Atinwd Newsboys *' Edition S T O R E O P E N U N T I L 9KX> T O N I G H T A N D A ven ge Daily Circulation The Weather For the MoaUi November. IBSU Foreoaat of C. S. Weather garoau SATURDAY EVENING 6,335 Fair, rontinued cold today; Boa- FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORE day cloudy, allghtly warmer; rain Member •• Mw AeAt or snow at night. Bnreae of OIrealathma ilanrljFBtfr lEuFtting ’ SANTA CLAUS IS IN TOTLAND MancheKter— A Eity of Village Charm THIS EVENING AND SATURDAY 2:S0 TO 6:00 — 7:00 TO 9:00. M.An CHESTER. c o n n ,, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1939 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN1N VOL. LIX., NO. 71 (Claaaifled Aeraitialng oo Page 1S> Fight in Congress Children Sing Christmas Greetings to President Finn Troops Launch 72” X 90” Chenffle Seen on Boosting Lace Tablecloths Drive Against Foes;" Bath Mat and Defense Program $L79 Lid C over Sets lyegislators Tretlicl Pren- Supposedly Dead Dove Defenses Halt Blow other Lace Tablecloths To ^6.98. $1.98 set iilent Will Emphasize Flies Out of Ice Box Hand Blocked. Pure Linen Report Cirriilalen (>eiie- Dok on Guard In Stolen: Planes Attark RuMian Purs Linen Subject Strongly in Hii* Tampa. F’la.. Dec. 23.— 1‘nckaRe.H Left Behind Colored Border Hand Embroidered Mrs. Jo^phine Lazzara placed rul Relieved of l*oHt hm Forces, Supply Centers ‘Stale of Nation’ Mew- seven supposedly dead doves In Guest Towels Coiiiniaiider of Caiii- Br(x)kllne. Mass.. Dec. 23.— , I And Transportation sage; Naval Hearings an Ice box one night. If 1 Two in Box Sheet and Pillow Dish Towels cl’)—Mrs. Harry Ham of Bos­ Four in Box P illow Cases One of the birds fluttered puign AgaiiiHt Fin­ ton left her four-year-old Oer- I Arteries in Karelian i Mav Start Next Day. out the next morning when she n\Hii alicphenl dog to watch Boxed land; Coiiimiiiiupir Re­ { Isthmus Sector in Prep« Case Sets opened the refrigerator. Then ( ’hrlatmas packagea In her au- ! 5 0 c box Washington, Dec. 23 —l4-i In­ it wa.s killed for kcepa for a lates ‘Important Siie- tomoblle during a shopping ' i aration for Ground Ab« ll i formed congressional sources pre­ pre-Christmaa dinner. tour. Pine quality guest towels of pur* $ 1 .0 0 box dicted toilay thst President Roose­ eesBeH' Sroretl Dur­ When ahe returned, she In- ’ I sault; Air Raid Alarms Ibien In floral and nautical pat­ set A practical gift of colorful k pr. Christmas greetings to President Roosevelt weie sung nnd recorded by these children of Okla­ velt would have his first 1940 tuss­ homa and Texas dust bowl migrants now destitute In California. Mrs. Sue Sanders. Bakersfleld, formed ■ police, she fotmd that terns. $1.98 striped towels— all pure linen. ing Period of Conflirt. .someone had stolen the dog | i Sounded in Helsinki. le with Congress over projected Calif., author, la taking the pleas of the farmers to Washington. Sung by the children were carols, "Jingle Bella" and a migrant's folk song protesting the conditions under which they live. and left the packages. ' ' i expansion of the national defense Neutral Zone Moscow. Dec. 23. (4’» - Falling Bulletin! program. for the third successive day to re- I Helsinki, Dee. SSv-^4V- 3 Pc. Comb, Brush Legislators in touch with the Plan Frowned port any Important gains against | Rusoians In pamphlets drop­ White House said Mr. Roosevelt Finland, Soviet Russia declared ped by Invading filers today would emphasize defense atrongiy Many Toledo Finnish Fund Christmas Spirit Fills today the Finns' nsturni nnd con- I threatened to bomb Helainki and M irror Sets in his "state of the nation” mes­ On hv Norris slructed defenses made lm|x»s.Ml- 1 to destruction if she did not sage, expected Jan. 4, and would ble a "lightning blow " surrender by 1 p. m., (6 n. m* ask early action on proposals to Poor to Have Although the Kusslnn cominu- , Passes $200; 03.1.) A Finnish apekesnm bolster the Army and Navy. United States Capital nlque contended the Red Army j said he understood tbo The president has Indicated that Senator, Leading Oppo­ $2.98 waa doing well under the circum­ pamphlets carried threats oC. defense estimates would exceed H u i i « t v "terrible” Christmaa Bva and, sition to All-America Yule stances, unconfirmed reports clr- 5 More Gifts this year's appropriations, total­ CkrtstnuM Day attneks salw a riilatcd here that Gen. K. A. I ling *1,800,000,000, by approxi­ Merry GreeliiigH Are Ex- the Finns cap!tainted. T h S " Ban, Doubts Legality NO HERAI.D Meretskoff -had been relieved 1 T '„,| n v * a mately *500,000,000. His annual Relief Director Hopea Contributions deadline nirendy has aasood' measage, however, may suggest O f So Wide an Area. ebangetl an Cabinet hla post as commander of the i • t'tttiy •• MONDAY campaign against Finland. wtUioot surrender. I curtailment of some other govern­ All Will Have “ Sotne- Boost Local Total to ^ Toiletries Seatlers anti Roose­ Summarizing scllvltlrs since planes swingtag over R . , mental expenditures to compen­ Washingt/)n. Dec. 23.