^ 'V' / r W E S D A J , OECKMBm II, ; I -■ Manchester Evening Herald The Weather Averaffe Daily Circalation Forecaat ol U. a. tVeatber Ba rn a For the Moatb of November, 1944 of the Alexander Company, town lacreaaing rloudiaeee. not so About Town Two Teachers Auditois, that some 11,700 made^^ cold tonight; Thuraday elondy, la- the school cafeteria be turned back 9,016 lermltteat light saow, moderately to the town, the matter was held over until Chairman House can Member o f the Audit roM; taxaeaslag wtads. Mater WllUam H. Burnham of Resi«;n Posts talk with tbs auditor and sso If Bureaaal dreolattona plans to uos, tbo moBoy for mors Only 4 Shopping Days Manche$ter--‘A Cfty of Village Charm tho 'Oonnactlcut Roemploymeat ' Commlsaton will address the help and equipment cannot be se­ Rotary Club this evening at the Two^ Other Teachers Are cured to take care of the 1,200 who PRICE rUREB CBNIE MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 20,1944 (SIXTEEN PA&BSl Sheridan Restaruant on rehablllta- ui;e the cafeteria each achoq^ day. rOL. L X ir., NO. 68 (Claastied Advartialag oa U) .tlon of our armed foroaa. Rotary Secured for the Local members are reminded of the Schools by Officials. change In meeting; place. Dinner Memorial Mass will be aer\'od at 6:S0 as usual. The resignation of Mrs. Olive 8. Eulogy Praises Jap-Marked Balloon Found in Montana Chambers, who has been on leave For Dead Soldier Infantry Private Rutli B. Mollcr, 6ft 'rying to Tighten Nazis of absence from the Washington Waddell road. Mancheater, who school, W .1S accepted by the Board Bishops^ Fight has been stationed at the Third of Education l.ist night a. was that At the Memorial Mass at St. S A TvIT A. SU Training Center of the Women'a of Miss BK".nche Holman, a teach­ Army Corps, Fort Oglethorpe, Oa., er of. history in the High school. Jamea'a church at 7:30 this morn­ Noose About Japs During Illness has been aaalgned to Army Air She has been teaching as a substi­ ing for Corporal Rocco C. Toe, o Behind Ar nor Units; Force Tactical Center at Orlando, tute for Jesse Stevens, who is ab­ members of the Christoforo Co- FIa sent on military duty. lumbo Society, attended In a body. Mrs. Albert J. Robinson was en­ Fighting on Leyte Most Rev. Maurice F. They marched into the church Private Judith M. Moller, 6ft gaged to teach Grade II at the McAuliffe/ Receives ^Waddell Road, Mancheater, who Washington school. She was en­ bearing a large wreath of flow­ gaged for the remainder of the Yanks Standing Firm hah been stationed at the Third ers which waa placed on a flag Final Bessings o f Ro Training Center of the Women'a school year. Mrs. Robinson was a covered Itttafalque in front of ths I >nverging Yanks Drive regular teacher in Mancheater altar rail. The members of the Free News man Catholic Church. A m y Oorpa, Fort Oglethorpe. from 192.3 to 1928 and ha been a Forward Nowh. and Oa.. has been. assigned to the reg^ular substitute much of the lodge wore the uniforms of ths Swift Columns Advance A m y Air . Force Tactica* Center time since. society. The services were also South After Seizing Flow Seen Hartford, Dec. 20. — (S') — The 4 Red Columns Laws at Orlando, Fla. ^ attended by s large number of Most Rev. Maurice F. McAuliffe, More Than 20 Miles Secure New Teacher friends and relatives of the dead Valencia; Lonoy ‘ Also Miss Julia Daddabbo of Windsor rsceiving the final blessings of the First Lieutenant Gordon T. .soldier. Into Belgium; First Locks, who was graduated this Captured by Flanking Pefjice Aim Roman Catholic Church in cere­ Drive Toward | T o Support Weir, whose wife. Betty Ann, month from Teachers' College In Corporal Toce Was killed in V ■' Met* on Nov. 18. He was one of Rayon Crepe monies rich with the traditions of Armv's -’Situation Offi> ‘'X' Hvea at 1768 Linden avenue, Mem­ New Britain was named to suc­ Drive; Cut to Rear. phis, Tcnn., is a pilot and assist- ceed Mrs. Gwendolen Hurl a teach­ the crew of a ISO mm. gun and centuries, was eulogized today by ‘G. I. ’ B ill cially Termed ‘Defi- 'ant operations officer In a B-24 er in Grade IV at the Hollister was -with General Patton's Army. Leaders of Four Cana­ Archbishop John G. Murray, of SL Kassa Today He lived at 77 Birch street. He General MacArthur’s Head­ ------ nitely Better’ With Liberator bomber group which re­ street school who resigned a month or Satin Paul as one who had fought physi­ cently completed one year in Italy. ago. Miss Daddabbo starts in Man­ is survived by his wife and year quarters, Philippines, Dec. dian Parties Hold Ac­ old son. cal ailment with the "realatance of Hardening of Ameri­ Lt. Weir, the son ef Mr. and Mrs. chester., next month. |20.