• A ,b'l *' sPOt Land· Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City f- Ok: [ ~ . ~ts~' ~_O~II~SI_l~~'O__ II1~J~~,~ij_ -__F_il_ve~~_e_nl~s_a __ ~_ ' O~PY~ _________________________~ __________________~M~e~~~~r_o~(~A~~~~la~tea~~P~rc=s=s __ ~A~P~cea==~~d_W~rr~e~a=n~d~P~bO=t=o-=se=r~v~lc=e ________________________~ __~ ________________I_ow __ a_c_I~ly~,~I_Owa, T6unaiy. M~-~ oski,' , • . - al 5 ,outlDe Red Solulion • To Be Aire4 AI Meeting ., LOS ANGELES Lfl-Adlai Stevenson Wednesday ni,hl accused Sen. Estes Kefauvet of trying to "injure me and wln support" in California WASHINGTON 111- The Intemai by the same "false and divisive boss nonsense," he raised in Mlnne· Revenue Service said WecIneada)' sota. , the sudden and sweeplq federal Stevenson, s!)8rked int.() renewed action by his defcat by Kefauver in tAX raids against Communist party the Minnesota primary Il\st wcck, * * * offices and the newspaper DaD, opened his heacko battle with the Worker were In liJle with at.aDdard • Tennessee ~nator for California's operating pr~ure. ., 68 Democratic prcsldentlal dele­ Johnson Says While the Daily Worker', atlor· gate votes in a prepared, televised ney talked In New York 01 ..... address. 10 court and Its editor cIenitd .., He declared that by "discredit· He:Will Not tax debt, Revenue CommlsslOacr ing the leaders or thll. Democratic Russell C, Harrlnaton said: party" in Calliomla, Kefauver and Lead ·'Fae· I,·on' "I can assure you that th~ eue his spokesmen "~an only weaken is being handled ~lsely as any and divide the party and thereby other limUar Ulx~ matter help the Republicans. I WASHINGTQN ti1'I- Sen. Lyndon would be handled by the servke Mo.t ,., litH .Johoc;on (D·'rex.) said Wedncsday under Its obligation to enforce the Stevenson loOk pot shpts at the ....IIt.,: ' "'IC has no desire revenue laws. II Eisenhower administration's han- o lead the Texas H. Netlce , dling oC foreign and domestic prob­ lelegatlon at the Harrington bad just aooe o\;er lems. But he aimed his heaviest )emocratic N a - the case with Donald R. MOYie)', salvos at Kefauver. who just con· ional Convention the New York regional tAx ehlet, c1uded a whirlwind live-day cam· i it represent!' who apparently englll()eJ'ed the , paign of Southern California. 'anyone faction." J Tuellday raids without .dvance no­ He thus stepped Hce to Wasbinrton, The former , Illinois governor. ., '. 'Ito at least the said he had no alibis for his Min· Sevrral informed officials s.id ,dges of the quar· 1 • that Moysey acted alooe, usinl hl. nesota defeat. but he added some· 'el between Texas - - SIDEWALK 'SUPERINTENDENTS - over 300 of them - looked en thing "iulppened In Minnesota that (Dally Itwaa .la.l. by Be .. Kora.) .uthority as dlreMor 01 the sen" actions led by lee's Manhattan diJtrkt. He bt· Wtelnesd.y .. workmen b.Hled the w;inel to kftp • fel ..·front con­ I must speak about because It also o usc Speaker happened here in California." TWO YOUNGSTERS AT THE NURSERY of tfIa SUI HMpltal·School fer Seve""" Handicapped Chllel,..n carne director oC the di5trlct Ftb. struction partition frOft1 being blown over into tile .tr.et, A big gllSt Sam Rayburn and Gov. Allan Shiv­ Ihow Mrs, Don Si"IRor, a nur ..ry alc1e, how the., _ IICcupyln. their time, They are Tlmoth., Kennedy, 2111, of) wind at 2:4S !).m. b'ew the structure ne.rly half w.y down. Polic. 7. after servin, as acUng director That ~omething, he said, was ers, who have been feuding over of lew. City, I.ft, and Pet.r Ziton, 2','J, of Burlln.t.n, since last August. w.re called to kHP pas ..rsby from str.ying into the eI.n ..... ar.a. the charge by Kefauver and his Shivers' support of President Ei· By 4 !S.m. the f.'H·front wa. back in p'ace and workmen w.,.. rein­ supporters that Stevenson was senhower in 1952. In New York, • Communist party forcing it with ropes .nd cables. backed in Minnesota by "political * * * * * * pokesman came up with a lunel' Rayburn has proposed t hat tion Cor bailing out the seIzed party bosses". and a "maejllne" that was Johnson head the state convention trying to freeze Kefauver out. Handicapped ,, Helped assets. He said treasury omelals delegation and be Texas' favorite SO Drown had agreed to consider It at a con· F~ SI/ppof't son candidate as well. , I ference Thurtd.y. He said he was honored to have $'pr.ing Storms Tuesday night. In a speech at By Sbriners' ~Pool' Comm""lstl' Pia" f the "unsolicited support and con· Houston. Shivers termed the Ray· .' - fiednce" of Sen. Hubert H. Hum­ The plan c.lIs (or a joint CR· burn proposal "a cynical and cal· By D.AROLD