—(4’) Nn Issue of The Herald Will In a cloady sky today attael^^'' sate In part for the defense In­ thing to Eat” C I O velt Family Gathers. the war began Nov. 30. the com­ 1^202.53 to Aid Small Apple Blossom Cologne................ $1.00 Congressional opposition appeared He Published Monday, munique aald "Important success­ ed Tampere, narthwaot Ot tBRsc'c* crease. capital, where there la a Pink Clover Bath Pow der..............$1.00 See Protrseted Fight today to be crystallizing against Calls Situation “ Bad.” es” had been scored In this period. War • Torn Republic. GIFTS from the BABY SHOP Washlngl/in, Dec. 23. (4’i The Christmas Day. mnaltioas baaa, TaaiaitiaaitVj Revlon Manicure S e t .....................$1.25 Even so. some opposition sena­ attempts of 21 Latin-American Preoents Serious DIffIculllea tors. asking that their names be Toledo. O., Dec. 23. -(/D — CIO Christmas spirit enveloped this "The territory of Finland," It Contributions teethe Finnish Re­ and Ekeaoa, ta tha osuMiwastt^ nations and the United States to To All Its Readers and Lohjn, west $t Belalairtii’ Babies’ Evening in Paris T a lc .......................66c withheld, forecast there would be leader^ offered to prove today, by peaceful capital today fn>m the said, "presents most serious diffi- lief Fund passed the *200 mark In maintain a 300-mlIe neutrality The Herald Wishes A Very cultlra for movements of troops. Fliurioh reports sold sMuiy Yardley Lavender....................... $1.10 a protracted fight over any big "aurprlse visits” to poor families, rapldly-fllllng White House to the Manrhester today os The Herald new defense program. They ar­ zone in the oceans around the new Merry Christmas Lack of roads, rugged terrain, Im­ bombs were diappsd. at leniil,;: that many of Toledo's destitute will emptying msrble hall.*i of govern­ received *16.60 from flv* donors. oaa home was burned hi ®aei| High Chair Pads Water Lily Bath Powder............. $1.00 gued that a considerable bloc world. passable forests. Innumerable have a hungry Chrletmaa. ment. mlisart and there wee In nurnery print* with detachable covera, eaay to laun­ Apple Blossom Bath P ow der....... $1.00 of legislators believed the Unit­ lakes divided by Innumerable Isth- One of the check* was for *10 Voicing an opinion in which Merry greetings. gocKlbyes or from Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cheney. eMne-gennleg frem ae lew aB 3 der. Pink, blue or maize. ed States was In no Immedi­ This Industrial d ty removed all good wishes fllle<l the frosty air i musea spanned by several lines of ate danger of attack, and that some of his colleagues concurred All contributions to tha Fund "employables" from Its relief rolls half the president’s cabinet I defense consisting of concrete gun any new equipment purchaeed now privately. Senator Norris (Ind., lost Sept. 16. This week It start­ and machine gun emplacements will be acknowledged through the family scattered to other cities for I might become outmoded before Neb.), told newsmen he thought ed restoration of many of them on 50 Lives Lost with concrete refuges for troops columns of The Herald, ^ e c k s Helainki. Dec. 33.-<B)—rhiaii|| the three-day holiday and his own | this country would be called upon that establishment of such a zone s "need boais," but will be unable —these are conditions hindering should be made payable to the troops today taunchod'their had no substantial basis In inter­ family gathered for an^ither four- | $1.25 to defend itself. to give food or other necessities for the rapid advance o f troops on Finnish R clltf Fund and moiled or major counter-offenoivo on The Ideal Christmas Gift A House Appropriations Sub­ national law. He also Indicated any employable childless adults, generation reunion. 111 2d German left at The Herald, IS Blaaell Giving was the day's keynote - ' Finland’s territory." Karelian iathmus. moat imp committee tentatively haa set Jan. belief that the program might said Clarence A. Benedict, city re­ The Finns’ Monnerhclm line ■treet. at the White House, where Prest-1 5 for the start of hearings on the even lead to Involvement of some lief director. oezosa the Karelian Isthmua lust The standing of the fund to date of the several war theaters. Ringless Sheer Chiffons and Service Weight of the American republics In war. dent and Mrs. Roooevei; colled In Naval appropriation bill. Other "The situation is realty bod.” de­ north of Leningrad was described la os follows: Snap Shot Books Norria disclosed .his vleWs as of­ household employes and their Crash in Dav¥ Tlnnish planaa httackad : subcommittees already have done clared Louis Didoose, chairman of os equal to Germany’s Siegfried Previously acknowledged .
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