate its efforts in Lansing Drive, Custer Road, the Kenaware areas where the number of cus­ area and in Selkirk without power. tomers without power is high, "Slingerlands and Kenaware areas were such as Bethlehem. "We antici­ the most affected," Fuller said. pate storm restoration should The picnic area at Henry Hudson Town be complete Wednesday Park is closed due to storm damage, but evening sometime," he ad.ded. Members of the Elsmere the boat launch is open: Fuller said she Trees fell on Rob Spohr's car on Brockley Drive in Delmar during Sunday's storm. Paul Oeyss expects the park to be open Saturday. Volunteer Fire Department As of Monday, Fuller said Niagara worked for about six hours after Costigan said about 35 members of his Mohawk was working in the area to re­ the storm hit the area. "I think we an­ would like to thank department helped police close roads, put . The Spotlight move dangerous wires and restore power. swered tWo dozen calls Sunday," said Bethlehem school Superintendent Elsmere Fire Chief Edward Costigan. "I out tree fires caused by lightning strikes "'Th.ey had to bring in crews from Hydro Les· Loomis for allowing usto use . lost count after 15." and remove trees blocking roads. "One Quebec because all ofNiMo's local crews facilities at the high school during resident on Bender Lane had a tree fall · Monday's .power outage.. He most into the house," he added, "and we se­ generously gaveus permissiqn to use. cured the building." some of-our"Computer equipment- . ; ' Fuller said she.feels luckY to live in a • ther~;·which ,was a great help in get;, town where everyone responds without . ting the paper out this w_.e_ ex; • . .· . OSTORM/page 22 • . h ....... , ·, • .• •••• .·.·. •. ···•·• RCS school board adopts strong weapons policy By Peter Hanson perintendent, after a review of the facts of Just days after the high school shoot- the case, determinesthat a shorter period ing in Springfield, Ore., shocked the na- of suspension is appropriate." tion, educators at Ravena-Coeymans- In its final clause, the policy states that Selkirk Central School District updated studentswhoviolatetheno-weaponspolicy part of its academic policy to reflect the will be referred to law enforcement disturbing trend of students with guns. 0 WEAPONS/page 32 "'Th.ere's a tapestry of provisions within the policy to deal with catastrophic situa- . tions, and a shooting certainly would be . Bethlehem IDA one," Superintendent William Schwartz said. OKs resolution "What's going on in the world and in this country makes us want to be sure we for senior housing have a policy in place," he added. "Hope­ By Katherine McCarthy . fully, we won't have to use it." The amendment to the school's disci­ . Bethlehem's Industrial Develop­ plinaryprocesswasunanimouslyapproved ment Agency (IDA) approved an in­ by the board of education at its meeting ducement resolution for the pro· it was worth it. posed Van Allen senior housing this week. 'Warner the new wing is project on Route 9W in Selkirk at its ;, for patients who need the rnost . An Interior of one of the rooms at Good Sa marl· The policy opens with a standard clause meeting Monday. ·medical care. · tan Lutheran Home. LisaK. Kelly prohibiting students fr.om -bringing fire­ arms, knives,. dangerOus chemicals "or It also granted lead agency status The new nursing home build­ with Alzheimer's disease. any other object ... which could be used as for environmental review to the ingcanaccommodateupto 120people. · Bormann said the changes made to a weapon" into school. Bethlehem planning board. There are three wings with 40 resi­ the buildingincludewideningthedoors It then sets forth disciplinary guide­ The inducement resolution is the dents in each. Wings are desigoed for first of many steps for American from 36 inches to 44 inches and creat- lines for students who break the rule. "A different levels of care, with a wing for student determined to have a firearm (or Housing Foundation. The founda­ .lighter care and a wing for residents OSHINOIG/page 19 otherweanon) shall be suspended-... (for) r-, lOA/page 22 ai }east •.me calendar yem· u.nless the su- ' . ., ... - ...... ~ ...... ' ... ~ . -- -... -,.,.. .... - • "t"' ' .... " -..-~--.,.. - -~ ; -·· . • .., ~-- •• _, ... _.~ -- < . .,. ~-. • ,...._ •.