Corpus Christi College Cambridge / PARKER-ON-THE-WEB M.R. James, Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 1912 MS 198 Stanley: S. 8 TJames: 267 Old English Homilies, mostly by Ælfric Homiliae Saxonicae (IV) Codicology: Vellum, mm 270 x 185 (10.6 x 7.2 in.), ff. 2 + 394, mostly 26 but in one part 23 lines to a page. Cent. x-xi, in very various hands. Collation: 18 (+ frontispiece) 28-188 196 2010 218-248 2510 268-308 316 328-468 476 484 498 5010 (wants 10). Provenance: From Worcester[]: see below. Provenance: The book is copiously glossed in Latin throughout, and chiefly by the same curious tremulous hand which has annotated MS 12[CCC012] and MS 178[CCC178]. This must mean that in cent. xii the three books MS 12[CCC012], MS 178[CCC178] and MS 198 were in the same monastery. That the monastery in question was Worcester[] admits of no doubt. See on MS 12[CCC012]. The same hand appears in MSS. at Oxford[] which are clearly from Worcester[]. Decoration: There is a frontispiece (f. ir, |iir|), a drawing in outline with shading in red and faint purple. The style is good, but not the best Anglo-Saxon. The picture represents six apostles, nimbed and richly draped, in two rows of three. In the upper row the first on L. has a book, and his legs are crossed, the second (Andrew[]) holds a short sceptre terminating in a cross set in a circle, the third (Peter[]) beardless holds book and key and turns to R. In the lower row the first has pen and book, the second with crossed legs addresses the third who holds up a pair of tablets: all three are beardless. Additions: On f. iv, |iiv| a list (cent. xvi) of contents, headed: “Quartus liber”. On f. iir, |iiir| an old list (xi) of contents. The original hand goes from “i. Sermo in natale domini” to “xxxi. Non. mai. inuentio s. crucis”. The hand of the principal annotator (xii?) continues the list to no. “lx. sancti andree”. At top of f. 1r in large red letters (xvi) is: “Aelfricus[] abbas transtulit”. Foliation: ff. a-c + i-iii + 1-394 + d-g. Language: Old English and Latin. Contents: 1. 1r-7r Homily for the Nativity of Christ (Cameron B3.2.1[Cameron 1973]) 1r Rubric:Sermo in natale domini 1r () Title in red capitals 1r () Incipit: Þæt halige godspell be ðære hean medomnysse On f. 4r two short passages have been erased Copied for Professor Napier[]: also in Vercelli Book[VCL117] and Bodleian NE. F. 4. 10, f. 1[OBL404] 2. 7r-12v Ælfric OSB[], Catholic Homilies, First Series, St Stephen[] (Cameron B1.1.4[Cameron 1973]) 7r Rubric:In nativitate Sancti Stephani[] protomartyris 7r () Incipit: Ƿe rædað on ðære bec Thorpe I 44[Thorpe 1844] 3. 12v-21r Ælfric OSB[], Catholic Homilies, First Series, Assumption of St John[] (Cameron B1.1.5[Cameron 1973]) 12v Rubric:In assumptione Sancti Iohannis[] apostoli 12v () Incipit: Iohannes[] se godspellere cristes dyrling Thorpe I 58[Thorpe 1844]. Sweet, Anglo-Saxon Reader, 79[Sweet 1876] Change of hand at f. 16r 20r () On the margin of f. 20r in a hand of cent. xi (?) is: 20r () “Me grauat hic esse / quoniam potare necesse / uinum de messe / quem nos consueuimus esse / Poto sed inuite / potum probo gentis a (uite) / Vinum de uite quando (or quoniam) / uitis uia uite” 4. 