UPDATED: 11/13/2020 The Fish Crew Instore Shopping or Pickup / NO SHIPPING 970-286-2245 Livebearers Gourami African Cichlids Blue Wag Rainbow Platy $ 2.99 Pink Kissing Gourami $ 5.99 Medium African Cichlid $ 22.99 Swordtail $ 2.99 Male Dwarf Gourami $ 13.99 Large African Cichlid $ 48.99 Blue Platy $ 2.99 Gold Gourami $ 4.99 Assorted Peacock Cichlid $ 18.99 Red Balloon Molly $ 7.99 Pearl Leeri Gourami $ 9.99 Assorted Small $ 7.99 Creamsicle Lyretail Molly $ 8.99 Auratus $ 11.99 Cresent Platy $ 3.99 Cobalt Blue Zebra $ 14.99 Panda Platy $ 8.99 Electric Blue Johanii $ 15.99 Salt & Pepper Platy $ 3.99 Yellow Lab $ 12.99 Dalmation Molly $ 8.99 Red Empress $ 14.99 Sailfin Molly $ 10.99 Electric Blue Ahli $ 16.99 Dawn Platy $ 2.99 Rainbows Med Premium Assorted $ 13.99 Male Guppy $ 4.99 Australian Rainbow $ 3.99 Female Guppy $ 3.99 Madagascar Rainbow $ 11.99 Neon Rainbow $ 11.99 Goldfish/Koi Domestic Koi $ 9.99 Calico Fantail Goldfish $ 8.99 Assorted Fantail Goldfish $ 6.99 South American Cichlids Tetras Geo Balzanii $ 18.99 Buenos Aires $ 2.99 Robertsi Tetra $ 4.99 XL Green Terror $ 29.99 Red Eye Tetra $ 2.99 Gold Tetra $ 5.99 Blood Parrot $ 29.99 Phoenix Tetra $ 24.99 Diamond Tetra $ 6.99 Convict Cichlid $ 3.99 Blind Cave Tetra $ 3.99 Red & Blue Columbian $ 5.99 Green Severum $ 8.99 Bleeding Heart Tetra $ 9.99 Black Phanton Tetra $ 5.99 Maguensis $ 15.99 Geen Neon Tetra $ 4.99 Blue Tetra $ 9.99 Assorted Oscar $ 22.99 Penguin Tetra $ 4.99 Congo Tetra $ 8.99 Gold Severum $ 14.99 Von Rio Flame Tetra $ 2.99 Glolite Tetra $ 3.99 Pink Convict $ 4.99 Coral Red Serpae Tetra $ 5.99 Gold White Cloud $ 5.99 Large Asst Angelfish $ 34.99 Marble Hatchet $ 8.99 Ember Tetra $ 4.99 Assorted Angelfish $ 7.99 Gem Tetra $ 11.99 Black Neon Tetra $ 2.99 German Blue Ram $ 16.99 Rummynose Tetra $ 8.99 Bloodfin Tetra $ 2.99 Silvertip Tetra $ 2.99 Lemon Tetra $ 2.99 Assorted Skirt Tetra $ 3.99 Neon Tetra $ 2.99 Rasboras Barbs Black Harlequin $ 9.99 Tiger Barb $ 2.99 Harlequin Rasbora $ 5.99 Melon $ 11.99 Black Ruby $ 17.99 Danio Albino Tiger Barb $ 3.99 Asst Longfin $ 2.99 Cherry Barb $ 2.99 Fireline $ 9.99 Gold Barb $ 3.99 Giant Danio $ 3.99 Red Panda Barb $ 19.99 Green Tiger Barb $ 4.99 Subject to availably throughout the day. All prices on this website/list are subject to change without notice. In the event a product is listed at an incorrect price due to typographical, photographic, or technical error, The Fish Crew LLC, has the right to refuse or cancel any orders placed for product(s) listed at an incorrect price. UPDATED: 11/13/2020 The Fish Crew Instore Shopping or Pickup / NO SHIPPING 970-286-2245 Bettas Catfish Pleco/Algae Eater Regular $ 4.99 Polka Dot Pictus $ 19.99 Farlowella $ 14.99 Female Betta $ 6.99 Bumblebee Catfish $ 3.99 Bristlnenose Pleco $ 4.99 Crowntail $10 / $13 Striped Raphel Catfish $ 19.99 Longfin Bristlenose $ 21.99 Dragonscale $ 19.99 Upsidedown Catfish $ 14.99 Albino Bristlenose $ 8.99 Koi $ 59.99 Banjo Catfish $ 8.99 XL Pleco $ 29.99 Orange Betta $ 9.99 Assorted Corydoras $ 5.99 Pleco $ 4.99 Gold Nugget Pleco L177 $ 99.99 Otocinclus $ 5.99 Flying Fox Siamensis SAE $ 6.99 FW Snails Misc / Cleaners Mystery Snail $ 2.99 Blue Stiphodon Goby $ 18.99 Chopstick Snail $ 4.99 Silver Dollar $ 13.99 King Koppa Snail $ 5.99 African Dwarf Frog $ 8.99 Assassin Snail $ 4.99 Kuhlii Loach $ 5.99 Tiger Nertire Snail $ 4.99 Rainbow Shark $ 5.99 Military Helmet Nerite $ 6.99 Dojo Loach $ 9.99 Olive Nerite Snail $ 1.99 Live Plants Assorted Plants $ 2.99 Java Fern $ 6.99 Assorted Aponogeton $ 4.99 Babytears $ 3.99 Christmas Moss $ 4.99 Pinwheel Melon Sword $ 5.99 Java Moss $ 4.99 Llyodiella $ 3.99 Assorted Val $ 1.99 Moneywort $ 3.99 Sagittaria Chilensis $ 2.99 Rotala Macrandra $ 4.99 Blyxia Japonica $ 3.99 Small Amazon Sword $ 4.99 FW Shrimp / Inverts Moss Ball $ 7.99 Green Myrio $ 3.99 Emerald Green Shrimp $ 6.99 Water Sprite $ 3.99 Ludwigia Peruensis $ 4.99 Dwarf Orange Lobster $ 14.99 Dwarf Babytear Mat $ 18.99 Narrow Leaf Ludwigia $ 3.99 Blue Rili Neo $ 9.99 Mini Dwarf Hairgrass Pot $ 8.99 Broadleaf Ludwigia $ 3.99 Cherry $ 3.99 Bronze Wendtii Crypt $ 3.99 Red Myrio $ 3.99 Blue Velvet $ 6.99 Italian Val Bunch $ 4.99 Medium Amazon Sword $ 9.99 Red Rili $ 7.99 Green Cabomba $ 3.99 Banana Plant $ 4.99 Assorted Neo $ 4.99 Hygro Araguaia $ 4.99 Red Wendtii Crypt $ 4.99 Black Carbon $ 6.99 Rotala Indica $ 3.99 Narrowleaf Chain Sword $ 1.99 Orange Sunkist $ 7.99 Terrarium / Marginal / Pond Plants Assorted Lily $ 24.99 Acorus Grass $ 7.99 Curly Bamboo $ 13.99 Subject to availably throughout the day. All prices on this website/list are subject to change without notice. In the event a product is listed at an incorrect price due to typographical, photographic, or technical error, The Fish Crew LLC, has the right to refuse or cancel any orders placed for product(s) listed at an incorrect price. UPDATED: 11/13/2020 The Fish Crew Instore Shopping or Pickup / NO SHIPPING 970-286-2245 Saltwater Fish LG Unicorn Tang $ 299.99 Banggai Cardinal $ 39.99 Zebra Moray Eel $ 190.99 Large Arc EyeHawk $ 49.99 Spotted Mandarin $34 / $38 Jansen Saddle Wrasse $ 48.99 French Angel $ 499.99 Humu Trigger $ 199.99 Cloudy Damsel $ 12.99 Molly Miller Blenny $ 21.99 3 Spot Damsels $ 9.99 Scooter Dragonette $ 33.99 Raccoon Butterfly $ 72.99 Dottyback $ 19.99 Neon Blue Cleaner Goby $ 23.99 Coral Catfish $ 33.99 Yellow Tail Damsel $ 9.99 One Spot Foxface $ 59.99 Volitan Lionfish $ 74.99 Yellow Clown Goby $ 23.99 Snowflake Moray $ 49.99 Six Line $ 29.99 Zebra Bar Gobies $ 49.99 Tomini Tang $ 99.99 Yellow Flanked Fairy $ 99.99 Golden Head Sleeper $ 33.99 Sailfin Algae Blenny $ 55 / $24 Melanurus Wrasse (M) $ 139.99 Star & Stripes Puffer $ 99.99 Snowflake Moray Eel $ 66.99 Potter Angel $ 225.99 Hawaiian Dussumieri Tang $ 192.99 Pennant Wrasse $ 66.99 Imperator Angelfish $ 84.99 Hawaiian Orange Shoulder Tang$ 192.99 Queen Coris Wrasse $ 77.99 Bicolor Blenny $ 39.99 Hawaiian Naso Tang $ 147.99 Dispar Anthias $ 42.99 Sailfin Tang $ 101.99 African Yellow Belly Blue Tang $ 154.99 Stocky Anthias $ 42.99 Cleaner Wrasse $ 35.99 Ocellaris Clown $ 19.99 Lyretail Anthias $ 42.99 Bicolor Angel $ 67.99 Banggai Cardinal $ 42.99 Banded Sleeper Goby $ 44.99 Coral Beauty Angel $ 54.99 PJ Cardinal $ 27.99 Volitian Lionfish $ 59.99 Pygmy Cherub Angel $ 61.99 Green Chromis $ 7.99 Porcupine Puffer $ 135.99 Yellow Angel $ 49.99 3 Spot Damsel $ 9.99 Bicolor Foxface $ 132.99 Starry Blenny $ 37.99 Green Mandarin $ 44.99 Clown Tang $ 78.99 Matted Filefish $ 59.99 Blue & Red Wrasse $ 74.99 Half Black Mimic Tang $ 99.99 Yellow Clown Goby $ 23.99 Yellow Wrasse $ 49.99 Powder Blue Tang $ 169.99 Firefish $ 27.99 Carpenters Wrasse $ 57.99 Two Spot Bristletooth Tang $ 95.99 Purple Tang $ 271.99 Scopas Tang $ 67.99 Tank Raised Clownfish Black Ocellaris $ 34.99 True Percula $ 22.99 Black Extreme Snowflake $ 116.99 Black Clarkii $ 21.99 Semi Picasso Percula $ 38.99 Tomato $ 17.99 Vivid Fancy Ocellaris $ 24.99 Frostbite Chilled $ 88.99 Ruby Clown $ 18.99 Mocha Storm Pair $ 199.99 Lighting Maroon $ 99.99 Orange Ocellaris $ 18.99 Cinnamon Clown $ 14.99 Darwin Black $ 35.99 Blue Stripe Cinnamon $ 26.99 Super Storm Ocellaris Pair $ 349.99 Onyx Picasso Percula Pair $ 180.99 Subject to availably throughout the day. All prices on this website/list are subject to change without notice. In the event a product is listed at an incorrect price due to typographical, photographic, or technical error, The Fish Crew LLC, has the right to refuse or cancel any orders placed for product(s) listed at an incorrect price. UPDATED: 11/13/2020 The Fish Crew Instore Shopping or Pickup / NO SHIPPING 970-286-2245 Corals Asst Acropora $ 99.99 Green Toadstool $ 87.99 Asst Liverock $8-$14 Blood Rainbow Acan $ 349.99 Devils Hand $ 59.99 Asst Frags $10-$60 Ice King Oxypora $ 47.99 Potato Chip Pavona $ 99.99 Green Tip Torch $ 149.99 Aussie Cynaria $ 89.99 Gold Torch 250/head Assorted Medium Colonies $ 49.99 Tiger Mushroom $ 44.99 Green Trach $ 187.99 Red Mangrove $ 29.99 Green Duncan $ 249.99 Wild Berry Maze Favia $ 44.99 Med Pink/Purplr Monti $ 40.99 Frosted Pink Blasto $ 249.99 War Coral $ 144.99 Bulb Amemone $ 67.99 Hammer Ancora Green $ 199.99 Toxic Green Trachy $ 149.99 Long Tentacle Anemone $ 49.99 Tie Die Heart Scoly $ 249.99 Branching Goni $ 87.99 Mini Carpet Nem $ 23.99 Croc Island Scoly $ 149.99 Metallic Green Brain $ 99.99 Bicolor Acan $ 299.99 Pollock's Trachy $ 125.99 Pink Tip Green Torch $ 169.99 XL Hollywood Stunner Chalice $ 99.99 Green Toadstool $ 52.99 Mixed Colored Zoa Rock $ 119.99 Purple/Pink Elegance $ 99.99 Green Fluorescent Mushroom $ 37.99 Green Eye Favia $ 49.99 Blue/Green/Violet Mushroom $ 74.99 Green Open Lobo $ 49.99 Orange Echinata $99.99 Wall Frogspawn $ 149.99 NEW FRAGS 11/10/2020 Clean-up / Misc Sand Cucumber $ 21.99 Top Crown Snail $ 3.99 Feather Duster $ 21.99 Nassarius Snail $ 3.99 Brittle Star $ 19.99 Spiral Trochus $ 4.99 Sand Star $ 28.99 Cat Eye Turbo Snail $ 4.99 Emerald Crab $ 9.99 Scarlet Hermit $ 11.99 Cone Head Snail $ 3.99 Yellow Tip Hermit $ 1.99 Conch Fighter $ 9.99 Tiny Blue Hermit $ 1.99 Longspine Urchin $ 39.99 Red Tip Hermit $ 1.99 Coral Banded Shrimp $ 29.99 Sea Hare $ 29.99 Pincuchion Urchin $ 13.99 Nerite Snail $ 3.99 Turbo Snail $ 2.99 Cleaner Shrimp $ 39.99 Subject to availably throughout the day.
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