POWERS In Si.nking tlmatc as to the value assets - phrey. Gov. Orville Freeman and culated effort to divide the con­ An outpatient of the SUI Hospital·School lor Severcly Handicapped ot other party lea~ers In Minnesota. both those of the party headquar· servative Democrats of Texas." Children can use many special devices to help him regain control of his ters and the Dajl)' Worker. Then L',is'h Midwest He added hi~ slate of delegates in muscles whUe in the school. California includes many party He said the Rayburn element the party would po t that amount was trying "to take over the state ~u until last June, he could not us& such aids after fill had returned on Mexico In cash until the courts detcrmin C~CAGO !II - A licr ce--sJ'rin~r-storm lashed the n~tion Is middle west leiders • "-came · ~ me volun- : home anlosa ,hil pamlts could af· convention, the Texas delegation - BULLETIN Its talC liability- Me8llwht1e. WIttI Wodnesday.. tarily and without any strings at· and Lyndon ,1ohnson.·' ford to buy the expensive equip· lt smothered crops in the Great Plains 'with dust and cast sleet, tached." Stevenson added: such a cash bond, the government Shivers also Unked Rayburn to ment. NEW ORLEANS t.f! - The would return the IClzcd asset. to freezing rair1. snow and Ice on the northern midwest. "1 am adVised that Sen. Kelauv- In June, the first piece of equip­ Coast Guard said the Mcxlcan Ch!l1, 30-1.0·60 m.p.h. winds raged from Kansas northward into the er personally soulh\. the support Democrats who. he said, are led by Russians Lift the party. The erne pattern would the National Association Cor the Ad­ ment from the Iowa Shrlners' be followed In other clU . Dalto.tas. Minnesota, Wisconsin. ------------ of many of these very same pea. equipment pool was scnt to an pa$SCnger ship Matul, carrying Michigan and the Great Lakes. plc-of Atty, Gen. Pat Brown. of vancement of Colored People, the 50 persons. burned and sank in "It Is very promising," the patty labor Union's Political Action Com­ Iowa handicapped child for usc In spokesman said. Se~tion of the midwest were The We9ther John Anson Ford, Los Angeles mittee and the Texas DemoclIBtic his home. the Bay of Campeche oCf the Moysey fl,lrred that the party virtually paralyzed, ear-blizzard County, Supervisor; of Elizabeth Travel Ban S1,640 fit' ECiulltmOnt Advisory Council. coast of Mexico Wednesday owed $389.28$ In Income taxes Cor winds frilled utility lines and ice- Snyder, Democratic state chair· • . The Iowa City Shrine Club spon· night. There was no word of any 195L and the Dally Worker owed j Clo dy man; of Paul Ziffern, Democratic In comment. Johnson told a MO~COW ttf! 'r" The Soviet go~- sors the pool. With tbe help of pri. cloaked trees. Ice, slush and deep U national committeeman and a news conference Wednesday : ernment. an~ounced Wedne~ay It ,'ate donatloM and such projecls survivors $46.049 for 1951 throu,h 1953. snow losed many highways, s~ore of others. "No one knows better than Allan WOUld, hft. Ils ba~ on forelgne~s as their Royal American Circus, The scene of the sinking was OthIn C..... r ... With the cooperation of other re· Shivers that I am not and newr travehng 1D Georg.la and Armenta Iowa Shriner. have raised $1.640 reported at 60 mile~ north·north· Three Die and bacltn IncIorw ncxt wcek to permit a tour of those Tor equipment. gional tax directors, he had pad­ In Michigan, three persons col- "Here in C'Ufornja, as in New have becn the creature of the ADA west ot Campecbe. - Amcricans for Democratic Ac­ ~outhe~ Sovie~ republics by Swed· Without the help of the Shrlncrs. locks put on party oCficcs In Phila· lapsed and died while shoveling Hampshire and Minnesota, the en- Ish Pnme Min~ster Tag,e Erlander. most of tho hospital school's out. The Coast Guard said a Mexi· delphia, San Francisco .nd Los snow or scraptng icc dumped by dorsement of the leaders oC ' our tion - the DAC. thc PAC and the Cold NAACP, the CIO or any other The CommuDlst party s campaign patients would not be able to use can seaplane, sent to search the Allieles, aa well as In New York. the storm. party evidently becomes repre· denouncing Joseph Stalin and .. the such equipment In thelr homcs The paper came out Wednesday. ,r.oup the governor may have area, crashed ' about 20 miles however, and vowed to kecp on T~ere was untold damage to hensible 'only ~hen the senator named. cult of the individual" - Stalin's MIss Marie Tilly, educatlonai crops in six stales of the Great current turbulent weath- docsn't get It.
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