— (fP)— Converging Yanks tion Essential to Well- a hero” to carry out “ the supreme Advance Forces Within Problem of Harmoniz­ .Thomas Weir, 117 Summer street, The board poitponed for a month if ter si^izing the Japanese purpose of his life”— that of aerv- Easy Artillery Range ing State Statutes With can Flanks Against Foe Manchester, is a 1936 graduate of action on the question of granting ALICE C»FRAN headquarters town of Valen­ Being of Mankind. ing his Master. Manchester High School where he a diploma to senior boys earlier ( Known As (tueen Alice) One of many distinguished Of Anchor of Nazi De­ Certain Provisions Still * starred in baseball and football. than usual that they may enroll in SPIRITUAt MEDTDM cia, together with an air field Bulletin! Ottawa, Dec. 20.—i/P)—National churchmen assembled at St. Jo­ He enlisted as an aviation cadet the Army 9peciali*ed Training Re­ Seventh Daughter of e Meventh S»a [intact, drove forward north seph's cathedral to honor the mem­ fense in Mountains. Is Far from Settled. Paris, Dec. 20,— (/P)— U. S- serve. leaders of ths four major political ]in August, 1941 and received spe- Bom With ■ Veil. Plain Tailored ind south today in an effort ory of Bishop McAuliffe, who died troops have recaptured Mons- dalised training at Brooks Field, ^ Concerning the recommendation Readings Ihslly, Including Sunday. |to tighten a noose of flesh parties in CMqg^s hold that world­ Friday, Archbishop Murray traced Moscow, Dec. 20.—(S')—Four Washington, Dec. 20—i-P)— Vet­ chau in Germany and check­ Texas, Smyrna, Tenn., and Chat- 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appoln't- the career of the spiritual head of Or Lace Trimmed. ateel about the largeat organ- wide freedom of exchange of news Red Army columns were converg erans administration officials said ed the initial impetus of thft ,ham Field. Ga. He has been ment. In the Servlea of tbo PeW' |lxed enemy force s'’ll fighting oa the Catholic CIhurch In Connecti­ overseas three months. pie for SO Veara. is essential to.th e well-being of cut from the time when as a fath.^’ Ing In heavy attacks today on the today that many statea have powerful German counter- Car Hard Starting? Sizes 32 to 40. veat Leyte iaiand. - -' mankind, they made known in 169 Church Streat, Hartford, Ooau. Seizure of Valencia, about eight erless boy of eight he became an city of Kaass, anchor of the entire amended laws which were In con­ olTensive which bit m o ^ than Sc4 Me For Prompt, Expert Phono ft-ftOftft statements to The Canadian Ptms, alter boy to recent years when aa lilea north of the atrategic Amer- released today. German defense system In the flict with the ’’G.I." bill of rights. 20 miles deep into B ^ i o m . Aato Repair Service A eiF T to gladden the eye and heart of every |tcan-held port of Ortnoc, was dla- biahop of Hartford “ he was the They atreased, however, that the HAVE YOU VIgITED Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie leader of his people especially In mountains of eastern Czechoslo The front still was unstabi- lovely lady on your list! Thi* tperkling cloer Pyres cloaed by Gen. Douglaa MaoAr- King, leader of the Uberal party, problem of harmonizing state laws ABEL'S SERVICE STA. thur today. As the 77th division the dark days of the present war vakia. with certain provisions ot the (J, lized tonight however. Heavy Rear — M Cooper Street “ Big ft" Set include* 1 9%‘ Pie Mete; lO’A" Utility said protection o^ ne'vs freedom by fortifying their faith, austalnlng Advanced forces already were battles apparently still r a g ^ ■mashed Into the city, the First International compact “ le receiv­ I. leglalation still la far from set- Dith; 8%* Cake Dith; and s 2-Qusrt Double Duty I (Dismounted) Cavalry swung In their courage, stimulating their reported within easy artillery tied. today around Stavciot, 20 The Gift StudBo! ing careful'attentlon from the gov­ saerkflee, consoling them In the re­ range of the old highland provin­ 34 CHURCH STREET Cesaerole (the cover make* an estre pie plate). All L flanking drive from the dlrec- The report of Kentucky's At­ miles inside Belgium, St. We Sell ion of Carigara bay and captured ernment.” peated visitation of death.” A Japanese-marked balloon found near Kallspcll, Mont., la ex- cialclal center, whose mixed Slovak torney General Eldon Dummltt far only ftl.85. Every dith can be u*ed for baking, onoy, six miles north of Valen­ John Bracken, leader of the Pro­ “Personally,” tald , Archbishop that the atate will have to Vith, II miles southeast, and Distinctive lorving, end itoring.
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