3 300 Participate in Moving Picket Line lents they ping t of In Friday's International Strike Week By MARY GOTTSCHALK "not as effective as it should be." going to do much for the war." for the strike in a Volkswagen bus. Face Spartan Daily Staff Writer Another picket, Steve Crane, a Nancy Weir, senior social science Scott Woodworth, sophomore at 'The More than 300 persons formed senior political science major, dis- major, said in reference to the Blaney, said "I thought it was 'The a moving picket line around the agreed with Weintraub and called pickets, "they have their rights as something that had to be done." 0171- Friday from effective." He campus perimeter the strike "very long as' they don't bother anyone OBSERVE teral 7:30 a.m. to 12 noon. Most of them said there was "about 10 times as else." ega; carried placards urging students many people on Seventh Street as Rhonda Robles, a junior major- Scott Walling, junior at Fre- fall; and faculty members to strike for there usually are." Crane also said ing in occupational therapy and a mont, said "I didn't come to tato- ticipate. I came pha; the day iii conjunction with the he had heard there was "less than member of Students Against the to observe. It seems a lot of people ml International Student -faculty 50 percent attendance in classes," War, carried a sign saying, "The around here want peace and I don't see any- Strike Week. 'IT FIZZLED' World Is Worth Saving." Miss Pickets included SJS students, Robles said, "I think the strike thing wrong with that." Lauren Johnson, a junior major- some faculty members, and stu- today is a success because there Bill Sipple, a junior at Hayward, ing in looks to dents from local high schools. penology, said, "It aren't very many people on cam- said "I think it's right. More of me like it fizzled. It fizzled be- Strike organizers and partici- pus. Theta are many people who these things should be going on. cause so many people supporting N o r in a n Crampton, pants considered their activities just didn't come to class and are Fremont it are taking three-day weekends." successful while most non-partici- honoring it in their own way." sophomore said, "I came to inform pants looked on the strike as When asked "How is it going?" myself at first and I'm becoming a SIRENS "flop." non-striking students for the most more involved. I don't think a lot From two to four pickets were part answered, "It's a flop." Air raid sirens making their of people know how high school stationed permanently at campus "They know this thing happened. monthly practice injected a somber students are thinking and are in entrances and the rest moved in Therefore, it couldn't have flop- note in the picketing at 11 a.m. the know." lines around the campus and down ped," said Ted Weisgal, a strike They provided emphasis to signs The high school students all face Seventh Street, coordinator. saying, "Now Please Care," "One suspension for cutting their class- Dr. Stanley C. Benz, dean of Thousand Dollars Every Second. es. Walling said, "I'm willing to FEW ON CAMPUS students, said "I think it's been Just Think of It," "Peace Is pay for what I'm doing. I think Sandy Klassy, a junior occupa- very effective. It's brought some Groovy," "Who Ca r es What everyone should be willing to pay tional therapy major, said "When points home that need to be Color," and "We Must Live as for what they do." I walked to the strike this morn- brought home." Brothers or Die as Fools." Larry Cervelli, a strike coordi- ing I couldn't believe how few Bruce Day, graduate student in A non-verbal comment of sorts nator said, "We think a lot of Photo by Dennis Dougherty people were on campus. I think physical education, discussed the was made by six men throwing people know we cared and that's SONG OF PROTEST: Minstrel Rick Mastin sings after two speakers and was followed by a rock there's been a lot of support." strike, saying, "I think it's good frisbees on the lawn in front of the important thing." out his views against war, the draft, racism, and and roll band, giving the forum a carnival Peter Weintraub, a graduate in a way and bed in a way. Per- Tower Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jarvis, both neglect of the underprivleged during Friday's atmosphere. student in psychology, was one sonally, I've gone to dames to- Twenty high school students sophomore art majors, and their "Day of Concern" strike. Mastin performed picket who felt the strike was day became my opinion is this isn't from three schools came to SJS (Continued on Page 8) * * War Strike College Secretaries At Colleges, 1 ,hPARTAN High Schools Call Friday 'Normal' DA "We figured I LY students cut class "There's nothing unusual here to- Compiled from the AP today to go to the beach, not to day, but of course Friday is our Student demonstrations a nd the strike," said a secretary in dullest day, especially in the after- SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE the Art department, Friday. noon and especially when it's hot." boycotts spread to six colleges A cc. and at least 20 high schools in New A Spartan Daily survey found The secretary in the philosophy York City Friday at the beginning class attendance on Friday nor- department said she had had sev- one sin! 55 .55 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114, MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1968 No. 113 of a one-day strike against war mal, eral teacher reactions to the un- and racism planned on campuses One of the librarians noted, usually good attendance in their Es- from coast to coast. classrooms. an- Several buildings on the campus Everything was "normal" in the tc.. of Columbia University have been Science Prof Wins ROTC building and the secretary Bob Minch Trustees Explore Demands closed by students sitting in the in the. history department told the 43- hallways. They are also protesting Daily that most people attended the construction of a gymnasium classes. National Citation winch svbffRil take two acres froth It was the same story in the Seeks Post Of Faculty in Chico Meeting a park used by Harlem children. One of four "Distinguished drama and language departments; The entire university was closed Service Citations" awarded na- nothing unusual just a regular Wary Bob Willich, 26-year-old political over the weekend to permit fur- 95. Faculty demands for reducing some school departments have al- their position saying a lighter unit tionally went to Miss Edith Se- day. science major, has announced his ther talks between faculty, stu- its teaching load plus a new plan ready reduced the number of load is necessary so that teachers Striking students did not con- candidacy for the office of ASB dents, and Mayor John Lindsay. berg, SJS assistant professor of rn- to help economically disadvantaged courses the faculty members will will have enough time to study up sider it a usual day. They gained Attorney General. Willich, a Thus far there has been no vio- natural science, at the recent Na- persons gain entrance to college, teach each semester or quarter. on the vast amounts of new ma- early encouragement when one of 13X- senior, is presently a member of lence. tional Science Teachers Associa- were explored at a meeting of terial which has been accumulated the food trucks supplying Spartan the SAB (Student Activities REORGANIZATION There was 78 percent absentee- 58. the State College Board of Trus- since 1950. tion annual conference. Cafeteria honored their picket Board). ism in some New York high tees and two teacher groups, in One example given was the The group commended Miss Se)- line and did not deliver its con- According to Willich, "If elected Turning to student matters, schools. all Economics Department at San berg for her "personal achievo- tents. ASB Attorney General I will work Chico, Thursday. trustees took direct action to help Diego State College, which recent- In the Bay Area, no unusual own toward an The Association of California underprivileged youths get into ments in science and dedication to Michael Dolan, manager of the independent student ly reorganized itself so professors signs of absences were recorded at judiciary. I will work toward State College Professors and the college by easing admission re- the advancement of science edu- cafeteria, said "Only one truck the teach only three courses of three Stanford or UC at Berkeley. No removal of American Federation of Teachers quirements in these special cases. cation." would not cross the picket line the voting faculty units or the equivalent instead of figures were available front SF members of the student judiciary. (AFL-CIO), in a rare move, an- She received a framed document and then it finally came back. I the standard four - course load KNOCKED OUT State. Only about 100 Oakland I feel that we, as students, are re- nounced they will jointly conduct and a block of crystal inscribed wasn't upset at all." taught by most state college fac- high school sttalents met at the sponsible enough a campaign. The professors them- Knocked out for these indi- with the citation, This is the sec- to handle these ulty members. Alameda County Courthouse to A student communication dis- matters by ourselves." selves reduce teaching loads in viduals only, was the requirement ond year the award has been given.
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