21r-27v Ælfric OSB[], Catholic Homilies, First Series, Holy Innocents (Cameron B1.1.6[Cameron 1973]) 21r Rubric:V. kalendas Ianuarias In natale innocentum 21r () Incipit: Nu to dæg godes gelaðung Thorpe I 76[Thorpe 1844]. Sweet, Anglo-Saxon Reader, 90[Sweet 1876] Change of hand at f. 24r 5. 27v-34v Ælfric OSB[], Catholic Homilies, First Series, Circumcision (Cameron B1.1.7[Cameron 1973]) 27v Rubric:Kalendis Ianuariis Circumcisio domini 27v () Incipit: Se godspellere lucas[] be leac Thorpe I 90[Thorpe 1844] 6. 34v-43v Ælfric OSB[], Catholic Homilies, First Series, Epiphany (Cameron B1.1.8[Cameron 1973]) 34v Rubric:In epiphania domini 34v () Incipit: Men ða leofestan nu for feaƿum dagum Thorpe I 104[Thorpe 1844] 7. 43v-47r Homily for the First Sunday after Epiphany (Cameron B3.2.3[Cameron 1973]) 43v (44r) Rubric:Dominica I post Theophania domini 44r () Incipit: Monað us 7 mengað Copied for Professor Napier[]: also in Vercelli Book[VCL117] and NE. F. 4. 10, f. 33[OBL404] 8. 47r-57v Ælfric OSB[], Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Second Sunday after Epiphany (Cameron B1.2.5[Cameron 1973]) 47r Rubric:Dominica II post Theophania domini 47r () Incipit: Nuptie facte 47r () Incipit: Iohannes[] se godspellere cƿæð Thorpe II 54[Thorpe 1846] 9. 57v-64v Ælfric OSB[], Catholic Homilies, First Series, Third Sunday after Epiphany (Cameron B1.1.9[Cameron 1973]) 57v Rubric:Dominica III post Theophania 57v () Incipit: Cum descendissed 57v () Incipit: Matheus[] se eadiga godspellere Thorpe I 120[Thorpe 1844] Change of hand at f. 64r 10. 64v-73r Ælfric OSB[], Catholic Homilies, First Series, Purification (Cameron B1.1.10[Cameron 1973]) 64v Rubric:IIII Nonus Februarias In purificatione Sancte Marie[] 64v () Incipit: God bebead on ðære ealdan ae Thorpe I 134[Thorpe 1844] 11. 73r-81r Ælfric OSB[], Catholic Homilies, Second Series, St Gregory[] (Cameron B1.2.10[Cameron 1973]) 73r Rubric:IIII Idus. In natale Sancti Gregorii[] pape 73r () Incipit: Gregorius[] se halga papa engliscre þeode apostol Thorpe II 116[Thorpe 1846] 12. 81r-90r Ælfric OSB[], Catholic Homilies, Second Series, St Cuthbert[] (Cameron B1.2.11[Cameron 1973]) 81r Rubric:XIII kalendas aprili in natale Sancti Cuhtberhti[] Episcopi 81r () Incipit: Cuðberhtus[] se halga bisceop Thorpe II 132[Thorpe 1846] Change of hand at f. 88r 13. 90r-103v Ælfric OSB[], Catholic Homilies, Second Series, St Benedict[] (Cameron B1.2.12[Cameron 1973]) 90r Rubric:In natale Sancti Benedicti[] Abbatis 90r () Incipit: Benedictus[] se halga abbud Thorpe II 154[Thorpe 1846] 14. 103v-110r Ælfric OSB[], Catholic Homilies, First Series, Annunciation (Cameron B1.1.14[Cameron 1973]) 103v (104r)Rubric:In adnuntiatione Sancte Marie[] 104r Incipit: Ure se ælmihtiga scyppend Thorpe I 192[Thorpe 1844] 15. 110r-117r Ælfric OSB[], Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Septuagesima (Cameron B1.2.6[Cameron 1973]) 110r Rubric:Dominica in septuagessima 110r () Incipit: Simile est regnum 110r () Incipit: Se haelend cƿæð þæt heofonan rice Thorpe II 72[Thorpe 1846] 115v (Quare pretermittetur alleluia.) 115v () Incipit: Ƿe ƿillað eoƿ secgan Thorpe II 84[Thorpe 1846] 16. 