••.,._ •. ''. ·. ·~· . PAGE 2- June 3, 1998 THE SPOTLIGHT Bethlehem police arrest four men on OWl charges By lisa K. Kelly lane. showed McElroy's license was On Saturday, May 30, Eric thargic, had glassy eyes, slurred Carroll was to appear in town revoked May 12,1995 because he Walter Hilger, 36, of 47 McAlpin speech and impaired motor skills. Bethlehem police recently ar­ refused a chemical test rested fourmenfordrunk driving. court Tuesday. St. in Albanywas arrested for DWI An open container was also ob­ McElroy refused a chemical and leaving the scene of an acci­ served by police. Field tests were James Carroll, 29, of 436 · On Wednesday, May 28, Of­ ficer Thomas Heffernan said, he test three times while at the police dent. not given due to injuries, said po­ Hudson Ave. in Albany was ar­ station, Heffernan said. He was lice. rested Saturday, May 23, by Of­ observed David Paul McElroy, 36, Police say Hilger struck a ve­ cross the yellow line and ti)e white charged' with Driving While In­ hicle from behind near the rear of Hilger was transported to Al­ ficer Robert Berben. He was toxicated (DWI) and felony ag­ . charged with Driving While Abil­ fog line several times on Route 9W Delaware Plaza and did not stop to bany Medical Center Hospital,and near Clapper Road. gravated unlicenced operation. exchange information with the vic­ is scheduled to appear in court ity Impaired (DWAI) and a prop­ McElroy is scheduled to appear in erty damage auto accident. Heffernan said McElroy,of767 tim. 1\Jesday,June 16, at 4 p.m. town courtThesday,June 16, at 4 Police said Hilger proceeded Bei-ben said he observed South Route 143 in Ravena, admit­ p.m. Carroll, 29, attempt to pass the ted drinking three or four beers down Delaware Avenue where he Library to host and mentioned his license was Jesus O'Farrill, 30, of88 Madi­ struck another vehicle from be­ vehicle in frontofhim while in a no son Ave. in Albany was charged passing zone in the northbound 'suspended for child support rea­ hind. pesticide forum sons. with DWI Thursday, May 28. Po­ Police said Hilger attempted to Bethlehem Pesticide Watch will lane of Route 9W in Glenmont As lice said O'Farrill was stopped just Heffernan said a Department leave the scene, but while he was present a public forum regarding Carroll attempted to pass, he past a used car lot on Kenwood struck a vehicle in the southbound of Motor Vehicles (D MV) check waiting for traffic, the victim was the proposed Pesticide Use Sun­ Avenue in Delmar. Sgt. Louis Corsi able to get to Hilger's car and turn set Law on Monday, June 8, at 7 said he smelled alcohol on off the engine. p.m. at Bethlehem Public library O'Farrill's breath and he had on Delaware Avenue in Delmar. glassy eyes. Police said when they arrived on the scene they observed that Cay McEneny and Dave Police said O'Farrill failed so­ Hilgerwasbleedingfromthehead - Blumpkin ofBethlehem Pesticide Lexus Certified briety tests and was to appear in and that his windshield was dam: town court 1\Jesday. Watch will talkaboutthe proposed PRE·OWNED CARS aged. Police said Hilger was le- town ordinance, Judi Enck of NYPIRG will speak on pesticide health hazards and Jim Moore of 'ONLY AT YOUR LEXUS DEALER NYCAP will discuss safe alterna­ ·95 SC300, white, 19k mi .................... $33,900 c5aue 7Juriny !Jl'(y tives to pesticide. '94 LS400, white, 27k mi ..................... $34,900 Gusfom Jlome For information, call439-6900. '95 ES 300; green, 18 k mi ............. ~ ...... SOLD! '95 ES 300, green, 22 k mi ............ ..'. ..... SOLD! 7Jecoraliny Cuenf Indian Ladder Farms ARRIVING SOON! SAVE 15%-30%* on a wide selection of... to host Herb Days '95 ES300, blue, 22k mi ....................... $26,900 • Custom window treatment Indian Ladder Farms on '95 ES300, pearl, 29k mi ..................... $25,900 • Wall coverings Altamont Road west of Voorhees­ '96 ES300, white, 29k mi ..................... $25,900 • Floor coverings ville will host Herb Days onJune 6 '95 ES300, green, 26k mi .................... $25,900 • Furniture • and 7. • Accessories Learn how to design and culti­ '95 ES 300~ quartz, 27 k mi ................. $25,995 Susan W. Luria Call today for your compllmentary consultation. vate an herb garden, and deco­ '95 ES 300, white, 28 k mi ................... $25,995 (518) 296-8556 SALE ENDS JULY 25, 1998 '· rate, cook and heal with herbs. An herbal afternoon tea menu ~~.G.9%'· 17,'\ Each fnonchise indcpcndont!y ownod & operated will be served in the herb garden.
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