117r-122v Ælfric OSB[], Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Sexagesima (Cameron B1.2.7[Cameron 1973]) 117r Rubric:Dominica in sexagessima 117r () Incipit: Cum turba plurima 117r () Incipit: On sume tide ðaða micel Thorpe II 88[Thorpe 1846] 17. 122v-128v Ælfric OSB[], Catholic Homilies, First Series, Quinquagesima (Cameron B1.1.11[Cameron 1973]) 122v Rubric:Dominica in quinquagessima 122v () Incipit: Assumpsit Iesus 122v () Incipit: Her is geread on ðisum godspelle Thorpe I 152[Thorpe 1844] 18. 128v-132v Ælfric OSB[], Catholic Homilies, Second Series, First Sunday in Lent (Cameron B1.2.8[Cameron 1973]) 128v Rubric:Dominica in quadragessima 128v () Incipit: Men ða leofostan eoƿ eallum is cuð Thorpe II 98[Thorpe 1846] 19. 132v-137r Homily for the Second Sunday in Lent (Cameron B3.2.11.5[Cameron 1973]) 132v Rubric:Dominica II quadragesima 132v () Incipit: Men ða leofestan Ic cyðe eoƿ þæt ðreo ðing Copied for Professor Napier[]: also in Vercelli Book[VCL117] and NE. F. 4. 10[OBL404] and 12[OBL406] 20. 137r-140v Homily for the Third Sunday in Lent (Cameron B3.2.13[Cameron 1973]) 137r Rubric:Dominica III in xl 137r () Incipit: Geherað nu men ða leofstan hu ðas halgan bec Also in MS 419, p. 329[CCC419] Assmann, Angelsächsische Homilien, 1889, p. 138[Assmann 1889] 21. 140v-145r Homily for the Fourth Sunday in Lent (Cameron B3.2.15[Cameron 1973]) 140v Rubric:Dominica IIII in xl 140v () Incipit: Men ða leofestan ƿe ƿillað her sprecan feaƿum ƿordum Copied for Professor Napier[]: also in MS 419, p. 308, and elsewhere[CCC419] 22. 145r-149v Homily for the Fifth Sunday in Lent (Cameron B3.2.16[Cameron 1973]) 145r Rubric:Dominica V. in xl 145r () Incipit: Men ða leofestan. us is on ælcne sæl geornlice Assmann, Angelsächsische Homilien, 1889, no. XII, f. 144[Assmann 1889] 23. 150r-152v Ælfric OSB[], Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Second Sunday in Lent (Cameron B1.2.9[Cameron 1973]) Another hand at f. 150r 150r Rubric:Dominica II in quadragesima 150r () Incipit: Egressus inde Iesus 150r () Incipit: Drihten haelend ðreade Thorpe II 110[Thorpe 1846] 24. 153r-159v Ælfric OSB[], Catholic Homilies, Second Series, Fifth Sunday in Lent (Cameron B1.2.15[Cameron 1973]) 153r Rubric:Dominica quinta in quadragesima 153r () Incipit: þeos tid fram ðisum an ƿeardan dæge Thorpe II 224[Thorpe 1846] 25. 160r-166v Homily for Palm Sunday (Cameron B3.2.18.3[Cameron 1973]) 160r Rubric:Passio domini. In ramis palmarum 160r () Incipit: Passio domini nostri Iesu Christi secundum Matheum[] 160r () Incipit: Men ða leofestan þis is ures drihtnes þroƿung Also in MS 162, p. 322[CCC162]. Copied for Professor Napier[] 26. 166v-174 Homily “In Cena Domini” (Cameron B3.2.22[Cameron 1973]) 166v Rubric:Feria quinta in cena domini 166v () Incipit: De huius diei ueneratione et de domini misericordia in memoria aeterne iohannes[] euangelista uenera (sic). Sægeð on ðisum bocum be ðære arƿurðnesse Assmann, Angelsächsische Homilien no. XIII, p. 151[Assmann 1889] 27. 174v-186v Homily “De parasceue” (Cameron B3.2.24.1[Cameron 1973]) 174v Rubric:Feria VI in parasceuen 174v () Incipit: Hƿæt se ælmihtiga drihten Also in MS 162, p. 347[CCC162]. Cf.
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